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You know you live in a foreign country WHEN...

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So I had a major "culture shock" moment this week...


There is this Indian restaurant across the street from our school that is very popular with the staff. The food is awesome and inexpensive. The waitstaff all know who the Dalat staff are and my family and I eat there probably three times a week.


This is an outdoor restaurant of sorts. It is a long rectangle covered by a roof but no walls. At the far end there is a small "play area" for kids that has a swing and a teeter-totter. It is over dirt, though, and it is the rainy season so it can get pretty muddy.


My kids were down at that end playing while dh and I waited for our food to come. My 5yo apparently fell off the swing and splat! right into the mud. We didn't see it but my 11yo ran up to us and told us that Alex fell off the swing so we naturally ran to see if he was OK. What we saw next is something I would NEVER have seen in the U.S......


Two waiters had picked Alex up out of the mud (he was covered in it, literally) and had taken off his shorts and shirt and were rinsing them off with a hose. The other waiter was rinsing Alex off. They then laid out his shorts and shirt in the sun to dry and sent him to us to eat...in his underwear. :lol:


Now I ask you, if this happened at say, Applebee's in the U.S., if your child got covered in something like, I don't know, ketchup I guess, and you weren't right there to clean him up and your waiter who "knows" you (as in you are a regular) took your child's clothes off to rinse them out, what would happen?


He would be arrested of course.


But not in Malaysia! :lol: They definitely have the "it takes a village to raise a child" mentality. No one in the restaurant even blinked at the whole scene including the fact that my son ate dinner in his underwear!


Dh and I thought the whole thing was hilarious, ds (11) was mortified but puberty seems to make him mortified at everything these days! And of course, ds (5) was not hurt and thought eating in his underwear was awesome.


I am definitely not in Kansas anymore. :D

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So I had a major "culture shock" moment this week...


There is this Indian restaurant across the street from our school that is very popular with the staff. The food is awesome and inexpensive. The waitstaff all know who the Dalat staff are and my family and I eat there probably three times a week.


This is an outdoor restaurant of sorts. It is a long rectangle covered by a roof but no walls. At the far end there is a small "play area" for kids that has a swing and a teeter-totter. It is over dirt, though, and it is the rainy season so it can get pretty muddy.


My kids were down at that end playing while dh and I waited for our food to come. My 5yo apparently fell off the swing and splat! right into the mud. We didn't see it but my 11yo ran up to us and told us that Alex fell off the swing so we naturally ran to see if he was OK. What we saw next is something I would NEVER have seen in the U.S......


Two waiters had picked Alex up out of the mud (he was covered in it, literally) and had taken off his shorts and shirt and were rinsing them off with a hose. The other waiter was rinsing Alex off. They then laid out his shorts and shirt in the sun to dry and sent him to us to eat...in his underwear. :lol:


Now I ask you, if this happened at say, Applebee's in the U.S., if your child got covered in something like, I don't know, ketchup I guess, and you weren't right there to clean him up and your waiter who "knows" you (as in you are a regular) took your child's clothes off to rinse them out, what would happen?


He would be arrested of course.


But not in Malaysia! :lol: They definitely have the "it takes a village to raise a child" mentality. No one in the restaurant even blinked at the whole scene including the fact that my son ate dinner in his underwear!


Dh and I thought the whole thing was hilarious, ds (11) was mortified but puberty seems to make him mortified at everything these days! And of course, ds (5) was not hurt and thought eating in his underwear was awesome.


I am definitely not in Kansas anymore. :D



I guess you should be grateful the mud didn't get down to his undershorts...they may have cleaned them too!


Yeah, here in the States if the waitstaff had even gone over to attempt to help the child they would be running the risk of the parents not approving and being vocal about it. Sadly, I see this so often now, and have even felt it myself....a child falls and is hurt (but not seriously)....my heart wants to rush over and scoop them up for a quick hug just like I would my own.....but street-smarts tell me to just walk away. I hope that if it were serious that I'd throw caution to the wind, but somedays I wonder.


Enjoy your time there, it sounds so refreshing and REAL. I envy you.

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When I did my driver training on base, they made a big deal about the concept that if you were in an accident, you should call the police as well as base security (who comes to help), but be very wary of giving medical aid.


There is no legal concept of a Good Samaritan Law here. So if you do something that seems like a good idea, but results in injury, you are open for incredible liability.



On the other hand, all I have to do is stand on a train platform looking confused and someone will come up and ask me where I'm trying to go and tell me what platform I need.

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When I did my driver training on base, they made a big deal about the concept that if you were in an accident, you should call the police as well as base security (who comes to help), but be very wary of giving medical aid.


There is no legal concept of a Good Samaritan Law here. So if you do something that seems like a good idea, but results in injury, you are open for incredible liability.



On the other hand, all I have to do is stand on a train platform looking confused and someone will come up and ask me where I'm trying to go and tell me what platform I need.


Man I want to go to Japan so badly!! The guitar shops there are AWEsOME!!

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I think people still have common sense (mostly) but are afraid of the ones who don't because they sue you know! :D ;)

That or just the thinking "oh my! How inappropriate! They took his clothes off and just went about eating. They should have gone home. They shouldn't have let him play to start with....." ramble, ramble...too many people have time to judge and no time to actually try to turn the situation into a positive one. It was nice to see that it happened for Heather.

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That reminds me of the time my landlord came running into my flat in his underware. We were in Germany and he was quite amused at my reaction. His exact words were, "You Americans are so weird! You have Playboy and yet you are startled to see someone in their underware?" Cultural differences sure make life interesting. :001_smile:

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I went to pick my son up at kindergarten in Germany once (kindergarten = 3-5 yo) on a really hot day. All of the kids were running through the sprinklers in the grass in their undies.


The teachers were sitting in the shade with hand fans and bottles of sunscreen for the kids. It was REALLY hot, and there is no air conditioning.


I was tickled pink. If it had happened at an American school, everyone would have been arrested, and the school would have been shut down.




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MY youngest told me she is "getting to be Korean" because she just peeled off her clothes and changed into her leotard right there in the practice area at the meet last weekend.


At the first meet, she wanted to go into the bathroom and change, and there were several changes as she had group and individual routines. We noticed all the other little girls just changed where they were- stands, practice area, hallway.


She and her big sister also roamed the streets of Jaechon, Korea with the other gymnasts and siblings at 10 pm while the moms (me included) finished our meal and drank...beer!



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I love your story! While visiting my sister in Mexico City, I was roundly scolded for taking my 3 month old daughter out in the sun! I only understood about half of what she said. Apparently, a combination of the sun for her fair skin and the evil eye would seriously harm her! Naturally, I apologized back to her and said, "I'm so sorry, Abuela! Thank you!" Satisfied, this tiny foreign busybody continued on her way thru the outdoor market we were at. Another time, we were visiting my sister in MX again with another baby (a theme in our family, I guess! Have a baby, go to non tourist Mexico!!)and he was so very fussy. 2 grandfather-aged men in the restaurant we were at marched over and picked him up and began to sing to him and pretty much adore him - my sister made small talk with them as we ordered our food and I shooed the stray dog out from under the table. My son stopped crying and was completely relaxed. The two men handed him back and made the sign of the cross over him and went back to their coffee and dominoes. Sigh...I wish I was still there! Here inthe US a crying baby only gets you a rude stare! Viva Mexico!!!



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That reminds me of the time my landlord came running into my flat in his underware. We were in Germany and he was quite amused at my reaction. His exact words were, "You Americans are so weird! You have Playboy and yet you are startled to see someone in their underware?" Cultural differences sure make life interesting. :001_smile:


Oh yeah, we all make sure to read our Playboy every month :001_huh::lol:



*sigh* all these stories make me want to wander outside the US again.

Edited by mommaduck
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I love your story! While visiting my sister in Mexico City, I was roundly scolded for taking my 3 month old daughter out in the sun! I only understood about half of what she said. Apparently, a combination of the sun for her fair skin and the evil eye would seriously harm her! Naturally, I apologized back to her and said, "I'm so sorry, Abuela! Thank you!" Satisfied, this tiny foreign busybody continued on her way thru the outdoor market we were at. Another time, we were visiting my sister in MX again with another baby (a theme in our family, I guess! Have a baby, go to non tourist Mexico!!)and he was so very fussy. 2 grandfather-aged men in the restaurant we were at marched over and picked him up and began to sing to him and pretty much adore him - my sister made small talk with them as we ordered our food and I shooed the stray dog out from under the table. My son stopped crying and was completely relaxed. The two men handed him back and made the sign of the cross over him and went back to their coffee and dominoes. Sigh...I wish I was still there! Here inthe US a crying baby only gets you a rude stare! Viva Mexico!!!




That is an awesome story! I love Mexico. I love the U.S. too. I am very patriotic but I think we could stand to loosen up a bit you know?

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That or just the thinking "oh my! How inappropriate! They took his clothes off and just went about eating. They should have gone home. They shouldn't have let him play to start with....." ramble, ramble...too many people have time to judge and no time to actually try to turn the situation into a positive one. It was nice to see that it happened for Heather.


We get scolded for letting our kids run around barefoot, for goodness sake! My mil is horribly offended if our 3 yo dd gets up from her nap, wraps up in her blanket and comes out of her room wearing only that blanket and underwear. She is fully covered but apparently that will make her promiscuous when she is older. :001_rolleyes:

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Great stories on this thread.


I knew I was in a foreign country when I had to step over the German Shepherd lying (laying?) between the tables at a patio restaurant on my way to the unisex bathrooms....giving a coin to 'Madame PiPi'.... walk past the urinating man at the urinals to the stalls. One big happy bathroom.

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