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Everything posted by geodob

  1. Did you get Chicken Pox as a child? As the virus remains dormant, and can re-activate many years later. Causing what is termed as Shingles. Which can effect the eye/s. It causes pain, by inflaming the blood vessels for the eyes. The inflammation, restricts blood flow. Resulting in pain. Though it can also cause serious damage to vision as well. It is treated with anti-virals,. Here's a link to an article about it: https://www.msdmanuals.com/en-au/home/eye-disorders/corneal-disorders/herpes-zoster-ophthalmicus
  2. If your deviated septum, is restricting the flow from your sinus/es? Then this provides the perfect breeding ground, for bacteria, viruses, fungi, etc. It's a bit like putting a bandage on an infected wound, then not changing the bandage. So the bacteria causing the infection, will continue to grow. So that 'improving your immune system' wont help? The only real solution, is to have the surgery. So that you sinus/es can drain freely.
  3. That is an interesting question? What should be provided, is a written explanation for a revision of the diagnosis.
  4. It is unfortunate that Algebra is first introduced, using a math model. Instead of first introducing the idea of algebraic thinking. As a method of thinking. Which rather than a deductive process, to arrive at an answer? Begins with the answer. Then identifies the elements used to arrive at it? These 'elements', are then each considered for their 'possible variation'? How would altering any of them effect the outcome? Math is just one type, of Algebraic Thinking. Where it would be better to first introduce it as a 'way of thinking'. Then later, explore how Math can be used with Algebraic Thinking?
  5. You wrote that this happens when he gets too warm. When we get warm/hot, their are 2 main ways to get rid of this internal heat. One way, is simply sweating. Another important way. Is that the blood vessels under our skin. Dilate, which increases the blood flow to the skin. With heat then lost through the skin. (The opposite happens when it is cold, to keep warm.) But what I wonder, is if these ways of removing heat. Are working properly for him? Does he sweat normally? When he gets nervous, does his face go red? As this would indicate his blood vessels dilating.
  6. Though it is quite possible, that she has no real concept of what a mom is? So perhaps you could ask her about she thinks a mom really is?
  7. Bringing the stuttering to a child's attention, can often make it worse?
  8. While 'vaccine makers' can't be sued for adverse reactions to vaccines. Back in the 1980's, the US Govt established the " National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program." Which is funded by a tax of about 10 cents on every vaccine dose, The Compensation Program, is a 'no-fault' process. Which uses a correlation to determine eligibility, Here's a link to it: https://www.hrsa.gov/vaccine-compensation/index.html
  9. The Eustachian Tube drains fluid from the ears, to the back of the throat. But the back of the throat is full of germs. So to prevent the germs from traveling up the E Tube and into the ears? The E Tube stays closed most of the time. It only opens, briefly. Each time that we swallow, Which is why chewing gum is helpful, as it causes one to swallow repeatedly.
  10. You wrote that you have a newer TV. You could check whether you can connect your TV directly to the internet? Which can be done 2 ways, by cable or wifi. With a cable, it uses the cable that currently connects between your desktop and modem/router. Your TV will need a port, that fits the connector on the cable. The other way, is wifi. Check the manual for your TV, and see whether it can connect wire-lessly? Also that your router can use wifi?
  11. Their has been a lot of research, showing an association between vasodilation / vasoconstriction and headaches and migraine. Where it can be a major factor, but not always, It has long been established, that carbon dioxide CO2 effects the dilation of blood vessels. How it works, is that the cells burn oxygen to produce energy. With CO2 produced as a waste product. As CO2 increases, this indicates a greater amount of energy being produced. (such as with physical activity). So that the amount of blood/oxygen needs to be increased, for the cells to burn. To increase the blood flow, the blood vessels are then dilated, which allows more blood to flow to the cells. Without necessarily increasing the pressure. Their is a mechanism at the top of the spinal column ( retrotrapezoid nucleus (RTN) . That is constantly measuring the oxygen/CO2 ratio. When it detects higher CO2 levels, then it signals the Hypothalamus. Which in turn, causes the blood vessels to dilate. But importantly, the way that we breathe. Can also effect our Oxygen/CO2 blood ratios? Given that we breathe in Oxygen, and breathe out CO2. So that if we breathe out more than we breathe in? Then this will lower CO2 levels. Causing blood vessels to contract. If we breathe out, less than we breathe in? This will raise CO2 levels. Causing the blood vessels to dilate. Though the major difference in breathing styles, is between what are termed as Shoulder Breathing, and Belly Breathing. Where Shoulder Breathing, is major cause of low CO2 levels. With Belly Breathing, causing a more balanced Oxygen/CO2 levels. But in terms of headaches, different breathing styles could trialed for their effect.
  12. Though it's only in recent years, that it has been understood how Strep and other bacteria could enter the brain and cause these symptoms, Where bacteria make use of something called 'axonal transport'? All of our Nerves, are constantly being maintained, and being rebuilt. This maintenance process, involves sending nutrients down the nerve for rebuilding. Where the material replaced, is sent back up the nerve. For disposal. But the crucial thing, is that it has been identified. That bacteria can use this axonal transport, to hitch a ride back up the nerve, They make use of the Olfactory Nerve, which connects to the nasal cavity. The Olfactory Nerve, sends its impulses to various brain regions including the temporal lobe, amygdala, and entorhinal cortex. Which bacteria access, by using this Axonal Transport.
  13. What is behind the midline? Relates to how the brain works. Where the left side of our brain, controls the right side of our body/head. With the right brain, controlling our left side. But these sides don't operate independently? Rather a connection needs to be developed, which links them together. Though the typical way that this begins to develop, is with crawling. Where a 4 point sense is developed, of where each leg and arm positioned. In relation to each other. When she walks, does she swing her body around. From side to side? As this is typical of not being able to cross the midline. Though exercises to develop it, are fairly simple. Which importantly, are done with the eyes closed. What they involve, is using the a finger/fingers on one hand. Touching various point on the opposite side: Such as the wrist, elbow shoulder, The hip, knee and foot. Then the nose, ear and eye. Also, have her try to tip the fingertips of both hands together. When this is practiced daily for a few minutes. It will gradually develop a stronger connection between both sides. To start with, she will probably be guessing where these Points are. But slowly she will develop an internal mental map, that crosses the midline.
  14. You wrote that the hives had cleared up. Which suggests that it isn't a virus or bacteria. With a virus or bacteria, they use the hives to spread. So that they will cause the the skin to break, and then produce a fluid at the skin break. Which contains the virus or bacteria. But as the hives went away without breaking the skin? It is probably an allergy.
  15. Sheryl, as you want to go a more natural route. Perhaps you could look at the 'way that you breathe'? Our body heat, is being constantly produced in every cell of our body/ brain. With energy being produced in cell, with heat as a bi-product. The body needs to be kept at a constant temperature. So that it uses various mechanisms to try and keep it constant. But one of the main ways that it uses to control temperature? Are the Blood Vessels just under the surface of our skin. What the Blood Vessels can do, is vary between being dilated and contracted. Being just under the skins surface. When they are dilated, more heat is lost through the skin. Though to retain heat, when it's cold. The blood vessels are contracted/ shrunk. With less heat loss. So that this the primary way that our body temperature is regulated. With Sweating as a secondary method. So that I wonder if what is happening. Is that the Blood Vessels under your Skin. Aren't effectively Dilating, to enable the loss of heat? But then, their is a mechanism that effects the Dilation/Contraction of the Blood Vessels? Which is the amount of Carbon Dioxide in our blood. Where a certain ratio of Oxygen to Carbon Dioxide is required. So that as we breathe in, and breathe out. This ratio is maintained. But, this ratio can be effected by the way that we breathe? By simply exhaling a bit more, than we inhale. With each breathe. Which will lower the Carbon Dioxide in our Blood. In turn, reducing the Dilation of the Blood Vessels. Resulting in less removal of internal body heat. So that what you could try? Is to observe your breathing? Then to do some trials. Where you intentionally try to raise your Carbon Dioxide blood levels. By trying to Exhale a bit more than you inhale. Then observing whether this causes you to 'feel cooler'?
  16. With Omeprazole, it is used to treat Ulcers in the digestive system. Where its only action, is to inhibit the production of stomach acid. Which irritates the Ulcers. Here's a link to the Rare Side Effects of Omeprazole: https://www.mayoclinic.org/drugs-supplements/omeprazole-oral-route/side-effects/drg-20066836
  17. Something that you could try, is chewing gum? The Eustachian Tube, runs from the each ear, to the back of the throat. But it stays closed most of the time, to prevent bacteria traveling up it to the ear. Though when we Swallow, it automatically opens briefly. Allowing the fluid to drain. When chewing gum, it produces saliva. Causing us to Swallow much more often. Which in turn, will allow more fluid to drain from the inner ear. So that something as simple as chewing gum, could be helpful?
  18. Their are various tests for H.Pylori. Which include/: Blood, Stool, Breath and Saliva Tests. Though for Oral infection, Breath and Saliva Tests would be best. You wrote that you will be seeing a dentist. Where Plaque is major breeding ground for H.Pylori, and a cause for re-infection. So that it would be helpful to have any Plaque removed.
  19. Has your daughter been tested for the Helicobacter Pylori bacteria? This bacteria causes Peptic Ulcers. Though it been shown to also cause Canker Sores. Which can be successfully treated with anti-biotics.
  20. geodob


    About 90 to 95 percent of adults, have the Epstein-Barr Virus. Which causes Mono. Though only 1 in 4, will go on to develop Mono.
  21. In regard to surveillance, I wonder if you have heard about the 'Social Credit System'? That China has been developing over the past 4 years. https://www.businessinsider.com.au/china-social-credit-system-punishments-and-rewards-explained-2018-4?r=US&IR=T
  22. Mycoplasma has been identified as one of the bacteria causing PANS. It is fortunate that Zithromax has been prescribed. As it is effective at killing off the Mycoplasma bacteria. I'll attach a link to a research article. Where if you scroll down, Case 3 is specific to Mycoplasma. But importantly, it details the dosage and how long it is taken. Perhaps your friend could the article out, and show it to the doctor that prescribed the Zithromax. Which could be used as a guide for its usage. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4442568/ Zithromax is the same as Azithromycin. (BetaLactam was mentioned. But BetaLactam inhibits bacteria from developing Cell Walls. Though Mycoplasma dont have Cell Walls.)
  23. 'Structured Literacy' was developed by the IDA (International Dyslexia Association). So that if you want to introduce Structured Literacy to your school. Then you could contact IDA for any support they can offer. Here's a link to 2 downloads they have, which could be helpful: https://dyslexiaida.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/DITC-Handbook.pdf https://app.box.com/s/21gdk2k1p3bnagdfz1xy0v98j5ytl1wk
  24. Marijuana is in urgent of quality control regulation. So that when people buy it, in any form. That their is a quality and quantity guarantee. Specifically of the active substances: THC and CBD. Where THC is used for recreational, and CBD medically. In regard to CBD oil, for medicinal uses. It can be sold with no guarantee, that it actually contains any CBD. If it is found not to contain any CBD? Then no penalties can be applied. Given the high price of CBD Oil, it is very vulnerable to fakes being sold. Also when used for medicinal purposes. It is crucial that people can rely on the amount of CBD, in a single droplet. This is a major concern currently, as people try CBD for various 'conditions'. Though this equally applies to people buying Marijuana for recreational use. Where it should state the percentage of THC that it contains. With penalties if the stated percentage isn't correct.
  25. Though with Reflux: " Acid reflux is when some of the acid content of the stomach flows up into the esophagus, into the gullet, which moves food down from the mouth." But you don't mention that he has a problem with acid. It is just the food which is coming back up. Which is defined as Rumination. Here's an article about it, which notes that it is often confused with Reflux. https://www.chop.edu/conditions-diseases/rumination-syndrome
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