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How much do you drive??

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Want to hear something crazy?? I calculated my vans mileage this month.... from Feb 1st - Feb 29th we have traveled 2259 miles! Hello! Does anyone else drive this much.... My son has used it some too, but this is not to far off our norm….


I need a nap! :D

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But, we do live 1/2 hour from most major stores, our church, co-op, etc. Now that gas is $3.10/gal here or more :eek: we'll be traveling less and combining trips when possible. Instead of those spur-of-the-moment trips to Target (just b/c I need to get out!), I'll be making those trips when we're already out (like for co-op or church) or I'll have dh stop on his way home from work. Our 15 pass. van is a gas guzzler, too.

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Want to hear something crazy?? I calculated my vans mileage this month.... from Feb 1st - Feb 29th we have traveled 2259 miles! Hello! Does anyone else drive this much.... My son has used it some too, but this is not to far off our norm….


I need a nap! :D

Unfortunately that's not too far from our norm. I drive an average of 500 mi/wk. Sometimes it's higher, but this is typical. This includes only my driving for kids and family activities. DH uses his own vehicle for work and commuting.

I cringe to think of gas prices increasing. That will hurt the budget.

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I had my oil changed on September 2, 2007. Since then I've driven around 2000 miles. I stay pretty local :D!


We could be a one car family pretty easily, but since Bud drives so much for his work, it doesn't make sense for him to drive a minivan when he can use something more fuel efficient.

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We only live 11 miles from civilization... its not to bad... but man the miles jumped... granted we did drive to and from Seattle this month too.... that put a few on *Ü* I also worked a little... but still.... my poor, poor van...:eek:

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Unfortunately that's not too far from our norm. I drive an average of 500 mi/wk. Sometimes it's higher, but this is typical. This includes only my driving for kids and family activities. DH uses his own vehicle for work and commuting.

I cringe to think of gas prices increasing. That will hurt the budget.



No kidding.... I cringe at the thought.... Its about $3.19 for gas... depends... I guess 3.19-3.29 depending on where we go... Safeway and Costco mostly.... but it kills me to pay over $3.00 at the pump...

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Right now, the cost of gas and transportation is killing us.


I drive, on average, 100 miles each day. I'm living in my car and I HATE it. (the AC is broken and we live in TX.)


We only have one car.


DH has to be at PT on post at 6:15, (10 miles) and since the kids are currently in PS and we live too close for the bus, but too far to walk, I have to take him. (20 mile round trip.) Then I take the kids to school, (4 mile round trip). This should drop off here soon, but due to appointments and in-processing, I've had to make 2 extra trips to DH's work during the middle of the day. (2 x 20 miles) I have to pick the kids up from school (4 miles) and then back to pick DH up from work (20 miles round trip.)


I also have the usual errands to run, groceries, shopping, Dr. appts, etc. We're still getting set up here, so there have been a lot of things like that lately.


We should have a new car soon. That will really make a difference.

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I average about 1250 miles a month and I spend 2-3 hours, everyday in the car. 2 hours driving and up to an hour of sitting, waiting. I live in the city so depending on where I am going and what time of day, 15 miles can be 15 minutes or it can be 1 hour.

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. . . I do about 250 miles per week, just driving my son around town to various activities (at least five days a week, 30 or more miles for each round trip) plus grocery trips and church (also a 30-mile round trip) and going downtown a few evenings a month for theatre or other events.


However, at least once a month I have some extra-long trip to make. I'll have to drive my son to a concert or ballet performance an hour or more away, for example. Also, my daughter is in college 800 miles from home, and I've made multiple round trips this academic year to drop her off, bring her home for breaks, take her back from visits, etc.


So, all told, I probably average about 2000 miles per month.



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My dh travels about 300 a week for work. I travel 70 miles a week to bring dd home from school ever day, 60 miles a week for dance, 60 twice a month to visit my parents and 70 miles 1-2 times a month to visit dh parents and then various shopping trips, etc.. I would say between my dh and I we travel about 1800-2000 miles a month. I never realized it was so much.

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Our four year old minivan has less than 20,000 miles. DH drives to work and the girls and I use public transit. There is one activity I schedule for the weekend because it is inconvenient to travel by bus.

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My husband and I live within a mile of our work and we keep our miles under 20 / week on average. Occasionally we have a bigger driving week when there are more choir events for my oldest son - choir practice is 8 miles away, and I try to work in grocery stops and errands to and from.


Actually, one of the (many) reasons I chose to remove my oldest from school is that we had to drive him. I found that the constant driving just felt like a pretty inhumane way to live, and it caused me a lot of stress. Less driving has simplified my life immensely, though I'm still pretty busy.


The climate here is fairly mild so we can bike or walk most of the year.

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so I can believe it will be close to $4/ gal this year. I don't drive so the kids & I walk everywhere. When we have to get a ride from someone we offer to pay for the gas. Between Dh's commute, errands & activities we put about 150 miles/ week on the car. When the weather is nice many of those miles go on the motorcycle.


Amber in SJ

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Want to hear something crazy?? I calculated my vans mileage this month.... from Feb 1st - Feb 29th we have traveled 2259 miles! Hello! Does anyone else drive this much.... My son has used it some too, but this is not to far off our norm….


I need a nap! :D


Hi, Lisa!! :)


Wow, girl, that is a lot of driving. Even with Leap Day added in there. :D


We live right in town but I still put between 1200 and 1500 miles per month on our van. I don't feel like I'm in it that much, but I guess I do make at least one trip each day somewhere. And I drive out of town at least once per month. So I guess it adds up.


I'm a little under the weather this morning so I'm at home playing on the computer while the rest of my family is at church.


Hope you and your family have a great Sunday!



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really I am basically a home body, The grocery store, panera bread(soon to open) Micheals, Bed Bath and Beyon and much more and less than a mile away, The library is about3 miles as is Wal-Mart Anything else I basically order via the internet. I like it this way. OH we live in a neighbor with a bunch of great kids so ds gets plenty(sometimes too much) friend time.

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Guest Lorna

We drove over a thousand miles to get from France to Denmark in November, but we haven't been in the car much since we got here. We live right in the city and everyone here cycles or walks.

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On average, probably about 50miles/month. But, if we drive to my parent's house or on a vacation it'll be more. We do that about four times/year.


I've had my car for 89 months and it has 86000 miles on it. That averages 966/month. BUT, that includes multiple trips to FL, AZ (twice!), CA, ME, PA, DC, VA, etc. On one of those trips alone we put 6500 on the car!!

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. . . who got intrigued and pulled the service records out of the glove compartment and did the math.


It turns out that, until about a year ago, I was averaging about 1600 miles per month. Since the beginning of last summer, however, my mileage has gone up considerably. Currently, I'm doing more like 3100 miles per month, which works out to an average of about 100 miles per day.


What really struck me was that, assuming I could average 50 miles per hour, this means I'm spending about 60 hours (or the equivalent of one and one-half 40-hour work weeks) driving every month.


No wonder I'm tired.



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:D I haven't had my ds check the miles yet, but I think we were around 400 miles this month. That is probably a little less than average as we were sick and didn't go out much at the beginning of the month.


You drove a lot. ;)



lol.. you started it Lee! Im actually depressed! LOL JK... it was revealing to say the least.... things need to change... something’s cant but evaluating our driving is in order for sure...

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. . . who got intrigued and pulled the service records out of the glove compartment and did the math.


It turns out that, until about a year ago, I was averaging about 1600 miles per month. Since the beginning of last summer, however, my mileage has gone up considerably. Currently, I'm doing more like 3100 miles per month, which works out to an average of about 100 miles per day.


No wonder I'm tired.





Ding, ding, ding, ding!!! We have a winner!! Im not sure what you won.... but how about a nap and someone else doing all the driving? :D

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Hi, Lisa!! :)


Wow, girl, that is a lot of driving. Even with Leap Day added in there. :D


We live right in town but I still put between 1200 and 1500 miles per month on our van. I don't feel like I'm in it that much, but I guess I do make at least one trip each day somewhere. And I drive out of town at least once per month. So I guess it adds up.


I'm a little under the weather this morning so I'm at home playing on the computer while the rest of my family is at church.


Hope you and your family have a great Sunday!





Hello on line buddy! Thats still a lot of mileage... I’m surprised at some of the numbers... and a bit jealous of others with the low mileage! lol


I’m sorry you are under the weather. :(

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Dh just figured it out and told me approx 500-600 miles per month. We only have one car, but DH takes his scooter to work 3 miles away everyday. So I'm left with the car. We usually just run errands, including piano lessons, once per week. If we go to LA or Fresno for a field trip then we bump that up significantly.

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We probably average about 400 miles per month of normal driving (no trips to visit family, just everyday stuff). We only have one car and tend to be homebodies, though, and with dh's fluctuating schedule, it is hard to schedule extra activities.

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