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Confessions of an imperfect mother:

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My kids both had a "breakfast bar" this morning as I was trying to finish getting ready for our group's field day. It was a Fiber One chocolate granola bar.


Ds has also spent most of the time since we came home parked in front of the TV while I put frozen pizzas in the oven and "relaxed" in front of the computer.

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I gave them heated up leftover quiche and put them in front of The Sound of Music. And -- I didn't follow up with them on their instrument practice tonight like I said I would. Two of them should have showers tonight... let's see what's going to happen... sigh!

Edited by zaichiki
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Ooh, I love the how-effed-up-is-that game.


My son had a homeschool group trip to the botanical garden this morning but it was raining and cold and I was tired so I kinda hinted at how horrible and boring it would be so it would sorta be HIS idea not to go instead of his lazy mom's. ;)


Who's next?

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it was too cold for shorts, so instead of getting out the winter clothes(I hate that Job!), I went and bought the boys a pair of pants and have been washing them every 2 days so they could wear them everyday for a week instead of getting out the winter clothes. Guess what I will have to do tomorrow. Unless, well, they could maybe wear those new pants for another week. Do you think?:lol:


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it was too cold for shorts, so instead of getting out the winter clothes(I hate that Job!), I went and bought the boys a pair of pants and have been washing them every 2 days so they could wear them everyday for a week instead of getting out the winter clothes. Guess what I will have to do tomorrow. Unless, well, they could maybe wear those new pants for another week. Do you think?:lol:



We have been living in a hotel for a week - I packed two outfits for each kid - one to wear, one to wash -- we will be here for two more weeks at least.


I have no problem with that -- in fact, it's a great idea! I was too lazyto wash dd's waist length hair one night a couple of years ago so I took her to Hair Cuttery and had them wash it, comb it out, and trim a couple of inches off the ends.

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We had Taco Bell for lunch, I spent $183 on groceries, and then we had Panera for dinner. I also screeched at the children while I was putting the groceries away because they were underfoot and chattering, I hit my head on the freezer door, and I had PMS and a low blood sugar :blushing:

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My kids are having a homemade vegetable soup for dinner. The laundry is done and the house is clean. We went hiking and to the park today. They only watched one educational show on tv (okay it was really two but one sounds better). We had organic ice cream for a treat. We didn't even run out of tp this week. BUT Sunday is my dd's 5th birthday. We're having the party at home with all her little friends, and I haven't made the cake, planned the food, or bought a present yet, and I'm working on Saturday.


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For various very good reasons, my 4yo dd has not had a bath in just over a week, and she has been eating candy (for the same very good reasons) rather frequently. If her brother pushed her into a wall, she'd probably stick. And I took her out in public today that way.




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I also threw out the Toys R Us two dollar gift card that came for my almost-four-year-old's birthday.


Oh gosh, don't you hate those???? They can barely buy the check out candy in that store for $2!! I remember when my DS was little, they sent a coupon for a free Matchbox car. So much better than the gift card. He always looked forward to that.

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ROTFL!!!!!!!! :D

For various very good reasons, my 4yo dd has not had a bath in just over a week, and she has been eating candy (for the same very good reasons) rather frequently. If her brother pushed her into a wall, she'd probably stick. And I took her out in public today that way.




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There are weeks that I could have written this.. EXACTLY! :lol:

We had Taco Bell for lunch, I spent $183 on groceries, and then we had Panera for dinner. I also screeched at the children while I was putting the groceries away because they were underfoot and chattering, I hit my head on the freezer door, and I had PMS and a low blood sugar :blushing:
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:lol: I hate hate hate having some sort of takeout food after a giant grocery trip like that, but I'm always so exhausted!


We end up doing this every Friday. Grocery shopping wears you out!


Even yesterday, when we couldn't go out because the kids were sick; I ran to the grocery store while my dad stayed with the kids and got Chinese takeout before coming home. :tongue_smilie:

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Last night, I took a package of Swansson broth, but noodles in it and called it soup. :tongue_smilie: Ds supplemented with frozen waffles and fresh fruit while I watched the new episode of Stargate Universe. Seriously, I was sooooo dragging my butt last night -- it was a long week capped by a fun (but tiring) trip to the science museum with our group.


This weekend doesn't look better for food. I made hamburgers this week and froze them raw. This weekend I'm planning to slap them on the bbq right from the freezer and call it a "homemade meal." I've got tons of fresh fruit and veggies and it's going to be self-serve weekend. Dh and I are setting up our raised planters for our vegetable garden (in South Florida, veggie season begins in late Fall.)

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For various very good reasons, my 4yo dd has not had a bath in just over a week, and she has been eating candy (for the same very good reasons) rather frequently. If her brother pushed her into a wall, she'd probably stick. And I took her out in public today that way.





Velcro Baby! ;) (There's a science lesson in there somewhere!)

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My son had a homeschool group trip to the botanical garden this morning but it was raining and cold and I was tired so I kinda hinted at how horrible and boring it would be so it would sorta be HIS idea not to go instead of his lazy mom's. ;)



I've done that. (Hanging head in shame.)

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My son ate ramen noodles for lunch! (We bought them at an Asian market, and he used chopsticks, so it's not so bad, right? It's a cultural experience.) :tongue_smilie:




Mine had them for dinner last night. The kids begged for them when we bought groceries on Wed, and were so excited to eat them last night. Who knew cheap instant noodles would be considered such a huge treat. Growing up they were a staple that we ate 2 or more times a week.

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So, I did actually get up (at 8 a.m. when my 2 yo came upstairs) and technically the kids did eat something resembling breakfast. Right now my 8 yo is at karate, my 6 & 4 yo's are hanging their heads out of the passenger side front window, said 2 yo is playing with my phone (he's dialed 911 once already because I forgot to lock the phone), and I'm playing, erm researching, on the computer in the car. I don't dare inflict the 2 yo on the karate studio.


After karate I could take the kids home and fix them lunch, but, really, why bother? I'm taking them to get hamburgers.



Oh, just in case you're wondering, the van is off. :D

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it was too cold for shorts, so instead of getting out the winter clothes(I hate that Job!), I went and bought the boys a pair of pants and have been washing them every 2 days so they could wear them everyday for a week instead of getting out the winter clothes. Guess what I will have to do tomorrow. Unless, well, they could maybe wear those new pants for another week. Do you think?:lol:


I've done that!

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Tonight we fed our son grilled tofu, beans, brown rice, chinese broccoli, and zucchini.


And my wife (who prepared it) apologized dinner was so "awful" :D


What are you gonna do? :tongue_smilie:




Bill, You are no longer allowed to play this game. :D

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I fed the kids "breakfast for dinner" last night. DH has a class that makes him get home after dinnertime on Mondays, so I have decided to make it my light night for cooking. They had frozen waffles, cottage cheese, grapes, and oj. It took 5 minutes to make:D And I raided the Halloween candy for all of the GF stuff while they were in the bathtub and ended up not in the mood for dinner myself......

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