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100 Things Your Kids May Never Know About

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clickety click :D


...typewriter is on the list ~ back the other year, our dd12 (10 then, I think) spotted a typewriter at a flea market and asked me what it was.. I explained, and she looks thoughtful for a moment.. then says "Oh. Like a brailler for people who can see!" :lol:


(I guess I should add that ds10 is blind - that's why she jumped to that comparison!)

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That a crank in a car without power windows is for opening and closing the windows.


That if you don't have an answering machine (or voice mail) hooked up - it doesn't automatically get answered by something.:001_huh:


My kids do know about type-writers. It is one of their favorite toys. And visiting children find it just fascinating!

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Televisions from the 70's with a dial that you turned. My kids were shocked there was no remote. And I only got channels 2, 4, 5, 7, 9, 11 and 13.


8 track tapes and walkmans. My daughter just can't imagine what that was like.


Typewriters-I was fondly telling my kids the other day about how much fun it was when you made a mistake. Not! White out is not my friend!

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My kids marvel at the stories of having a vcr with a remote that plugged into it and only had 3 buttons, stop, play and fast forward.


They do know what a basic type writer was, but didn't believe me when I told them of the ones I used in high school that we thought were so coo because they had a screen to see what we were typing.


Or how about logo, my kids don't know that little turtle.


Many of the other things on the list though they have either seen, done or own

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We were playing Trivial Pursuit Totally 80s with some friends. One of the moving pieces is a record. Our friend called it a CD, which we all had a good laugh at because he is older than my husband and me. His son came in and saw his dad move and said "cool, you're the CD 'cause you like music" We had to explain to him what a record is (was, whatever)

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Telephones with cords from the receiver to the base.


Jiffy Pop popcorn that you shook over the element on your stove with the foil that puffed up like a big balloon.


Party line phones (my grandma had one).


Cable boxes with sliders or dials to change the TV station.


Rabbit ears on a TV.


Cameras with film and waiting a week for developing.


Polaroid cameras.


Home movies shown on projectors.


Slide shows on slide projectors.


Garbage cans without wheels that you have to haul out to the street, and garbage men who lift the cans into the garbage truck for that matter.


Waiting for summertime for peaches, pears and plums to hit the grocery store.

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My older kids probably know about half of the items on the list whereas the youngers might not know any. My teens actually own vinyls and recently bought a new release on vinyl. Retro maybe, I have no idea but I know it was really hard to get.


And just to show how old I am, I remember in elementary school I volunteered in the office part of the day and I got to help the teacher make copies on an old machine that had a barrel with a hand crank that you turned to make the copies. I think it might have been called a memeograph? I also operate an old silk screen press to make signage.

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My kids are all strangely fascinated by typewrites and polaroid cameras but they had no idea that www stands for waiting while it works. :tongue_smilie: Oh, and about a month ago I went to the library and the internet was down so I asked where there card catalog was and they looked at me like I was speaking a foreign language so I explained, you know the wooden boxes with index cards with the call number on them? Oh, we don't have one of those. Nor did they know the Dewey Decimal system. Luckily, I know it fairly well and was able to locate the book myself.

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And those purple copies we used to get in school before the advent of the copy machine.




... I remember in elementary school I volunteered in the office part of the day and I got to help the teacher make copies on an old machine that had a barrel with a hand crank that you turned to make the copies. I think it might have been called a memeograph?


Yes, a mimeograph! Thanks for reminding me of the word.


And one other, which will date me -- as a child I remember working an old style telephone switchboard!




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Aspergum was a product pulled from the market very recently. It was the best treatment for sore throat pain ever invented. It did not treat the underlying condition, but it did make recovery comfortable. It was a cherry or orange flavored chicklet-like piece chewing gum impregnated with aspirin. You could taste the aspirin, but the flavoring made it bearable. The pain relief was remarkable.


Sweet oil was a tiny bottle of purified olive oil with a Medicine dropper cap. It was the miracle cure for ear aches, particularly those caused by impacted ear wax. You warmed the oil to body temperature and allowed a few drops to trickle slowly into the effected ear. The discomfort of the condition was almost instantly alleviated, and the oil gently dissolved the ear wax and helped the other "junk" slide out of the ear.


More recent concoctions for removing ear wax have proven to cause more irritation and discomfort than they solve. Still, it's nearly impossible to buy a bottle of sweet oil any more. You have to make due with refined olive oil intended for cooking.

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That a crank in a car without power windows is for opening and closing the windows.


This is the one I was going to say. We're used to old junker cars, but my cousin's kids were with me in an old car that I was borrowing from someone, and they asked what the window cranks were. Cracked me up.

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So, uh, am I the only one here who still owns and *uses* a VCR?


We have cable, but it's basic for reception. Anything above basic would be $55/mo and if we wanted a DVR, it's an additional $10/mo. Are we the only ones who balk at that?


So yes, we still record shows we like on a VCR if we're not home to watch or if we're putting kids to bed during a show dh and I like (LOST for instance). We were at a friend's home for dinner a few months ago and we mentioned that we forgot to hit record on the VCR (it was a LOST night) and we were almost beside ourselves. Our friend's looked at us (they are good friends so it was perfectly comfortable saying that we needed to go so we could watch TV, LOL) and asked, "Did you just say 'record'?" "Yes...?", we replied. They couldn't believe we still had a VCR. :lol:


Have we become *that* out-there? *gulp*

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We were recently moving and I was using newspaper to pack dishes and things - I saw the page with the movie times and said to my husband "Do you remember when we used to have to use the newspaper to find movie times instead of just getting on the internet?" It was really funny to me for some reason...


This list is bringing about all kinds of nostalgia! :D

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So, uh, am I the only one here who still owns and *uses* a VCR?


We have cable, but it's basic for reception. Anything above basic would be $55/mo and if we wanted a DVR, it's an additional $10/mo. Are we the only ones who balk at that?


So yes, we still record shows we like on a VCR if we're not home to watch or if we're putting kids to bed during a show dh and I like (LOST for instance). We were at a friend's home for dinner a few months ago and we mentioned that we forgot to hit record on the VCR (it was a LOST night) and we were almost beside ourselves. Our friend's looked at us (they are good friends so it was perfectly comfortable saying that we needed to go so we could watch TV, LOL) and asked, "Did you just say 'record'?" "Yes...?", we replied. They couldn't believe we still had a VCR. :lol:


Have we become *that* out-there? *gulp*


We still own and use two because I own about 100 kids movies/cartoons and I can't afford to replace them all on DVD.

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And those purple copies we used to get in school before the advent of the copy machine.


Even after we had copy machines, our school used the mimeograph--mmmmm, I LOVED the smell of those sheets! 'Course, I like the smell of gasoline, too--gotta be bad for the brain! lol

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Rotary Dial telephones


My mother still had one until she moved from the house I grew up in. Ds may or may not remember.

C rations


pressure cookers


We still have one!


wax paper


We use it frequently, as in weekly.



cod liver oil


Does fish oil count?

sweet oil


Ok, I give. What's this? :001_huh:

fire crackers


manual hand drill


I think dh still has one

returnable glass beverage bottles


But the bottles we get still list the refunds a few states give for returns




I think dh and I are OLD that we still have and use so much of this. :D

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So, uh, am I the only one here who still owns and *uses* a VCR?




We recently used ours to watch a video we borrowed from the library. The VCR wouldn't spit it back out! THE BABY eventually got it out somehow. Now I'm afraid to put anymore videos in it, so we have officially become a disk-only family.

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Cute thread!


A few things I remember (some of which have already been named):


Records---LP's and 45's (what's a CD? :D)


My Olivetti typewriter which took me through college. When my girls complained about some of the editing and rewriting I had them do on their papers when we homeschooled, I pulled one of those, "When I was your age . . . " stories on them.


Candy from a bygone era: candy bars that were 10 cents each; candy cigarettes; Nik-l-nips (? unsure of the name; those wax candies that looked like mini soda bottles; you bit off the tip and drank the little "juice" inside); Neco wafers.


Milk delivered by the milkman to your door in a glass milk container---yes, I remember this one!


Rotary dial phones---of course. (What was 911?)


Black and white TV with only 4-5 channels.


Seeing a color TV for the first time.


Actually playing outside in the summer because there were only 4-5 channels and all the shows were re-runs.


Computers that were as big as a large room!


Visiting the IBM office where my dad worked and seeing those punch cards that were fed into the computer.


My mom using those punch cards for a variety of crafts around the house, including miniature Christmas trees.


Crocheted dolls that sat on top of toilet tanks to cover rolls of toilet paper in an elegant manner!


Homemade gifts for grandparents at Christmastime: bars of Dove soap that had pipe cleaners and sequins stuck

into them to make them into a swan shape; cloves stuck into oranges for pomanders.


I'll be interested to see what others add!

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Movie cameras that had blinding lights (esp. wonderful on Christmas morning!)

The home movies with NO SOUND!


Cars with no a/c & AM only radios


No Stereo sound


Metal dashboards & no seatbelts or baby car-seats


Going to visit the relatives in the country & having "all day preaching & dinner on the grounds."


Only watching movies once a year when they came on TV--not anytime your heart desired on VHS or DVD. Plus movies being black & white.

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-Library card catalogues

-Those library check out machines and cards that the librarian used to shove it to stamp the due date on the card. Then the card went back into the book in a special pocket glued to the inside cover off the book.

-That HUGE computer printout paper that had the alternating light blue stripes that had the sprocket holes along the side. Lining up those holes was a pain!

-Cash registers that DON'T figure change.

-Actual glass in eyeglasses.

-Wind wings in cars (those triangle glass frames at the front of the car that could be opened to get air).

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So, uh, am I the only one here who still owns and *uses* a VCR?


We have cable, but it's basic for reception. Anything above basic would be $55/mo and if we wanted a DVR, it's an additional $10/mo. Are we the only ones who balk at that?


So yes, we still record shows we like on a VCR if we're not home to watch or if we're putting kids to bed during a show dh and I like (LOST for instance). We were at a friend's home for dinner a few months ago and we mentioned that we forgot to hit record on the VCR (it was a LOST night) and we were almost beside ourselves. Our friend's looked at us (they are good friends so it was perfectly comfortable saying that we needed to go so we could watch TV, LOL) and asked, "Did you just say 'record'?" "Yes...?", we replied. They couldn't believe we still had a VCR. :lol:


Have we become *that* out-there? *gulp*



We still have an use a VCR. We have DVD's, too, and we use that more, but at present I see no reason to chuck the VCR when my kids (mostly the youngest) still watch several favorite movies on VHS. I am also one who is not a big fan of paying $10 more each month for Tivo. I already feel like satellite is such a money pit!


I remember when I was a kid, a "rich" friend of my mom had a CAR PHONE! Wow! That was just unbelievable! It was about equal to a Size 13 Sneaker. Even my first cell phone, about 12 years ago, was a Nextel that was about six inches long and weighed about 10 pounds! I can't believe I walked around with that ridiculous thing clipped to my waist! :tongue_smilie:


I have thought before about sayings that will not convey anything meaningful to our kids. Such as, "He's like listening to a broken record!" What in the world will that mean to they, who have never heard a skipping LP?

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Only watching movies once a year when they came on TV--not anytime your heart desired on VHS or DVD. Plus movies being black & white.


I've thought that at times...probably even said it to my kids in a perturbed moment now and then. Remember that big "SPECIAL" that would spin around when a movie was coming on TV? We thought we had died and gone to Heaven! The movie was usually something like four years since it's theatre release! LOL! I remember waiting with such desire for Christmas specials to come on...the whole year we would have to wait for Charlie Brown Christmas. And pity the poor child foolish enough to fall asleep during the special! There was no rewind! No second chance. You were out of luck until next year.


And yes, we watched it while eating our Jiffy Pop balloon of tin-foil!

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Crocheted dolls that sat on top of toilet tanks to cover rolls of toilet paper in an elegant manner!



ROFL! I had forgotten about those! They were so ridiculous! Oh, my side hurts recollecting it! :lol::lol::lol: My aunt would knit those and when her bathrooms were full, she would inflict them on everybody else!

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ROFL! I had forgotten about those! They were so ridiculous! Oh, my side hurts recollecting it! :lol::lol::lol: My aunt would knit those and when her bathrooms were full, she would inflict them on everybody else!


My grandma had a pink one. I just LOVED it! And her bathroom smelled just like rosewater...

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Remember that big "SPECIAL" that would spin around when a movie was coming on TV? We thought we had died and gone to Heaven! The movie was usually something like four years since it's theatre release! LOL! I remember waiting with such desire for Christmas specials to come on...the whole year we would have to wait for Charlie Brown Christmas. And pity the poor child foolish enough to fall asleep during the special! There was no rewind! No second chance. You were out of luck until next year.


And yes, we watched it while eating our Jiffy Pop balloon of tin-foil!


YES YES YES! My daughters just watched a DVD of "It's the Easter Beagle, Charlie Brown" and I thought this very thing...I got to see it once a year, and I had better not have to run out of the room for a moment, either, or I'd miss the part with Woodstock and his groovy pad.

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Originally Posted by Chris in VA viewpost.gif

Even after we had copy machines, our school used the mimeograph--mmmmm, I LOVED the smell of those sheets! 'Course, I like the smell of gasoline, too--gotta be bad for the brain! lol



MMMMM, the smell of fresh "dittoes"...... :lol::lol::lol:



I love the smell of that, too! I remember loving the smell of carbon paper in my early secretary days. I could sniff them for hours. Really made the job bearable.


Does anyone remember a little book, slide and 45 record kit with story books on them? There was a little TV/record player gadget that showed the slides, while reading the book aloud. We thought they were so special! We only had maybe 5 or 6 of them altogether, but we played them endlessly.

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Does anyone remember a little book, slide and 45 record kit with story books on them? There was a little TV/record player gadget that showed the slides, while reading the book aloud. We thought they were so special! We only had maybe 5 or 6 of them altogether, but we played them endlessly.


"When you hear Tinkerbell play her magic bells, turn the page."

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We were in the thrift store one day recently. My kids got all excited at weird, huge "CD's". :lol: We had to explain vinyl records to them. We haven't had a turntable since my eldest was 5yrs old.


The older ones are familiar with typewriters because I used to own a couple.


Oh, and floppy disks! I saved a couple just so I could show my kids!

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I disagree with the list in the OP about several but most vehemently about the one with swimming pools with diving boards. We just finished my both daughter's first year of diving and both are interested in doing it more. Not all of the pools around here do have boards but enough that we have a number of divisions.

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Hearing the National Anthem at 11:00 pm which signed off the TV for the night.


Heeeerrrreeee's Johnny.


Only having the local news come on for 30 min per day.


No Weather Channel or internet to check the weather.


Dialing an actual phone number to connect to the internet.


Oh, this is a fun thread.

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I went to public school growing up, so here's one:


Filmstrips. Everyone always wanted to be the person operating the film strip "machine". The tape would beep and that would be the signal to "turn" it to the next scene.

I actually miss them. I wonder if libraries still have them?

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