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Jon and Kate: The big announcement is out ...

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I think a marriage can survive a lot of things--maybe even a reality TV show--but it probably can't survive lack of respect. That was what came out loud and clear in Kate's attitude toward Jon.


And, not to excuse Jon's affair, but didn't Kate also have an affair?



That's what the gossip mill says -- Uncle Kevin & Aunt Jodi claim (taped) that Jon came to them 6-7 months ago devastated... he claimed Kate said the marriage "is over". Something about signing a contract for him to let him date other women but he had to tape the shows for TLC. Basically Jon hinted that Kate and the old bodyguard slept together loooong before Jon got naughty. Soooo sad if all of this is true. Those two are real knuckleheads.

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That's what the gossip mill says -- Uncle Kevin & Aunt Jodi claim (taped) that Jon came to them 6-7 months ago devastated... he claimed Kate said the marriage "is over". Something about signing a contract for him to let him date other women but he had to tape the shows for TLC. Basically Jon hinted that Kate and the old bodyguard slept together loooong before Jon got naughty. Soooo sad if all of this is true. Those two are real knuckleheads.


And allegedly, Uncle Kevin and Aunt Jodi got $$$$ for coming forward - to the tune of twenty or thirty grand. If that's true, I'm putting them in the knucklehead category, too!

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And allegedly, Uncle Kevin and Aunt Jodi got $$$$ for coming forward - to the tune of twenty or thirty grand. If that's true, I'm putting them in the knucklehead category, too!


Oh noooo... that brings back "GWOP" reason for being created. Jodi's sil created it due to Kate not wanting her paid by TLC and had her cut out of the show. Auuuugh. I haven't watched any of the new Season 5 episodes and still Kate is driving me bonkers. :confused:

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Oh noooo... that brings back "GWOP" reason for being created. Jodi's sil created it due to Kate not wanting her paid by TLC and had her cut out of the show. Auuuugh. I haven't watched any of the new Season 5 episodes and still Kate is driving me bonkers. :confused:


So Jodi's sister is the driving force behind GWOP? Did you know there's now a GWOPwop that was created to discredit GWOP? Holy cow! I can't keep up with this stuff! Serena and Julie really are the same person!

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So Jodi's sister is the driving force behind GWOP? Did you know there's now a GWOPwop that was created to discredit GWOP? Holy cow! I can't keep up with this stuff! Serena and Julie really are the same person!


Dunno who is whom... LOL


Don't go to GWOP anymore. Went there when it was created when Jodigate hit the fan and saw the original blog by Jodi's sister that started it all. I have no idea if sil or sister still run it? But, ya... BIG internal family feud with Kate. Goes back to her cutting off parents over donations when the 6 babies were born and her Pop's church gave USED items... Kate was displeased, yadda, yadda, yuck.

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Dunno who is whom... LOL


Don't go to GWOP anymore. Went there when it was created when Jodigate hit the fan and saw the original blog by Jodi's sister that started it all. I have no idea if sil or sister still run it? But, ya... BIG internal family feud with Kate. Goes back to her cutting off parents over donations when the 6 babies were born and her Pop's church gave USED items... Kate was displeased, yadda, yadda, yuck.


Thank you for sharing that....it makes things over at the battle of the blogs a little clearer, lol!


Recently some of the GWOP posters found Kate's friend Carla's blog, and the way they raked that girl over the coals was really disturbing. She had to disable the comments because the stuff they were writing was so nasty.

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Gumgate. Perfect. Seriously, the woman cannot be mentally well to be losing her mind over things so frequently. Not even creative editing can produce whats not there.


I feel bad for the kids. Thank God she's not homeschooling. They need a break.

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Gosselins Without Pity.


Does anyone else think those Crooked Houses look like old props from the movie Beetlejuice? Those poor kids have surreal playthings to match their surreal lives.


I was a little disappointed in those houses. They look really cute from the outside, but the insides aren't finished at all.

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So would you expect that either/both parties will be using video that didn't air to bolster their side of the divorce?


Would you anticipate that there would be attornies appointed to represent the kids? It would seem to me that income from the show should be put aside into trust for the kids' benefit.


I caught a snippet on tv speculating that Jon was off flat shopping in Trump Tower. I could only wonder what he does that he'd have income to support a lifestyle like that.

Yes in fact I would expect that the dog and pony show that served as their announcement will be used in court as they both repeated self serving statements but Jon comes across as thinking only of himself. He might want to learn to sit up straight and speak clearly before they have hearings...If there is a custody issue then a guardian at litem would be appointed for each child in Iowa. I cannot speak to the practice in Pennsylvania. With regard to asset division certainly some might be put aside for the benefit of the children but not as a legal mandate under statute but moreso as a settlement tool. It is just all kinds of ugly.

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I think any family that has 6 babies at once is asking for trouble. A woman's body is not meant to have 6 babies at once....and I am sure it is for a good reason. I can't imagine trying to raise 6 infants...and two kids at the same time. So I think they started off in a hardship from the beginning. I think it would be hard for ANY marriage to survive all that. I really really think having all those babies at once did them in....and I doubt anyone will agree with me...
Well I agree with you they just happen to be self serving, attention seeking, petulant ,trapped forever in adolescence people who engineered several lives at once. I agree that regardless of their personality problems that the main stressor is caring adequately for all those children at once not to mention the havoc that wreaked on Kate's body and mind. I like your honesty .
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you know what I can't get out of my head? on the episode of their vow renewal, kate told the children more than once, "we're doing this to show you that mommy and daddy will stay together forever. no matter what." (or something along those lines)


It's bad enough when mom and dad are getting a divorce, but when it comes on the heels of a promise like that (and such a public one, to boot!).


it's just all so tragic for those kids.

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I think it's impossible for any of us to tell exactly what did them in, given how removed we are from the reality of their lives.


However, parents of multiples (from twins on up) have increased divorce rates, so I have no doubt believing that having a set of twins and a set of sextuplets contributed greatly to the stress on their marriage.


(As the parent of twins, I truly shudder at the thought of the shrew I would have been with six newborns/infants/toddlers.)


Sing it, sister! As the mother of children roughly the same age as the Gosselin kids (except 1 and 2, not 2 and 6), I often can see myself in her in the earlier episodes. Sleep deprived, overwrought... we didn't have a great deal of energy to expend on nice. If I allowed him to post here, my husband would totally agree that I was a lunatic during those early years. <- That is a joke, my husband posts wherever he likes, with no interference from me.


HOWEVER... she has obviously slept recently. She has even spa'd, multiple times. And has full time help. Shrew appears to be a baseline trait for her.


High order multiples can stress the most stable marriage. But when you have high order multiples after strong-arming the other parent who didn't even want to try for ONE more after the twins? That can't be a good starting place. Gee, I wasn't ready for one, but eight is delightful? :001_huh:


I do enjoy the tv network therapists who like to pick things apart based on what they're witnessing from film clips, though. Like the one talking about how Jon's car is clearly a sign that he's stepping away from the family. Or, he has a non-kid car. So do we. Why would anyone drive around in a second 15-passenger van by himself?

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They filed for divorce today.


So, what do you think? I don't watch the show, but I've read enough. I did the see original shows. What a shame. I was really hoping the announcement would be something like:


We've come to realize that this show has been a curse to our family. Thank you for your time, America, but we're stopping production of this show, entering counseling, and are going to try to rebuild our lives. Please give us our privacy; by doing this you'll be helping us fix so much of the damage we've done to our relationship and our kids.


Sigh ... too bad, huh?




I've never watched the show, but I couldn't avoid hearing all about this family on the evening news. I completely agree that the best solution would've been to move out of the spotlight and rebuild their family.

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I could totally see TLC doing something like that. The tups are going to be in school three days a week, and then next year full-time, so there's not going to be as much material to work with as far as the kids go - what better way to take the show in a new direction? Leading up to the reconciliation, there could be episodes about Jon and Kate dating other people and trying out the single life. Seriously, part of me thinks we're all being duped. They've done the vacations, family outings, cross-promotion with other TLC shows - and now they're going to do Jon & Kate With Dates .... all leading up to the perfect Hollywood ending.


It's pretty twisted if that's what's really happening, but I wouldn't be totally surprised.


Whats unthinkable is that if this does pan out the way you think why in the world would John and Kate allow themselves and their children to go through with it?????

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Who the heck are Jon and Kate? :confused:


I even googled them and, nope, never heard of them in the entire course of my life.


I feel as if I'm living in the Twilight Zone. :blink::eek:


Yay!!!! Good for ya, toots. You're normal. LOLOLOLOLOL :grouphug:

In Gossip Recovery Mode,


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Ps. I am not a fan or watcher of this show. I have only caught it a couple of times over the years. But everytime I did see it, I cringed to see the way Kate treated Jon. Just disgraceful.


I have never seen the show. The first I heard of it was on this board an the only thing I know about it has come from this board. :tongue_smilie:

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My thoughts. Don't divorce. Go to counseling first and then see what happens. You can still live apart and be married.


My thoughts? No counseling. Don't divorce. Try being NICE to each other and respectful and they could still be married. I get stress. I do. I can't imagine, but this show wasn't a blessing to them. :( It's a shame as I think the dad sees that. It's good though in that it keeps me very mindful of how I speak to my DH and it shows us all how much $$ doesn't fix anything. As a matter of fact it can distract you from really important things............

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To add to all the *disgust*...yesterday I saw a snip that had Kate saying, "The show must go on...". Why? Oh yeah, the cash. This morning I read that the new season will include Jon's new girlfriend! Who will watch this trash?? :tongue_smilie:

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To add to all the *disgust*...yesterday I saw a snip that had Kate saying, "The show must go on...". Why? Oh yeah, the cash. This morning I read that the new season will include Jon's new girlfriend! Who will watch this trash?? :tongue_smilie:


Who needs a soap opera? I remember taping General Hospital every day and then I'd rush home to watch. All the drama but these poor people are real.

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Whats unthinkable is that if this does pan out the way you think why in the world would John and Kate allow themselves and their children to go through with it?????


In a word, money.


In this case, I would love to be wrong. But when I look at the monster that is reality television, nothing would surprise me anymore.

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Know what all this reminds me of?


The Dionne quintuplets:


"In 1997, the three surviving sisters wrote an open letter to the parents of the McCaughey septuplets, warning against allowing too much publicity for the children. In 1998, the sisters, living together in the Montreal suburb of Saint-Bruno-de-Montarville reached a monetary settlement with the Ontario government as compensation for what was perceived to be their exploitation."


Also, I can't help thinking that they could have used some premarital counseling--maybe then they would have found out that they never should have gotten married in the first place. I can't imagine two personalities less suited. Now 8 kids are caught up in it.

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To add to all the *disgust*...yesterday I saw a snip that had Kate saying, "The show must go on...". Why? Oh yeah, the cash. This morning I read that the new season will include Jon's new girlfriend! Who will watch this trash?? :tongue_smilie:


There's a site called BlindGossip that a lot of the posters on GWOP reference. A month or so back, BlindGossip ran an item that said that *a reality show couple* would be going through a drawn-out divorce, and to look for a new character to be brought in - in order to shake things up.


You know, up until this point I've taken a live and let live attitude with these people. But now I'm really beginning to think of the whole thing not as a reality show, but a soap opera, with characters and story lines and everything that goes with it. Because I can't imagine, if this was truly *their* life, that they would want all of this very private stuff played out on television.


And yeah, I am thinking more of how it will affect the kids. Sadly. It's getting sadder every day.

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I finally got to watch Monday's episode last night, even though I said I'd boycott it :001_huh: - HEY! I'm not a Nielsen household! :tongue_smilie:


It struck me as 2 of the MOST selfish people I have ever seen. Jon is like a child waking up. He's excited about his future? And if Kate says one more time "for the kids" I will puke! "I'm doing this for the kids" "I am 100% in everything I do for the kids". Blech! Then hold your marriage together! Put aside your materialism and self-centeredness and greed, turn off those cameras, and put your lives back together! So many people blame Kate for alienating all their other family and friends, but Jon was right there all along. Like Adam watching Eve eat the apple and doing nothing to stop it. They are both to blame. Spoiled rotten brats is what they are.


Somebody mentioned the Duggars will be going down a similar path, and I don't think so. They were stable, loving, and not about the money before TLC ever came knocking on their door. Their home and possessions came from working hard and having a plan. They don't seem to be profiting in the same way - at least outwardly. If they use all their new found money to truly support their existing lifestyle, or to create future security for their kids, then good for them.


I will not watch any more Jon and Kate shows and hope more people will lose interest. Maybe they will be canceled. Doesn't seem like anyone is losing interest though.:glare:

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It struck me as 2 of the MOST selfish people I have ever seen. Jon is like a child waking up. He's excited about his future? And if Kate says one more time "for the kids" I will puke! "I'm doing this for the kids" "I am 100% in everything I do for the kids". Blech! Then hold your marriage together! Put aside your materialism and self-centeredness and greed, turn off those cameras, and put your lives back together! So many people blame Kate for alienating all their other family and friends, but Jon was right there all along. Like Adam watching Eve eat the apple and doing nothing to stop it. They are both to blame. Spoiled rotten brats is what they are.


Somebody mentioned the Duggars will be going down a similar path, and I don't think so. They were stable, loving, and not about the money before TLC ever came knocking on their door. Their home and possessions came from working hard and having a plan. They don't seem to be profiting in the same way - at least outwardly. If they use all their new found money to truly support their existing lifestyle, or to create future security for their kids, then good for them.


I will not watch any more Jon and Kate shows and hope more people will lose interest. Maybe they will be canceled. Doesn't seem like anyone is losing interest though.:glare:


It has been my experience that the more you hear someone say "it's for the kids", the less they do for the kids. Those who actually put their children first don't think to comment on it.


Comparatively, the Duggars are pretty normal. I see them as being centered and comfortable enough to say they'll do it as long as it works. However, I recall reading that Kate grew up in a trailer park (I am not slamming people's living arrangements) with the sole goal of getting out and never looking back. I think that is her point of reference for making decisions. The "stuff" makes her feel secure. The Duggars are already secure in the ways it counts. Know what I mean?

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I finally got to watch Monday's episode last night, even though I said I'd boycott it :001_huh: - HEY! I'm not a Nielsen household! :tongue_smilie:


It struck me as 2 of the MOST selfish people I have ever seen. Jon is like a child waking up. He's excited about his future? And if Kate says one more time "for the kids" I will puke! "I'm doing this for the kids" "I am 100% in everything I do for the kids". Blech! Then hold your marriage together! Put aside your materialism and self-centeredness and greed, turn off those cameras, and put your lives back together! So many people blame Kate for alienating all their other family and friends, but Jon was right there all along. Like Adam watching Eve eat the apple and doing nothing to stop it. They are both to blame. Spoiled rotten brats is what they are.


Somebody mentioned the Duggars will be going down a similar path, and I don't think so. They were stable, loving, and not about the money before TLC ever came knocking on their door. Their home and possessions came from working hard and having a plan. They don't seem to be profiting in the same way - at least outwardly. If they use all their new found money to truly support their existing lifestyle, or to create future security for their kids, then good for them.


I will not watch any more Jon and Kate shows and hope more people will lose interest. Maybe they will be canceled. Doesn't seem like anyone is losing interest though.:glare:


I like the what I've seen of the Duggars and told dd that I think that show would be a good replacement for J&K.


However (and I posted this before), there are now forums being devoted to that family, and much of the focus seems to be on home schooling. Actually, criticism of home schooling - all based upon what these people are seeing in five or ten minute increments on the show. So far I've read comments containing outrage over workbooks (oh, horror!), comments ripping home schooling parents for not POSSIBLY being able to provide a quality education, and comments containing major criticism towards the Duggars for allowing the older kids to *teach* the younger. Oh, and also that the Duggar kids spend too much time on the computer. Yeesh. So, as much as I like the show, it bothers me that it provides yet another platform for all of these *knowledgeable* viewers to knock home schooling left and right.

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It has been my experience that the more you hear someone say "it's for the kids", the less they do for the kids. Those who actually put their children first don't think to comment on it.


Comparatively, the Duggars are pretty normal. I see them as being centered and comfortable enough to say they'll do it as long as it works. However, I recall reading that Kate grew up in a trailer park (I am not slamming people's living arrangements) with the sole goal of getting out and never looking back. I think that is her point of reference for making decisions. The "stuff" makes her feel secure. The Duggars are already secure in the ways it counts. Know what I mean?



Yes, I do KWYM.

I'd be a Duggar kid in a heartbeat (and I'm almost an atheist!) because it looks like there is a lot of love in that home.

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Yes, I do KWYM.

I'd be a Duggar kid in a heartbeat (and I'm almost an atheist!) because it looks like there is a lot of love in that home.

I know, me too. And that Michelle makes me feel like the worst homeschooling mom, ever. I bow to her greatness. (Maybe she loses her cool OFF camera? Yes, that must be it. And even if she doesn't, I'm going to pretend. :D)

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...and comments containing major criticism towards the Duggars for allowing the older kids to *teach* the younger.


Well - there goes the Montessori philosphy!

I wonder why anyone thinks it's wrong for kids to teach each other.

My favorite bit of highschool was when I was tutoring 2 surfers in Geometry and Chemistry.


Kids helping kids is something we should be happy about.

And do the critics think that somehow, in public school, there are no kids teaching other kids?

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They are bringing in Jon's girlfriend?! That's nuts.


I also wonder if something in the contract bars them from saying they wanted to quit the show but were obligated. That doesn't release them from responsibility for letting it get this far in the first place, but I'm trying to think positive for them. The whole thing went downhill. I will not watch anymore, because peeping into someone's life to see their family fall apart is not entertainment.

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It has been my experience that the more you hear someone say "it's for the kids", the less they do for the kids. Those who actually put their children first don't think to comment on it.


Oh! I was so going to say that! You beat me to it!


I knew a lady who was very ambitious about her business that she was starting up. Yet, she would constantly say, "My family comes first." I definitely started mentally saying, "Mmmmhmmm. Who are you trying to convince?" She was spending hours away, sticking the kids in day camps, "investing" gobs of money (a lot of it sereptitiously without her husband's knowledge), but bring up anything about her working and she would say, "Well, my family comes first..." :ack2:


In my experience, people don't need to constantly announce the principles they live by when they actually do live by them. It's those who have a sneaking suspicion that it might not be true who have to spout it out every third sentence.


P.S. The businesswoman I mentioned almost did lose her marriage and catostrophically hurt her family financially before she saw the light that perhaps she wasn't actually putting her family first.

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Well - there goes the Montessori philosphy!

I wonder why anyone thinks it's wrong for kids to teach each other.

My favorite bit of highschool was when I was tutoring 2 surfers in Geometry and Chemistry.


Kids helping kids is something we should be happy about.

And do the critics think that somehow, in public school, there are no kids teaching other kids?


They are teaching them.... such proper ways to behave and act, but hey, that is better than having kids teach academics right??


This is a nerve this week......

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[quote name= You know' date=' up until this point I've taken a live and let live attitude with these people. But now I'm really beginning to think of the whole thing not as a reality show, but a soap opera, with characters and story lines and everything that goes with it. Because I can't imagine, if this was truly *their* life, that they would want all of this very private stuff played out on television.


And yeah, I am thinking more of how it will affect the kids. Sadly. It's getting sadder every day.


People go on her show and others like it and spill their souls daily. It's not that uncommon, just odd to those of us in the real world.

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It has been my experience that the more you hear someone say "it's for the kids", the less they do for the kids. Those who actually put their children first don't think to comment on it.





That is so true!!!



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I wish I could say I felt surprised by their announcement, but this whole season has seemed like it was just leading up to this. In fact, I'd already lost a lot of interest in the show, because the product placement and cross promotion episodes are my least favorite ones- like watching a half hour infomercial, ick. The show used to be fun to watch, like how in the world do they slog through these mundane things with all those little ones? And even though Kate's attitude toward Jon was always apparent, it was easier to understand back then, because who wouldn't get exasperated now and then with so much going on. And Jon seemed to take it good naturedly, so they seemed like a good fit for each other, kind of like an old married couple who harps on each other, but really love each other a lot.


BUT, once the show became more about "what free product or trip we're getting this time" her exasperation and disrespect reeked more of a bad attitude. What's cute when you're under stress is ugly when you're having privileges handed to you that the rest of us will never experience. I'd still watch to see the cute kiddos, but not with as much enjoyment as previously.


So, when every episode this season other than the birthday party has been a cross promotion with another show, or some other product placement, it felt like they were trying to fit these episodes all in before the poop hit the fan, so to speak. I mean, what exec thought combining "crooked houses" with a divorce announcement was a good idea. Obviously, they had to do it because they had a contractual agreement with the Crooked House people, and needed to air the episode, but J&K were unwilling to extend the charade any longer.


And Kate's statement that the show must go on makes me want to vomit. Yeah, Of course it must go on, now that you will have two separate households to maintain. Even Jon, who has made no secret of wanting out for a while now, seems willing to go along with new shows. Funny how it doesn't matter so much to him now that he needs funds for his "new life." How does he think his keds are going to feel someday seeing him practically giddy at escaping life as their full-time daddy. Gag.Gag.Gag. I do feel sorry for Kate, because it is so obvious that she does not see how she comes across to the public, and refuses to admit how her actions have contributed to the demise of her marraige. At least Jon recognizes that he should have stood up for himself more, but I see absolutely no humility on her part, only playing herself off as an innocent victim. If they both really are in it for the kids, then I cannot imagine why they wouldn't be giving counseling a real try. Part of me hopes they are doing so, privately, but given how much else they've shared of their lives that really should be private, it doesn't seem likely. So sad.

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I read yesterday that Kate reported that they have been living separately for the past two years.


What a sham.



Off to find link....



I stand corrected. Still posting this in case someone else was also equally uninformed. (Though I think that there is more to the separation than meets the eye). All in all, what a totally sad situation.







Edited by ThatCyndiGirl
forgot stuff
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We found out Kate checked both boxes, and here's why. Jon may not agree that the marriage is irretrievably broken. If that's the case she has to wait the two years. So by checking both boxes, Kate is hedging her bets.


Ultimately, she would have to prove to the judge when she considered herself separate from Jon.



Um, isn't that perjury? I mean, you can't just check whatever boxes get you the best deal and file it with the court.


(And, um, does she think nobody will tip the judge off to the vow renewal within the last 2 years? Hello? There's VIDEO!)

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Sadly, I am very angry about this thing. The "sadly" is because I feel I've gotten caught in the machine and am now part of the problem.


My dd's favorite show for a while has been J&Kplus8. I've banned the show from our home. I so very much wish now that the world would ban them from their own lives. The best thing that could happen would be that people stop talking about them, stop blogging about them, stop posting about them, stop watching them, and stop being voyeurs into the sham that is their life. Then there would be no more money to continue the disastrous life they are living. I feel like a sucker for even discussing it anymore.


My time has come to shut up and pray for them and stop being so furious at the sin they let take over their lives. They are being sifted like wheat, and I'm afraid from looking at the shallowness of their lives, that there will be nothing left after the sifting. :( Was there anything to begin with? God is probably the only one who can answer that, as the rest of it was such a sham it's hard to know.

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:iagree: :iagree: :iagree:


It makes me angry because it just does! My biological parents divorced, my mom divorced my stepdad, my sister has divorced twice, another sister once and I hate it!!! I hate the effect it has on children, especially. Except in cases of true spousal abuse I say grow up, stick it out, commit to something that is less than ideal. I guess I should apologize for this harshness but man, I just burn inside at the very thought of divorce (especially when there are kids involved). Lately it has made me even more angry because at church we had a marriage renewal Sunday and the elderly couples who have been married for 60+ years shared what they had gone through in their married lives, the challenges and how they each had times when they had to commit to stay even when they didn't want to. What a testimony they were to the younger couples, most of whom (like myself) can't imagine going through anything close to what these dear couples went through.
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This thread is now so huge, I just don't have time to read through; I apologize if this link has already been posted, but what do you think of this question: Were Christian fans 'seduced' by 'Jon & Kate' shows of piety? The article/opinion is posted today's USA Today website.


I am a Christian, and I would agree with this statement. Unfortunately, we Christians tend to jump on the "oh they're famous and say they're Christian" bandwagon WAY too easily. Think of how excited we got with this year's American Idol. Two genuinely great Christian guys were on the show, and we blubbered all over them. The Jonas Brothers...Miley Cyrus...What about Mel Gibson and The Passion? Why are "we" so enthralled with fame?


I think we're easily fooled and should be more discerning. Opinions? Flaming arrows? Tar and feathers?

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So sad. TLC should have done all they could have done to help their marriage. Could it have been more obvious that they needed marital counseling. I think the show - the producers had an obligation to see them succeed.



Well, one might wonder whom the producers wanted to succeed....obviously it wasn't Jon and Kate.


I got the old seasons from the library when all this started to see what this was all about.....and while hindsight and all that, didn't anyone else just want to scream at Jon to get a backbone or get away from her?


I think the epitomy of it all was the episode where Jon and his BIL were building storage space in the garage. All the kids were wandering around in the garage and the driveway. Kate was sleeping in, but finally comes out with a coffee in her hands. Jon is up the ladder. One of the kids comes in and says the ball rolled into the street. Kate who is standing there doing nothing but holding a coffee, yells at Jon something like "you better go it the ball before one of the kids goes in the street". And what does he do? Climbs down off the ladder and trots off to get the ball, hands it to a kid and climbs back up the ladder. Kate sips her coffee.


Good heavens. Almost every episode I watched left me wondering why they were together. She harangues him constantly and it's so obvious he was biting his tongue, it's amazing he wasn't bleeding from the mouth.


I don't condone their affairs (if they actually had them, they both deny, but hey, they've lied to the press before apparently).....but I totally understand Jon needing to be with someone who treated him well.


The sad part is that they don't seem to be able to see that they really need to take their lives out of the public eye and let those kids heal. I know I won't be watching any more seasons, because it will make me want to cry for those kids. And I fear that the cameras will catch every tear as these kids realize their secure little life is over. I don't want to see that. I do understand the reason for the show was to earn money to raise (and college) eight kids. But they reportedly receive $75k per episode and there are 20 episodes in the first 2 seasons and 31 in season 3.....that nearly 4 million dollars (and there is still season 4 to count). How much money do they need? I guess the real question is how much money does Kate need. She seems to be the one always harping on the money issue. That much money will pay for all 8 kids at Harvard for heavens sake, and that's if you don't invest a penny.


Money has again won out over the needs of the family. Sad, very sad.


There isn't enough money in the world for me to put my family second like they have. And it's not like they aren't aware of what it's doing to the family.


Well, now I guess we can only hope that the State of Pennsylvania's investigation will actually conclude that the reality show has violated the child labor laws and shut it down. What a blessing that would be for this family, and they can't see it.

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This thread is now so huge, I just don't have time to read through; I apologize if this link has already been posted, but what do you think of this question: Were Christian fans 'seduced' by 'Jon & Kate' shows of piety? The article/opinion is posted today's USA Today website.


I am a Christian, and I would agree with this statement. Unfortunately, we Christians tend to jump on the "oh they're famous and say they're Christian" bandwagon WAY too easily. Think of how excited we got with this year's American Idol. Two genuinely great Christian guys were on the show, and we blubbered all over them. The Jonas Brothers...Miley Cyrus...What about Mel Gibson and The Passion? Why are "we" so enthralled with fame?


I think we're easily fooled and should be more discerning. Opinions? Flaming arrows? Tar and feathers?

I've wondered how Christians were feeling about their... "claims"?... of faith. That's probably not the correct word, "claims" - I realize nobody can say what is in another's heart, but their portrayal of their faith has seemed, at best, inconsistent (and at worst, disingenuous) to me.

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I am so tired of everyone judging them. We are all flawed & imperfect. I can guarantee you that I am no better than Jon or Kate. I do, however, possess something they do not have- privacy.




Yes, and they traded that away. Willingly. For fame and free stuff.

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I do feel sorry for Kate, because it is so obvious that she does not see how she comes across to the public, and refuses to admit how her actions have contributed to the demise of her marraige. At least Jon recognizes that he should have stood up for himself more, but I see absolutely no humility on her part, only playing herself off as an innocent victim.


:iagree: I really think Kate has issues she is unaware of or not wanting to deal with. She is showing a pervasive pattern of grandiosity, need for admiration, and a lack of empathy for wanting "the show must go on" in deference for family coming first and healing.


NARCISSISTIC Personality Disorder: The narcissist is described as turning inward for gratification rather than depending on others, and as being excessively preoccupied with issues of personal adequacy, power, and prestige.Narcissistic personality disorder is closely linked to self-centeredness. It is also colloquially referred to as "the god complex".


DSM IV-TR criteria


A pervasive pattern of grandiosity (in fantasy or behavior), need for admiration, and lack of empathy, beginning by early adulthood and present in a variety of contexts, as indicated by five (or more) of the following:



  1. has a grandiose sense of self-importance

  2. is preoccupied with fantasies of unlimited success, power, brilliance, beauty, or ideal love

  3. believes that he or she is "special" and can only be understood by, or should associate with, people (or institutions) who are also "special" or of high status.

  4. requires excessive admiration

  5. has a sense of entitlement

  6. is interpersonally exploitative

  7. lacks empathy

  8. is often envious of others or believes others are envious of him or her

  9. shows arrogant, haughty behaviors or attitudes


Now, I am NOT DIAGNOSING Kate... but honestly, she really comes across as being a tad unstable with her ugly rages (folks say it is worse off camera) and panic/anxiety. She has never admitted any wrong in any of her actions. She seems to think she is always right. Even now she plays the victim in this mess. Jon seems to be acting like a teenager -- but hopefully someone will come along and slap him out of his adolescent behavior. Kate, I fear, will not address this issue... and the kids will face her pattern of strange controlling behavior. That part bothers me.

Edited by tex-mex
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