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be careful when returning items to Sonlight!

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I returned many items back to SL a few weeks ago. They told me 12 items were damaged. Charged me to send them back.


Talk about petty! These books were not damaged! In fact 3 items were damaged by THEM when the iron fillings opened up inside the box before I got it and scruffed up 3 books! Now they are saying *I* did it. Luckily they have on file that I called and explained what happened and resent me new iron fillings.


The other books, I wont attempt to even claim my insurance from the post office. They were barely noticeable. TINY TINY *dents* on one corner of the books.


I am very upset with SL...They will refund my money for the items that were damaged by them, saying I damaged them!


Sheesh...that company makes so much money you think they could adjust some of these totally minescule *damages* as they call them.


I will not do business with SL again...so buyer beware!

If you plan on returning items make sure they are very securely packed so they wont move around AT ALL!


I'm out 200 bucks thanks to SL

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I have purchased five cores from them. I usually piece-meal the books; so I haven't ordered a complete core, but I still have spent hundred of dollars with them. In May, I ordered their microscope, which was supposed to be THE one to have according to several sources. When it arrived, it didn't work. Their customer service wanted us to return it at our expense to try to fix it. My contention was that we should receive a new one since we opened it, and it didn't work. If we had used it and it broke, I could understand their stand. However, I did not think we should receive a re-furbished one when we paid for a new one.


We were instructed to contact the company who makes the microscope. (After reaching an impasse with SL) At first, they wanted to send us a part to swap out. We again maintained that we paid money for a new microscope, and we shouldn't have to fix it. They agreed, and sent us a new one with a postage-paid label to send back the original one. So, we did receive a new one, but not because of anything SL did.


I may continue to buy their Instructor Guides because the planning works for me and my soon to be five children. However, I will never buy any thing from them that I can purchase elsewhere. Not all that great a stand, but they'll lose a few bucks.:001_smile:

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I'm out 200 bucks thanks to SL

I think you should insist that they either refund your money or return the supposedly "damaged" books to you at their expense. Then you could at least resell them to recoup some of your cost. How can they justify keeping all of your money AND all of the books???



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I had a similar experience with Rainbow Resource when I had just begun homeschooling.


Luckily it was only one book and after calling customer service I got all my money back. The customer service person was so rude to me and told me that 90% of the packages they received back are damaged.


Sounded like a scheme to me. Being I returned the book to them in the same mailer they sent it to me in.

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I think you should insist that they either refund your money or return the supposedly "damaged" books to you at their expense. Then you could at least resell them to recoup some of your cost. How can they justify keeping all of your money AND all of the books???




Right! I don't think they can keep your money and the books, one must be returned. Did you pay with a CC? If so I would call your CC company if you cannot get anywhere with SL.


Sorry you are having such a tough time with them. I have only ordered a couple of things from them and never had to return anything.

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I had a similar experience with Rainbow Resource when I had just begun homeschooling.


Luckily it was only one book and after calling customer service I got all my money back. The customer service person was so rude to me and told me that 90% of the packages they received back are damaged.


Sounded like a scheme to me. Being I returned the book to them in the same mailer they sent it to me in.


I think the problem is that they don't realize what the books look like when they ship to us! I get dinged corners, creases, etc. all the time, but I don't complain. 90% of the books I receive probably have the tiny damages as well.

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I am just so glad to see Sonlight with some bad customer service! I get tired of everyone picking on WP all of the time.


I plan to never sell products other than my exclusives. Then I won't have all of these problems.


I'm with you, Carmen! I'm selling my stuff and my stuff ALONE.


Also, not that it happens very often (thank the Lord), but when we get a return I ALWAYS refund the money, as long as the book isn't written in. No questions asked. I'd much rather have a reputation for good customer service than save a few bucks here or there.

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I think you should insist that they either refund your money or return the supposedly "damaged" books to you at their expense. Then you could at least resell them to recoup some of your cost. How can they justify keeping all of your money AND all of the books???



They did send me the books, but I had to pay for shipping. The books were hardly what I would call damaged! Tiny TINY dings on one corner of a book and the like, nothing major,...

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I admit great surprise at reading of so poor a customer service experience with Sonlight. (I don't have any customer service experience with them, other than receiving the boxes in the mail.) All those cheery photos and peppy testimonies in the catalogues, too ! :confused:

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Guest Katia

I had trouble with SL like this years ago, and I have never ordered anything from them again. Normally, I don't even read posts about SL just because of the poor, poor customer service I received from them, but since this post was actually about the rotten cs......I joined in.


Another company you want to stay away from with these same issues is Greenleaf Press. And Truthquest. I lady that writes the Truthquest materials was dishonest and downright nasty to me trying to make her dishonesty sound somehow plausible. I ditched all her materials in the trash; I wouldn't even sell them after that encounter with her.

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I had the same thing happen to me, except they gave me credit for the books instead of sending them back (but wouldn't give me money back.)


I think this is how they can cover their money-back guarantee.



Well, then it isn't really a money-back guarantee then, is it? More like a credit-to-buy-more-from-us-and-we'll-hang-on-to-your-money-until-you-do guarantee. :glare: I really loathe that kind of practice. Either you give refunds or you don't give refunds. I find the "fine print exceptions" insulting. The accusations levied at the OP are another matter -- poor customer service to say the least.

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Here's a s/o: why are so many companies mailing in such flimsy packaging nowadays?


I ordered some books from Oxford (on one of their mega sales), and the books showed up tossed in a box w/ no cushioning whatsoever. They were all dinged and scratched. The next time, it was a single book, and all they'd done was put it in one of those "hard paper" mailers. Those things don't protect books.


I have had the same thing happen when buying from individuals: books that are simply wrapped in kraft paper w/ postage on them.


I understand that shipping is expensive, but I PAID for the shipping. Maybe it's because I live in the boonies that my packages get so abused, I don't know.




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We always get our books from SL packed in boxes FILLED with packing materials. I've never received a damaged book from them. (That seems so surprising now that I think about it, but it's true.) We've only ever had good SL customer service experiences.


(I'm posting this NOT as an "in your face" response -- I'm truly sorry to hear about your experience -- but because I've been a SL customer for 6 years and I think it's good for others to know that there are also lots of positive customer service experiences with the company.)

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I had a similar experience with Rainbow Resource when I had just begun homeschooling.


Luckily it was only one book and after calling customer service I got all my money back. The customer service person was so rude to me and told me that 90% of the packages they received back are damaged.


Sounded like a scheme to me. Being I returned the book to them in the same mailer they sent it to me in.


I had the same problem with RR. I don't order from them anymore. I order from Amazon and CBD. They have always been very good to me when items are shipped damaged. Also, CBD shipped my books to the wrong address this year. Instead of telling me it was my fault (half mine, half theirs), they told me when the books were returned to them, they would ship them out FREE OF CHARGE! They have wonderful customer service and I NEVER receive books that are damaged.

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I can believe the 90% statistic. Our Boy Scout store no longer takes returned books because too many times they are damaged or used. The manager told me he took a pile of 10 books back and 2 in the middle of the pile had had coffee spilled on them!! Not all people are good and honest.

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. . . Shekinah Curriculum Cellar. (Do I have to put this in a separate thread ?) When a shipment went missing, and Fed Ex was acting up about it, Shekinah decided to send me a replacement shipment at no charge to me. The fact that Fed Ex subsequently found the "lost" package had no bearing on the company's kindness, because it was found after Shekinah's decision.


There is a company which has earned my loyalty !

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I guess it's all about the money.


I used to be a big-time Sonlight fan, until a few incidents over a few years made me decide that the company cares more about making money than about doing what's right and treating people with honesty. If I'm going to purchase a curriculum is designed to help to teach my children develop strong moral values and an informed Christian world view, I want to buy it from a company whose own values I trust.


BTW, I've had returns to Rainbow Resource without any problems whatsoever, and when they made an error in my order, they corrected it quickly and without any trouble.

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I guess it's all about the money.


I used to be a big-time Sonlight fan, until a few incidents over a few years made me decide that the company cares more about making money than about doing what's right and treating people with honesty. If I'm going to purchase a curriculum is designed to help to teach my children develop strong moral values and an informed Christian world view, I want to buy it from a company whose own values I trust.




That's what cracks me up, though. If they really were about making money and thought it through, they'd realize that good customer service will pay off 10 fold! It amazes me, though, the companies that don't realize that ...

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I ordered their curriculum and a bunch of extra books. Not all of the books ended up in the carton, and after waiting for another one for about a week, I called to alert them that I had not received my full order. The woman who answered the phone remembered my order, remembered packing it, and concluded that since not all the books were included she must have switched address labels on my box with someone else's. She ended up sending me the books I was missing, plus accidentally sent me another one that I had already received. When I called to clarify that one, she told me to keep it.

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I ordered their curriculum and a bunch of extra books. Not all of the books ended up in the carton, and after waiting for another one for about a week, I called to alert them that I had not received my full order. The woman who answered the phone remembered my order, remembered packing it, and concluded that since not all the books were included she must have switched address labels on my box with someone else's. She ended up sending me the books I was missing, plus accidentally sent me another one that I had already received. When I called to clarify that one, she told me to keep it.






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I returned many items back to SL a few weeks ago. They told me 12 items were damaged. Charged me to send them back.


Talk about petty! These books were not damaged! In fact 3 items were damaged by THEM when the iron fillings opened up inside the box before I got it and scruffed up 3 books! Now they are saying *I* did it. Luckily they have on file that I called and explained what happened and resent me new iron fillings.


The other books, I wont attempt to even claim my insurance from the post office. They were barely noticeable. TINY TINY *dents* on one corner of the books.


I am very upset with SL...They will refund my money for the items that were damaged by them, saying I damaged them!


Sheesh...that company makes so much money you think they could adjust some of these totally minescule *damages* as they call them.


I will not do business with SL again...so buyer beware!

If you plan on returning items make sure they are very securely packed so they wont move around AT ALL!


I'm out 200 bucks thanks to SL


A friend of mine ordered some stuff from Sonlight last year (not as much as you ordered though) and she sent it back as she decided not to use it. She repacked it in the same box and packing material and sent it back Priority They claimed that it was all damaged and that she wouldn't get anything back. She disputed it with her CC company and got her money back and the shipping she spent to get the first order and to send it back. She challenged the company to send her photos of the books and they wouldn't so she took it to her CC company.

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I am just so glad to see Sonlight with some bad customer service! I get tired of everyone picking on WP all of the time.



I looked into both SL and WP at various times in the past. I have heard terrible things about both companies. SL strikes me as very sneaky and sanctimonious, and WP seems very controlling. I hear over and over and over again how SL tries to deny people refunds and how WP screws up orders and the blames the customer. My informal conclusion is that companies that sell complete packages are a lot more difficult to work with than companies that sell a little bit of everything.


I order from RR and Amazon and have never had a problem.



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Maybe I've never had problems w/ SL because it would never cross my mind to return a book. I am a complete book-a-holic, and even if I made a mistake and found that we weren't going to use the book, I'd never return it. I'm not sure that I'd even return a core. I can relate w/ not wanting to order from WP though, so I can understand how people may feel the same way about SL if they don't have an allegiance the company. This stinks though, I hate hearing that people are having problems w/ SL.

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Maybe I've never had problems w/ SL because it would never cross my mind to return a book. I am a complete book-a-holic, and even if I made a mistake and found that we weren't going to use the book, I'd never return it. I'm not sure that I'd even return a core. I can relate w/ not wanting to order from WP though, so I can understand how people may feel the same way about SL if they don't have an allegiance the company. This stinks though, I hate hearing that people are having problems w/ SL.

Well, I'd sure love to be able to *afford* to keep everything even if I'm not going to use it. However we don't have a lot of money so I cannot afford to do this. For me, the $200 lost on SL will seriously affect my homeschooling now...

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Well, I'd sure love to be able to *afford* to keep everything even if I'm not going to use it. However we don't have a lot of money so I cannot afford to do this. For me, the $200 lost on SL will seriously affect my homeschooling now...


Can you resell the damaged books? Or was the loss the perceived savings from buying a Core that they took out of your refund?

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Maybe I've never had problems w/ SL because it would never cross my mind to return a book. I am a complete book-a-holic, and even if I made a mistake and found that we weren't going to use the book, I'd never return it. I'm not sure that I'd even return a core. I can relate w/ not wanting to order from WP though, so I can understand how people may feel the same way about SL if they don't have an allegiance the company. This stinks though, I hate hearing that people are having problems w/ SL.


I returned a Core.


I bought a Core with LA. It was all coordinated together which I really liked. Then, I read the first LA lesson for Grade 2. It was a dictation with a direct quote. In the teacher's guide it said it was the most difficult lesson of the year. :001_huh:


I was a brand new homeschooler and I was so angry/disappointed/disgusted that I trusted Sonlight to be age appropriate and it was so clearly wasn't.


I returned the whole shebang & got my money back.

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I looked into both SL and WP at various times in the past. I have heard terrible things about both companies. SL strikes me as very sneaky and sanctimonious, and WP seems very controlling. I hear over and over and over again how SL tries to deny people refunds and how WP screws up orders and the blames the customer. My informal conclusion is that companies that sell complete packages are a lot more difficult to work with than companies that sell a little bit of everything.


I order from RR and Amazon and have never had a problem.




Reading comments like this makes me think that just because SL and WP sell curriculum with a Christian component or focus---that for some reason people think they should never be able to make mistakes or run a business for profit. I have had good and bad experiences with just about any 'company' because almost every single company IS about making a profit! Abeka has been slammed too for their business practices----like just because they sell Christian curriculum they ought to 'help' out everyone and not be able to run a profitable business. While that would be really nice, all of these companies would eventually go under. I am truly shocked that so many people have had such problems with SL---we have used them for 5 years now with no problems whatsoever. I guess the old adage "You can't please ALL the people all the time" really goes with curriculum providers too, huh?

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Hmm.. I recently ordered a language arts instructor's guide from Sonlight and after looking at it I decided it wasn't quite what we needed for my kiddo. However, it arrived with a small crease in one of the corner of the covers. Not something I would have complained about, but now I am afraid of sending it back for a refund.

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Reading comments like this makes me think that just because SL and WP sell curriculum with a Christian component or focus---that for some reason people think they should never be able to make mistakes or run a business for profit.


My comment had absolutely nothing to do with religion and I am not sure why you perceived that it did. :001_huh: I am sure that Amazon and RR make plenty of mistakes. To me it's all about how they correct them. I have had two mistakes with Amazon and they were speedily and cheerfully corrected without making me feel like it was my fault. I have never had a mistake with RR, but I'm not naive enough to think they never make mistakes. I just don't hear horror stories about people trying get the mistakes corrected the way I do with WP and SL.


BTW, it is my understanding that RR is a Christian company.



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Can you resell the damaged books? Or was the loss the perceived savings from buying a Core that they took out of your refund?

Eventually I will try to sell them, but you know how that goes...can't rely on selling it all...and I have to hold on to them while trying to get the post office to evaluate my claim...who knows how that will go!

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Reading comments like this makes me think that just because SL and WP sell curriculum with a Christian component or focus---that for some reason people think they should never be able to make mistakes or run a business for profit.


I don't think that's the issue at all! I think the issue is that SL's return policy and standards are far more stringent and, frankly, cynical than their competitors (amazon, cbd, barnes & noble). It has nothing at all to do with whether the owners are Christians or not.


As for WP, I won't purchase a curriculum that I can't later resell, period. Next year, we'll have substantially more money to spend on homeschool curriculum, and WP won't get any of it because of their creepy, controlling no-resell policy. Too bad, because their program looks nice.

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Reading comments like this makes me think that just because SL and WP sell curriculum with a Christian component or focus---that for some reason people think they should never be able to make mistakes or run a business for profit. I have had good and bad experiences with just about any 'company' because almost every single company IS about making a profit! Abeka has been slammed too for their business practices----like just because they sell Christian curriculum they ought to 'help' out everyone and not be able to run a profitable business. While that would be really nice, all of these companies would eventually go under. I am truly shocked that so many people have had such problems with SL---we have used them for 5 years now with no problems whatsoever. I guess the old adage "You can't please ALL the people all the time" really goes with curriculum providers too, huh?

Well, if SL and other feel that you can't please all the people all the time, that is not good business practice. Like I Said...$70.00 worth of damage was THEIR fault when the iron fillings fell out all over the dang place and scratched 3 items, which they say *I* did. They have it noted that I called them regarding this after the initial purchase, now they claim they were damanged in transit upon returning them.

Also, the iron fillings were all over the place, on my kitchen floor, in the sink and guess what??? Have left rust marks on 3 antique glasses I had in the sink! I got off the phone with SL just this AM and they are *considering what to do* and will get back to me

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I don't think that's the issue at all! I think the issue is that SL's return policy and standards are far more stringent and, frankly, cynical than their competitors (amazon, cbd, barnes & noble). It has nothing at all to do with whether the owners are Christians or not.



I'm disappointed, too. Trying Sonlight is supposed to be a no-risk proposition. They really emphasize that in their catalogue--the return policy seems overwhelmingly fair, actually going above and beyond a normal one--but if it's administered so punitively, it almost seems deceptive.


I do like to get books in pristine condition, if I pay full price for them. Not all vendors are careful to make sure that this happens, and I find that frustrating. It's a hassle to return things, though, and sometimes I wonder whether the reluctance of people like me to return things that are less than perfect tends to blind vendors of the effects of their poor packaging. Maybe they really don't know just how badly their books get damaged just as a result of normal shipping wear and tear. It's irksome, though.

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I know $200 is petty money for some who can afford to purchase things left and right, but not for me, my husband is so mad at me and frustrated with it all, he says to just send them back to school, that all this curriculum hunting etc...is not worth it

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I know $200 is petty money for some who can afford to purchase things left and right, but not for me, my husband is so mad at me and frustrated with it all, he says to just send them back to school, that all this curriculum hunting etc...is not worth it


I understand that you are upset and are in the middle of a bad experience with a company, but I don't see how anyone on this board would view $200 as petty money.


I've yet to see anyone in the homeschool arena who could afford to purchase things left and right; everything is a trade off, be it types of groceries, whether or not to have leisure activities that have a fee, or buying curriculum.


I hope you're able to resolve this issue in a positive manner.




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I understand that you are upset and are in the middle of a bad experience with a company, but I don't see how anyone on this board would view $200 as petty money.


I've yet to see anyone in the homeschool arena who could afford to purchase things left and right; everything is a trade off, be it types of groceries, whether or not to have leisure activities that have a fee, or buying curriculum.


I hope you're able to resolve this issue in a positive manner.




thanks a, I wasn't directing my comment at a specific person, just a general comment is all

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I just wanted to post a reply about how wonderful Amazon has always been to me.:)


I have never had a problem and I "think" I have spent several thousand with them over the last 8 years. I have had many returns in that time and I have always received a fast refund, sometimes with shipping.


I have used a couple SL cores and always get the guide new and as many books as I can from Amazon, especially when they are running a four-for-three promotion.

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I just wanted to post a reply about how wonderful Amazon has always been to me.:)


I have used a couple SL cores and always get the guide new and as many books as I can from Amazon, especially when they are running a four-for-three promotion.


We're using SL Science 1 this year and this is exactly what I did. And I saved a lot of money doing it that way too!!


Incidentally, my sister ordered a bday present for me from Amazon a few weeks ago. She didn't tell me when she ordered it and I never received it. It came up in a conversation a few days ago. We contacted USPS with the tracking info, but they said they're not going to do anything b/c it wasn't insured. @@ My sister called Amazon and explained what happened and why it took so long to get in touch with them about it. They immediately re-sent the package, free of charge.


I will go out of my way to support businesses like that.

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I know $200 is petty money for some who can afford to purchase things left and right, but not for me, my husband is so mad at me and frustrated with it all, he says to just send them back to school, that all this curriculum hunting etc...is not worth it

:grouphug: Last year was the first I bought from SL. One reason for giving them my business was it seemed they had such a great return policy. I was also taken by the programs, which are great as far as I can tell so far. But I'm truly disappointed to hear about these experiences that people have had with SL's return policy. I know SL is a business. But I think that they should not make it appear they have lenient return policies and then not follow through.


We took a chance on Sonlight when my middle dd wanted to do Core 5. So, we ended up on a side trip away from what we'd been using--Ambleside. I love CM and AO. Ambleside is a labor of love offered for others to use for free. It's a fabulous program and there's a wealth of info available on the site. Most of the books are available free online or through the library. There are schedules and yahoo groups and all kinds of help, all for free. I love that, that there's this wonderful program ours for the using, gentle yet rigorous with a richness that I've yet to find anywhere else, not even Sonlight--and I do enjoy Sonlight very much. Frankly, to me, there's something really special about a program that has had so many homeschooler's hearts put into just to help others enjoy the richness of a CM education. You don't have to curriculum hunt (though I know we often find ourselves doing a lot of that! ;)) and it doesn't have to be difficult. Take a look at CM and AO. It might just be what you are looking for.


Best wishes,


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It is perfectly clear to me Sonlight is a business. I don't care if they are Christian.


What I care about is the idea that they'll basic cost someone $200 over what is a scratch & dent issue. Why doesn't Sonlight find a middle ground? Charge a small fee for scratch & dents on returns then give a scratch & dent rebate if you get a damaged book.


But it sounds like Sonlight doesn't really care about finding a solution that is win-win. (or win-win-win, if you watch the Office :D)

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I am glad you posted this. This is the kind of (non) customer service that we need to know about.




I'm sorry you have to deal with that kind of nonsense. Either they have a return policy or they don't, and they make it sound like you can use the books, and if SL doesn't work for you, you can send everything back for a refund.


Apparently, that's not exactly how it works. :glare:



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