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Do girls play with Legos?

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I see many posts about how boys absolutely love Legos. Do any of your girls play with them as much as boys do? Maybe I'm missing out on something that we do not have for my two DD's LOL! I've already finished up Christmas for them....but their birthdays are in March and April and I will file Legos away in my mind if girls play with them too.


Note that we used to have Mega blocks and just recently sold them because they did not get played with. Do you think that since they did not like Duplos then they would not like Legos either?

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Both my girls still love Legos. My 15 yo loves to put together the more complicated sets (and then she's done) and my 10 loves to play with her 12 yo brother. She is drawn more toward the towns and city legos.


My dc didn't like the Duplos, but have enjoyed legos.

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Do you think that since they did not like Duplos then they would not like Legos either?


Did you have Duplo, or did you have Mega blocks? They are NOT the same. Mega are cheap, flimsy things that don't work as well as Duplo. That said, with the ages of your girls, I would not do regular Lego's yet. Too many itty-bitty pieces.


To answer your original question though, YES. I Love... umm, er, my girls Love lego's!

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Actually, we had the Mega Blocks....not the Duplos. Just the big rectangles that you cannot do very much with.


I don't mind the little pieces. We have Playmobil and they do fine with those. And yes, I think I would enjoy them too LOL! I'd much rather build a Lego city than make Little People walk and talk LOL. I think I'll definitely keep Legos in mind for birthdays then. And we could take a pit stop at the Lego Store in Orlando next time we are down there.

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My daughter loves Legos. She will play with them for hours. She likes to set up scenes or villages. Her favorite sets over the years have been any of the Harry Potter Legos, the Lego neighborhood sets (The Green Grocer is her favorite), and the Medieval Market Village. Her only complaint over the years is that there are not enough girl characters. I agree with her on that, and I wish Lego would create a few more.

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I'll be the dissenting voice here. I've tried for several years to get my girls into Lego, but they have never been interested. I've tried buying girly sets, letting them choose what they think would interest them, forcing them to have free-play time with sets of their choice (baaaaad mommy, I know:o.. I wasn't strict about it, but did give them Legos as their only toy for 20 minutes at a time every few days), and even taking them to Lego-loving friend's houses. Nothing has worked so far... they just plain 'ole don't like 'em. I think it depends on the personality and temperament of the child more than gender.


I really wanted my girls to like Legos. I have TONS from when I was a kid kicking around, waiting to be played with. Now I have a bunch more, and they all sit around together in a bin (which is readily accessible to them, BTW ;)), but they're still untouched and unloved. :(

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In my personal experience, most girls are not that into Lego. I personally loved them, but I was also into all manner of typical "boy" toys. I requested Legos, an Erector set, a slot car set, etc. for every Christmas from age 6 on up. I wanted to be an architect for a number of years. I am abnormally good at visual/spacial skills for a girl. I think this is more of a genetic than acquired skill. In other words, I think I gravitated towards Lego because of this, rather than developing this skill because of Legos (and other similar visual/spacial toys). The military recruiter said my score on that portion of the test I took for them was good for a boy, and great for a girl.


Shared love of Legos is one reason I always wanted boys--they have the best toys! When I was 17 I babysat 3 homeschooled brothers who had an awesome collection. We spent HOURS building in Lego heaven. I found it pretty funny that I still built "like a girl." I built a huge elaborate house, and they were fascinated. It had never occurred to them to build a house!:lol: They were building a garage, various vehicles, a giant robot, etc. and asked what I was building. They were shocked and amazed! They asked if they could help, then proceeded to accessorize my house with a satellite dish, a garage full of 4-wheelers and trucks, etc.


My husband and I have an amazing amount of Legos now. Neither of us had very many as children, but we now find them at thrift stores, garage sales, and on clearance. Our kids will be well-supplied when they are old enough.


Lego is a whole new world compared to Duplo, so I wouldn't base my decision on that. A small $25 bucket of basic pieces should do the trick. When we got one for Christmas when I was a kid, my sister barely used them at all before ignoring them. I played with them all the time and begged for more!

Edited by AndyJoy
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Our only boy is our oldest, and was a Lego maniac. He collected and used tubs full of them for years. Legos were a way of life at our house.


Along came our 3 girls, with some serious spacing between a couple of them. They had access to all the same toys big brother had played with, of course. One after another, I noticed my girls pretty much ignored the Legos. I didn't know it was possible! One girls loves Magnetix, though.


MrTea and I have discussed whether the lack of Lego passion in our girls was a gender thing. I doubt it. FTR, so does he.

Edited by BridgeTea
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I LOVED lego as a kid and my feelings are still hurt that the box of technic lego was being saved for the BOY, particularly because that boy never liked lego!


I always made flying ships, like from Peter Pan :)




I can sympathize with that except I was an only child and when I was 15 or 16 my Mum gave away all my lego (and my dinky cars) to my nephew!! I still haven't forgiven her and she knows it LOL. Every time I buy a new set of lego for my daughters, my mum comments that I'm trying to recover my lost lego :lol:

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Plain Jane, just out of interest, why on earth would you want to *make* your children like Lego? Isn't it a blessing not to have that one tiny piece that keeps escaping and lying in wait for your unwary feet to tread on?


I loved it as a child, and my 6yo son and 4yo daughter both enjoy it. They don't play with it every day, but when they get it out, they will play with it on and off all day. 1yo daughter isn't able to play with the Lego yet, but she has learned to put the Duplo pieces together so I expect it's just a matter of time.

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My brother had Legos when we were kids, and I loved playing with his. My husband (an engineer now - big surprise!) played with them incessantly as a child. We have his old sets, mostly space stuff. I bought my four-year-old the "girl" bucket they had at Target with the pink and green bricks. She loved the colors and now happily spends hours in the Lego room - our cat-free guest room - where all the pieces can stay put and not be batted around by mischievous beasts. I really wish we had more of the town sets, so this summer's garage-sale season may be spent looking for some things to build more "earthly" things, and more colorful! I'm sick of grey space stuff!

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Thanks for all of the replies!


DD5 is very very creative. She can spend hours coloring, pasting, taping, drawing, designing, and making. She's very very creative. Maybe some Legos can foster this creating with a different medium. I wouldn't expect her to follow any of the Lego directions at this age. I remember having Legos and tossing the instructions and just building LOL.

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This was my fave for this year, but it sold out so fast I didn't get a set.



Basic Bricks Deluxe # 6166 is a nice starter set as it has a good color mix. Add the House Builder Set #5899 for one set of wheels and 2 minifigs or the Car Building Set # 5898 for 2 sets of wheels and 1 minifig you're good to go.


Your gals might also enjoy mosaics:


Lego used to sell a kit for this, but you can use any plate and pieces you have. My kids enjoy making them and hanging them on the wall.

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I see many posts about how boys absolutely love Legos. Do any of your girls play with them as much as boys do? Maybe I'm missing out on something that we do not have for my two DD's LOL! I've already finished up Christmas for them....but their birthdays are in March and April and I will file Legos away in my mind if girls play with them too.


Note that we used to have Mega blocks and just recently sold them because they did not get played with. Do you think that since they did not like Duplos then they would not like Legos either?


My dd plays with Legos, but she has an older brother whom she's had on a pedestal her entire life (so she copies him). She likes the horse/rider and RV camper type stuff from their CITY collection. Lego also has "doll" houses (a beach house, a BBQ set, etc.) that she has written on her Christmas wish list.


If your dds didn't like the Duplos, though, you might not want to spend the money. Regular Legos are basically the same idea, but the pieces are smaller. (I think the Lego Duplos sets also have people and doll houses etc.)

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