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Anyone care to contemplate life's little mysteries with me?

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How the laundry sorter can be completely full at 8 am when you finished the last load of laundry at 10 pm the night before?


Because my dd went to your house and put her laundry in your hamper?


I'll say, "I'm done with laundry!"


ANd she'll hear "laundry" and run and get her hamperful of dirty laundry. :glare:

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Because my dd went to your house and put her laundry in your hamper?


I'll say, "I'm done with laundry!"


ANd she'll hear "laundry" and run and get her hamperful of dirty laundry. :glare:


:lol: Is your dd mid teens? One of mine is and is the exact same way. (except her laundry is on her floor because it is apparently too difficult to put it in the hamper 2 steps outside her bedroom door:glare:)

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:lol: Is your dd mid teens? One of mine is and is the exact same way. (except her laundry is on her floor because it is apparently too difficult to put it in the hamper 2 steps outside her bedroom door:glare:)


She is 15! :lol:


And the laundry is on the floor. It just is so much laundry it fills a hamper.

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Disclaimer: I raised boys, not girls. j


Seriously, gals, cut those girls loose to do their own laundry. I shifted laundry duties to my guys when they turned 13. We spent one day a week for three or four weeks teaching and learning the basics and then I said so long. For the first two years, they had to do laundry on a certain day of the week so I could monitor that it was getting done - not Febreezed. ;) My two are 25 and 19....think of the loads I've avoided!


F r e e d o m !

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Well... I saw a newspaper comic once that summed up my thoughts perfectly. It said:


Trying to clean house while the children are awake is akin to trying to brush your teeth while eating an Oreo cookie.


Laundry, dishes, tabletops - they're all part of cleaning and we experience it all - even though my 'children' are 17, 15, and 14.

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How the laundry sorter can be completely full at 8 am when you finished the last load of laundry at 10 pm the night before?



Oh, Oh, Oh, I know this one! ::waving hand frantically:: It's because I've just asked my second born child to clean out from under his bed. :glare:

Edited by Stacie
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Here's my contemplation for today...


What happens to all of the fruitcakes no one claims to like? Someone must be eating them (or composting them)...


*Can you tell I've recieved three as gifts already and can't stand the creepy things? Too bad I can't exchange them for coffee!

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Why does my husband snap at me when I'm in the process of doing him a favor and have to ask him a question? :glare:


Can you tell I just got off the phone with my husband who is appearantly running an errand near the mall where traffic is insane? Still, I'm not the lady in the mini-van that just cut him off!

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Why is pasta sold in 12 oz pkgs when recipes clearly and regularly call for either 8oz or 16oz?


Why do I have 1/2 laundry basket full of left socks and single gloves? Don't they work best in pairs? Where did the others run off to?


And why in the world does a 5 - 8oz bag of chips cost the same as the old 16oz? How can anyone possibly squeeze 9 servings out of that 8oz bag as it states on the back?

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Why do drive-through banks have braille touch pads? Why do drive-through restaurants have braille menus?


That has scared me for a while now lol.


Why is it that I find the perfect *insert item here* when I have no money, but as soon as dh gets paid I cannot even find one on ebay for an inflated price?

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Well... I saw a newspaper comic once that summed up my thoughts perfectly. It said:


Trying to clean house while the children are awake is akin to trying to brush your teeth while eating an Oreo cookie.


Laundry, dishes, tabletops - they're all part of cleaning and we experience it all - even though my 'children' are 17, 15, and 14.



Marvin! :lol: My mother-in-law cut that out and mailed it to me when my 15 year old DD was about 18 months old and into everything.

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Why everyone is suddenly thirsty (or needs a fork, or wants the ketchup, etc...) the minute I finally sit down to eat...


YES! This drives me nuts! My food is cold by the time I get to eat.


Or this, how come the only two people who use the master bathroom are adults, but I am the only one who seems to know how to throw the empty TP roll away and put a new one on the holder? Grrr!

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Disclaimer: I raised boys, not girls. j


Seriously, gals, cut those girls loose to do their own laundry. I shifted laundry duties to my guys when they turned 13. We spent one day a week for three or four weeks teaching and learning the basics and then I said so long. For the first two years, they had to do laundry on a certain day of the week so I could monitor that it was getting done - not Febreezed. ;) My two are 25 and 19....think of the loads I've avoided!


F r e e d o m !


:iagree: My mother had us doing our own laundry around 12/13, ironing around 14/15. There was a transition phase, when we would still have questions (mostly about how to sort the "odd" items or how to iron something unusual), but then we were on our own.


Are you all REALLY doing laundry for 15 year olds? Wow. They can do this themselves, honestly, both your sons and your daughters. It might even make them THINK before they consider something dirty, if they have to launder/iron it all themselves. HTH.

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Seriously, gals, cut those girls loose to do their own laundry. I shifted laundry duties to my guys when they turned 13. We spent one day a week for three or four weeks teaching and learning the basics and then I said so long. For the first two years, they had to do laundry on a certain day of the week so I could monitor that it was getting done - not Febreezed. ;) My two are 25 and 19....think of the loads I've avoided!



EVERYBODY in my house does their own laundry ~ that includes DD7 and DH. Everybody has they're own hamper. Mine's in the closet and DH's is in the bathroom ~ although his dirty clothes are almost always on the floor 2' away from the hamper. If I get tired of stepping over them, I just scoop them up and put them on his side of the bed. :D


Seriously, even a 6 yo can do laundry. Both my kids separate their clothes into 2 piles: green/brown/tan + blue/black/grey for DS and pink/yellow/orange/red + blue/purple/black for DD. Colors in warm, darks in cold. They add the detergent, start the machine, transfer to the dryer, clean the lint filter, fold and (sometimes) put them away. Actually DD's clean clothes often just stay in the laundry basket and get used from there, but DS is pretty good about putting his clothes in drawers. (Of course he has far less laundry than Little Miss Change-My-Outfit-Every-Ten-Minutes :tongue_smilie: )


In the beginning I assigned everyone a laundry day, but now it's pretty routine and they just do laundry when they need to. It's actually the chore they complain least about, they just take it for granted that they should be in charge of their own clothes.


Train 'em young, I say! :D



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EVERYBODY in my house does their own laundry ~ that includes DD7 and DH. Everybody has they're own hamper. Mine's in the closet and DH's is in the bathroom ~ although his dirty clothes are almost always on the floor 2' away from the hamper. If I get tired of stepping over them, I just scoop them up and put them on his side of the bed. :D


Seriously, even a 6 yo can do laundry. Both my kids separate their clothes into 2 piles: green/brown/tan + blue/black/grey for DS and pink/yellow/orange/red + blue/purple/black for DD. Colors in warm, darks in cold. They add the detergent, start the machine, transfer to the dryer, clean the lint filter, fold and (sometimes) put them away. Actually DD's clean clothes often just stay in the laundry basket and get used from there, but DS is pretty good about putting his clothes in drawers. (Of course he has far less laundry than Little Miss Change-My-Outfit-Every-Ten-Minutes :tongue_smilie: )


In the beginning I assigned everyone a laundry day, but now it's pretty routine and they just do laundry when they need to. It's actually the chore they complain least about, they just take it for granted that they should be in charge of their own clothes.


Train 'em young, I say! :D




Jackie, I am in awe. I think we are going to have a "life skills" training session or 10 during the Christmas break. My youngest just asked why he didn't have any clean clothes. "Because they are all still under your bed.":tongue_smilie:

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:iagree: My mother had us doing our own laundry around 12/13, ironing around 14/15. There was a transition phase, when we would still have questions (mostly about how to sort the "odd" items or how to iron something unusual), but then we were on our own.


Are you all REALLY doing laundry for 15 year olds? Wow. They can do this themselves, honestly, both your sons and your daughters. It might even make them THINK before they consider something dirty, if they have to launder/iron it all themselves. HTH.


My parents were dead when I was a teenager. I was doing everything on my own. Everything.


If I want to do my family's laundry, I will.


I am so GRATEFUL to have a husband and children and a dog that I don't care if people think I'm a bad mom if I'm doing a 15 year old's laundry.




Edited to add: This was a light-hearted thread. It was not a thread in which moms were complaining about kids not doing laundry.


How do you know what my kids know how to do? Just b/c I do the laundry or make meals or do anything for my family...that doesn't mean my family CANNOT do those things for themselves.


I have a VERY GOOD DEEP HEARTFELT reason for doing what I do for my family.

Edited by unsinkable
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:iagree: My mother had us doing our own laundry around 12/13, ironing around 14/15. There was a transition phase, when we would still have questions (mostly about how to sort the "odd" items or how to iron something unusual), but then we were on our own.


Are you all REALLY doing laundry for 15 year olds? Wow. They can do this themselves, honestly, both your sons and your daughters. It might even make them THINK before they consider something dirty, if they have to launder/iron it all themselves. HTH.


Yeah, I agree, 15yos can do their own laundry. Mine does. Its been down in our laundry for several days now. Some of it is still on the drying racks, but a fair proportion has fallen onto the floor and is being kicked around the laundry now. I wonder when she will wash the other 2 loads that are in the laundry too, or will they eventually mesh with the one clean load already done, and somehow it will all get clean by osmosis?

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My parents were dead when I was a teenager. I was doing everything on my own. Everything.


If I want to do my family's laundry, I will.


I am so GRATEFUL to have a husband and children and a dog that I don't care if people think I'm a bad mom if I'm doing a 15 year old's laundry.




Edited to add: This was a light-hearted thread. It was not a thread in which moms were complaining about kids not doing laundry.


How do you know what my kids know how to do? Just b/c I do the laundry or make meals or do anything for my family...that doesn't mean my family CANNOT do those things for themselves.


I have a VERY GOOD DEEP HEARTFELT reason for doing what I do for my family.


Nobody thinks you are a bad mom at all. Your family is very fortunate. :grouphug:

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wow this light hearted fun thread took at turn for the worst. :(



Let us redirect:


Why is it that the one night my 2 little imps decide not to wake up a million times in the night, my 13 yo gets a headache/has a nightmare in the middle of the night and needs my help?




Where do all the bobby pins and hair bands go?

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Marvin! :lol: My mother-in-law cut that out and mailed it to me when my 15 year old DD was about 18 months old and into everything.


That's it! I had it on my fridge for a while, but eventually it came off. Thanks for the memories as I've been trying to remember which comic it was.


It's still incredibly true...

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:grouphug: :grouphug::grouphug:Your family is blessed to have you.



My parents were dead when I was a teenager. I was doing everything on my own. Everything.


If I want to do my family's laundry, I will.


I am so GRATEFUL to have a husband and children and a dog that I don't care if people think I'm a bad mom if I'm doing a 15 year old's laundry.




Edited to add: This was a light-hearted thread. It was not a thread in which moms were complaining about kids not doing laundry.


How do you know what my kids know how to do? Just b/c I do the laundry or make meals or do anything for my family...that doesn't mean my family CANNOT do those things for themselves.


I have a VERY GOOD DEEP HEARTFELT reason for doing what I do for my family.

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