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My (unconventional) family arrangement

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I'll admit. I'm a newbie to posting here, but I've lurked for 18 months or so. So you'll pardon my ignorance and sarcasm...


What does any of this thread, from beginning to end have to do with home education? And what is it doing on a home education board? :bored:


Going back to my bubble...please resume your regularly scheduled posting.


Yes, I agree. I mean if someone had questions about someone's personal life, that could easily be taken care of by PM. I'm not sure why it's necessary to post this information publicly.

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Yes, you did say the thread was silly, but the thread deals with her life. Your original remark did seem quite harsh and could be hurtful. I do agree with everything you've said, this stuff should be private and not here on a homeschool board. I was simply concerned that she'd feel hurt by your tone and the "silly" reference.

My original remark seemed harsh?!


I was replying to this outrageous claim:

It's well documented that polygamy of the kind that many people recognize from the news (the fundamentalist religious kind) lends itself to abuse. This is because there is a secretiveness and insularity to it; ...Again, the dynamics are different than in religious polygyny.


I stand by my statement that in the effort to portray herself as open-minded, she has unnecessarily made insulting claims about religious polygamists. They have nothing to do with her situation, so why bring them in?


If laughing at someone's badly worded claims of documentation (not offered, of course) is the ultimate in insults in this board, I am truly impressed.

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I am sorry if I upset anyone with my questions. Since the OP was open about her lifestyle and welcomed questions, I asked. I did not ask what position she liked for heaven's sake. I was just curious as to how the dynamics would work without the other getting jealous and such. I get the lifestyle and if she is happy then that is great. But I always wondered how that part worked out. Again sorry if I offended anyone. I would be happy to delete my post.

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Oh come off it... You posted "I was wondering if I was the only one who thought they were incredibly rude and offensive" and I explained how I did not find them "incredibly rude and offensive." At no point did I give my personal opinion of the posters lifestyle, I could, but that might fall into the "Is Halloween evil" question.


I find the tags the same as writing a post directly saying that it's debased, sinful, whatever. I would find it equally rude and offensive if someone tagged a religious discussion with snarky tags about religion.

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I think it's silly (or perhaps ODD) that people are discussing in detail someone's sex life on a homeschooling board, and that people think it's acceptable to ask what she does while the other woman and her husband are intimate. That's what I think is silly, because it should be private, and getting into this seems voyeuristic.


There is nothing to apologize for. You are 100% in the right on this. Kudos for you for standing! :)

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Okay, I'm pretty much posting this because several people have expressed curiosity.



Personally, I think you've shared far too much intimate information in this thread, and believe it would have been better to have responded to others' curiosity via email or PM.


That said, I didn't get the impression that you were trying to offend anyone in any way, so I hope you will not be upset by what I've just said.


I honestly don't care at all about your lifestyle, and I'm not being critical of your choices because I don't want to get into any kind of debate, either for or against your choices -- mainly because your life is none of my business, I don't know you personally, and I have no right to judge you in any case -- but I really can't understand how any of this information is something you'd want to share with people on a homeschooling forum.


It just seems out of place.



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I find the tags the same as writing a post directly saying that it's debased, sinful, whatever. I would find it equally rude and offensive if someone tagged a religious discussion with snarky tags about religion.



I will ask you again; in an open forum how would you suggest that someone who believes in strongly in traditional families and the concept of sin describe what is being discussed. (question modified from the first time I asked)



Stripe and I do not always see eye to eye. but in this she is absolutely correct.

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I will ask you again; in an open forum how would you suggest that someone who believes in strongly in traditional families and the concept of sin describe what is being discussed. (question modified from the first time I asked)


I would suggest that they start a spinoff thread.

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I just have to say that some of the questions and answers on this thread are inappropriate for a public forum.


I agree. And I have to question why the PTB are allowing this thread to stand. Is this really the type of exchange these boards want to be known for? Is there no common decency left here?

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You could have at least put some kind of warning in the title. You probably knew that this would offend some people. When people post about something with Christian content there is usually a warning in the title. This just seems very inappropriate for a HS board IMO.

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I would suggest that they start a spinoff thread.



But that does not cover the issue of tagging the thread so that others may know what is contained therein. If you want to warn people, of faith, away from the thread then "debased" may be the best way do do it.

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Personally, I think you've shared far too much intimate information in this thread, and believe it would have been better to have responded to others' curiosity via email or PM.


That said, I didn't get the impression that you were trying to offend anyone in any way, so I hope you will not be upset by what I've just said.


I honestly don't care at all about your lifestyle, and I'm not being critical of your choices because I don't want to get into any kind of debate, either for or against your choices -- mainly because your life is none of my business, I don't know you personally, and I have no right to judge you in any case -- but I really can't understand how any of this information is something you'd want to share with people on a homeschooling forum.


It just seems out of place.




Well I think it's all very interesting.


As for some people are more open about their information and it just doesn't bother them. To them it's just everyday stuff.


I think people on this board often share way more religious info than they need to. What people are willing to 'ask for prayers' about on here sometimes is amazing. How is opening up your life like and telling people about your spiritual side any different from this?


As for what it's doing on a homeschool board, you can ask that question for most of the posts on this General Board. So many of you consider yourselves "friends" and people are comfortable to post things about your lives and answer questions people have about you all the time. She's comfortable about her life, and she may consider you 'friends' so why should her post be any differnt from so many of the others. Except for the fact that many of you seem to disagree with it.

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But that does not cover the issue of tagging the thread so that others may know what is contained therein. If you want to warn people, of faith, away from the thread then "debased" may be the best way do do it.


Thank you, pqr. And that is exactly why I tagged this thread *debasement.* So others wouldn't make the mistake of opening it and reading it like I did.

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But that does not cover the issue of tagging the thread so that others may know what is contained therein. If you want to warn people, of faith, away from the thread then "debased" may be the best way do do it.


What's wrong with 'polygamy' or 'polyamory'? Both of those would serve even better at warning people who don't want to read such discussions.

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Well I think it's all very interesting.


I think people on this board often share way more religious info than they need to. What people are willing to 'ask for prayers' about on here sometimes is amazing. How is opening up your life like and telling people about your spiritual side any different from this?





Apples and oranges! I will ask for prayer here and pray for others, and like you I'm always amazed too...because I see the power of it!! God is so awesome! :)

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What's wrong with 'polygamy' or 'polyamory'? Both of those would serve even better at warning people who don't want to read such discussions.


Nothing is wrong with tagging and using those terms, but for those of strong belief "debasement" fits as well. It also delivers a far stronger warning especially as the thread has degenerated into "who what where and when".

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What's wrong with 'polygamy' or 'polyamory'? Both of those would serve even better at warning people who don't want to read such discussions.


Polygamy could mean just an innocent discussion on the merits or not of polygamy. An intelectual discussion. Not nessesarily the details expounded here. I take the "General Forum to mean anything that is off topic, but yeah, I can see the need for a more specific title or tag.

Edited by Scuff
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Well I think it's all very interesting.


As for some people are more open about their information and it just doesn't bother them. To them it's just everyday stuff.


I think people on this board often share way more religious info than they need to.


As for what it's doing on a homeschool board, you can ask that question for most of the posts on this General Board.

I see your point. It's not as though her opening post was about the crazy long island ice tea sessions (rofl), it was a pretty general outline of her life style. It also explains dw2, for those that asked.


At the same time, things of this manner (alternative lifestyles) are matters of great contention. I would be surprised if she expected this post to be a cake walk with lots of support.


And, again, I agree, the General Board is FULL of posts that have nothing to do with homeschooling, except that they concern homeschoolers. Hey, I've posted plenty, responded to plenty, and tend to find them a great deal of fun :)

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She's comfortable about her life, and she may consider you 'friends' so why should her post be any differnt from so many of the others. Except for the fact that many of you seem to disagree with it.


I'm not sure why you quoted my post, as I never said that I disagreed with anything. I specifically said,

I honestly don't care at all about your lifestyle, and I'm not being critical of your choices because I don't want to get into any kind of debate, either for or against your choices -- mainly because your life is none of my business, I don't know you personally, and I have no right to judge you in any case -- but I really can't understand how any of this information is something you'd want to share with people on a homeschooling forum.


My point was that she started the thread to respond to curiosity that other WTMers have (apparently) expressed about her lifestyle, and I believed that the details would have been better shared in an email or a PM, rather than posting so much information on a public forum.


Additionally, she wasn't asking for advice, opinions, or assistance; she started the thread with the sole purpose of describing her home life. Had she asked a question or had a problem, it might have made more sense to me when she posted so many intimate details.


Again, this isn't a judgment of her lifestyle; it's a question of whether or not she should have started the thread.



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I agree. And I have to question why the PTB are allowing this thread to stand. Is this really the type of exchange these boards want to be known for? Is there no common decency left here?





This thread doesn't belong here and the info shared is disgusting . If people were curious then share via PM or email. This thread was nothing more than trolling.

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Nothing is wrong with tagging and using those terms, but for those of strong belief "debasement" fits as well. It also delivers a far stronger warning especially as the thread has degenerated into "who what where and when".


It may "fit", but *I* consider it needless.


I stand by my view that it is unnecessary, and you will continue to stand by yours that it is necessary. I see no reason for this to continue with "is not! is so!"


FYI, I was not asking "Doesn't everyone think this is rude?"

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Apples and oranges! I will ask for prayer here and pray for others, and like you I'm always amazed too... :)


But why is it different? When people are asking other people for prayers, some of them tell an AWFUL lot of information. So why is sharing all that info under the title of 'prayer' different than sharing her info.


People feel the need to tell things all the time. People on this board have obviously asked her questions. She's answering them.

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Ravin, I'm glad you shared. I wondered after a couple of things you said in another thread.


To the people who chose to put offensive tags on this thread:


How would any of YOU feel if we posted offensive tags on CC threads? If, for instance, on a thread dealing with 'teaching creationism' with


'teaching children untruths'

'teach science instead'



etc, etc,etc.


Please don't make this about evolution vs creation, just think about how YOU would react to that?


If you don't want to read this thread, or, after you started reading it, don't want to anymore.....WALK AWAY!!


or, use this....



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It may "fit", but *I* consider it needless.


I stand by my view that it is unnecessary, and you will continue to stand by yours that it is necessary. I see no reason for this to continue with "is not! is so!"


FYI, I was not asking "Doesn't everyone think this is rude?"



Finally we agree. There is no point in continuing.


As to your opening question "I was wondering if I was the only one who thought they were incredibly rude and offensive." ---no you are not the only one but many, including myself, disagree with your opinion.

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This is ridiculous. The fact that "Christian Content" threads need to carry warnings labels, but this type of thing does NOT? What kind of logic is this?


I'm extremely offended that this thread did not carry a warning. I most definitely would rather have NOT known about this, especially since this has NO BEARING on homeschooling.


As far as I am aware there is no requirement that *any* threads carry *any* labels other than those the OP chooses to give them (including CC). I don't really see the "CC" as a "warning", but more a statement on the part of the OP of the thread that she really is primarily interested in discussing a particular topic with her co-religionists.


Also, I really don't get that folks who know they are going to be offended by alternative lifestyles or family situations would a) open a thread entitled "My unconventional family arrangement" or b) once opened would have read past line 5 when they saw "DW#2". If one continues past both those points, then it would seem that one does indeed have some sort of interest in the topic, because it was pretty obvious what was being discussed.


As to bearing on homeschooling, a person's family structure certainly has more bearing on their homeschooling than the latest episode of Lost or Farscape, buying area rugs, photo developing, Michael Jackson, etc. I would probably just as soon not have known about any number of detailed medical issues discussed here, *lots* of folks discussions about "having tea" or "booKshelves", the lack of fidelity of spouses, etc........so I tend not to open those threads.

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I'm not sure why you quoted my post, as I never said that I disagreed with anything. I specifically said,


My point was that she started the thread to respond to curiosity that other WTMers have (apparently) expressed about her lifestyle, and I believed that the details would have been better shared in an email or a PM, rather than posting so much information on a public forum.


Additionally, she wasn't asking for advice, opinions, or assistance; she started the thread with the sole purpose of describing her home life. Had she asked a question or had a problem, it might have made more sense to me when she posted so many intimate details.


Again, this isn't a judgment of her lifestyle; it's a question of whether or not she should have started the thread.




Actually I quoted you because you were just like the thrid to point out the 'why is it on a homeschool board'. It wasn't you specifically, more like you summing up a few other posts that I was responding to.


As for the starting of the thread, we have no idea how many questions she's gotten and felt finally ready to answer. But people post updates and what is happening in their lives all the time. She posted an update basically. Their family has had a hard time of it, and without DW2, she and her daughter, not to mention DW2 kids, all would have been affected.

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Ravin, I'm glad you shared. I wondered after a couple of things you said in another thread.


To the people who chose to put offensive tags on this thread:


How would any of YOU feel if we posted offensive tags on CC threads? If, for instance, on a thread dealing with 'teaching creationism' with


'teaching children untruths'

'teach science instead'



etc, etc,etc.


Please don't make this about evolution vs creation, just think about how YOU would react to that?


If you don't want to read this thread, or, after you started reading it, don't want to anymore.....WALK AWAY!!


or, use this....





I didn't put a tag on because there were enough already! I think there should have at least been a warning in the title. I think this discussion would have been more appropriate in a pm instead of on this board. There was too much information shared here.

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Actually I quoted you because you were just like the thrid to point out the 'why is it on a homeschool board'. It wasn't you specifically, more like you summing up a few other posts that I was responding to.


As for the starting of the thread, we have no idea how many questions she's gotten and felt finally ready to answer. But people post updates and what is happening in their lives all the time. She posted an update basically. Their family has had a hard time of it, and without DW2, she and her daughter, not to mention DW2 kids, all would have been affected.


Ok, I understand what you meant now. Thanks for clearing that up for me -- I appreciate it! :001_smile:



Edited by Catwoman
stupid typo, as usual!
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But why is it different? When people are asking other people for prayers, some of them tell an AWFUL lot of information. So why is sharing all that info under the title of 'prayer' different than sharing her info.


People feel the need to tell things all the time. People on this board have obviously asked her questions. She's answering them.


I guess I haven't seen any prayer threads that offered tmi...maybe I just missed them. I don't know. It's different because asking for prayer serves a purpose for the asker and for those who do the praying. I mean, if we're going to compare in that way, then no one really has any reason to ever post ANYTHING on these boards. Why in the world would political discussions be off-limits when something like this isn't?? I, along with others, feel that much of this thread shared too many details of too much intimacy in areas that many of us hold strong convictions about. That is 100% different than asking for prayer.


To the one who asked "how would you feel" about offensive tags on a CC thread, I've seen them! It wouldn't and doesn't surprise me because I've known it to happen. I posted no tags here, but let's not pretend it wouldn't/doesn't happen on CC posts.

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As far as I am aware there is no requirement that *any* threads carry *any* labels other than those the OP chooses to give them (including CC). I don't really see the "CC" as a "warning", but more a statement on the part of the OP of the thread that she really is primarily interested in discussing a particular topic with her co-religionists.


(emphasis added)


Maybe then the OP could have included a polygamy tag so that her co-polygamists could have responded. CC is asked for so as not to offend. Why isn't also a polygamist thread required of the same? Is the a PC infraction? Or one with a double standard?


:001_huh: Me thinks a double standard....

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Personally, I think you've shared far too much intimate information in this thread, and believe it would have been better to have responded to others' curiosity via email or PM...

...but I really can't understand how any of this information is something you'd want to share with people on a homeschooling forum.


It just seems out of place.




I guess it might seem out of place until you read the threads about:



bad HGTV shows,

"tea time",


excessive sweating,

car recommendations,



dead celebrities,

frugal cooking,

Sunday school,



real estate,


spousal abuse




The simple fact is that this isn't just a homeschooling board, it's a diverse community and everyday we discuss things that have absolutely nothing to do with homeschooling. If Ravin felt enough people were interesting in her lifestyle then I can't see why she can't start a thread to have a discussion rather then send out dozens of pms.


As for the whole "tea time" controversy, just do a search people. There's been thread after thread on "tea". Nothing Ravin said was particularily graphic.


I can understand people don't agree with Ravin's lifestyle. I'm quite certain she's well aware of the fact that most people here would have trouble with it. And yet, when the matter came up, she bravely responded.


We're adults here. If a thread has content we don't want to view then we have the choice of not viewing it.

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(emphasis added)


Maybe then the OP could have included a polygamy tag so that her co-polygamists could have responded. CC is asked for so as not to offend. Why isn't also a polygamist thread required of the same? Is the a PC infraction? Or one with a double standard?


:001_huh: Me thinks a double standard....


You thinks right. :glare: I always post CC specifically to keep from being offensive to non-Christians.

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I guess it might seem out of place until you read the threads about:



bad HGTV shows,

"tea time",


excessive sweating,

car recommendations,



dead celebrities,

frugal cooking,

Sunday school,



real estate,


spousal abuse




The simple fact is that this isn't just a homeschooling board, it's a diverse community and everyday we discuss things that have absolutely nothing to do with homeschooling. If Ravin felt enough people were interesting in her lifestyle then I can't see why she can't start a thread to have a discussion rather then send out dozens of pms.


As for the whole "tea time" controversy, just do a search people. There's been thread after thread on "tea". Nothing Ravin said was particularily graphic.


I can understand people don't agree with Ravin's lifestyle. I'm quite certain she's well aware of the fact that most people here would have trouble with it. And yet, when the matter came up, she bravely responded.


We're adults here. If a thread has content we don't want to view then we have the choice of not viewing it.



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You could have at least put some kind of warning in the title. You probably knew that this would offend some people. When people post about something with Christian content there is usually a warning in the title. This just seems very inappropriate for a HS board IMO.


I don't get this. Could people not just read the first post, determine they didn't want to read further and then just go on with their lives?


Did I miss something? Does the ability to click the "back" button disappear when we open a thread?:confused:

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Is it really any more offensive than reading about s*x toys, complete with links to different ones, plus conversation about when they're used?






People have actually posted here about that? :eek:



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Okay. I had to chime in here. I knew in opening up the thread that I would learn about things I do not agree with. I also assumed much of what the OP described happens -- such as bed-sharing, etc.


I will repeat -- I do not think this is a proper lifestyle.


But, I also think it is ridiculous to put such tags on the thread and the insult the OP. Her first post was not very detailed, and if people wanted to know no more, they should not have read on.


And, this is the general board for all sorts of chit chat. We Christians cannot demand respect and then turn around and belittle those of different faiths and customs.

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Okay. I had to chime in here. I knew in opening up the thread that I would learn about things I do not agree with. I also assumed much of what the OP described happens -- such as bed-sharing, etc.


I will repeat -- I do not think this is a proper lifestyle.


But, I also think it is ridiculous to put such tags on the thread and the insult the OP. Her first post was not very detailed, and if people wanted to know no more, they should not have read on.


And, this is the general board for all sorts of chit chat. We Christians cannot demand respect and then turn around and belittle those of different faiths and customs.


Well there's a post full of refreshing common sense.:)

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Okay. I had to chime in here. I knew in opening up the thread that I would learn about things I do not agree with. I also assumed much of what the OP described happens -- such as bed-sharing, etc.


I will repeat -- I do not think this is a proper lifestyle.


But, I also think it is ridiculous to put such tags on the thread and the insult the OP. Her first post was not very detailed, and if people wanted to know no more, they should not have read on.


And, this is the general board for all sorts of chit chat. We Christians cannot demand respect and then turn around and belittle those of different faiths and customs.


A well balanced post :) I think the concern was, no one expected the statements about HOW/WHEN. In general, women talk about these things...it's how far into detail we go that there needs to be some boundaries.


btw, for the OP, I tagged the thread with "polyamory" as that was an accurate term. No offense was intended in my tagging, but I thought others might appreciate the heads up.

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I'll admit. I'm a newbie to posting here, but I've lurked for 18 months or so. So you'll pardon my ignorance and sarcasm...


What does any of this thread, from beginning to end have to do with home education? And what is it doing on a home education board?


If you hang around long enough, you'll see many, many, MANY threads that have nothing at all to do with homeschooling. :D


And a few that contain jaw-dropping content.

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Am I the only one who never reads the tags on threads?


It never even occurs to me to look for them.



I don't read them unless someone points them out. They seem to have evolved into a way to add a snarky, nearly-anonymous comment to a thread in most cases.

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I guess it might seem out of place until you read the threads about:



bad HGTV shows,

"tea time",


excessive sweating,

car recommendations,



dead celebrities,

frugal cooking,

Sunday school,



real estate,


spousal abuse




The simple fact is that this isn't just a homeschooling board, it's a diverse community and everyday we discuss things that have absolutely nothing to do with homeschooling. If Ravin felt enough people were interesting in her lifestyle then I can't see why she can't start a thread to have a discussion rather then send out dozens of pms.


As for the whole "tea time" controversy, just do a search people. There's been thread after thread on "tea". Nothing Ravin said was particularily graphic.


I can understand people don't agree with Ravin's lifestyle. I'm quite certain she's well aware of the fact that most people here would have trouble with it. And yet, when the matter came up, she bravely responded.


We're adults here. If a thread has content we don't want to view then we have the choice of not viewing it.


:iagree: Well said! :iagree:

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Okay. I had to chime in here. I knew in opening up the thread that I would learn about things I do not agree with. I also assumed much of what the OP described happens -- such as bed-sharing, etc.


I will repeat -- I do not think this is a proper lifestyle.


But, I also think it is ridiculous to put such tags on the thread and the insult the OP. Her first post was not very detailed, and if people wanted to know no more, they should not have read on.


And, this is the general board for all sorts of chit chat. We Christians cannot demand respect and then turn around and belittle those of different faiths and customs.



Am I the only one who never reads the tags on threads?


It never even occurs to me to look for them.

I only read the tags when I get to the end of the first page of replies. I didn't realize until reading this thread that you can put your mouse over an icon on the general forum topic page to read tags assigned to a thread.


That didn't stop me from realizing what this thread was about before opening it. The title was enough--I don't need more of a "warning", and you can also hover your mouse over the thread title to see the first few lines of the first post. You can see "DW#2" (or however it was worded) if you do that. I don't see why people need more warning than that.

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I'm shocked by the rudeness on this thread. Can't we just act like grown-ups and move past things that bother us? She didn't come on here and ask for advice or permission; she was answering questions asked by several people in another thread. She didn't even post any intimate information. Really, some of you need to grow up and stop being so easily offended.

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