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Those of you who have struggled to lose weight inspite of your best efforts, what...

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What worked??? I am 36 years old and have way stalled out on losing weight. I did an hour a day on the treadmill all last week, ate 1500 calories a day using WW points and didn't drop a pound. I only need to lose about 20 to be just right. I am about 160 right now and I am 5"8. I feel like this little bit of weight makes me look old and I want it gone. My clothes even feel tight.


I am begging for help here! PLEASE!!!! I will work harder, try a different diet anything!



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I'm not familiar with WW's carb/protein ratio, but I would look into upping your protein and lowering carbs. Also, I believe a huge part of slimming down is weight training...yep. Light weights and high repetitions will build muscle (provided you have solid protein intake), which in turn burns fat. If your metabolism feels stalled out, the weight training combined with your treadmill work should help. If this still doesn't work, have your thyroid checked. HTH... Michelle

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Also when you are weight training don't look at the scale for a few weeks--instead use a tape measure to track your progress.


Muscle weighs more than fat--and your body will also BURN extra calories repairing/building muscle while you sit and relax after your workout!


Don't weight train every day--2-3 times a week is best.


Treadmills are great aerobic excercise--but that will not burn as many calories or build the muscle that weights will... they are a good combo.

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If I did an hour daily on the treadmill, at my 5'5" height, I'd need *more* calories. Unless you're walking at a slower pace that doesn't get your heart rate up, of course. ? I suggest logging your food into one of the free sites to see where you might be sabotaging yourself without realizing. Just because there is a WW point assigned to higher fat item (or high *sodium* food which might be what's hurting you...) doesn't mean you should figure it into your diet.


If you're having any empty calorie type of foods or drinks, they are going to make you hungry and also not give you the carbohydrate reserve that you need for a higher intensity workout. And lean proteins help keep you full. Don't waste calories on stuff that doesn't stick and really count, KWIM? I run 3x a week and do strength training 2-3x a week and I eat between 1400 and 1600 calories/day. Usually closer to 1600...and I'm steadily losing. But it IS hard!


Drink only water for a few weeks and see what happens. No diet sodas, teas, etc.


LAST bit of advice: Work strength training into your week!! Even just 2 sessions per week of weight-bearing exercise will really help. You can find simple free weight exercises in books like those from the Biggest Loser, Body for Life, or the SparkPeople website (all free video demos!).

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And to counter what is commonly thought, you can train with heavier weights and not stick to the little 2-3 pound ones. Unless you have the genetics to be a bulky, strong woman, you will NOT have to worry about getting huge. I use no less then 10 pound dumbbells (up to 20 pounds) and my arms have gotten *smaller*! They look pretty good, too. Finally. LOL


So, choose a weight that you can lift through 2-3 sets of 8-12 repetitions that will make you feel at the end like you can barely lift it. If you feel like you can keep going at the end, it's too light. If you feel like the blood vessels in your head are going to pop, too heavy! lol And remember that you will probably not use the same weight for different types of exercises. Don't strength train on consecutive days. :)

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If you are going to WW meetings, hang around afterward and go over your food log with your leader. She might be able to see something to help you out.


My leader told a story about a woman who was eating her allotted points but not losing weight. When she took a look at the woman's log she saw the woman was eating a couple of donuts and having Starbucks for breakfast...and that kind of food choice continued all day. Yep, the woman was within her points, but her body was craving real nutrients. Her metabolism had shut down as a result.


I have to track every single mouthful in order to lose weight. If I don't write it, the dang food goes straight to fat in my body. :D

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160 pounds for 5'8" sounds pretty good to me. I would like to lose just 10 more pounds. I weight between 145 and 150 at 5'2", so a 10 pounds weight loss would put me at 135-140, right around my ideal weight according to my trainer at the gym.


I went from doing nothing to working out at the gym for 1 hour at a time 4x/week. I didn't change my diet at all. I didn't lose any weight or inches even after 6 months of this. That was when I hired a trainer to work with me (cost wasn't bad at my gym, $25/half-hour session). She had me do a food log and stay on a 1500 calorie diet. I still went to the gym on the same days for the same amount of time, but she had me start with weights and do my cardio at the end (I had been doing it the other way around). I dropped from 158-162 down to 145-150 while I was working with her. I haven't managed to get out of that range in the 3 years since then.


I have had bodyfat analysis done a couple of times with calipers and I'm right around 26-27%, which isn't bad at all for my age. I would be a lot happier and feel better with at least 5 more pounds gone. I really want to get under 140, but I don't know if it will ever happen.

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I'm 35, and I've noticed how much harder it is for me to lose weight now! I used to be able to exercise most of it off, and not worry about what I eat...now I have to do both. I agree with what everyone has said about weight training, it really makes a difference! Even when I can't get out and do any cardio (which for me is just walking around the neighborhood) weight training 3 times a week still works. I use a free workout at fitnessmagazine.com...they have tons of workout videos you can watch there. I do the "Slimmer in 7 days Workout", but I do the series of exercises 3 times (they recommend 2). All you need to do this workout is a couple of sets of hand weights (I use 5, 8, and 10 lb weights, depending on the exercise.) When I started doing this in July I weighed 185 lbs; now I weigh 160 (I'm 5' 10"). I also count calories with an app on my iphone. One thing I learned doing this is that the more weight you lose, the less calories you can eat to lose more weight! I'm now down to 1283 calories a day, and it's really hard for me. I like to eat. :(

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I recently lost 55lbs. I have kept it off for 3 whole months! Honestly, I needed an idiot-proof plan. WW is just too easy to cheat for me. So, I used Medifast. It is a meal-replacement system. For me, it was a reset button on my eating and carb addiction. I also started running. I am up to 6 miles per run. Now, I workout at least 5 days/week. I run at least 4 days and do strenght at least 2. I think you (in general) just need to get fed-up enough to actually make a change in you life. I was so tired of looking old and fat that I had to do something. Now I am seriously scared to ever go back, so I run and run and run!.

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One of the repliers did suggest that you may be doing a lot of cardio and not eating enough calories. That could be it. Sometimes when your body is pushed too hard it will respond by holding on to what it has. 1500 calories should be what you are having on top of what you are exercising away. If your treadmill workout is using 400-800 calories, you should plan that into your daily caloric intake. The others suggestion to start a strength training routine 2-3x a week is good too - it will help your body to burn more calories at rest to accommadate the growing/working muscle in your body. Good luck!

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The summer before I got pregnant with my first child, my husband and I did Body for Life for 12 weeks. I lost 12 pounds. The exercise part includes weight training and cardio (alternating 6 days a week). The cardio is 20 minutes, but very intensive. The diet part consists of several small meals a day with equal portions of protein and good carbs. The 7th day you can eat whatever you want and there is no exercise.


A friend of mine also did Body for Life and lost a good bit of weight. He then reached a plateau and stopped losing. He would usually wake up in the middle of the night, so he started drinking a protein shake when he woke up. He then started losing weight again. I share this because it makes the point that eating actually increases your metabolism, and increasing your metabolism is key to weight loss.

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Ditto all the exercise suggestions, weight training, especially. Also, it really does take more than a week to see even a glimmer of success for some people. Other people experience early success but then they have their plateau times at other times when I'm rejoicing in some degree of success. Like someone else said here, think about logging your food and exercise. I use sparkpeople dot com, and when I first started logging, BOY, was I surprised. I had a few items I was eating regularly without realizing how high they were in calories (or salt, etc.).


I had to completely change how I approached eating. I cook more now, which helps me control not only the calories but the vitamins and nutrients. I also exercise more regularly and when I get a sugar craving, I LOOK OUT. I hadn't understood just how bad I was with sugar. I mean, I knew that I ate more sugar than my friends, but since I wasn't huge, I figured it was okay. But it wasn't -- my body was soaring or crashing all the time, adding to my stress level, and when I hit 35 and couldn't lose the weight so easily, I started to gain weight and suffer fatigue.


I'm on a "life diet" now and when I need a sugar boost, I have a homemade high-fiber muffin or something else with complex carbohydrates in it. I feel soooooo much better -- I feel like me again!


Good luck!



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I changed my diet for health reasons, and at the same time lost a lot of weight which has stayed off. What worked for me was having a list of everything I actually DID need to eat in a day, instead of focussing on what I COULDN'T have. These were things like: fresh vegetable juice, 3 litres of water, 2 pieces of fruit, at least one salad (usually had it for lunch), a serve of other veges etc. I found that by focussing on what I should have first, I didn't have so much need or desire to fill in with other things. But, I very rarely let myself go hungry...that would probably induce me to eat the wrong things. I ate plenty of the daily requirements on my list. My snack of choice to eat between meals was raw almonds. I did also cut down on red meat (but not cut out completely) and bread. Instead of bread I would sometimes have organic sour dough, and now a 94% wheat free organic rye which I found at the supermarket. Take-away food became almost non-existant and I cooked with as much natural, preservative free ingredients as possible.


I had tried to lose weight before but had no success until I changed my focus. That was the key for me.



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These were all prescribed for other health problems and I realized that I needed them in order to lose when I wasn't prior even when starved or strict:


Heat Toxic Chi (diuretic and anti-swelling), Sang Ji Sheng tea (hydrating, appetite suppressing, nutrtional) Superior Nature Lubrication formula (bowel cleansing) http://www.healthcareherb.com/


thyroid supplements (www.drrind.com and www.atiaging-systems.com)

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Honestly the only way I lost 33 lbs in three months was 1.5 hours on the treadmill and 30 more minutes of other equipment..weights, rowing, etc. I did this 6 days a week with Sunday off. I'm getting ready to do this again as my stupid thyroid is finally working right. I do ww and I think I'm going to buy those meals for the first two weeks to get this whole portion control thing under control as well. Good Luck...I so want to be thin again.

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My weight has crept up lately and I want to lose a few kgs. I am doing a liver cleanse- eating lots of fruit and veg, no sugar, no restrictions on quantity but eating sensibly...and taking some liver herbs.

I dont know if it is popular in the U.S. but I have used Sandra Cabot's Liver Cleanse regime several times over the years and it has always been good for helping me get that zip back and trim up.

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What worked??? I am 36 years old and have way stalled out on losing weight. I did an hour a day on the treadmill all last week, ate 1500 calories a day using WW points and didn't drop a pound. I only need to lose about 20 to be just right. I am about 160 right now and I am 5"8. I feel like this little bit of weight makes me look old and I want it gone. My clothes even feel tight.


I am begging for help here! PLEASE!!!! I will work harder, try a different diet anything!




This calculator suggests you should be at about 1700 calories. I would definitely try that, along with weight training.


I know exactly what you mean about those 20lbs though. I'm 5'8" and about 165 right now. 145 looked SO good on me... for the few months I managed to stay there before getting lazy. :glare:

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Im going to check out some of you plans as well! I am in the same boat. Also 35. For whatever reason I am 5'3 and my weight is set at 135-138 or so. Now I have jumped to 144-145. I havent changed a thing. I work out daily and eat great. I am starting with my thyroid as I am on meds...but I am going to try some of the suggesttions above.


Does anyone do low glycemic diets? I was going to look into that for my husband, a diabetic. I heard they are very healthy.

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I am trying to lose too. I am 36 and it's not easy now!


I am working out right now and not doing any calorie counting. I lost nothing last month but lost an inch in my hips! and more elsewhere. I need to add the calorie counting back in and since I work out 3 times a week I eat a lot of protein. I do a protein smoothie for breakfast too.


anyway, keep at it. Don't let the scale get you down. I was able to buy a pair of pants this week in the regular women's section and not the plus size! I lost no weight this past month. But exercise is changing my body shape.


PM me if you want an accountability partner....I do better when someone is asking me how I did :001_smile:

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I'm right with many of you. My body is comfortable at 185, which doesn't look so good on my 5'3" frame.


I'm trying to up the protein a bit and exercise more with weights.


Although I have to mention one thing. When I had a trainer for a short while through a gym he recommended measuring myself instead of weighing myself but said the "Muscle weighs more than fat" thing isn't true. Yes muscle is more dense so it takes up less space, but a pound is a pound no matter what it is. So a pound of muscle will take up less space than a pound of fat but in the end it all weighs a pound. That's why the tape measure can be a better way to measure than the scale.

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My dad has an app on his I-pod phone, and he's lost a ton... as has his good friend:-) They just enter everything on their app and presto... they have enough calories for food or not... They enter their exercise, too, I believe. PM me if you have an I-phone and wanna try it... and I'll ask him what the app is called:-)



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OK Ladies,


It seems like there are a lot of us trying to lose weight over 35 so I am going to start a group. Today I am going to figure out a plan for my own exercise and eating this week and I'll post it later.


I have dance rehersal today for my play so I'll get a good workout there.




Can I join if I'm "only" 32... and a half? After all, most days I feel like my body is at least 50! :tongue_smilie:

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Double-dog ditto the weight work.


For me ... way older than you ... the weight work is even more important for weight loss/maintenance than simple calorie-expending aerobic activity. We're not talking bulking up here ... just consistently lifting weights at moderate levels.


I do weights 2-3 times per week (in addition to cardio) ... one exercise for each major muscle group ... weight levels are an effort, but not difficult. I recommend you start with a trainer to get you started on "how" to do weights and what levels to start at. You don't want to overdo or underdo.


And when you do start to build muscle, your weight will go up, ironically. But the measurements should go down at the same time. Grit your teeth and get through that phase ... the weight numbers will eventually get back to decreasing if you stay consistent.



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... it's fair to say that I am getting in better shape, slowly and surely.


What seems to work for me is to stay OFF the scales, NOT use a tape measure, NOT count calories or use "food logs" or go to meetings... These (for me) tend to turn "weight loss" into "guilt trips/punishments/banishments," and I think this is counter-productive to treating yourself with love and care. Instead of these measuring devices, simply be honest (and loving) with yourself about how you look and feel and fit into your old clothes. What does the mirror say? Forget the scales & tape measures & anything that puts a NUMBER on you. You are more than a number, anyway.


What seems to work for me is to simply eat good, fresh food (salads, fruits, vegetables) -- think RAINBOW food!


Get as much rest as you can. Have a regular bedtime/rise time, to regulate your metabolism.


Drink water instead of anything else.


Eliminate soda, sugary drinks, sweets, and other junk foods from your house, not just your diet.


Stretch a lot. Being flexible helps you to move more comfortably all day long, not just when you are "exercising." Along with this, wear looser clothing, so you will move more freely. Don't try to squeeze into something, but rather give your body room to move.


If, after all your best efforts to lose weight, you are stuck, you might want to check with your physician -- Is your thyroid working properly? Do you have hypothyroidism? Hashimoto's disease? something hormonal that is sabotaging your efforts? (I had Hashimoto's and then thyroid cancer, so that was a factor for me. Now I have no thyroid, so I supplement with synthetic hormone.)


In the end, you do the best you can, and accept that your body will change over time -- but I do think that we can pull ourselves together again, even after a season of being out of shape. I'm working on this, too! Good luck! HTH!

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I'm not familiar with WW's carb/protein ratio, but I would look into upping your protein and lowering carbs. Also, I believe a huge part of slimming down is weight training...yep. Light weights and high repetitions will build muscle (provided you have solid protein intake), which in turn burns fat. If your metabolism feels stalled out, the weight training combined with your treadmill work should help. If this still doesn't work, have your thyroid checked. HTH... Michelle




I gt stuck at 150 forEVER and finally started going down again when I cut out another chunk of carbs.

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