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I'm sorry, I just have to know......

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If you use that family paper thingy what do you do for company?





Oh yeah, I have to wonder about that too. If I came to visit and you provided me a basket of washcloths and a bucket of vinegar water, I think I'd invite you to meet me at Starbucks next time we visited. :D

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Guest RecumbentHeart

:lol: we keep paper tp for company and DH who cannot bring himself to transition and I'm fine with that as it is women and children who go through it the most.


However, guests are always welcome to experience the greater feeling of cleanliness that comes from using cloth if they please. There is even a diaper sprayer in the hall bathroom which makes wetting it super convenient or alternatively, could be used as a bidet. Whatever they please. :D



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Guest RecumbentHeart

:lol: I'm SORRY ppl but really .. have you thought about this? YOU WIPE WITH DRY PAPER :lol:


I know, you're thinking .. but the cloth is being REUSED. Yes, but it is clean. Would you put dirty panties on? No? Me either :D The cloth is clean, sterilized (by one method or other) and undefiled.


You can not say that for your backside, or your underwear, if you are wiping with DRY PAPER. :lol:




It's OK. I understand ... I was once on your side of the fence. But now I am inviting you over to the clean side. :lol: Experience the difference!

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I sympathize with the cloth people, if only because I have a septic tank and I've been surprised with the 'ewww! gross!' comments I get about that.


Guests, here, are informed that they can't flush anything other than poo and paper, if it's not p.p. then they'll have to go out and fish it out of the tank themselves :D I do supply a trashcan, and even some plastic baggies for the ladies.



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Guest RecumbentHeart


I sympathize with the cloth people, if only because I have a septic tank and I've been surprised with the 'ewww! gross!' comments I get about that.


Guests, here, are informed that they can't flush anything other than poo and paper, if it's not p.p. then they'll have to go out and fish it out of the tank themselves :D I do supply a trashcan, and even some plastic baggies for the ladies.





Are there ppl who habitually flush things beside those? :confused:


We have a septic tank too, btw. I did read somewhere that cloth had an extra benefit in such cases. Not sure how great a benefit to the tank it is though (I mean, supposing you don't accidentally flush it).

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Are there ppl who habitually flush things beside those? :confused:


We have a septic tank too, btw. I did read somewhere that cloth had an extra benefit in such cases. Not sure how great a benefit to the tank it is though (I mean, supposing you don't accidentally flush it).

Many women flush certain things (actually marked "flushable" on the packaging), that's not so flushable with a tank. There've been 'Dear Abby' collumns written on how to broach THAT topic with guests who will be staying over night. :lol: I say, don't think so much about it, I mention it when I tell them that you have to jiggle the handle (oh, and if you needed to flush anything other than t.p., please use one of the bags under the sink and throw it away or the septic will back up).

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:lol: I'm SORRY ppl but really .. have you thought about this? YOU WIPE WITH DRY PAPER :lol:


I know, you're thinking .. but the cloth is being REUSED. Yes, but it is clean. Would you put dirty panties on? No? Me either :D The cloth is clean, sterilized (by one method or other) and undefiled.


You can not say that for your backside, or your underwear, if you are wiping with DRY PAPER. :lol:




It's OK. I understand ... I was once on your side of the fence. But now I am inviting you over to the clean side. :lol: Experience the difference!



Ahh...but alas, there are those of us who thought of that and use babywipes first. :001_smile:

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:lol: I'm SORRY ppl but really .. have you thought about this? YOU WIPE WITH DRY PAPER :lol:


I know, you're thinking .. but the cloth is being REUSED. Yes, but it is clean. Would you put dirty panties on? No? Me either :D The cloth is clean, sterilized (by one method or other) and undefiled.


You can not say that for your backside, or your underwear, if you are wiping with DRY PAPER. :lol:




It's OK. I understand ... I was once on your side of the fence. But now I am inviting you over to the clean side. :lol: Experience the difference!


That's what they make the Cottonail Toilet Wipes for (disposable). :)

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Are there ppl who habitually flush things beside those? :confused:



Do they ever! We had the septic tanks inspected and pumped before we bought our house 2 years ago. The septic guys said they had never seen that number of PLASTIC applicators in a tank . We can only guess that the single guy that was living here, after inheriting it from his parents, had a REALLY bright girlfriend. I mean, it's the country! Where do you think things go when they're flushed?!:001_huh:

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Do they ever! We had the septic tanks inspected and pumped before we bought our house 2 years ago. The septic guys said they had never seen that number of PLASTIC applicators in a tank . We can only guess that the single guy that was living here, after inheriting it from his parents, had a REALLY bright girlfriend. I mean, it's the country! Where do you think things go when they're flushed?!:001_huh:

I'm sure there could've been some plastics flushed by the guy too... Yeah, that's not embarassing :lol:

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Guest RecumbentHeart
I'm sorry....:D, but I have to say it! "Cottonail" wipes don't sound so comfy! (Cottonelle, on the other hand, is pretty soft stuff!)







Those do sound preferable to the regular kind used by the majority but having experience with both disposable and cloth wipes on baby bottoms I can assure you they still don't clean like cloth ;)

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:lol: I'm SORRY ppl but really .. have you thought about this? YOU WIPE WITH DRY PAPER :lol:


I know, you're thinking .. but the cloth is being REUSED. Yes, but it is clean. Would you put dirty panties on? No? Me either :D The cloth is clean, sterilized (by one method or other) and undefiled.


You can not say that for your backside, or your underwear, if you are wiping with DRY PAPER. :lol:



Then, as we have a septic tank, we put the wetwipes into baggies and bin them. It's not an environmentally friendly thing to do (although the bags are biodegradable) but at least it's clean.



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I'm sure there could've been some plastics flushed by the guy too... Yeah, that's not embarassing :lol:


I'm so sorry to hijack this thread, but.....


Oh my goodness, this happened to someone I knew years ago!! I completely forgot until you wrote that. He destroyed his girl friend's family septic system. The, um, plastic didn't make its way to the tank and got stuck somewhere in the middle. They had to dig everything up to fix it. Nobody knew what the problem was until the plumber found a MASS of "plastic". This was in a very small, rural town so everybody knew about it. Yeah, embarrassing!

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I use family cloth just for me. I started using it after a pregnancy loss, because I was so sore that the paper was just killing me, and now I use it because I prefer it. No one else (except the baby, who has cloth wipes) in the family uses it. We put TP in the other bathrooms.

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I guess living with a septic for most of my life has made me immune to the grossness of it... I remember my parents' septic backing up into the tub and sinks (blech!), it took forever, but they finally found the culprit... a pumpkin ;) It's amazing what can get flushed and with a septic... you get found out sooner or later.

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Oh yeah, I have to wonder about that too. If I came to visit and you provided me a basket of washcloths and a bucket of vinegar water, I think I'd invite you to meet me at Starbucks next time we visited. :D


:lol::lol: I would hold it 'til I got home... :eek:

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Then, as we have a septic tank, we put the wetwipes into baggies and bin them. It's not an environmentally friendly thing to do (although the bags are biodegradable) but at least it's clean.




My in-laws had a homestead where we did not flush ANYTHING down the septic... the TP or paper goods was in a trash bag and then burned once a week. Anything not burnable was in a bin to drive to the dump once a month. She kept any food scraps for the compost bin or chickens. Very wise system... but when she heard of this idea (current topic) of "family cloth" she said, "No way." LOL

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The fact that this thread keeps showing up in the list next to "What do you smell like" is really giving me the giggles.


I'm sorry.

:001_smile: Seriously though, does anyone else think TP stinks? I can't stand the smell of it, I guess it's just an association I have though. I can't stand the smell of baby lotion either- smells like poop to me (rel's always used baby lotion when they changed a poopy diaper :tongue_smilie:).


SO, I don't smell like urine, BM, or toilet paper. Guess I should put that in the other thread. :D

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I guess living with a septic for most of my life has made me immune to the grossness of it... I remember my parents' septic backing up into the tub and sinks (blech!), it took forever, but they finally found the culprit... a pumpkin ;) It's amazing what can get flushed and with a septic... you get found out sooner or later.


Someone flushed a pumpkin??? How in the world..:001_huh:

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Guest Cindie2dds
I'm sorry....:D, but I have to say it! "Cottonail" wipes don't sound so comfy! (Cottonelle, on the other hand, is pretty soft stuff!)


:lol: and :smilielol5:

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Someone flushed a pumpkin??? How in the world..:001_huh:

It was dd. She had one of those little pumpkins, the ones you can't cut up and the kids usually paint. It was not quite as big as a softball.




I would not have thought you could flush one either.


The look on the plumber's face (small town, so we actually know him) was priceless. He'd bet my dad that my mom had been flushing applicators or "women things," and hadn't wanted to own up. Dad thought it was half a roll of toilet paper that one of the girls had used (because he was always accusing us of using too much and warning we'd back up the septic). No, it was a painted pumpkin.... the pumpkin was smiling no less :lol: That is one of the stories that will haunt dd for the rest of her life I'm sure ;) (Remember that time you flushed a pumpkin...)

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Guest RecumbentHeart
:001_smile: Seriously though, does anyone else think TP stinks? I can't stand the smell of it, I guess it's just an association I have though. I can't stand the smell of baby lotion either- smells like poop to me (rel's always used baby lotion when they changed a poopy diaper :tongue_smilie:).


SO, I don't smell like urine, BM, or toilet paper. Guess I should put that in the other thread. :D


I do. I have a very sensitive nose. I am also convinced I can smell unscented disposable sanitary napkins.

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Someone flushed a pumpkin??? How in the world..:001_huh:


This actually made me laugh out loud. I don't know why it struck me as so funny.:lol:


We did just have our bathtub drain cleaned out because it kept running slow. The rooter guy called me in after a good while to show me a toothbrush he'd found way down in there. Now, this toothbrush was a kid's brush but it was not from my current little guy which means it's been in there since one of my big kids (now 16 and 13) were little.:001_huh:


As for the family cloth thing...:tongue_smilie: I can't seem to get past it.

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I think they mean rubber products...condoms! I must say I never thought about guests flushing feminine products. We moved about 2 years ago from a big city to the country and now have septic. Hmmmm...maybe I need to post signs.


When we have a big group here we post small signs above the toilet paper roll in each bathroom which reads...


Please no feminine products in the toilet

They give our septic system indigestion

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