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American Idol: Spoiler

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The "save" could only be used up until there were 5 people left I think. I'm sure a large bloc of the Idol voters thought Adam was a bit too extreme, or at least too theatrical (he was in the LA production of "Wicked"). I did not like the song Kara co-wrote though and I hope some professional production will help it out. It reminded me of Miley Cyrus's new song.

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I thought he had a really good chance, since last week Ryan said that there were only a million votes separating the top two, and probably a lot of Danny's voters would now turn to him, like me. Although I liked Danny from the beginning, about halfway through I really started liking Kris. He's definitely more original than Danny. Last night I was listening to his "Heartless" and "Falling Slowly" on youtube just because I liked them so much. Depending on what kind of CD he makes, I may buy it.

Edited by cathmom
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The "save" could only be used up until there were 5 people left I think. I'm sure a large bloc of the Idol voters thought Adam was a bit too extreme, or at least too theatrical (he was in the LA production of "Wicked"). I did not like the song Kara co-wrote though and I hope some professional production will help it out. It reminded me of Miley Cyrus's new song.


Maybe Kris can tweak it with a soft acoustic. Those winner songs are always so cheesy.


Do you remember last year they had several winner songs to choose from. That way they could select a song more suitable for their voice and range. I think that's the way to go.

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I'm happy for Kris. But I'm sad Adam didn't win. They both deserved it.



You're exactly right! They both seemed like really great guys. I didn't mean to imply that Adam didn't deserve to win. Kris is just more my style.

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Something I really like about Kris is that he plays guitar and piano so well and writes his own songs - he is a great musician, singer and songwriter. He is also really cute... hehe


I think Adam is a great performer and I really like his personality but his singing is a little screechy to me.

:iagree: I loved Kris with Keith Urban! They sounded so great together!

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Something I really like about Kris is that he plays guitar and piano so well and writes his own songs - he is a great musician, singer and songwriter. He is also really cute... hehe


I think Adam is a great performer and I really like his personality but his singing is a little screechy to me.


Agree 100%

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Adam as talented as he is just didn't have enough mainstream appeal. Kris on the other hand, is crossover country/pop. I always thought Adam was the most talented, but would never in a million years by his album - too hard.

:iagree:That's about how I feel. Adam is way too hard rock for me...I'd buy an album from Kris.

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Holy COW! What a show!


C'mon! KISS, Queen, Rod Stewart, Cyndi Lauper, Carlos Santana, Lionel Richie...and Queen Latifah!!!!! :w00t: All on the same show! It was fantastic!


I like Kris but would have liked Danny better. Adam is going to be a bigger star. I can just feel it. He has more raw talent and some producer will get ahold of him and know how to find just the right music. I predict a runner-up star a la Rueben/Clay.


Great, great show!:D

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I would have to say that it was the best finale I can remember!! My kids think I have officially lost it!!


Who knew Mom could dance around the living room to Rod Stewart!! And woohoo for Cyndi Lauper! My husband had way too much fun with KISS!! OK, maybe they think Dad has lost it too!


My kids had never seen anything like KISS before!! My ds10 was rotflol!!!:lol:

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Adam is probably better off not being under the Idol contract. He will definitely "make it" big...Idol or no Idol.


Right... just think, he'll get to pick and choose from SO many record companies clamoring to sign him. He'll make out VERY well not winning.

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I think Kris won because he is an "All -American" kind of guy. If you compare them vocally, there's no match.


Kris is talented and sweet. Adam is a born superstar.


Adam will be the biggest star ever launched by American Idol.

-My (very strong) opinion/prediction!

Edited by swimnactmom
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I think Kris won because he is an "All -American" kind of guy. If you compare them vocally, there's no match.


Kris is talented and sweet. Adam is a born superstar.


Adam will be the biggest star ever launched by American Idol.

-My (very strong) opinion/prediction!


To each his or her own!


BTW, wasn't Carrie Underwood supposed to perform? I thought I heard that on the radio?

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To each his or her own!


BTW, wasn't Carrie Underwood supposed to perform? I thought I heard that on the radio?

She performed last night and closed out the show. I think they overscheduled themselves. But WOW, what a show!!! I even selected to keep until I delete on Tivo!!! :tongue_smilie:

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Great show! So much fun...Cyndi Lauper, Santana, KISS...wow!!


Adam is our favorite idol ever but we expected Kris to win. Kris looked stunned!


Danny sounded GREAT tonight...he also has a bright career ahead of him if he chooses!


No more idol? NOW what do we do on Tuesday and Wednesday nights?!!:confused:

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I am truly happy for Kris and his wife for the win. It was so sweet when he was given the car...he said that they needed a car so badly. Been there!


However, I do think Adam deserved to win more, simply based upon raw talent. I know I would never want an entire Adam album, but I would turn up a song of his on the radio on a hot summer day with the windows rolled down. Adam will be a GINORMOUS star...


...and Kris will do very, very well. My DH said he'll make millions writing songs that can be played for years to come on that nighttime sentimental-fest radio show :lol: that plays on soft rock stations with "Delilah".


Good season.


Oh, my favorite part was actually that wacko with the dual personality. For some reason I just couldn't stop laughing. So ridiculous! And all of that talent at one show!!! Cool...

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I just loved how sweetly, genuinely humble Kris was to the end -- and I think Adam remained deeply gracious throughout (and occasionally even physically pushed Kris into the spotlight in the last few weeks, not allowing Kris' humility to keep him out of view in group shots, things like that). I know some viewed Adam as arrogant, but I think it was really more just confidence and comfort in his own skills -- which are undeniably *phenomenal*, even if his style isn't one's favorite.


Anyway, I thought they were both amazingly talented, and I think the results show was fantastic. In the end, I think it worked out for the best for both of them.

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I would have to say that it was the best finale I can remember!! My kids think I have officially lost it!!


Who knew Mom could dance around the living room to Rod Stewart!! And woohoo for Cyndi Lauper! My husband had way too much fun with KISS!! OK, maybe they think Dad has lost it too!


My kids had never seen anything like KISS before!! My ds10 was rotflol!!!:lol:


My kids loved Kiss!! My three youngest had never heard of most of the stars who performed. When they didn't know who Rod Stewart was, I decided we should do Rod Stewart for music this week and forego our composer study.:001_smile: Not really (that comment got me a weird look from dh).


I am SO happy Kris won, even though I like Danny more. I'm sure the top three will all be very successful.

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I'm happy for Kris. But I'm sad Adam didn't win. They both deserved it.


I just loved how sweetly, genuinely humble Kris was to the end -- and I think Adam remained deeply gracious throughout (and occasionally even physically pushed Kris into the spotlight in the last few weeks, not allowing Kris' humility to keep him out of view in group shots, things like that). I know some viewed Adam as arrogant, but I think it was really more just confidence and comfort in his own skills -- which are undeniably *phenomenal*, even if his style isn't one's favorite.


Anyway, I thought they were both amazingly talented, and I think the results show was fantastic. In the end, I think it worked out for the best for both of them.


Yep, I agree. And when Kris said "Adam deserved to win this"...


They will both do well, but I predict Adam will do better than Kris in sales and stardom.

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I just loved how sweetly, genuinely humble Kris was to the end -- and I think Adam remained deeply gracious throughout (and occasionally even physically pushed Kris into the spotlight in the last few weeks, not allowing Kris' humility to keep him out of view in group shots, things like that). I know some viewed Adam as arrogant, but I think it was really more just confidence and comfort in his own skills -- which are undeniably *phenomenal*, even if his style isn't one's favorite.


Anyway, I thought they were both amazingly talented, and I think the results show was fantastic. In the end, I think it worked out for the best for both of them.




The judges obviously thought Adam would be the winner weeks ago. Even so, I never got an arogant vibe from him.

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When the accountant came with the envelope and blocked the 2 finalists from camera view, Adam moved into camera view pulling Kris along with him.


I have a professional child actor who is well known. From being in this business I can tell you that many experienced performers would have stepped into the camera's view in that situation- but would not have pulled their competition along with them! That was a testament to Adam's genuine support for Kris. I commend them both for their respect and admiration of each other. That was awesome!!

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I'm a Danny fan. I didn't vote because I liked Danny so much. I guess my voting boycott didn't do anything though 100mm votes! Wow! Good for Kris. I love the way he hugged his wife at the end last night. I also love how shocked he was. It was a great night. I really liked all the performances too.

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