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Homeschool names


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When we lived in Kansas, I had to come up with a name when filling out the paperwork noting that we were homeschooling. Our name hasn't had a reason to change since. I admit it's not terribly inventive.


Last Name School for Girls


You'll have a reason to change it if the baby is a boy! :D

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We are Trinity Christian Academy - I haven't read the other posts but I am sure we are not the only one.


My dc came up with the following motto: Be kind. Work hard. Have fun.


They also tried to agree on a mascot. My ds wanted a tiger but my dd wanted a puppy so we are currently in a stalemate over our school mascot. LOL!

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  • 5 months later...

Ours is "Litten Lamm Academy" - Raising Little Lambs to Follow Jesus


It's Swedish for little lambs, since dh is swedish. As the kids get older, we'll probably change, but we've got a few years with this.

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I'm just curious about something. We are new to HS, do you really have to have a name? What is the purpose of having one? Sorry if this is a dumb question.


Not in our state (Ohio) you don't. It's just for fun around here.


When we first started 7 years ago, I joked and said I wanted signs for the side of our van with the name "The W**n Reformatory for Wayward Students." I later realized it's a great conversation starter for witnessing and discussing our reasons for homeschooling.


A friend of ours had signs made about a year ago and I love them! Too bad they humiliate the older children, so we've only used them once. You would not believe the looks we got from people. Either they thought we were serious (and therefore mean), or they couldn't take a joke. :)


We've been thinking of changing it, though, to Brick Shoe Academy after my blog. Long story short: I tell people I'm the old woman who lives in a shoe, and our house is brick. Maybe that name won't embarass the kids...

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I'm just curious about something. We are new to HS, do you really have to have a name? What is the purpose of having one? Sorry if this is a dumb question.


In my state (NC) we have to name our school when we give our letter of intent to the state. We also need to BE VERY SURE that the school name we selected is our forever school name. Once we choose "Bumble Bee Treehouse" for our school name, that is the school name that will be on our child's high school diploma.


That's the reason we have a school name.

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NC lists suggestions for naming your school and suggest you not use your last name so it looks more professional. They also include a list of schools in your county so you can make sure you pick an original one. Then when you go to all that effort, they take your original school name and tack your last name on the end :confused:


I wanted to use Academy. Of course the first thing the nephew and I came up with was Star Trek Academy. I explained we could use that for the private name but I needed something else for the official letter of intent with the state. His father wasn't a lot of help :001_smile:


Then I saw the blog for Fawkes Academy and thought of Phoenix (so many others use it) so I proposed Firebird Academy. Way too intellectual for this group, but I was forcing their hand. They found a poster with a cool phoenix on it and decided Phoenix Academy was good for them. The poster they found is on his door now, see my Wordless Wednesday post today.


The logo that his dad came up with is really cool. It's here in the blog


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Not in our state (Ohio) you don't. It's just for fun around here.


We've been thinking of changing it, though, to Brick Shoe Academy after my blog. Long story short: I tell people I'm the old woman who lives in a shoe, and our house is brick. Maybe that name won't embarass the kids...


We don't have to in Arizona either. I just have to file with the county and that is it.



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Ours is Cypress Cove Academy. We live in a cypress cove and have always loved cypress trees and water. Nothing too creative. :)




Ours is Yggdrasil Academy.


We are studying Norse mythology this year and I really love this name. It seems to encompass everything I would want in a school name: it brings up images of beauty and nature and growth. It has a feeling of strength and uprightness and represents all areas of life - a sense of life-long learning and gaining of wisdom and wholeness of life. And to top it all off - it is just a cool name to say. :)

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Koinonia Academy...

The essential meaning of the koinonia embraces concepts conveyed in the English terms community, communion, joint participation, sharing and intimacy. Koinonia can therefore refer in some contexts to a jointly contributed gift. The word appears 19 times in most editions of the Greek New Testament. In the NASB, it is translated “fellowship†twelve times, “sharing†three times, and “participation†and “contribution†twice each....




I like what the word represents... and it is what my desire is for my family.... Its an ultimate fellowship..... a contributed gift.... my kids...


Wow, I love that.


dragons in the flower bed, I've never seen your "incurably curious" motto. Why can't I be that clever?

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Well, I had to pick something fairly quickly when I filed my R-4. My husband wanted "Not When the Surfs Up Academy" but I figured that was just asking for the D.O.E. to come investigate us :lol:. We settled for "Surfside Academy."


heh. Sort of like, "Hooky Homeschool". I like his concept, though.

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We are registered as Legend Academy. I like it because you to go the legend of a map to find out important information on a map and my son likes it because of the Legend of Zelda video game. He named us. His sister voted for Twilight Princess Academy but that did not fly. Before we registered we were calling ourselves Plantation Academy after our neighborhood name but we did not keep it.

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Keys Atheneum


We live in the Florida Keys, we hope to provide the keys to unlock his imagination and provide him with a good education.


American Heritage Dictionary


ath·e·nae·um also ath·e·ne·um

1. n. An institution, such as a literary club or scientific academy, for the promotion of learning.


We wanted to stress both the literary and scientific parts. I've always liked the name Atheneum. In the Netherlands, the Atheneum is a rigorous institution where Greek and Latin are also taught. We're just doing Latin, though :)

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I had named mine Little Wonders Academy "Where fun and learning go hand in hand", actually I named it that when it was my dayhome before I was homeschooling, but now that the older kids are getting bigger I am trying to think of a better name. I may still call my pre-k-grade 3 Little Wonders, but change it for the olders where it is less learn thruogh play and more formal learning.

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Homeschool Name: Hunt Classical Academy


Homeschool Motto: Seeking knowledge, understanding and wisdom in God's light.


However, my FIL wanted our homeschool name to be... Git-R-Done School! I think this is what we'll put on our classroom door. :lol:



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Avalon Academy. I was on a bit of an Arthurian legends kick when I named the school.


Avalon is the place where Excalibur was forged, and the place where Arthur was taken after fighting Mordred at the Battle of Camlann, and waits to lead his people against their enemies.



I'm just curious about something. We are new to HS, do you really have to have a name? What is the purpose of having one? Sorry if this is a dumb question.

I've not yet lived any where that we have to have a name, but I've gotten some free stuff form various companies because I used a letterhead.

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Academy of Bards


Through Tales of Old, New Things Shall We Learn


We also have a mascot. Two Ravens, called Huginn and Muninn.


In Norse mythology, Huginn and Muninn travel the world bearing news and information they have collected to Odin. Huginn is "thought" and Muninn is "memory". They are sent out at dawn to gather information and return in the evening. They perch on the god's shoulders and whisper the news into his ears. It is from these ravens that the kenning 'raven-god' for Odin is derived.

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It sort of came from the idea of a "fireside," which, in my experience, has been an evening meeting of religious instruction.


Since we rarely have a fire in our fireplace and don't school in the evenings, but we do have a heart in the family room (and it is where we spent a lot of time "doing school" when the kids were younger), we came up with "hearthside."


It seemed appropriate since we try to weave religious instruction in with our academic subjects. :001_smile:

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