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It's must be hard to be 4

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When we drove past the local grassy airstrip this afternoon, my boys were talking about who wants to be a pilot when they grow up (ME!), and my 4yo dd said that she wants to be an "autopilot" when she grows up. We all had a good laugh, and then explained it to poor bewildered dd. There's so much to know!

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My 4 year old was in the backseat last night and I heard her say, "No P's". Then she said, "Mom, that sign says that there are no P's allowed.". I said, "That sign means no parking."


She took it well. No embarassment. It must be a confusing world for a 4 year old.




4 is one of my favorite ages. So sweet. Once when I was combing his hair I commented that he had a rat's nest in there....he was very quiet and very still for a minute and then said, 'are there baby rats in there momma?'

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4 is one of my favorite ages. So sweet. Once when I was combing his hair I commented that he had a rat's nest in there....he was very quiet and very still for a minute and then said, 'are there baby rats in there momma?'


Oh, how cute and a bit sad. I remember telling my dd#1 (around when she was 4) that one day she would have her own home and could get any pet she wanted. She was really wanting a rabbit at the time. She looked so sad and started crying. Then she told me she was always going to live with me. I was so sad. I just didn't think that she wouldn't understand at 4 that one day she would want to move out. I felt so awful.

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Ohhhh. . . . mine is just like this! (She only turned 5 10 days ago)


Today, we were listening to this song:


"I had a little nut tree,

Nothing would it bear,

But a silver nutmeg

and a golden pear."


And this comment came from the back seat:


"Momma, I think the bear was sad that he didn't get the pear." :D


We had lots of fun singing along together to that tape - months of the year, nursery rhymes, alphabet.


Of course, we only do it when it's just the two of us in the car ;)

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When kiddo was 3 and just learning capital letters, he was indignant over a small L. He thought it was mooching into capital I territory.


He also stopped in front of a Kia, which has a smaller-than-the-K "A" which is made like an upside down small V. He was running down the line of cars at Costco reading off the names. He looked up at the woman getting out of the Kia and told her she could pretend it was an A, but it really was an upside down V and everyone knew it. He was very serious. She was caught a little off guard and didn't smile. I took his hand and moved him along. He grumbled a hair, and has a sort of "what do you expect of a person who'd try to sneak in an upside down V" resignation at not getting a reply.


When he was two, he could read off the numbers of a license plate IF the car was a Jeep. He looked at one plate, and then went to the up to the door (where there were some young people sitting) and addressed them as something like "W15439Z". Again no response. What would you say to a toddler who came to your window and told you your license number?

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Then she told me she was always going to live with me.



Out of the blue my son, at 4, confided he couldn't marry me, he was sorry, but it would have to be someone else. She'd be nice like me, and he would live just down the street with his nice wife, and we could visit all the time.


If only he knew how sweet that would be to me!

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I remember being really confused by the road signs saying "Form One Lane" because people aren't old enough to have their licence when they are in form one. I was too embarrassed to ask for clarification though, so I carried that little confusion around for years and years. Finally, some time in my teenage years, the penny dropped :)



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Around that same age, of 4, ds tried to convince me we needed to get a giraffe for a pet. I said, 'how would we keep it in the yard?' He said, ' well, we would shut the gate and since they don't have hands they couldn't open it.'



Oh, how funny!

This made me laugh and laugh.

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Oh, I love these! So sweet! My own newly 4 DD was afraid to drink her hot cocoa the other morning because she was afraid it was still too hot. I told her that I had just tasted it and that it wasn't hot anymore, just warm, and was safe to drink. My little skeptic said, "Well, ooookay, if you exist..." and took a sip :D We've been chuckling over that one for a few days now!

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Oh, I love these! So sweet! My own newly 4 DD was afraid to drink her hot cocoa the other morning because she was afraid it was still too hot. I told her that I had just tasted it and that it wasn't hot anymore, just warm, and was safe to drink. My little skeptic said, "Well, ooookay, if you exist..." and took a sip :D We've been chuckling over that one for a few days now!


:001_smile: That's so cute. I have a newly four year old also, and I love her versions of our words and phrases!


Someone is always pregnant in our family, so my four year old is somewhat familiar with the process. A few weeks ago she came to me, very serious, and said: "I'm so sad I won't get to be a mommy." I was confused and prompted her to explain. She did - she said she didn't think she could hold her pee long enough for the baby to grow and be born. Took me a few minutes to figure it out, but she thought that since urine and babies both hail from the same place on the map ... it was either/or LOL.


Her nine year old brother drew a picture, and set her straight :D she's now fascinated by the reproductive system, and likes to share her newfound knowledge with random people on the street. Adults don't know what to make of her LOL but we think she's a hoot.

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When we drove past the local grassy airstrip this afternoon, my boys were talking about who wants to be a pilot when they grow up (ME!), and my 4yo dd said that she wants to be an "autopilot" when she grows up. We all had a good laugh, and then explained it to poor bewildered dd. There's so much to know!


We still tease my sister about expressing her desire to be a "beauty parlor" at age 6!

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One day at snack they all, every single one of them, proudly told me that they home school! At some point they even started saying that they home school at home! The volunteers and I were tickled pink! After the first few I just said "I know." After that, when it got to be most of them, we started responding with "How do you suppose we got soo many home schoolers in one place!?" It was very cute!

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