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Did you name your homeschool?

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i'm noticing that a lot of people i'm finding on blogs and such have given their homeschools a name. Wow. This seems like a fun idea. I'm curious: if you've named your school is it something that you use in daily conversation as you refer to school with your children (and others) or is this just more of a

"web presence" reference?


pardon my ignorance if naming your homeschool is the starting point for all homeschooling! LOL. we're entering our 2nd year. i think DS would laugh at me if i didn't come up with JUST the right name. :lol:

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LOL. i just thought of something ... "3 wise guys" academy.

yah. that probably wouldn't go over so well ;) but it'd be funny.


i like the 4 cedars ....

i would like to come up with something catchy. my publishing name for my music is Kudzu & Cotton. but that doesn't work well for a school name.

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We named our homeschool and created a mission statement just for the fun of it. We even created letterhead that we use to write up year end reports or other correspondence that goes in her binder. We also set up an email account with the name of our school so that I can keep homeschooling boards, orders, and other information separate from the rest of my emails. The name does get used around the house but mostly between DH and I.


We just had our year-end parent/teacher conference. :D

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We have a very "prep school" sounding name for our HS. I didn't do it for anyone other than to have something to put down when dealing with companies so that we look "legit".


I have found that companies offering "freebies" to teachers don't give me a hassle with this name. Sad, but true.




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We have a very "prep school" sounding name for our HS. I didn't do it for anyone other than to have something to put down when dealing with companies so that we look "legit".


I have found that companies offering "freebies" to teachers don't give me a hassle with this name. Sad, but true.





:iagree: I chose a name that would look good on a diploma as well. I wanted a name so we would take ourselves seriously as well. My dh is a self-employed and even though he doesn't have an outside office(unless you count the car) or employees, he's still a legit business and has a name. It just seemed natural to name our school.


It gives us an identity and has taken on its own personality over our five years of schooling.


We also have a mascot (Wildcats), school colors (Navy & Orange), and theme song (Bang the Drums by Todd Rundgren). Those are all in fun.


I do a theme each year and that really is something to put in the planner.

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I only named our school a few months ago b/c my son entered a contest and while homeschoolers could enter, their school had to have a name. Now we will keep that name for the purpose of continuity and b/c I really like it. I suppose at some point we'll need to use it again. :D

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Latin for "God First" :001_smile:

It's kinda a name and a mission statement in one. I use the name on my blog, to get teacher discounts and when something more formal looking/sounding is needed. We did put a lot of thought into it, but didn't really name it for anything but fun.

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Ours is sort of ordinary, Foster's Academy, and we never use it. Our motto is "Excellence for His glory." We never use that either, but it's on my Homeschool Tracker info and I put it on a cover sheet for the kids' yearly records (for my own use.) I like to joke that it is a very exclusive private school. One must have the proper lineage to attend. :)

Edited by Suzannah
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In NC it is required to have a name, but we only use it for official paperwork for the state. We are Mountainside School.


My dd12 wanted to rename our school "Freakshow Academy of Artists and Acrobats." :001_smile: I told her that wouldn't fly on a hs diploma.

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Another CA resident who had to come up with a name for the paperwork. My daughter will say "What's the name of our school again? Lux...I forgot." (It's Lux et Veritas Academy.)


Coming up with a name that doesn't sound overly pretentious, or too goofy, or accidentally the same name as some obscure evil cult, is the hardest part of homeschooling IMO. :D

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My dd12 wanted to rename our school "Freakshow Academy of Artists and Acrobats." :001_smile: I told her that wouldn't fly on a hs diploma.


My ds asked to change our name to Starfleet Academy, so that is what his diploma will read. I said no, although wouldn't that be fun to put down on a college app. :lol:

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In NC it is required to have a name, but we only use it for official paperwork for the state. We are Mountainside School.


My dd12 wanted to rename our school "Freakshow Academy of Artists and Acrobats." :001_smile: I told her that wouldn't fly on a hs diploma.


My ds asked to change our name to Starfleet Academy, so that is what his diploma will read. I said no, although wouldn't that be fun to put down on a college app. :lol:


Those are both great! I'll have to tell my sons.:lol:


Our homeschool is named And There Was Much Rejoice Academy. "And there was much rejoice" is actually said sarcastically without enthusiam and is a quote from Monty Python, but I have only had a couple of people pick up on that.:tongue_smilie:



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Guest 4boys


Our homeschool is named And There Was Much Rejoice Academy. "And there was much rejoice" is actually said sarcastically without enthusiam and is a quote from Monty Python, but I have only had a couple of people pick up on that.:tongue_smilie:




:D I noticed but I wasn't sure if you were actually referencing Monty Python or not. :lol:


We don't have a name yet but I'd like to think of one.

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Another Californian here, although we're technically enrolled throuhg a charter school and legally don't have to have a name. Still, we have one - my ds helped name ours when he was 5 - OakLeaf School, although I think I may change it eventually to Academy.


I love the idea of naming one Starfleet Academy. Too funny!

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Ours is Walnut Ridge Academy. I use it primarily for paperwork, when dealing with companies, and whenever we need to sound "official". I did let the kids help to pick a name, we came up with a bunch of ideas, and then voted. A lot of the kids ideas were based on our street name, family name, town name, stuff like that. I felt that by having them help me name our school it would give them some ownership over the name.

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I gave our homeschool a name when we first started, because sometimes when I ordered things online it would ask for school name. So I just used my username/email and turned it into our school name:


Stars of the Sea Academy


I think it's nice for our school to have a name, even though we really don't use it often, we can list it if we need to!

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DS wanted to name his school so I let him, hence The Dragon Academy. He even drew a wonderful crest - a dragon silhouette wrapped around a book that has been skewered by a quill pen. I wasn't going to use the name but he was excited about it and was telling people he went to TDA so I began to use it, too.


I'd like to see that crest. Can you post it?

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Ours is pretty boring...:lol:


We are Hillside Academy because we live on a hill. I was thinking of keeping this name for K-3 or K-6 and then changing to an upper elementary or Jr. high name, though.


We use it to sign up for things like teacher discount cards at Barnes & Noble and at Jo Ann's.

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We began homeschooling in North Carolina where they did require a school name. However we now homeschool in Alabama and they do not actually require a school name. If I had begun here in Alabama and homeschooled in the traditional Alabama way, we probably never would have thought to have an actual name for our school.

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My ds asked to change our name to Starfleet Academy, so that is what his diploma will read. I said no, although wouldn't that be fun to put down on a college app. :lol:


I have to laugh at this because my dh would love to have graduated from Starfleet Academy, and my oldest ds actually graduated from Wakefield Country Day School.


We aren't required to have a name, but I'd like to come up with something.


Anyone have any good ideas?

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When we register in Kansas we have to have a name for our "unaccredited private school". It was early in our homeschool career and we weren't feeling that creative. We simply went with "OurLastName Christian Academy". I remember I was stressing over it and my husband said ... just be simple. I sometimes still wish I'd been more creative.

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We named ours just for kicks. My oldest thought Monkey Island Academy was hilarious and is proud to be in attendance there. My middle son however is completely embarrassed by it. He wanted to attend a more dignified institution and came up with Old Oak School. Hence the Blog name. I think the combined name of Old Oak School and Monkey Island Academy really sums up the experience of homeschooling for us...you never know which way the day will go. The morning could start out all business but we may end up "swinging from the trees" by noon.....

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But in day-to-day conversation we just refer to it as the Vulcan Science Academy. DH has the sticker on his car. :D


Actually I do use it for the science fair, and when DS was interviewed there for the local paper they put it down just as though it were a regular school somewhere in our town. They must have copied it off the back of the display board because I'm pretty sure if asked he would have just said he was homeschooled.....


What we really need is a school tie, you know, with the diagonal stripes... LOL

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LOL. i just thought of something ... "3 wise guys" academy.

yah. that probably wouldn't go over so well ;) but it'd be funny.




I have always called my boys "monkeys" and I jokingly tell people I'm a monkey wrangler when they ask if I work. :D


For that reason, I really really wanted to name our homeschool Monkey School. lol Decided to go with something a little less crazy!!


I picked a name just to have something to put under "School" when requesting homeschool catalogs and for my blog name...no other reason. When asked where they go to school, the boys always say "we're homeschooled."

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I wanted to have a "founder" of our school who the dc could look up to and follow in their footsteps. I chose the Jack Wallace Memorial Academy after my grandfather who had gotten very sick as a young man in the war. He was told he would die at least 4 times and I remember going to visit him on his "death bed" twice, but he always rebounded. He was always thinking of what he would do next, even in his 80s. He was a very remarkable and inspiring man and I thought naming our school after a man who loved to learn and teach would be perfect. I just use Wallace Academy when anything requires a school name. We also did T-shirts, tye-dyed in red/white/blue, our adopted school colors.

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I'd like to see that crest. Can you post it?


Oh, I'd like to see the dragon crest too!


I have to laugh at this because my dh would love to have graduated from Starfleet Academy, and my oldest ds actually graduated from Wakefield Country Day School.


We aren't required to have a name, but I'd like to come up with something.


Anyone have any good ideas?


:lol::lol: Your kids are old enough to get involved in the process. Do some brain storming and see what they come up with. Wakefield was a street that ran through our property where we used to lived, it was never developed only plotted.

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We call our school "The Cypress Academy of Advanced Learning"

school colors--Oxford blue and silver

motto: "Armed in knowledge"

School shield is a dragon with a crown underneath him.


We wanted it to look snazzy on the transcripts to Harvard, dahlings....

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Ours is H**** Academy of Lifetime Learning--HALL for short. "H****" is our last name. I don't remember why I chose a name, but there it is. We were unschoolers at the time, and I wanted something to reflect that ("lifetime learning"), but also wanted to reflect that we are serious about education ("Academy"). We're not unschoolers anymore, but it still fits.

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I don't have one single one. I either go by (Lastname) Academy or Alyn Academy (Both girls' first names end in -a and middle names end in -lyn - completely coincidental.). I suppose I should pick one and stick with it, but we rarely have occasion to use it. Maybe when they're older we'll make a project of it.

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this has been really interesting. :)

i asked my kids the other day if they liked "High Note Academy" for our school name. they snubbed their noses, then DS (age 6) answered, "No. We should name it "Monster School." I asked if that was because we were giants of knowledge (tongue in cheek) and he said, "No just cause we like to knock things down!"

OH DEAR! i think i shall continue to make some suggestions .... next up: "Old Oaks" :) I like the biblical connection to being planted as an oak tree .....

actually H******* Academy of LIfelong Learning would work for us as well :) thanks for the idea!!! LOL

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