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What is the one subject you would outsource if money were not an issue

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My dd is very talented in art, and I am not. I am not joking when I say that her drawing skills surpassed mine when she was 5 years old! I dearly hope we will be able to afford art lessons for her soon, because she has a talent worth developing, and I am flat out unqualified to guide her in doing so.

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Literature and Latin. I think we are okay for right now, but as ds gets older I'd like him to interact with other people and ideas for literature, not just me, and I'd like him to learn latin from a professional.


We are actually outsourcing writing right now. I thought I'd give Write Guide a try and see how it goes, but we've only been using it for a week now, so it's still too early to tell.

Edited by LunaLee
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Foreign language.


They already take music, drama, dance, art lessons(though the art classes are more about exploring with media, the art we do at home is more directed at technique and history). Foreign language while we are doing okay with it I think being a class with a teacher who can speak it fluently and classmates to practice with they would do even better.


Come high school math would be my next choice to outsource, I am not strong at high school math. Luckily my sister teaches it, so money will not be an issue in getting tutoring for them.

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I started thinking...






foreign language


and then I got worried. Wait a minute, what's left? LOL.


So maybe what I really wish I could outsource is my children on the rare occasion when they might respond better to someone else saying, "Sit down and get to work!" :lol:


I think the most beneficial thing to outsource given our family situation would be foreign language. I speak a smattering of French. Hubby can get along in Spanish but we'd love the children to learn from a native speaker.

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Science. I really hate teaching Science and I feel like I never do it justice because we hardly ever do experiements and such. I would also hire the private tutor for Spanish. I can speak French (better than I thought) and I am really enjoying teaching that one...just not Spanish.


ETA: I LOVE teaching English and Writing. R&S has worked so well for my older son who really struggled previously.

Edited by Tree House Academy
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Now that son is in high school -- definitely SCIENCE. Already worried about Chemistry and Physics. Eeeep.


BTW, did outsourcing for writing via 3 different online companies. Wasn't that impressed. But I love to write! Son hates it. Now he is actually doing quite better in the subject. :)

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High School.

I know that's more than one subject, but we put ds in a one day a week co-op

and it is heaven. (He does everything but math there)

It's expensive for us but so worth it. We are actually talking about his school subjects more now than when I was his only teacher.

Wish I'd done it last year. He will definitely be staying there until he graduates.

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