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Help me think of a cool and clever homeschooling slogan to put on a sweatshirt!

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The ones at Cafe Press are kind of boring, so I want to make up my own slogan. Something more savvy and sophisticated and intelligent (but still fun) than what they have there. (I did kind of like the one that said in Latin "If you can read this, you were probably homeschooled" but that would go over the general public's head!) I also kind of liked "Homeschooling-a requirement of the public school curriculum" but thought it might be a little too much of a slam! I was going to think of one with WTM, but most people won't get what that is.


Let's have fun thinking some up!

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Would the shirt be for you, or for one of your dc?


I went to Cafe Press, did a search on "homeschool" and there are over 13,000 products. Are you sure you didn't see one you like? :D


ETA: I'm on page 2 of the list, and I like the one that says...


Homeschool Rules!

-Don't raise your hand

-Get out of your seat

-Talk in class

-Chew gum

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I did a web search...


Here I found some quotes on education. Maybe you can use one.


I liked:


By learning you will teach. By teaching you will learn. -Latin proverb

Whatever is good to know is difficult to learn. -Greek proverb

What greater or better gift can we offer the republic than to teach and instruct our youth? -Cicero

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I just thought of this one:


If your kindergartener knows Latin,

you might be a homeschool mom!


(a spin on the "redneck" jokes)


I like that one!

How about the word homeschool in different languages. (Like the xmas cards with 'Merry Christmas' in other languages) Can anyone tell me how to write homeschool in some other languages? Just curious.

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Here are some I found interesting on Facebook Pieces of Flair:


Civilized is better than socialized.


My school is so private you have to be born into it. :P


One good mother is worth 100 school masters.


Mom is my teacher--save the apples and bring the chocolate.


"Thank goodness I was never sent to school. It would have rubbed off some the the originality." Beatrix Potter


"Education without values, as useful as it is, seems rather to make man a more clever devil." C.S. Lewis

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I like that one!

How about the word homeschool in different languages. (Like the xmas cards with 'Merry Christmas' in other languages) Can anyone tell me how to write homeschool in some other languages? Just curious.


German has a couple of terms:

Schule zu Hause

Schulunterricht zu Hause

Bildung zu Hause



zu Hause has a meaning like "at home." Schule is school. Schulunterricht means something more like school lessons or education. Bildung is the word used for education (in the sense of education ministry) or preparation for a qualification. However, Schulunterricht zu Hause is also the name of a homeschooling advocacy group in Germany.


I've also seen Hausunterricht, which is a nice parallel term to homeschooling.


Ironically I've read and heard "homeschooling" used in German. I once tried to explain that the children were educated at home (in German) and the other person nodded and said, "Ah, homeschooling."

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I love the one from Beatrix Potter (posted a few people above here by Muffinmom). Love, love, love it!


"Thank goodness I was never sent to school. It would have rubbed off some the the originality." Beatrix Potter


Ditto! I had this as my tag line on my email for a long time and I got lots of chuckles/comments on it. I changed it (for variety) and have yet to come up with something as good as that!

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I didn't make them up, but I like these:


- Home civilized is better than school socialized.

- "It is a miracle that curiosity survives formal education." - Albert Einstein

- "The idea is to educate, not follow anyone's schedule about when something should be studied." ~Ray Drouillard

- "In the first place God made idiots. This was for practice. Then He made school boards." - Mark Twain (he has several, but they're probably all too snarky for a shirt)



okay, so this one is not necessarily about homeschooling, but I would so wear this on a shirt:

"When I get a little money I buy books; and if any is left I buy food and clothes." - Erasmus

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