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Yes, I'm still pregnant (female content)

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I'm 41 weeks and 1 day pregnant today. I'm still waiting.


I had my 41 week appointment on Tuesday. I was 50% effaced, 3cm dilated, and baby was at -2 station. We did some cervical massage to try to help things move along. I'm also using Evening Primrose Oil as a suppository twice a day.


Since then I've had bloody show almost continuously (almost every bathroom trip). Inconsistently, I've continued to have menstrual cramp-like contractions. But no other progress beyond that.


I have an AFI (amniotic fluid index). We have to be out the door by 7am :sleep: which is very early for my not morning self and not morning daughter. Following that, we go to the midwife for a nonstress test and appointment.


I have another AFI and nonstress test scheduled for Monday morning.


After Wednesday, I can no longer deliver at the free standing birth center and will probably have care transferred to the midwife's OB backup for induction.

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I'm so sorry this is dragging on. :( There is only so much you can do, of course, but try to relax as much as possible. I hope your midwife told you that sp*rm can help ripen the cervix and get labor going sooner.


If your AFI and nonstress test are good, you might want to consider waiting as long as possible. If you can give birth at the birth center, and there is no reason to believe the baby isn't doing well, does it really matter if you go past 42 weeks? I know they don't like to do that, but some babies just need to cook longer, you know? And what can they do when you walk in the hospital? You would receive the same care anyway.


Good luck!! There really is still time, don't give up yet. :grouphug:

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This sounds like my pregnancy with DS1. The midwives had me drink castor oil (blech!) to try and get me into labor before I hit the transfer cut off. Ended up with a super long labor and got transfer to the hospital anyway


Wishing you quick and easy labor vibes....c'mon baby, come out! :)

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If your AFI and nonstress test are good, you might want to consider waiting as long as possible. If you can give birth at the birth center, and there is no reason to believe the baby isn't doing well, does it really matter if you go past 42 weeks? I know they don't like to do that, but some babies just need to cook longer, you know? And what can they do when you walk in the hospital? You would receive the same care anyway.


Good luck!! There really is still time, don't give up yet. :grouphug:



I won't give up until at least 42 weeks (my 2 year old was 42 weeks 1 day late). The only issue with 42 weeks is that the birth center's policy does not allow women to birth there past 42 weeks, regardless of the apparent health of the baby. If Wednesday passes, I'll have the baby at the hospital one way or another. At least I know the reputation of the OB backup that I'll be transferred to is good; she's not quick to do unnecessary interventions/c-sections.

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This sounds like my pregnancy with DS1. The midwives had me drink castor oil (blech!) to try and get me into labor before I hit the transfer cut off. Ended up with a super long labor and got transfer to the hospital anyway


We did blue & black cohosh, two doses of castor oil, and some really brutal cervical manipulation with stripping membranes with my 2 year old. None of it did a thing...not even so much as a few little contractions. The castor oil, believe it or not, didn't even make me go to the restroom.

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See if your midwife will induce you with a thyroid medication that has uterine contractions as a side effect--it's what I had. Less painful than stripping or pitocin. That, combined with n#pple stimulation (one of the most hilarious experiences of my life...) did it for me.

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The only way I was able to get my babies out was to walk and walk and walk. I think I walked at least 3 miles to get dd7 out. (They tried inducing for ds12 and that was not a good thing for me so for dd7 I walked extra to try to avoid it.)


Oh - and I walked the hospital corridors because once the labor really started, it went pretty fast.

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:grouphug: I've been thinking about you and wondering how things were going.


What position is the baby in? Did she check to see how well lined up the head is? Has she mentioned a hand being up by the head (sometimes you can feel them via palpation)?


It "sounds" like you are doing well and taking it all in stride. It's good to know the OB you would be transferred to is like-minded. That's always so reassuring!


Got a birth ball or something you can do some squatting next to? ;)


See if your midwife will induce you with a thyroid medication that has uterine contractions as a side effect--it's what I had.

What med is that? I have never heard of a thyroid med being used as a labor inducer. I would be wary of doing that in case it messed with thyroid levels.


So, do you know the gender of the baby? I'm betting a boy, because he seems to be lost and wandering around in there, looking for his way out! lol.


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Bless your heart. Although, I do have to ask - how many doses of black and blue cohosh did you take? Is it tincture form? If it's tincture, you have to take it in more than just once (depending on how much you take, you may have to do it 3 or 4 times). I'm not extremely well-versed on herbs so talk to someone who is, but I do know, one time won't do it.


I hope you go into labor just reading our responses!!! :grouphug:

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What med is that? I have never heard of a thyroid med being used as a labor inducer. I would be wary of doing that in case it messed with thyroid levels.


I wish I could remember. It's a very low dose and safe--my certified nurse-midwives had physician supervision, so I'm sure they'd only do what was safe.

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It's a very low dose and safe--my certified nurse-midwives had physician supervision, so I'm sure they'd only do what was safe.
We hope.


They (OBs, CNMs, and I hate to say..even some homebirth midwives) also use Cytotec still to induce labor despite warnings from the manufacturer that it shouldn't be used for labor induction. ;)


I should add....I'm not saying YOUR CNM wasn't acting safely. I have no idea who she is or what this med is that can be used or if there are any warnings about it for pregnant women. The reason I say that is because MANY women think their care providers are doing what is safe when sometimes it is not.

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I have had two overdue friends have great luck with leg massage by a chiropractor. They both delivered with in 48hours and had light contractions start the same afternoon as the massage.



I hope it all goes well,



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I had one baby at 4:20 am on the 14th day. We tried all the usual things - nipple stim., sex and castor oil. She just came in her own good time.


I had my water break with two of them not followed by labor in any reasonable amount of time. One ended in a transfer after every possible home intervention including chiro and cervical manipulation. ****ed stubborn child still. As a matter of fact so is the previous child.


The last one came with only a few hours to spare and what got her moving was some kind of gel the midwife put on my cervix. Unfortunately, I can't remember what it was but it was a prescribed med available in US. I think same chemical that is in sperm that causes labor to start. Maybe some natural or weaker form of pictocin?


Anway, good luck with this. Hope the baby comes soon.

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So, do you know the gender of the baby? I'm betting a boy, because he seems to be lost and wandering around in there, looking for his way out! lol.


No, we don't know baby's gender. The baby was lying wrong to be able to see anything. Ultrasound tech said, "Well, I can't see any labia and I can't see any testicles, so I'd guess 70% chance girl."


How's YOUR weather going Joanne?


Today is nice. Mid-70s with 67% humidity. It's suppose to be 83 tomorrow, 88 Saturday, 94 Sunday, 96 Monday, and 98 on Tuesday. The first three days are partly cloudy...so high humidity too. Ick! I've noticed a pattern of swelling when it is hot...which makes my blood pressure go up a bit too.


What position is the baby in? Did she check to see how well lined up the head is? Has she mentioned a hand being up by the head (sometimes you can feel them via palpation)?


Got a birth ball or something you can do some squatting next to?


I was thinking of getting my birth ball out this morning. We just found it the other day; I didn't know I still had it.


Although, I do have to ask - how many doses of black and blue cohosh did you take? Is it tincture form? If it's tincture, you have to take it in more than just once (depending on how much you take, you may have to do it 3 or 4 times). I'm not extremely well-versed on herbs so talk to someone who is, but I do know, one time won't do it.


I had several doses of blue and black cohosh tincture on a regular schedule during my daughter's prolonged 78 hour labor. It didn't help speed it along. I had several doses of pellets on a regular schedule trying to induce my son's labor. It didn't do anything at all. One thing my midwife gave me (there were 3 things: blue cohosh, black cohosh, and something I don't remember) and one of them made me VERY drowsy so I'm afraid to go that route again.


On a funny note...I just got home from the maternity ward of the hospital. I was visiting a friend who just had twins yesterday. I promised the nurse that if I went into labor while there, I would leave.

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Sitting on the ball or some squatting (as long as baby is in a favorable position...an asyclintic baby won't put proper pressure on the cervix) might help a little bit.


I promised the nurse that if I went into labor while there, I would leave.

We actually had a client a couple of years ago that did that. :lol: She was with her SIL all day during the labor and birth and it put our client into labor. She said it felt really funny to be leaving the hospital while laboring. :tongue_smilie:


what got her moving was some kind of gel the midwife put on my cervix. Unfortunately, I can't remember what it was but it was a prescribed med available in US. I think same chemical that is in sperm that causes labor to start. Maybe some natural or weaker form of pictocin?

It was probably Prostaglandin E2 gel (PGE2). :) Another prostaglandin that is used is Cervadil (it looks like a tampon).


Not the same as Pit. Pitocin is the synthetic form of the hormone Oxytocin. Prostaglandins help prepare the cervix. Oxytocin is what causes contractions. Many women who have a labor induced with prostaglandins end up needing Pit anyway to really get things going.

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Sitting on the ball or some squatting (as long as baby is in a favorable position...an asyclintic baby won't put proper pressure on the cervix) might help a little bit.


I'll try that as soon as I can. I'm sitting on my porch supervising children playing right now. Waiting for my hubby to come back home and take over.


We actually had a client a couple of years ago that did that. :lol: She was with her SIL all day during the labor and birth and it put our client into labor. She said it felt really funny to be leaving the hospital while laboring. :tongue_smilie:


I joked with the mom that I was there to help nurse her babies as I have colostrum already. Too bad they both slept through my visit. LOL


It was probably Prostaglandin E2 gel (PGE2). :) Another prostaglandin that is used is Cervadil (it looks like a tampon).


I've noticed that the evening primrose oil definitely increases bloody show. I waited until after I got back from visiting my friend to do my next dose and it had quit completely. An hour or two after each dose, it picks back up quite a bit. Hopefully, that means it is really helping. Guess I'll find out at my appointment in the morning.



Now, I can just get this neighborhood girl to stop asking me if my daughter can ditch the other neighborhood kids and go to her house....then again, maybe the annoyance will start labor.

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We did blue & black cohosh, two doses of castor oil, and some really brutal cervical manipulation with stripping membranes with my 2 year old. None of it did a thing...not even so much as a few little contractions. The castor oil, believe it or not, didn't even make me go to the restroom.



Wow, your body/baby is just not ready. That's my experience. I've used all those remedies with each of my last five (of six) babies: all born 14 days after their due date. My first baby was 21 days overdue...those were the days of old-fashioned waiting (35 years ago). None of them had much vernix, a common sign of being post-mature, not to mention 4 out of 6 were 10 lbs or more. It was just our way. Actually, with the last three, I walked around 7cm dilated and 90-100% effaced... for the last 2 weeks! Needless to say, I didn't wander far from home, which is where we birth.



PS: Sometimes it takes the same love that got them in there...to get them out, if you know what I mean.36_1_12.gif

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Sounds like your body just needs 42 weeks to make a baby! I'll pray that you go on time to get the birth you want.


My sister's first baby was born three weeks early. She just had her second one 9 days late. She thought that her normal pattern was three weeks early an felt like she was a month late by the time she finally had that baby!!! So, I know she could commiserate with you!

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I won't give up until at least 42 weeks (my 2 year old was 42 weeks 1 day late). The only issue with 42 weeks is that the birth center's policy does not allow women to birth there past 42 weeks, regardless of the apparent health of the baby. If Wednesday passes, I'll have the baby at the hospital one way or another. At least I know the reputation of the OB backup that I'll be transferred to is good; she's not quick to do unnecessary interventions/c-sections.


A few of my babies have been born after 42 weeks. It sounds like your body is getting ready, but isn't quite ready. Hang in there, it will be over soon.

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I'm 41 weeks and 1 day pregnant today. I'm still waiting.


I had my 41 week appointment on Tuesday. I was 50% effaced, 3cm dilated, and baby was at -2 station. We did some cervical massage to try to help things move along. I'm also using Evening Primrose Oil as a suppository twice a day.


Since then I've had bloody show almost continuously (almost every bathroom trip). Inconsistently, I've continued to have menstrual cramp-like contractions. But no other progress beyond that.


I have an AFI (amniotic fluid index). We have to be out the door by 7am :sleep: which is very early for my not morning self and not morning daughter. Following that, we go to the midwife for a nonstress test and appointment.


I have another AFI and nonstress test scheduled for Monday morning.


After Wednesday, I can no longer deliver at the free standing birth center and will probably have care transferred to the midwife's OB backup for induction.


This is exactly how my fisrt pregnancy went, midwife and all. I would tell you my story, but I don't want to depress you ;). I'll just pray.

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Walk! I was 41 weeks with ds and going nuts. I had the same time constraint with my midwife.


I went to a giant used car lot where salesmen tote you around in little golf carts. We refused the golf cart and walked until I was bending over with cramps. It took over two hours, but ds was born the next day in my home.


During labor, she gave me cohosh. That made me nauseous, but it sped up labor.

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Ignore this, I see you're being induced today, good luck to you!



You might ask about Master Gland herbs.




Based on the earliest ultrasound (supposedly most accurate), I went 17 days after the due date with my last baby. At 42 weeks my MW was required to do a biophysical profile ultrasound and that looked fine. She had me take the Master Gland supplements starting the day before I actually went into labor. But it's hard to know if that's what really got things moving, I was 100% effaced and 4-5 cm dilated for a couple of days. Even once I was in active labor it took breaking my water to fully dilate, my dd was just angled funny.


Good luck. I hope you can have the birth you're hoping for. My 4th baby was my first with a MW and in a birth center and it was wonderful for our family. :)

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