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Does anyone else have a few common words you can't remember how to spell?

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My kids taught me that friends are fried ends, otherwise I messed up the ei/ie in that one for years. I have to say the "i before e except after c..." whenever I spell anything with those two letters in it. Still to this day. And I'm a pretty great speller, believe it or not!

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Before I learned a bunch of phonics and phonetic spelling rules, the list was much longer.


Here's an example of a word I used to misspell and the rule:


Truly: Words where the final e is dropped after a letter u or w: truly, awful


(I used to want to spell it truely until I learned the rule, even through I wrote it often, I couldn't remember it to save my life until I learned the rule.)

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TeeLeigh, at some point in my education, I learned this mnemonic device: There is "a rat" in separate. Now, I don't know *why* this is easier for me remember, but I don't misspell it anymore. LOL


I have trouble with the word yield. I always type it yeild first.

Edited by lisasaysto
Apparently mnemonic is another word I can't spell. LOL
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brocolli..or is it broccoli? I think it's the latter. I have to spell it both ways and I choose different depending on my mood.


I used to have a problem with separate, but for some reason I started thinking of a paring knife whenever I thought of the word and how I use it to sePARate fruit segments. Now I have no problem with it.:D

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I thought of another one that used to always stump me until I spelled in wrong in a thank-you note to my sweet grandmother. Of course she had to correct me so I didn't keep making the same mistake.:)


grateful OR greatful ??


It always confused me because if things are GREAT then you are Greatful...right? And if things grate on your nerves, you are not grateful....right? WRONG!


Of course grateful comes from GRATITUDE, but it took embarassment for me to remember this one.

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My first year homeschooling I discovered I did not know how to spell curriculum. Every time I typed that word I got it wrong, and not even the same mistake each time.


I have trouble with rhythm.


Exercise, I had trouble with until about 2 months ago. I kept spelling it excersize. I was so proud when I stopped spelling it incorrectly.


Religious....ohhh I just got it right. I was mistakenly using an e for the first i, I have no idea why because I know it doesn't make sense phonetically. That's the word I've been focusing on correcting recently.

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These two for me. I have to look them up every single time. I always have dictionary.com open at the same time. The weird thing is, it seems like every word I actually check is right. So most of the time, if there is a mis-spelled word in my post, you can pretty much assume that it was a typo not a mis-spelling. Except words where I think one word and then type something else entirely. I do that when I am talking as well. I think that is old age sneaking up on me. I frequently leave words out as well. I am hopeless.


ETA: I also have a horrible time with words that have the s/z problem between American versus British spellings. I must have had a British teacher somewhere along the way because I have problems with punctuation that varies between the two as well.

Edited by KidsHappen
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