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  1. " Corticosteroids should be avoided, because of the potential for prolonging viral replication as observed in MERS-CoV patients, unless indicated for other reasons. [31, 40–42] For example, for a chronic obstructive pulmonary disease exacerbation or for septic shock per Surviving Sepsis guidelines for adultsexternal icon and childrenexternal icon." https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/hcp/clinical-guidance-management-patients.html
  2. Make sure that she takes the full course of anti-biotics. As a common problem, is that people stop taking them too soon. When the symptoms disappear. Here's a link to a fairly recent study, that concluded that removing tonsils shouldn't be done unless really necessary: https://pursuit.unimelb.edu.au/articles/what-are-the-long-term-health-risks-of-having-your-tonsils-out
  3. Related to this, is the fact that our Paranasal Sinuses. Produce Nitric Oxide. Which is only breathed into the lungs, when breathing through the nose. One thing that Nitric Oxide does, is to dilate the blood vessels. In the lungs, it enables greater absorption of oxygen. Another thing about Nitric Oxide, is that it is an 'anti-bacterial' and 'anti-viral' agent. So that it helps to kill off bacteria and viruses that enter the lungs. But Mouth Breathers, miss out on this benefit. For some people, mouth breathing can be a result of a head cold, and blocked nose. Which forces them to mouth breathe. They may continue to mouth breathe out of habit. After the head cold has gone.
  4. Here's a link to article, where it is termed as Pulsatile Tinnitus: https://www.webmd.com/healthy-aging/aging-pulsatile-tinnitus#1
  5. For the years that you'll use it, it would be well worth getting the best!
  6. Cipro is part of the family of Fluoroquinolones. Which can not only cause tendon damage, but also permanent nerve damage.
  7. If you are taking 'immuno-supressants'? Then Elderberry is not recommended, as it will counter-act the immuno-supressants. By stimulating the immune system.
  8. Fortunately, it looks like their will be a precise test for this 2019-nCoV coronavirus, by March ! At the moment, they just use more general tests for Coronaviruses. Such as the one for a specific RNA Polymerase, which is just found in Coronaviruses. If a person is positive for this Polymerase, and has also been in close contact with someone confirmed with this Virus? Then it is assumed that they probably have it as well. But it is all just Probability so far. The actual Virus was only first cultured this week. So that it can now be used to develop tests, and hopefully a vaccine. The real figures wont be known for a long time. Currently with possibly related deaths, blood sample are taken and stored. For testing later, when accurate testing can be done.
  9. Yes, if the air is too dry? Then the viruses can float as 'aerosol transmissions'. Waiting for rehydration. Here's a link to some research, that identified 40% to 60% humidity as the best to stop viral transmission. https://www.forbes.com/sites/leahbinder/2019/10/17/harvard-researcher-says-this-inexpensive-action-will-lower-hospital-infection-rates-and-protect-us-for-the-flu-season/#409a0fdc1824
  10. Such public humiliation, in front of her classmates. Can be a trauma that she carries throughout life? This could effect her education from now on, where she may scared to do any work? As it could be used to humiliate her again? It could also be reported, to US Dept of Educations: 'Office for Civil Rights'. Who will come and speak with this teacher. https://www2.ed.gov/about/offices/list/ocr/aboutocr.html
  11. It has just been announced, that scientists in Australia have "successfully grown a Wuhan coronavirus sample from a sick patient,...? https://www.businessinsider.com/australia-successfully-grows-wuhan-coronavirus-sample-from-sick-patient-2020-1/?r=AU&IR=T This opens up the potential, to develop an 'antibody test' for the virus. As well as a possible vaccine. But it also provides an opportunity to gain greater understanding of the Virus? Such as 'what temperatures it can survive at'? 'How long can it survive on a surface?' Coronavirus, can travel in 'respiratory droplets'. That are coughed or breathed out. What would be helpful, is the worldwide introduction of 'de-humidifiers' in all public buildings. As they extract these water droplets from the air. Their is really little known about this? So now that it has been grown, understanding it can begin. But this potential for people being infectious, before having symptoms? Presents an extremely difficult situation?
  12. He is one of those people, who exploit people's hope for a cure.
  13. In Australia, Chinese Students make up 10% of Aust University Students. The new school year starts in late February, when close to 500,000 Students will be coming back from China. How Universites will cope with this, will be a real challenge?
  14. Arcadia, that also really concerned me! That it can take from 1 to 14 days for symptoms to appear. But that people are also infectious, before the symptoms appear.
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