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Conservatives & Libertarians Needed to Fill Out Survey

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A friend is a graduate student in public health at UC Berkeley. She's doing a survey on healthcare and wants to include participants from across the political spectrum. She's having difficulty finding enough non-liberals to participate. If you could take 5 minutes to click on the link below, I would be grateful. Thanks for your help in advance.


Here's the link:




everyone should ONLY use the link above (it randomizes the survey you will take) when taking the survey AND use the same link above when passing it along to friends. This link is crucial.


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Not surprising. Most of the students at Cal are highly intelligent :D


Bill (Berkeley grad)


Granted on the intelligent part, but also most certainly living in a bubble to the point where they honestly tend to not realize there is intelligent life on the 'other' side too. (I have a travel forum friend there...)

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