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Can I join the " I hate to drive club".


I have lived in this town for 9 years and I only drive in this town and a bit of the next town alone unless dh is with me.

I have to get better at this though because my dh doesn't work close to home anymore and he can't drop off the kids to all their activities.

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Why do you think this is? Amongst my homeschooling friends, it seems the reverse...I was considering NOT "going classical" and was eventually convinced after reading WTM...because I had misconceptions about what it meant. Do you think they are unaware of what it really means?


I really don't know. Out of the 12 or so families in our group, I'd say 4 use Abeka exclusively; 2 use CM methods exclusively, the rest use eclectic materials, but mostly textbook curricula. I've been openly ridiculed for teaching Latin, I have eyes rolled at me for doing nature study or doing science informally. I know that at most of the used curriculum sales around here, the majority of the items for sale are Abeka, Bob Jones, K12, or other textbooks. I guess I live in the land of textbook homeschooling. :glare:


Conversely, I don't care what other people use to educate their children. Not my decision and I don't get why MY choices are ok to ridicule.

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I don't care what other people use to educate their children. Not my decision and I don't get why MY choices are ok to ridicule.




Nicely put. Thanks for your response! (I was not an Abeka person before WTM, I SAID I was going to do Sonlight "because it wasn't classical". Isn't that dumb? I guess it pays to actually READ the definitions before making any judgments, huh? :)

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Can I join the " I hate to drive club".


I have lived in this town for 9 years and I only drive in this town and a bit of the next town alone unless dh is with me.

I have to get better at this though because my dh doesn't work close to home anymore and he can't drop off the kids to all their activities.


You're in! :auto:

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Ok, let's see:


**I also do not fit anywhere. I don't believe what almost all the the Christian friends I have believe but I believe I am still a Christian. So I don't feel like I fit with Christians or non-Christians. :) All my friends and family are traditional Christian, so I have to be certain to keep all conversations pretty shallow because they would have a heart attack at my beliefs. :)


**I love to drive. I hate to ride with others. I mean I really hate it. I have to consciously tell myself to relax and just ride. I don't think many others drive as well as I do.


**I love teaching in our homeschool setting. A large reason we homeschool is for selfish reasons because I enjoy it. However, I would NEVER teach in a private or public school. I'm afraid I'd hit the ones that are brats. :)


**I don't like to cook but I wish I did. Actually I don't like to have flops for meals, so I don't try new things even though I want to. I get bored with the same things and so does the family. It becomes a vicious cycle and we tend to eat out A LOT. I mean A LOT.


**Not related to the above: we go out for lunch every day. Every single day. We don't love sandwiches or other quick, normal lunch meals and with our crazy mornings, there is NO way I'm cooking a lunch. Years ago it was so stressful until we decided we go out for lunch. It's much easier. We tend to eat at no earlier than 1pm though.


**I don't like sports. I don't sign my guys up for all the baseball and basketball and such for selfish reasons. I don't like it...at all. We stick to TKD as a personal compromise. :)


I'll think of others later. Oh, Ibbygirl, I know nothing about them but I do like your guitar! :)


Ok, I thought of an other: I just don't know that I'd say I believe homosexuality is a sin anymore. I know too many now that are wonderful, loving, kind, devoted people who are. I've always actually felt this way. Even when I was a traditional Christian. :)

Edited by PinkInTheBlue
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Ok, let's see:


**I also do not fit anywhere. I don't believe what almost all the the Christian friends I have believe but I believe I am still a Christian. So I don't feel like I fit with Christians or non-Christians. :) All my friends and family are traditional Christian, so I have to be certain to keep all conversations pretty shallow because they would have a heart attack at my beliefs. :)


You and I could be friends if you don't mind my being such a tomboy!! I am so used to getting strange looks when I speak that I just take it as normal. I have very few friends. Being such a tomboy into cars and guitars it's not that surprising to me, but I've just always been that way and can't be any way else. I've always related better to men than women, and have always had more guy friends than girl friends, but since being married I had to give up all my guy friends. I try to make friends with ladies, but I struggle. I just feel like I live on another planet.


**I love to drive. I hate to ride with others. I mean I really hate it. I have to consciously tell myself to relax and just ride. I don't think many others drive as well as I do.


I love to drive too, although lately it's bugging me because the people on the highways here are getting more and more reckless all the time. I really resent it too because I absolutely LOVE my car and love to spend time working on it and driving in it, but I just get so sick of the bad drivers that they are ruining it for me. :(


**Oh, Ibbygirl, I know nothing about them but I do like your guitar! :)
:D:D She likes my guitar!!! (beaming with joy) Oh bless you, Jessica! :D:D
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I pick all the cashews out of the mixed nuts.


I do that too. They are the only ones in mixed nuts I like.


I have just read the 5 pages of this thread that came after my post hoping that someone would say they liked my guitar and my heart sank that nobody did! hehe


Actually, I LOVE acoustic guitars but I showed yours to my DD and she was almost in tears begging me to take her and get one *just like yours*




  • I have two boxes of Hershey sticks in my pantry and they're MINE.


  • I will intentionally wait until the weekend, when dd is at her dad's, to go through Sonic for a chocolate cherry coke or an ice cream cone.


  • I hate blankets on the floor.



1) How do you keep others from eating your sticks? I have to hide food to keep them out!


2) I was beginning to think I was the only person who ever had a chocolate cherry coke (sometimes DP) at Sonic! People look at me like I have lost it, but I LOVE them! *thinking I'll head there now*


3) Blankets on the floor enrage me...it's really sad something so little makes me lose it



**I also do not fit anywhere. I don't believe what almost all the the Christian friends I have believe but I believe I am still a Christian. So I don't feel like I fit with Christians or non-Christians. :) All my friends and family are traditional Christian, so I have to be certain to keep all conversations pretty shallow because they would have a heart attack at my beliefs. :)


**I love to drive. I hate to ride with others. I mean I really hate it. I have to consciously tell myself to relax and just ride. I don't think many others drive as well as I do.


Ok, I thought of an other: I just don't know that I'd say I believe homosexuality is a sin anymore. I know too many now that are wonderful, loving, kind, devoted people who are. I've always actually felt this way. Even when I was a traditional Christian. :)


I want to know what you believe. :D I love to drive too and hate others driving. I am constantly hitting the brakes or something on my side of the vehicle, which of course does not help.


You and I could be friends if you don't mind my being such a tomboy!! I am so used to getting strange looks when I speak that I just take it as normal. I have very few friends. Being such a tomboy into cars and guitars it's not that surprising to me, but I've just always been that way and can't be any way else. I've always related better to men than women, and have always had more guy friends than girl friends, but since being married I had to give up all my guy friends. I try to make friends with ladies, but I struggle. I just feel like I live on another planet.




I love to drive too, although lately it's bugging me because the people on the highways here are getting more and more reckless all the time. I really resent it too because I absolutely LOVE my car and love to spend time working on it and driving in it, but I just get so sick of the bad drivers that they are ruining it for me. :(



I agree with you...and I'm a Tomboy

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This is my third post since my board break. I love this thread!


Last time I was pregnant, I craved eating dirt so strongly that I almost ate several of the mud pies my dd made me out of potting soil and hose water.


I'm pregnant again and I crave the smell of Vicks Vapo-Rub so much that I take long whiffs of it all day long and once even put a little bit on my tongue. It was delicious!:tongue_smilie:


Sounds like you had Pica, and may have it this time too
Pica can be very serious. (and it sounds like it is!) I hope that you have disussed it with your doctor.



Okay, a couple more:


I am obsessed with Channing Tatum


My sex drive is about 10x that of my DH and I wish it would CHILL OUT!


Check out Drrind.com or see your doctor to see if you have any hormone issues.

I cried when Steve left Blue's Clues to go to college.


She said I'd have to make another appt. for my 'mental health' issue. Now I'm waiting for my next appointment. They used to be so quick to hand out pills and say 'try this for two weeks and then come back and see me'. Now that I actually NEED something, it's like pulling badger teeth to get it. Hoping your abdomen pain/bulge really IS nothing. :)

In the meantime, you can try PharmaGaba, Gaba Calm (this is my antianxiety med of choice, from vitacost.com) and www.tapping.com. :)

Edited by Lovedtodeath
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Me too!!


I confess that I just joined here on April 3rd of THIS YEAR and this will be my 459th post!! :eek:


I LOVE cars and always wanted to learn auto mechanics. I still do! :blushing: I wanted to take auto mechanics when I got out of highschool but my mother forbid it. I still wish I could learn enough auto mechanics to buy an old car with a classic body style like a 1969 Camaro and restore it myself. That would be a dream! For now, I satisfy my love of cars by detailing. I used to be a moderator on 3 different auto detailing websites but had to quit because of the time commitment. I recently did 2 detailing jobs on the side to raise money for my daughter's summer camp. hehe


I also am a guitar nut and own 5 electric guitars and 2 acoustics. I love to play guitar and I'm not talking about James Taylor Carol King type stuff either. Although I like that music that is not what I like to play. I like to play lead style, hard rock guitar and dream of being able to play with the technical virtuosity of Joe Satriani.


Ay, I'm so femenine aren't I?? :blushing: hehehe


At least one of my guitars is pink! ;) :D




THAT is awesome!


I have an electric/acoustic my husband bought for my bday a few years ago, plus an electric. My husband has a classical guitar, and my son has an electric and acoustic. My confession is that I don't play enough - I even have Sonar 6 recording software, as well as a kick butt keyboard - so I could actually record tracks (of my horrible, horrible bad sounding songs haha) but I haven't done anything with it - and I have had the software for almost 2 years!!!

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BTW, Ibbygirl...I love your pink guitar! I have an acoustic guitar (alas, not pink!), but I haven't played it since I was pregnant with my first child (2001-ish). Not that I knew much. But I really miss it. It beckons to me, but I'd have to learn all those chords all over again.

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1. I am really, really glad that my DH does not particularly like Cadbury Eggs. When he buys them for us at Easter time, at Costco, in the handy 24 pack, I know that they are really all for me.


2. I didn't let my DD taste them until she was 12. She thought that they looked gross, and I said that as long as she felt that way, she should really eat something else that suits her better, instead. More for me!


3. I really, really hate to put things away. I don't mind cleaning, but I hate decluttering. That includes decluttering the garden by weeding it.


4. I love intense music of all kinds. That means: Symphonic choral music, old, complicated, German hymns, big band jazz from the 1940's, and soul music. Elevator music makes me want to break windows.


5. I don't like to exercise in groups. I like to be alone with my sweat and pain. I do not want an exercise buddy to walk with every day at a certain time. I do not like to exercise on an appointment basis. I want to get up and exercise if I feel like it and have time, at whatever early time suits me that day. And then I want to go home and take a bath. In peace.


6. I believe that now that DD is 12, she is old enough to leave me alone while I go to the bathroom or get dressed. That means that she should not knock on the bathroom door and try to have a conversation through it, nor should she come into my bedroom to keep me company while I try to figure out what to wear. Is that too much to ask? Apparently so.


7. Ditto for DH, actually. Pretty much. Although it is his room, too. But still.


8. I secretly believe that although Lutherans do not consider the Liturgy to be part of the deposit of faith, it's sort of at the quasi-deposit-level.


9. I always wanted to go back to college and study history and become a professor. I'm thinking I ought to let that one go, now. But if I ever won the lottery I would definitely go back to school. Not that I ever purchase lottery tickets.


10. I find it hard to be cheerful about working fulltime and homeschooling, even though it's the best thing I can figure out to do. I've been at this for over 5 years now, and I still wish I could focus on one or the other.

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1. I daydream often about cleaning my SIL's disgusting house. I mean often.


2. We eat cereal for dinner more than I'd like.


3. I clean baseboards and closets when I get upset.


4. My mind is never still. Not even for a moment. It's the thing I want more than anything else in the world.


5. I wish I had much more patience than I do but I'm proud of the amount I do have.

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I ripped the front bumper off my car backing out the garage when my infant was screaming after I put him in his car seat (12 yrs ago) :crying:


I've been trying not to take a shower/wash my hair everday after 30+ year of doing it daily - my skin/hair needs a break :w00t:


I don't care if my dc's room looks like a bomb hit it AS long as it gets cleaned on Saturday (then 2 hrs later - bomb HIT) :confused:


I've been cleaning my face with oil since yoo'all recommended it :001_tt2:


I backed out of my garage with the door closed because it was dark and we were late to an indoor soccer game; I said to my ds "we'll worry about it later" and pulled forward put the door up & left for the game :driving:

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Jessica and Ibbygirl...can I hire one of you to be my driver? Jessica...guess it will be you since AL is closer to TN!


But, Ibbygirl...I'll be in Ft. Lauderdale in a few days!



Ay, I hope you beat all the rain!! The weatherman tonight said that we have two low pressure systems that are coming over our state in the next few days one from the Gulf the other up from Cuba and the Bahamas. It's supposed to be a deluge! The truth is we really need the rain. Our dry season has been really really dry and we're in drought conditions, but it's no fun to visit Fla when it's pouring rain all the time. :grouphug:


I hope that you have fun on your visit. :) I was born and raised in Ft. Lauderdale. :) But I live about 25 minutes south of it now. :)

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Ay, I hope you beat all the rain!! The weatherman tonight said that we have two low pressure systems that are coming over our state in the next few days one from the Gulf the other up from Cuba and the Bahamas. It's supposed to be a deluge! The truth is we really need the rain. Our dry season has been really really dry and we're in drought conditions, but it's no fun to visit Fla when it's pouring rain all the time. :grouphug:


I hope that you have fun on your visit. :) I was born and raised in Ft. Lauderdale. :) But I live about 25 minutes south of it now. :)


Frankly, I'm quite all right if it rains (you saw that I hate the sun!)! My parents live in Ft.L, so it's not just beach for us there. (I was secretly hoping the rainy season would kick in!);)

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I love, love, love Sonic ice. I'll buy a bag and not share with anyone in the house.


The Sonic people know me by name and know my order as soon as I pull up - Route 44 Diet Coke with extra ice. They also give me discounts all the time so I can justify drinking 2-3 a day.


I don't make my kids go to bed early anymore. It's so much easier to let them go to sleep when they're tired and not have to fight it. Of course, dh will have a cow when he comes home and bedtime is sometimes as late as 11:00.


My middle dd regularly gets up with the 2 yo so I can sleep a little later. I'm not sure where I got such a sweet girl!


I just sat and read through this entire thread instead of folding a load of laundry. It's still sitting there - no one has volunteered to fold it for me.

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Actually, I LOVE acoustic guitars but I showed yours to my DD and she was almost in tears begging me to take her and get one *just like yours*


Oh bless her heart! :) It's an AWESOME guitar!! It's a 1986 Ibanez Roadstar II RG420. It was the first year they came out with the floating (Floyd Rose licensed) bridge. It's sick the stuff you can do with that bridge. I can do all kinds of insane crazy dive bombs a la Eddie Van Halen, trem flutters etc. It's A LOT of fun to play! :) You can still find some on Ebay, but I've never found another one in the color I have (Cherry Ice), but any Roadstar II from 1986 is awesome! :)


I love my acoustics too but this one is my absolute favorite!! The sound on it is so amazingly beautiful that it brings me to tears when I play it. It's a GREAT guitar. It's a 1976 Ibanez Concord. This is one of the best guitars that I am lucky enough to own. :) The bookmatched back is just amazing!





I agree with you...and I'm a Tomboy


:) I love it when people agree with me! hehehehe It's so nice to see another Tomboy! ;)

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It's a GREAT guitar. It's a 1976 Ibanez Concord. This is one of the best guitars that I am lucky enough to own. :) The bookmatched back is just amazing!


:) I love it when people agree with me! hehehehe It's so nice to see another Tomboy! ;)


I will share that info with DD. She came in her awhile ago and said "Mom, can I see t hat guitar again?". LOL That acoustic is beautiful, I LOVE the back!


I am with you too on having more guy friends than female friends. I think for me it has more to do with the catty nature of women. I still have a few friends that are guys, but we don't hang out without DH. It's a respect thing. However, I had to give up most of my friends for my marriage. It was worth it. I find it really hard to make female friends. I am just so different (insert tomboy here again, then add laid back) that most women aren't like me. However, when I have been around someone for awhile, no matter our differences we can usually get along. At work the gals call me "country" because I am SO different than them, but they are so kind and I could o see myself hanging out with them. That is because we embrace each other's differences.

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THAT is awesome!


I have an electric/acoustic my husband bought for my bday a few years ago, plus an electric. My husband has a classical guitar, and my son has an electric and acoustic. My confession is that I don't play enough - I even have Sonar 6 recording software, as well as a kick butt keyboard - so I could actually record tracks (of my horrible, horrible bad sounding songs haha) but I haven't done anything with it - and I have had the software for almost 2 years!!!



It's never to late to begin again. I got my first electric guitar when I was like 14 or 15 years old. My stepdad bought it for $20.00 from a local Pawn shop. It was old and beat to heck when I got it, but it was a cool guitar. I lent my amp to my brother and he kept it for the longest time. Like a year later I asked him for my amp back and he confessed to me that he had sold it!! :eek: My guitar hibernated in my closet for years and I just mostly played acoustics since I didn't have an amp. Finally I told myself that I need to either buy an another amp or get rid of the guitar. I bought an amp. It was so cool to hear her plugged in again. It inspired me to start playing electric guitar again and to work on my lead style. I haven't looked back since then. I have now 3 other electric guitars beside that one plus one electric bass that is KILLER!! I love it! hehe Oh btw, thank you for your kind compliments about my guitar! :) I love this thread! :D hehe ;)


BTW, Ibbygirl...I love your pink guitar! I have an acoustic guitar (alas, not pink!), but I haven't played it since I was pregnant with my first child (2001-ish). Not that I knew much. But I really miss it. It beckons to me, but I'd have to learn all those chords all over again.


Thank you kindly. :) I hope you pick up your guitar again. There are all kinds of videos on Youtube that give guitar lessons and some of them are pretty good. I have a book of easy praise and worship guitar songs. If you want I can send you some of them to play. I think that is the key. If you play something that you like to play, it keeps you coming back. I also think that playing guitar is like riding a bike, although you may be a little shaky to get back on it after a long time, you never really forget how to ride. :)

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Frankly, I'm quite all right if it rains (you saw that I hate the sun!)! My parents live in Ft.L, so it's not just beach for us there. (I was secretly hoping the rainy season would kick in!);)



:) It looks like you'll get your wish then. :) It's POURING outside right now as I type this. I hope you have a wonderful visit with your parents. :) You should take a walk along the New River at night while your here,(if it's not pouring that is) I always loved walking down Las Olas at night. :)

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I will share that info with DD. She came in her awhile ago and said "Mom, can I see t hat guitar again?". LOL That acoustic is beautiful, I LOVE the back!


I am with you too on having more guy friends than female friends. I think for me it has more to do with the catty nature of women. I still have a few friends that are guys, but we don't hang out without DH. It's a respect thing. However, I had to give up most of my friends for my marriage. It was worth it. I find it really hard to make female friends. I am just so different (insert tomboy here again, then add laid back) that most women aren't like me. However, when I have been around someone for awhile, no matter our differences we can usually get along. At work the gals call me "country" because I am SO different than them, but they are so kind and I could o see myself hanging out with them. That is because we embrace each other's differences.



That's cool. You sound a lot like me. BTW, just for your daughter's sake, the pink one is the Ibanez Roadstar RG 420 in Cherry Ice. The acoustic is my Ibanez Concord 669. :)


There's a white one like my pink one on Music go round right now.



It's the one at the bottom. It looks in good shape. It's missing the trem arm, but you can find a replacement easy enough for a few dollars. :)


I have a couple more also....


I LOVE the smell of my son. I'm always smelling the top of his head or his skin when I give him hugs. I even like the smell of his breath! hehehe


I make him take his shoes off when I put him in his car seat so he won't put dirty shoes on the backs of the seat in front. I don't let anyone eat or drink in my car unless it's an absolute emergency and I always park way way out in a parking lot to avoid door dings!! It's OCD for sure, but my car is 3 years old and doesn't have a single ding and that makes me happy! hehehe


I also make people wash their hands before handling my guitar and they have to take their belts off if they want to play it! hehehe :)

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Here are all the confessions I've been holding in. Thanks for a chance to get it off my chest!




  • I can't remember who said it first, but I also hate chocolate. I really hate chocolate and I get irritated that some of the homeschool moms spend hours and hours discussing how delicious it is, because I hate it.
  • I hate to cook. I almost never cook anything that takes more than 30 minutes because I usually just throw something together at the last minute.
  • I'm secretly irritated to no end at my partner because she's decided to cut out HFCS and most processed foods and now I spend hours and hours researching recipes and cooking from scratch. I am NOT Aunt Jemima!
  • I usually only bathe two or three times a week and wear the same clothes several days in a row because we only have one car and who the heck cares because I don't really go anywhere and nobody knows anyway.
  • I use the shower faucet a certain different way than my spouse does, so when I don't shower, I move the faucet so that it looks like I did because I'm embarrassed for her to find out that I'm too lazy to bother showering.
  • Even though I'm not an avid shower-er, I ritualistically apply make-up every. single. day.
  • My spouse's daughter lived in another state for the whole ten years we've been together and about a year ago she turned up on our doorstep at age 18 with no high school diploma, unmarried and pregnant. I'm secretly as jealous as a green-eyed-monster and resentful for all the time and energy she sucks out of my life and our relationship. I'm also extremely ashamed of myself because I thought I'd be more grown up than this, but turns out I'm just one of those catty women you see on tv.
  • Speaking of tv. I love tv. I watch several hours a day, shamelessly. I'd give up half my grocery budget before I gave up my cable subscription and DVR.
  • I hate to drive. I'm actually giddy about giving my son driving lessons so that he can drive himself wherever he has to go and just let me ride shotgun. I LOVE the passenger's seat.
  • I've been on this forum for years and years and years since way before it changed formats, but most of y'all are so smart and witty that I'm afraid to comment on most threads because I think I'll just look like a big fat idiot.
  • I hope I don't kill this thread. :tongue_smilie:


Carry on! :D

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My absolute favorite tv show is Overhaulin! hehehe I can't wait to go visit my mom because she has cable and then I can watch it. Otherwise I watch it online. :)


I hate to use the word "curricula". Even though I know it is correct, I always feel like I'm putting on airs when I use it, is so often times I'll say curriculum, even though I KNOW that it is not the proper usage. ;) :D hehe

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I am a control freak and a little OCD. I start alphabetizing my movies or cleaning out cabinets and closets when I'm stressed.


:iagree: Me too! Not only are the movies in alphabetical order, the kids' bookcases (with the non-school-related books) are also in alphabetical order by the author's last name.


Sheri :)

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1) How do you keep others from eating your sticks? I have to hide food to keep them out!


2) I was beginning to think I was the only person who ever had a chocolate cherry coke (sometimes DP) at Sonic! People look at me like I have lost it, but I LOVE them! *thinking I'll head there now*


3) Blankets on the floor enrage me...it's really sad something so little makes me lose it



1) My son doesn't know they're there and my daughter can't reach them (and knows better than to try!).


2) Oh, my dad used to make chocolate cokes for me when I was a kid. Since I adore cordial cherries, I figured chocolate cherry cokes had to be divine. And they are! I've never tried the Chocolate cherry DP. I love DP, so I'll have to try that next time.


3) I don't know why it sends me over the edge: is it the visual clutter? Is it the fact my living room looks like some sort of flop house? Is it the fact we have dogs and cats and I don't want the fur on the blanket? I don't know, but blankets on the floor are always the final straw.

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Ok, I'll fess up:


1. Chocolate isn't really my thing either. I don't mind a brownie once in a while and I like hot chocolate in the winter....but just plain chocolate candy...no thanks.


2. I'm a pack-rat, but once I get the feeling that there's too much stuff in my house, I freak out and go on a cleaning/throwing frenzy.


3. Every few months, when the kids are away for a couple hours, I like to bring out the big black trash bags and go through their rooms. There's a bag for things to be taken to the curb and a bag for things to be donated.


4. I used to be a neat freak (got that from my Mom) then something happened. Most of my friends think I'm still a neat freak ... they didn't know me 'back then.'


5. I get mad at my Mom because now that she's older, retired, remarried, and so laid back, she isn't that controlling neat freak that I lived with for 18 years! Sometimes I just want to shake her and ask her what she did with my Mom.


6. I read through all 14 pages of these posts rather than grade schoolwork.


7. I don't feel guilty that while I was reading these 14 pages of posts, dh mopped the kitchen floor for me! Isn't that sad? He works over 60 hours a week and I let him mop the floor.


8. I hope dh isn't going to want 'something' for mopping the floor...I'm darn tired after all that reading I just did.


9. I've been spending too much time online [here]. I do a pretty good job of convincing myself that it's like continuing education classes for the teacher. :tongue_smilie:


10. I don't want to homeschool middle dd next year. We're too much alike and it's not a good situation at all. Our relationship is just about down the drain. :crying:


11. Oh, I also pick out the cashews from the mixed nuts.


Sheri :)

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  • Tomorrow my 2 year old will be 3! and I feel sad...

  • I struggle daily with wanting more kids and actually being able to handle more kids (my health insurance doesn't cover maternity, so I would have to get that first :001_rolleyes:)

  • I organized all my bookshelves last week and feel GREAT about that

  • I am such an organization freak, but constantly struggle to keep the house clean...it's like a dark cloud hanging over my head

  • I collect baseball memoribilia and my dh and I tour baseball stadiums every year for our anniversary



have them now, handle them later!!:001_smile: I envy you being able to make a choice, so go for it!!

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Ok, I'll fess up:


1. Chocolate isn't really my thing either. I don't mind a brownie once in a while and I like hot chocolate in the winter....but just plain chocolate candy...no thanks.


2. I'm a pack-rat, but once I get the feeling that there's too much stuff in my house, I freak out and go on a cleaning/throwing frenzy.


3. Every few months, when the kids are away for a couple hours, I like to bring out the big black trash bags and go through their rooms. There's a bag for things to be taken to the curb and a bag for things to be donated.


4. I used to be a neat freak (got that from my Mom) then something happened. Most of my friends think I'm still a neat freak ... they didn't know me 'back then.'


5. I get mad at my Mom because now that she's older, retired, remarried, and so laid back, she isn't that controlling neat freak that I lived with for 18 years! Sometimes I just want to shake her and ask her what she did with my Mom.


6. I read through all 14 pages of these posts rather than grade schoolwork.


7. I don't feel guilty that while I was reading these 14 pages of posts, dh mopped the kitchen floor for me! Isn't that sad? He works over 60 hours a week and I let him mop the floor.


8. I hope dh isn't going to want 'something' for mopping the floor...I'm darn tired after all that reading I just did.


9. I've been spending too much time online [here]. I do a pretty good job of convincing myself that it's like continuing education classes for the teacher.


10. I don't want to homeschool middle dd next year. We're too much alike and it's not a good situation at all. Our relationship is just about down the drain.


11. Oh, I also pick out the cashews from the mixed nuts.




Here are all the confessions I've been holding in. Thanks for a chance to get it off my chest!




  • I can't remember who said it first, but I also hate chocolate. I really hate chocolate and I get irritated that some of the homeschool moms spend hours and hours discussing how delicious it is, because I hate it.

  • I hate to cook. I almost never cook anything that takes more than 30 minutes because I usually just throw something together at the last minute.

  • I'm secretly irritated to no end at my partner because she's decided to cut out HFCS and most processed foods and now I spend hours and hours researching recipes and cooking from scratch. I am NOT Aunt Jemima!

  • I usually only bathe two or three times a week and wear the same clothes several days in a row because we only have one car and who the heck cares because I don't really go anywhere and nobody knows anyway.

  • I use the shower faucet a certain different way than my spouse does, so when I don't shower, I move the faucet so that it looks like I did because I'm embarrassed for her to find out that I'm too lazy to bother showering.

  • Even though I'm not an avid shower-er, I ritualistically apply make-up every. single. day.

  • My spouse's daughter lived in another state for the whole ten years we've been together and about a year ago she turned up on our doorstep at age 18 with no high school diploma, unmarried and pregnant. I'm secretly as jealous as a green-eyed-monster and resentful for all the time and energy she sucks out of my life and our relationship. I'm also extremely ashamed of myself because I thought I'd be more grown up than this, but turns out I'm just one of those catty women you see on tv.

  • Speaking of tv. I love tv. I watch several hours a day, shamelessly. I'd give up half my grocery budget before I gave up my cable subscription and DVR.

  • I hate to drive. I'm actually giddy about giving my son driving lessons so that he can drive himself wherever he has to go and just let me ride shotgun. I LOVE the passenger's seat.

  • I've been on this forum for years and years and years since way before it changed formats, but most of y'all are so smart and witty that I'm afraid to comment on most threads because I think I'll just look like a big fat idiot.

  • I hope I don't kill this thread.

Carry on! :D


:lol::lol::lol::lol: hiccup:lol::lol::lol:

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1. I like to make schedules for housework and then not follow them.:tongue_smilie:


2. I waffle back and forth between homeschool curriculum choices and approaches.


3. I like to read Christian books about how to be a better wife, mom and homemaker, but I don't seem to improve that much considering how much I read those books.:001_huh:


4. I think I have some sort of Seasonal Affective Disorder. When it's winter or rainy , overcast weather, I get sort of depressed and lazy. I do so much better during sunny weather. I look forward to spring all winter long. Then when it's summer, I can't wait for cooler weather.:lol:


5. I am a fairly conservative Christian, but my political views don't line up with those of other conservative Christians. Some of my views are the same, some are pretty different. I am way more conservative and traditional in some ways than other Christians I know. However, if they know my opinion on some other things, they would consider me a flaming liberal.:lol:


Now I really have to get off of the computer, get dressed and do something productive.:D

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8. I hope dh isn't going to want 'something' for mopping the floor...I'm darn tired after all that reading I just did.




:lol::lol::lol: LOL Too funny!! :)


Man, you're lucky. My husband doesn't do a single bit of housework at all! He doesn't even know how to sweep a floor or use the washing machine or anything. His only "chore" is to take out the garbage which he never even does anyway.


1. I like to make schedules for housework and then not follow them.:tongue_smilie:



I make grocery lists and ALWAYS forget to take them with me to the store. :tongue_smilie:

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:lol::lol::lol: LOL Too funny!! :)


Man, you're lucky. My husband doesn't do a single bit of housework at all! He doesn't even know how to sweep a floor or use the washing machine or anything. His only "chore" is to take out the garbage which he never even does anyway.


Yes, I'm very lucky. But, that was an advantage of getting married in our late 20's, vs. early 20's. He had lots of time living on his own and having to do all that stuff. However, I won't let him near the washing machine -- to many shrunk shirts and pink undies & socks that weren't pink to start with! :tongue_smilie: I'd rather do the laundry the way my Mom taught me!


As for the other confession - I'm a dunce when it comes to making the multi-quote option work on these boards!


Sheri :)

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I have a curriuclum buying habit, and I'm not even trying to break it. Its bad though. I can imagine that I'm not completely alone in this one. (right...???? someone tell me I'm right)


I sleep later than my children regularly, 2 yo included. I do have a 2 month old though, so its ok, right?


I'm a pretty bad housekeeper. Maybe its because I sleep so late? ;)


I am the worst forum member ever. I love to read but feel I don't have time to reply. I could read half as much and reply the other, so I'm not really sure what that's all about.


I really need 50 posts so I can list some stuff for sale!

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As for the other confession - I'm a dunce when it comes to making the multi-quote option work on these boards!



You just click on the multi-quote icon at the bottom of posts you want to quote. You can even go through all pages doing it. Then you hit "reply" and it brings them all up in your reply. :D

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I love, love, love Sonic ice. I'll buy a bag and not share with anyone in the house.


The Sonic people know me by name and know my order as soon as I pull up - Route 44 Diet Coke with extra ice. They also give me discounts all the time so I can justify drinking 2-3 a day.


I don't make my kids go to bed early anymore. It's so much easier to let them go to sleep when they're tired and not have to fight it. Of course, dh will have a cow when he comes home and bedtime is sometimes as late as 11:00.


My middle dd regularly gets up with the 2 yo so I can sleep a little later. I'm not sure where I got such a sweet girl!


I just sat and read through this entire thread instead of folding a load of laundry. It's still sitting there - no one has volunteered to fold it for me.


You can buy Sonic ice by the bag? I also love their ice and always order extra ice so I will have leftovers for other drinks. I thought I was weird. :tongue_smilie:

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  1. I never have and still never make the bed
  2. I do the dishwasher twice a week or so
  3. The floors are littered with dirt and junk
  4. There's crumbs in the kitchen, living room and dining area
  5. I don't take naps seriously
  6. Children have been going to bed past midnight in the last month or so (has to do with dh)
  7. I eat ds' and dd's leftover foods



Needless to say, my mom is ashamed of me.

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I am a cranky old lady:


I don't like people.

I don't like kids.

I don't talk on the phone.

I don't answer the door.

I hate activities, field trips, crafts, doing anything like that.

I am not very affectionate.

I probably don't tell my family I love them enough.

I don't like to be touched, at all.

I don't like people in my personal space and I will tell them to back up they are in my bubble.

And I don't like leaving the house.

My goal in life is to be a hermit.

I hate being outisde. Everything about it. If I had my rathers, I would spend all of my time locked in my room with my books and computers.




I am lazy.


I don't cook, not breakfast, not lunch and rarely dinner. I sometimes bake and sometimes we have cookies for dinner. I live on coffee and Mountain Dew.

I don't clean. I don't sweep, mop, dust, do dishes, vacuum or fold laundry.

I don't make beds.

I don't exercise.

I am a serious procrastinator.




There is probably not a single person on this board that would associate with me in real life.


I let my kids wear whatever they want.

I don't censor their media, computer or tv usage.

I don't make them eat anything they don't want and I do let them eat anything they do want.

I let them go to bed and get up whenever they want.

And I let them do things that most people would never allow.

Even my children have told me I am not strict enough.

As a matter of fact, I am sure that many people would consider it child abuse the way I raise me kids.

I don't always obey the law.

I believe in civil disobedience.

I am a Libertarian with a capital L.

I am a conspiracy theorist.

I don't trust the government.

I am very secretive and private.

My hubby is the only person who really knows me.




I am not very feminine at all.


I wear jeans and T-shirts always, well when I even bother to change out of my pjs.

I don't shave.

I don't wear make-up.

I really don;t like to shower.

And I don't really care.




I have serious sensory issues.


I don't like the feel of most clothes.

I can't stand noise.

I am very sensitive to smell.

I am OCD about the strangest things.

I have ADD and I am getting senile which means most of the time I have no idea what is going on or what has happened previously.

I am bi-polar.

I am a chonic pain patient and most of the time just being awake is painful.

I have serious insomnia.




I was quite the wild child. Many times people have asked me how it is that I am even still alive. I won't even go into the details. I have almost died twice, not due the above facts. It has made no difference in my life what-so-ever.



In spite of all of this, I have many good traits and anyone who met me and interacted with me would think that I am the definition of normal. Somehow, my family manages to love and accept me anyhow. :confused:

Edited by KidsHappen
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board instead of teaching my 3 dc. They are having lunch right now..... BUT I could be reading to them.

2. I'm sick of home schooling right about now and wish summer break were tomorrow.

3. dh is out of town for work and I enjoyed the silence of not having the television on all evening.

4. i too am an organization freak and struggle to keep my house clean

5. our dog sleeps on our dc's beds (that grosses me out) and he hasn't had a bath in 3 weeks (he usually gets bathed every week)

6. we haven't been to church in like 5 or six Sundays

7. i'm scared out of my mind about home schooling high school


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1. I yell too much at my children even though I hate that I do it.

2. I have lost confidence in my intelligence since becoming a SAHM.

3. My favorite thing in the world is to curl up with a book.

4. I enjoy traveling and wish we had unlimited income so we could go wherever, whenever

5. I yearn for mature trees in my backyard & privacy as a result.

6. I worry that I'll have to go back to work some day and stop hsing my kids

7. Some days I feel as if I'm going to have a nervous breakdown because my patience has been pushed to its limits

8. Dh gets frustrated with me because I often have no desire for sex.

9. I truly love food and eating makes me happy.

10. My favorite day is blue skies, sun, and temps in the low 70s.

11. I wish I had the motivation to work out regularly because I know I'd be so happy with the results

12. I desperately want to get control of the clutter in my house, but I'd rather do something else, so I just let it sit.

13. I'm very glad to have found TWTM forums because I'm having a hard time finding other homeschoolers around me who share my classical mentality

14. My in-laws drive me crazy and I'm dreading my visit with them in a month.

Edited by jenL
Accidentally posted before finishing
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I am a cranky old lady:


There is probably not a single person on this board that would associate with me in real life.




OMG, I'd hang out with you if one of us would break and leave the house!

The only real difference is that I do like the outdoors, just not enough to go there very often. ;)

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  1. I never have and still never make the bed

  2. I do the dishwasher twice a week or so

  3. The floors are littered with dirt and junk

  4. There's crumbs in the kitchen, living room and dining area

  5. I don't take naps seriously

  6. Children have been going to bed past midnight in the last month or so (has to do with dh)

  7. I eat ds' and dd's leftover foods


Needless to say, my mom is ashamed of me.


1. I yell too much at my children even though I hate that I do it.

2. I have lost confidence in my intelligence since becoming a SAHM.

3. My favorite thing in the world is to curl up with a book.

4. I enjoy traveling and wish we had unlimited income so we could go wherever, whenever

5. I yearn for mature trees in my backyard & privacy as a result.

6. I worry that I'll have to go back to work some day and stop hsing my kids

7. Some days I feel as if I'm going to have a nervous breakdown because my patience has been pushed to its limits

8. Dh gets frustrated with me because I often have no desire for sex.

9. I truly love food and eating makes me happy.

10. My favorite day is blue skies, sun, and temps in the low 70s.

11. I wish I had the motivation to work out regularly because I know I'd be so happy with the results

12. I desperately want to get control of the clutter in my house, but I'd rather do something else, so I just let it sit.

13. I'm very glad to have found TWTM forums because I'm having a hard time finding other homeschoolers around me who share my classical mentality

14. My in-laws drive me crazy and I'm dreading my visit with them in a month.

Wow! Will you two be my best friends? There are house for sale right down the street!

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Wow! Will you two be my best friends? There are house for sale right down the street!


As long as you don't live near my inlaws! And, one of those houses MUST have a wooded backyard! :D


While I'm here, I'll add a couple more I've thought of...


1. I LOVE using coupons, and I enjoy the challenge of trying to get an item for free.

2. I often worry that my friends will suddenly decide they don't like me anymore just like my group of friends did to me in 7th grade. I wish I could get over this fear.

3. I have a stack of my clothes and 2 FULL laundry baskets of my sons' clothes to be put away, but I'm enjoying hanging out on here instead.



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My 3rd dd always completes her work on time. She's neat, organized and even gets up early to get a head start. She helps me with whatever I ask and I often use her to keep track of her brother's work. When they have the same work, she reminds me when things are due.


I don't deserve her b/c I naturally am a slob.

I procrastinate.

I'm lazy.

I'm not self motivated.


She is my opposite and I am so glad...she will make a better wife and mother than me on most days.


This isn't bragging. If I made the list about my other children, it would be totally opposite for some and kinda in the middle for others, so I can't be proud. She was born this way...not from my rearing :)

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