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After watching "Fringe" tonight, I have a new rule...


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I KNEW that the creepy underground dweller was coming, and I STILL jumped when he grabbed Olivia and Peter. I'm so gullible.



Man! I'm on the west coast watching it now...haven't gotten to that part yet. It's ok. I don't mind spoilers. The embarrassing thing is that I'll jump even though I know exactly what is coming. I'll jump even after seeing a scary movie several times.

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Man! I'm on the west coast watching it now...haven't gotten to that part yet. It's ok. I don't mind spoilers. The embarrassing thing is that I'll jump even though I know exactly what is coming. I'll jump even after seeing a scary movie several times.


I AM SO SO SO SORRY!!!! :001_huh: I don't like spoilers. I totally forgot about the 9:00 west, 8:00 mountain start... our prime time starts at 7:00, not 8:00.

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I AM SO SO SO SORRY!!!! :001_huh: I don't like spoilers. I totally forgot about the 9:00 west, 8:00 mountain start... our prime time starts at 7:00, not 8:00.


Like I said, it was totally ok. I often look up spoilers. I'm the type to read the last chapter of the book when I get about half way through the book. Once I know how it is going to end, I happily finish the book.


I was just teasing.

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I try not to check on suspicious noises as it's often a bear.



... for bears I mean ... they have been known to come down into town and climb people's trees and sit on their front porches ... I wonder if that is just a Colorado thing or if other states have bears think they should live with them. ???

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I couldn't help thinking a horror version of Gollum was in the cornfields. :D:D And I swear that looked like the outside of a house used in an X-files episode.


I thought the sheriff should have jumped on the hood of his car. Duh, if the ground is moving stand on something above ground so they don't feel your vibration. That's from the movie "Tremors" isn't it.

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Guest Virginia Dawn

This is a poem I wrote the first time I had a corn patch. It was a very little one too.





Hair rises on the nape of my neck

When I hear whispering behind me

Gossip, dark secrets, inside jokes


I resist the urge to turn and look

When I hear rustling behind me

As one head bends to meet the next


Foolishly, my ears begin to burn

When I hear crackling behind me

Rumors spread like raging fires


I can no longer stand the pretense

A glance of planned indifference

Reveals the terrible truth to me...


Expressionless innocence

And natural purity


What else did I expect to see?

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I haven't watched Fringe. However, I do stick to the road and stay off the moors.





but how boring would the shows be if no-one headed into the corn fields or down into the basement or anywhere else that they hear noises coming from? lol

or walked through the house with the lights actually ON! hehe :)

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Yes, avoid the whispering corn fields! Didn't these folks ever watch Signs?? I don't know about you all, but even if in some bizzaro-world a weird noise DID lure me into a cornfield, if I came across some neon-blue ooze coming up from the ground I'd run like the dickens in the opposite direction.


Oh, the second important lesson to be gleaned from the show is: if you can hear flies skittering across surfaces, make an appointment to see a bowling alley manager WITHOUT DELAY. :D

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we were walking on a paved trail through a big park and came to a spot where the trail opened out of the trees into a big field w/ high, tall grass. Oldest was 14 and leading at the time. He stopped at the edge of the field, looked at the unpaved trail, announced "This looks like a scene from a Bad Movie" and promptly turned around to take a different path through the trees on another paved trail.



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... for bears I mean ... they have been known to come down into town and climb people's trees and sit on their front porches ... I wonder if that is just a Colorado thing or if other states have bears think they should live with them. ???


We have bears in parts of FL that walk on the highway and sometimes get into garbage but...sitting on the front porch? I think maybe that is a Colorado thing. Plus, our bears are a lot smaller than yours. ;)

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Yeah, I think Stephen King started the whole corn field thing at least 30 years ago so I pretty much always go with the corn field bad hypothesis. Ditto for humungous empty hotels, and small towns. An awful lot of really wierd things happen in small towns in his books.


Anyhow, I saw the Fringe on dvd the other day and seriously considered buying it. Is it any good? Worth buying? Is it better than X-files? I found that show so incredibly frustrating.

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