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Spanking Leads to Assault Charge....this is unbelievable.....


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What a joke....I can't believe someone actually did this.


CINCINNATI (Sept. 16) — Police say a woman has been arrested for allegedly spanking another person's 2-year-old son in a Cincinnati store.

Gloria Ballard was due in a Hamilton County on Wednesday to face an assault charge.

Cincinnati police say the toddler said something that apparently annoyed Ballard inside a Salvation Army store on Tuesday. Police say she then told the boy's mother she didn't know how to take care of her son, put him over her knee, and spanked him three times.

Police say the two women didn't know each other and that the 44-year-old Ballard wasn't given permission to touch the child.

There was no attorney listed for Ballard.



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Wasn't there yet another article last week in which a man spanked another family's toddler 3x for howling in Walmart?


Honest to pete, things are more insane by the day. I'm not taking my kids out without my husband, just in case they need protection from an arbitrary spanker lurking the mall corridors.

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Now people think they have permission to spank other people's children?


What's next?



Nobody thinks that they have permission to spank someone else's child. The problem is that some people believe that parents do not have the right to spank their own children.


That being said I have seen numerous children who really do need a spanking unfortunately the parents don't.

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Assault? In my state that means significant injury - requiring a doctors visit - bruising, cuts, bleeding. Assault? Wonder if she showed her gang colors or her brass knuckles first?


PLEASE! Long ago, even when I was in school, a MOM would have appreciated the support of the community & the back up of a grandmother or parent. A swat on the bottom... it wasn't uncommon. Today, we are so wrapped up in self esteem & not ruining little Johnny's desire to express himself... yadda yadda. The values in our community are so diluted... you don't know who your are dealing wtih, shopping next to, or what they believe. Best thing to do is in many cases... nothing. No matter how bad the kid is acting or how miserable everyone is (including kid & his Mom). Stay out of it. My grandmother could smack a little bottom b/c all the Moms were of similar value system & rearing children in similar manners. They supported each other & understood each other. Not today. Keep your distance.... for your own safety and because you do not know the family & their issues.


The Moms of these kids are worthless. On a minor issue at a BKing.... I watch a kid cruelly treat a toddler & literally run him over - tot crying, etc. We helped the baby... his Dad had lost him from her sight as he turned corner. The big kid shouldn't have been on the playground anyway... to old & too big.

We found the big boys mom & told her. She defended the punk (this is what is wrong today)... and looked at me like the most evil person on the planet. It was intentional, I watched. She could have cared less. He has "issues"... yeah, he needs discipline in some form & you are his issue (in my head I was screaming this at her). He may have issues, but if they endanger a kid... keep him off the playground or watch him better.


With society today, this lady shouldn't have touched the child. Let him tear the store down, drop a fancy bowl, fall out the window... don't touch him. Just complain to management (talking to mom woudl have been worthless)... they are the ones who will get sued by the doting mother if kid gets hurt & have the most liability.


I can understand the authorities finding a CHARGE for the elder lady in todays society... but not assault. Good heavens.


Perhaps the mother neglecting her child in public would make a good charge also. It is about time parents are held to account for their children's behavior. Yeah, I know... to harsh. But Moms & Dads need to be doing their job.

Edited by Dirtroad
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Nobody thinks that they have permission to spank someone else's child. The problem is that some people believe that parents do not have the right to spank their own children.


That being said I have seen numerous children who really do need a spanking unfortunately the parents don't.


Haha... These parents need one too!


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Nobody thinks that they have permission to spank someone else's child.

Really? Apparently the woman from Cincinnati thought she was entitled to spank someone else's child.


>>Police say a woman has been arrested for allegedly spanking another person's 2-year-old son in a Cincinnati store.


Can't we go back to the good old days when trick or treating was allowed -- how about doling out a chocolate to a screaming child in a store? I think that's a much better idea. Sigh.

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Nobody thinks that they have permission to spank someone else's child. The problem is that some people believe that parents do not have the right to spank their own children.


That being said I have seen numerous children who really do need a spanking unfortunately the parents don't.




I will not criticize some people's decision to spank, and I would like the same courtesy extended to my personal parenting decisions.


That being said, your comments are not completely relevant to the situation of a stranger hitting a child perceived to be misbehaving.

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:iagree:. Although I DO have a problem with anyone striking children. I hardly think we can blame instances of strangers spanking children on the fact that their parents don't spank them. That just makes it sound like the kid was asking for it.

Edited by Tangerine
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Assault? In my state that means significant injury - requiring a doctors visit - bruising, cuts, bleeding. Assault? Wonder if she showed her gang colors or her brass knuckles first?


PLEASE! Long ago, even when I was in school, a MOM would have appreciated the support of the community & the back up of a grandmother or parent. A swat on the bottom... it wasn't uncommon. Today, we are so wrapped up in self esteem & not ruining little Johnny's desire to express himself... yadda yadda. The values in our community are so diluted... you don't know who your are dealing wtih, shopping next to, or what they believe. Best thing to do is in many cases... nothing. No matter how bad the kid is acting or how miserable everyone is (including kid & his Mom). Stay out of it. My grandmother could smack a little bottom b/c all the Moms were of similar value system & rearing children in similar manners. They supported each other & understood each other. Not today. Keep your distance.... for your own safety and because you do not know the family & their issues.


The Moms of these kids are worthless. On a minor issue at a BKing.... I watch a kid cruelly treat a toddler & literally run him over - tot crying, etc. We helped the baby... his Dad had lost him from her sight as he turned corner. The big kid shouldn't have been on the playground anyway... to old & too big.

We found the big boys mom & told her. She defended the punk (this is what is wrong today)... and looked at me like the most evil person on the planet. It was intentional, I watched. She could have cared less. He has "issues"... yeah, he needs discipline in some form & you are his issue (in my head I was screaming this at her). He may have issues, but if they endanger a kid... keep him off the playground or watch him better.


With society today, this lady shouldn't have touched the child. Let him tear the store down, drop a fancy bowl, fall out the window... don't touch him. Just complain to management (talking to mom woudl have been worthless)... they are the ones who will get sued by the doting mother if kid gets hurt & have the most liability.


I can understand the authorities finding a CHARGE for the elder lady in todays society... but not assault. Good heavens.


Perhaps the mother neglecting her child in public would make a good charge also. It is about time parents are held to account for their children's behavior. Yeah, I know... to harsh. But Moms & Dads need to be doing their job.


You're making a lot of assumptions about the mother and toddler in this case. (I'm not even sure what to say about the rest of your post.)

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Assault? In my state that means significant injury - requiring a doctors visit - bruising, cuts, bleeding. Assault? Wonder if she showed her gang colors or her brass knuckles first?


PLEASE! Long ago, even when I was in school, a MOM would have appreciated the support of the community & the back up of a grandmother or parent.

This was neither. This was a complete stranger.

A swat on the bottom... it wasn't uncommon. Today, we are so wrapped up in self esteem & not ruining little Johnny's desire to express himself... yadda yadda. The values in our community are so diluted... you don't know who your are dealing wtih, shopping next to, or what they believe. Best thing to do is in many cases... nothing. No matter how bad the kid is acting or how miserable everyone is (including kid & his Mom). Stay out of it. My grandmother could smack a little bottom b/c all the Moms were of similar value system & rearing children in similar manners. They supported each other & understood each other. Not today. Keep your distance.... for your own safety and because you do not know the family & their issues.

Uh...pretty sure that a stranger smacking one of my Grandma's kids would have been met with the same reaction as I'd give...namely a punch in the mouth.

The Moms of these kids are worthless. Which kids? Any misbehaving ones? On a minor issue at a BKing.... I watch a kid cruelly treat a toddler & literally run him over - tot crying, etc. We helped the baby... his Dad had lost him from her sight as he turned corner. The big kid shouldn't have been on the playground anyway... to old & too big.

We found the big boys mom & told her. She defended the punk (this is what is wrong today)... and looked at me like the most evil person on the planet. It was intentional, I watched. She could have cared less. He has "issues"... yeah, he needs discipline in some form & you are his issue (in my head I was screaming this at her). He may have issues, but if they endanger a kid... keep him off the playground or watch him better.

I agree with you that there are SOME parents that are completely blind and shouldn't have fish, let alone raising kids.


With society today, this lady shouldn't have touched the child. Let him tear the store down, drop a fancy bowl, fall out the window... don't touch him. Just complain to management (talking to mom woudl have been worthless)... they are the ones who will get sued by the doting mother if kid gets hurt & have the most liability.

I'm missing something...where does it say that this was a rampaging animal like child? Why the assumption of incredibly negative behaviour, or incompetence and negligence of the mom?

I can understand the authorities finding a CHARGE for the elder lady in todays society... but not assault. Good heavens.

An assault charge is completely appropriate, just as it would be if someone walked up and slapped YOU in the face.

Perhaps the mother neglecting her child in public would make a good charge also. It is about time parents are held to account for their children's behavior. Yeah, I know... to harsh. But Moms & Dads need to be doing their job.


Where does it say the mother was not doing her job? Were all your children perfectly behaved from the birth canal in public? Mine certainly were not, and the ability to pack up a squalling child and exit within 2.5 nanoseconds is not something every parent can do. Mom might be on her own for a week and desperately needs milk and an Rx that cannot wait until tomorrow, and nobody to leave the children with while she runs the errand. Until one is all knowing and seeing, the benefit of the doubt should be given.

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Assault? In my state that means significant injury - requiring a doctors visit - bruising, cuts, bleeding. Assault? Wonder if she showed her gang colors or her brass knuckles first?






In most states, an assault/battery is committed when one person 1) tries to or does physically strike another, or 2) acts in a threatening manner to put another in fear of immediate harm. Many states declare that a more serious or "aggravated" assault/battery occurs when one 1) tries to or does cause severe injury to another, or 2) causes injury through use of a deadly weapon. Historically, laws treated the threat of physical injury as "assault", and the completed act of physical contact or offensive touching as "battery," but many states no longer differentiate between the two.


When I was in college, the definition of assault we learned was unauthorized touching or threat of unauthorized touch.


I'm glad the woman was charged. If a complete stranger spanked my kids, I'd probably end up being charged, too!

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I posted


"Nobody thinks that they have permission to spank someone else's child."


Really? Apparently the woman from Cincinnati thought she was entitled to spank someone else's child.



Can't we go back to the good old days when trick or treating was allowed -- how about doling out a chocolate to a screaming child in a store? I think that's a much better idea. Sigh.



I was refering to the board members, obviously I know that it happened, hence this thread.


I agree on the trick or treating but rewarding bad behavior by giving a screaming child chocolate???

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Where does it say the mother was not doing her job? Were all your children perfectly behaved from the birth canal in public? Mine certainly were not, and the ability to pack up a squalling child and exit within 2.5 nanoseconds is not something every parent can do. Mom might be on her own for a week and desperately needs milk and an Rx that cannot wait until tomorrow, and nobody to leave the children with while she runs the errand. Until one is all knowing and seeing, the benefit of the doubt should be given.



When we were in the military, I gained a new perspective on this very thing. When I would see a woman in the commissary with a cartload of groceries and kids, barely keeping the chaos contained, I always immediately wondered if her husband was deployed. That always stopped my judgment in its tracks.

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I posted


"Nobody thinks that they have permission to spank someone else's child."





I was refering to the board members, obviously I know that it happened, hence this thread.


I agree on the trick or treating but rewarding bad behavior by giving a screaming child chocolate???



Why is a screaming (or crying) child automatically behaving badly? He could be sick, or hungry, or exhausted, or heartbroken. Perhaps a little tenderness from a stranger would be nice.

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I agree with whatever type of punishment you want to dole out to your OWN child, as long as it is not abusive. I do not think a few swats on the butt is abusive. I do NOT think a total stranger has the right to swat any kid who's misbehaving. Maybe an aunt or grandma, but certainly not a stranger.


I don't think a stranger has a right to touch my child in any way. I almost assaulted a little old grandma who picked up my 6 mo. old baby out of the shopping cart while I was putting groceries into my cart. I know she was just thought he was cute, but WTH? Sorry, but you do not have the right to touch my child without asking me.

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:iagree:. Although I DO have a problem with anyone striking children. I hardly think we can blame instances of strangers spanking children on the fact that their parents don't spank them. That just makes it sound like the kid was asking for it.



Frequently they are...it is just that fortunately most of us (the vast and overwhelming majority) respect parental rights and the boundaries of behavior not to spank someone else's child. (Never mind the legal impact)That behavior is simply unacceptable.


I will restate, the fact that the kid may or may not have needed a spanking (given the age the kid almost certainly did NOT) does not justify another woman administering said punishment.


Nevertheless many children are in sore (pun intended) need of a spanking.

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I'd probably be the one in jail if someone did that to my child. That said, people that do this aren't right in the head. There was another story recently about a man who slapped a toddler in the face for crying. Gee, a grown man acting like a two year old, slaps a two year old for acting like a two year old. Makes sense to me.:rolleyes:

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Where does it say the mother was not doing her job? Were all your children perfectly behaved from the birth canal in public? Mine certainly were not, and the ability to pack up a squalling child and exit within 2.5 nanoseconds is not something every parent can do. Mom might be on her own for a week and desperately needs milk and an Rx that cannot wait until tomorrow, and nobody to leave the children with while she runs the errand. Until one is all knowing and seeing, the benefit of the doubt should be given.


My 3 yo was crying non-stop at Target because I made her sit in the cart so I could quickly finish shopping and get my boys to their cub scouts meeting. She started out of the cart because it was wet and it dryed w/the pants I put in it so once she became a problem for me I put her in it. I was getting some things the boys needed for their mtg. My 3 yo was tired and unhappy she was not getting her way. She stopped as soon as we got to the van. The whole time my older kids were so embarassed. A very kind lady gave me an apologetic smile because she knew what was going through my head. My 3 yo hasn't done this before but I think at some point every preschooler/toddler does at least once. I agree to not assume that a child acting badly at a store doesn't receive discipline. I do spank but I do not spank in public. I basically decided to ignore her and quickly finish and get out of there! Discussing it w/her later at home when she wasn't crying so loudly worked and she apologized for acting that way.


That said, I read somewhere about this incident and the lady that alledgedly spanked this child claims that she stopped to hug the little girl because she was so upset. So understand, there are 2 sides to every story. I wonder if there are any other witnesses besides the mother.

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The woman had no right to spank the child. None. But the reality is that if my child were the one acting up (and NONE of us know the circumstances surrounding the child's behavior that led to the crazy lady spanking him) I'd have been heading to a restroom pronto with my kid to "take care of business" myself.


I get some funny looks at stores but they all know a mama on a mission to correct her screaming child's behavior. And usually I get winks or grins as we exit the bathroom with a much calmer disposition, having dealt with the situation.


All that to say, I wouldn't allow ANY behavior to continue to the point that a complete stranger would even have a second to discipline my child. I'd be handling it pronto myself.


Some think i am overly strict in stores with my kids but I HATE listening to other peoples whiny bratty screaming kids and seeing parents coddle them or ignore the behavior. So I avoid it at all costs to be one of THOSE parents.


But the stranger needs some counseling to think it is ever ok to strike a child that is not yours. Period.

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The woman had no right to spank the child. None. But the reality is that if my child were the one acting up (and NONE of us know the circumstances surrounding the child's behavior that led to the crazy lady spanking him) I'd have been heading to a restroom pronto with my kid to "take care of business" myself.


I get some funny looks at stores but they all know a mama on a mission to correct her screaming child's behavior. And usually I get winks or grins as we exit the bathroom with a much calmer disposition, having dealt with the situation.


All that to say, I wouldn't allow ANY behavior to continue to the point that a complete stranger would even have a second to discipline my child. I'd be handling it pronto myself.


Some think i am overly strict in stores with my kids but I HATE listening to other peoples whiny bratty screaming kids and seeing parents coddle them or ignore the behavior. So I avoid it at all costs to be one of THOSE parents.


But the stranger needs some counseling to think it is ever ok to strike a child that is not yours. Period.



Well put.

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I'd be the one charged if someone put a hand on one of my children. One armed or not, I'd thump the crap out of them until forcibly stopped.


Unless Wolf was with me. Then he'd be the one arrested. :D



Oooh! I agree. Someone hold me back because I'd have to open up a big ole can of Whoop a**!!! :D

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The funny thing to me is that when I was growing up it was a common thing to be spanked by someone other than your parent. I remember mouthing off to one of my neighbors when I was a kid and they spanked me and then marched me back to my house and knocked on the door and told my mother what I said. My mom asked her if she spanked me and the lady said yes. My mom said good and spanked me again. I wonder if that lady Ballard grew up in a neighborhood like that, but still spanking a total stranger's child isn't the same thing as a neighbor. I wouldn't want anyone laying a hand on my child other than me, but times were different just a few decades ago and I'm not even as old as that lady Ballard. Still she was way out of line. I don't know if she's mentally ill or not, but certainly has some boundary issues. :eek:

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I don't really understand the need to bring a parenting debate into this topic. The woman should not have hit the child - period.



:iagree: Why do people have to drag a fight into a perfectly harmless thread? Here is a situation in which we can all agree, be jocular about who would inflict harm should someone do this to our own children and what sort of harm would be appropriate.


Why have a fight? No I don't spank my kid. I don't believe in spanking. Whoopdedoo.


Yes, if someone did this to my kid I would pound on them.

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You're making a lot of assumptions about the mother and toddler in this case. (I'm not even sure what to say about the rest of your post.)


Yes, assumptions that the child was very unruly and causing a disturbance. Unless the old lady is nuts and then this case will be dropped b/c she wasn't aware of her actions.


My assumption is that they arrested a normal old lady (grouchy or impatient) but normal.... and the child was unruly.


Impish, yes, believe it or not, I expected my kids to be basically quiet & well behaved in public places. I expected them to speak & be pleasant when being spoken too (with me right there of course) It was not optional. I removed them immediately if htey were screaming, running, or being anything but well behaved. It was my job. I also did not take them into a store if they were ill, exhausted or causing me grief. IT is not fair to others.


Honestly, it is one of my biggest pet peeves is parents bringing unruly, loud or ill children into public places. NOT fair to these babies... not fair to the businesses... and not fair to the public.

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When I was in college, the definition of assault we learned was unauthorized touching or threat of unauthorized touch.


I'm glad the woman was charged. If a complete stranger spanked my kids, I'd probably end up being charged, too!


Here it is called harassment. Assaut requires injury or serious harm. I know there are many variations. Old lady was wrong & not very well informed of modern code of conduct... but assault was the shocker for me.

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When we were in the military, I gained a new perspective on this very thing. When I would see a woman in the commissary with a cartload of groceries and kids, barely keeping the chaos contained, I always immediately wondered if her husband was deployed. That always stopped my judgment in its tracks.


Really, the groceries in the house were more important than her children being behaved. Why dont' the kids carry groceries? Why would any Mom allow them to continue?


It must be stressful on her more than anyone. Why wouldn't another Mom come over & help her with the groceries while she handled the kiddos?


from Tangerine..

Why is a screaming (or crying) child automatically behaving badly? He could be sick, or hungry, or exhausted, or heartbroken. Perhaps a little tenderness from a stranger would be nice.



How about compassion from the Mom for all those poor people having to deal with her child. (go hang out in WalMart for 2 hours... you will be crying). I am not being stern on a temporary cry... but anything that pushes people to stressful levels in most situations is beyond a brief boo-boo or sadness. I am not being cruel. Your heart does go to the Mom who has a crying child... but it is her job to remove babe/child/teen from the situation (for calming, feeding, or even discipline). Then return to the shopping cart or restaurant or worship service, etc.

Edited by Dirtroad
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Here it is called harassment. Assaut requires injury or serious harm. I know there are many variations. Old lady was wrong & not very well informed of modern code of conduct... but assault was the shocker for me.


That is "aggravated assault." That is what I would be committing should someone assault my child. :lol:

Edited by Sis
forgot a period
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So in the absence of any significant details that have been reported about what happened, you choose to give the benefit of the doubt to the person who was charged with assault but not to the mother or the kid. Suit yourself!


Considering they charged her with ASSAULT (which has now been defined as varying greatly between areas & can greatly influence a discussion).... I would say yes. B/c I assume the cops didn't think grandma was imbalanced (just grumpy or mean & OUT OF LINE).


I also said they lady shouldn't have bothered the kid b/c that is not the general rule of our society today. My grandmother had different rules & community did things differently. Not that THIS grandmother should.


But, if a child drives someone to such despair... parent isn't aware, isn't caring, and may not even be nearby... I see it all the time at the thrift stores & big box stores (very sad). The Mom has a duty to remove a child who may be in danger, causing a disturbance, need a rest/food, etc.


but yes, some assumption by me that kid was acting up more than normal. How many random grandmas grab kids up... they are usually ignoring kids or being friendly. So yep, some assumption that there was issues before granny broke protocol.

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Here it is called harassment. Assaut requires injury or serious harm. I know there are many variations. Old lady was wrong & not very well informed of modern code of conduct... but assault was the shocker for me.


.... I would say yes. B/c I assume the cops didn't think grandma was imbalanced (just grumpy or mean & OUT OF LINE).


How many random grandmas grab kids up... they are usually ignoring kids or being friendly. So yep, some assumption that there was issues before granny broke protocol.



I didn't see any mention in the OP about this being an old lady or a grandmother. I didn't do a search for the original article, but broad assumptions abound here.

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