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Everything posted by geodob

  1. What you described, is also termed 'Rumination Disorder'. But one thing that you should look at, is his 'breathing'? Which is a common cause. The basic difference, is between what is called: 'Belly Breathing' and 'Shoulder Breathing'. Where Shoulder Breathing, causes tension in the abdominal muscles. Causing regurgitation. While Belly Breathing, and breathing into the diaphragm. Relaxes the abdominal muscles. To identify how he breathes? You can ask him to take a few deep breathes. Observing whether his belly extends, or if his shoulders rise? Where the important question, is whether his shoulders rise? You could also try observing how he breathes, after eating?
  2. Fat cells can 'die', as a result of impact. Though vaccines and surgery can also kill them off in an area. When they die off, the dead fat cells are removed. While dead muscle and other cells are removed and rebuilt. Fat cells aren' t rebuilt after removal. Causing the 'dent'. But usually over time, the dent will be refilled with surplus fat cells again. Though an internal scar can form in the area, leaving a 'lump'.
  3. Their has been a lot research into how CBD oil works. Basically how it works? Is that signals are sent from each nerve cell to the next. From one end of the nerve, to the other end of the nerve. When the signal is recieved at the other end? It sends a message back, "Message Recieved". Otherwise. the message will be Resent. Though what often occurs, is that this 'Message Recieved' signal, isn't being sent back. So that a 'Pain Signal', is continually resent. Causing chronic pain. Also with Anxiety, this is a natural alert system to 'Danger'. Once alerted. it should stop being sent. With Seizures. they are basically caused. By a signal in the brain, being sent 'over and over again', But each Nerve Cell, has CBD Receptors. Which become active when CBD is available to them. What these CBD Receptors do, is reinforce the 'Message Recieved' signal. Which will inhibit the Pain signal, or Anxiety signal. Also inhibit the signal causing a Seizure. So that it's not a 'Cure'. But it can reduce the symptoms caused, when Nerves go into a Loop mode. Of repeatedly sending signals.
  4. That article is a review of 49 studies into CBD. So that it's not suggesting dosages, but rather reporting on the effect of different doses. But it does state, that most studies have used high doses, and that their is a need for more studies using low doses. But that article was published in 2015, so that their maybe more recent studies. Using low doses. which is what most people use. Given the cost.
  5. You just need to uninstall it from your laptop. Also be online when you uninstall it. As might MS will detect that your Key has been uninstalled. Then you can install it again.
  6. It should last about 4 to 7 days. Though are the towards the back or front of your mouth? As the type of Enterovirus that causes HFM as well, causes ulcers in the front of the mouth. You mentioned Scarlet Fever, but that is caused by the Strep A virus. But a major side effect, can be Dehydration. So that you need to make sure that you get enough fluids. Where the citric acids in fruit juices are a problem. You could try things like Oat and Almond Milk? Also Coconut Water. Sucking on flavored ice blocks, can be soothing and provide extra fluids. Keep an eye on the color of your urine, as it becomes more yellow as dehydration increases. With foods, the thing is to avoid anything spicy. Fiber is probably the most important thing, to keep the digestive system moving. It is contagious, where the virus is present in the ulcers. As well as in the feces. It is also in 'respiratory droplets', so the mouth should be covered when coughing or sneezing. Regularly washing the hands, is important to prevent spreading it. The virus can survive on most surfaces, for up to 3 days. With your toothbrush, it might be worth replacing it. When all of symptoms have disappeared. Is it stored separately from other family members toothbrushes?
  7. Salicylic Acid, is used to get rid of warts, corns and calluses. With it being applied directly to them, but not the surrounding area. Salicylic acid dissolves the substance that bonds our Cells together. So that the Skin Cells fall apart, and can be peeled off. Though with the skin of eyelids and neck, it is very thin skin. But Salicylic Acid can cause warts and calluses to drop off, which can be a few mm's thick. But the eyelid skin is only half a mm thick, and the neck is similar. So that it could cause serious damage ?
  8. You should also regularly sterilize the food and water bowls, to prevent reinfection.
  9. As a start, each book should have a statement outlining their position on copyright. From what you've written, it seems that you will be writing a review of each book. Where the main purpose of the excerpt? Is to provide an example of the 'writing style' of the author. Which is helpful for people to know, before buying the book. Though an important thing, is that the 'excerpts' wont mean that they don't need to buy the book. As the main problem, is when the 'excerpts' are so comprehensive. That they don't need to buy the book. Though I get the impression, that you will only include books that you think would be helpful. Not books that you recommend 'not buying'? So that your Guide, will only have the effect. Of possibly increasing the sales of the books that you review. So that it would be considered 'fair use'. I know of someone who wrote a review of books on a topic. Where rather than copyright concerns? He wrote to the publishers, and got them to send him a free copy of the book To review.
  10. With a sudden change. It is quite likely that something is causing pressure to be applied to the nerve. If he has any head pain associated with it? That could indicate an inflamed blood vessel, pressing against the nerve.
  11. Hi Liz, Their have been numerous studies into the effectiveness of Oregano Oil on bacteria. Over the past 10 years. With bacteria, they exist in 2 states: 'Planktonic and Biofilm'? With Planktonic, bacteria are individually free roaming. As individual cells. But what is more important, are Biofilms? With Biofilms, bacteria come together. Then using 'polysaccharides'. They build a structure called a Biofilm. Which they house themselves within. Though these Biofilms, present a major problem. As Anti-biotics can only penetrate and kill the bacteria, in the outer layer of a Biofilm. Which has been a major obstacle, to treating Bacterial Infections with anti-biotics.. Where a Biofilm has formed. But numerous studies of Oregano Oil, have shown that firstly it can 'inhibit the growth of Biofilm'. Then secondly, to cause the Biofilm to break down. This is particularly relevant to 'Sinus Infections', as the bacteria form Biofilms in the sinuses. Which can then become Chronic. So that Oregano Oil, provides an important way to overcome this issue of Bacteria and Biofilm.
  12. Their was an announcement today, of funding for phase 1 clinical trials. Of a new treatment for Alzheimer's, which uses Ultrasound to trigger natural mechanisms. That remove 'Amyloid Plaques', where trials have shown restoration of memory. Importantly, it is 'non-invasive' and the equipment is low cost. Here's a link to an article about it: https://www.abc.net.au/news/2018-12-18/dementia-cure-possible-after-breakthrough-qld-study/10629688
  13. Something that you could look at, is the way that she breathes? Particularly, her balance between Inhaling and Exhaling? When we breathe in, we absorb oxygen and then expel carbon dioxide CO2, as we breathe out. But the levels of O2 and CO2 in the blood, need to be kept in balance and determine our PH level. Their is a mechanism in our brain stem, that constantly monitors our CO2 levels If CO2 levels drop to low, then this causes the arteries and blood vessels to contract. As well as the bronchial tubes. It does this, to slow down the blood flow and reduce the breathing out of CO2. This causes the heart to race, to cope with the reduced blood flow. It also reduces blood flow and oxygen supply to the muscles and the brain. Where all of the symptoms that you described. Can be caused by a 'manner of breathing'. Where more air is breathed out, than is breathed in. Resulting in a CO2 shortage. Which is termed as 'Hypocapnia'. So to start with, you could try observing her breathing. How deeply she breathes in, and then her exhalation?
  14. Here's a link to a 7 row Soroban, which is better to start with. https://au.grandado.com/products/plastic-abacus-arithmetic-soroban-7-digits-kids-maths-calculating-tools-chinese-abacus-toys-abacus-educational-small-size-12x6cm?variant=13592609390649
  15. You wrote that she 'hyperventilates'. When hyperventilating, more air is breathed out. Than is breathed in. We breathe out CO2 carbon Dioxide. So that hyperventilating causes the levels of CO2 in the blood to drop. The balance of CO2 and Oxygen, is what determines our PH Levels. Though when CO2 levels drop, this causes 'Vasoconstriction'. Where all of the blood vessels contract. Which reduces blood-flow. This reduced blood-flow, has a specific effect on the heart. Which has to cope with less blood. It also starves the brain brain of blood, and in turn of oxygen. Causing a range of symptoms. As well, the airways in the lungs contract. To try and reduce the amount of Oxygen coming in. Making breathing difficult. Which can add to the panic? So that to bring the CO2 levels, back to a more level. Breathing should be focused on 'Inhalation'. With a reduction of 'Exhalation'. An old treatment for panic attacks, is to breathe into a paper bag. This is helpful, as CO2 that was breathed out into the paper bag. Is then inhaled. Which helps restore the levels.
  16. What you have described, does indicate PANS/ PANDAS as a strong possibility. You did write:"Chronic sinusitis? Not sure if better, or he just thinks it is normal now" Does this mean that he did have chronic sinusitis? As this could be still causing problems? It might be helpful to understand what happens with PANS/PANDAS? The basic culprit, is the 'Olfactory Bulb'? This is a bulb located just behind our nose, and is what detects different smells. With a layer of Receptors. But their is something unique about these 'Receptors'? All of our other senses, have Receptors that are protected from the environment. Such as with 'Touch', where the Receptors are covered by skin. But with our 'smell Receptors', they are open to the environment. Though these Receptors, are at the of Nerves, which send the signal into the brain. But this provides bacteria and viruses, with a unique way to enter the brain. Using what is called 'Axonal Transport'? How this works, is that the nerves are being continually rebuilt, As a maintenance program. This rebuilding, involves sending nutrients down each nerve. For rebuilding .Then the debris from the 'old nerve', is sent back up the nerve. For disposal. But if bacteria or viruses, are present at the end of the Receptor? They can be carried back up the Nerve, along with the debris from rebuilding. So the bacteria/ viruses are then carried and deposited within the brain. Causing the symptoms of PANS/ PANDAS. Which vary, as the number of bacteria varies. If it is a bacteria, then anti-biotics can be used to kill them off. But anti-biotics may not work with Chronic Sinusitis? As bacteria exist in 2 different forms? Which are Planktonic and Biofilm? The basic difference, is that with Planktonic. Individual bacteria are independent. But with Biofilm. The bacteria come together, and create a layer of mucus. Which is called Biofilm, that the bacteria then reside inside. This provides some protection, as anti-biotics can only penetrate the outer layer of Biofilm. So that it is then difficult to eradicate the bacteria. This is particularly relevant to Chronic Sinusitis, where Biofilm is formed.
  17. As your ordering online. When you go to pay for it, the added GST price will probably be shown. Also appear on your receipt.
  18. What movements cause the most pain? As this will help identify where the problem is. A common cause, is placing pressure on the knee. While turning or twisting.
  19. With Mandarin, their is a version of it called Pinyin. Which uses the Western alphabet, rather than Chinese characters.This helps with learning to pronounce Mandarin words.
  20. You could try Sibelius. They have a free version, that you could try out. Here's a link to it: https://www.avid.com/sibelius-first
  21. The way that CBD works? Is that our nerve cells have Receptors for Cannabanoids. With Seizures and chronic Pain, signals are being sent along the nerves. Over and over again. With Seizures, it is the continuous re-sending of the nerve signal. That results in a Seizure. Then with Pain, we can have sudden pain where a signal is passed along the nerve. To gain our attention. But this is different from Chronic Pain, where the pain signal is sent over and over again. What CBD does, is to 'inhibit the re-sending of signal'. Which is why it wont help with a 'sharp pain', but helps with 'chronic pain'. With Seizures, it also inhibits the re-sending of the signal that is causing the seizure. With taking CBD Oil, the optimal way is 'sub-lingual' with drops placed under the tongue.
  22. It's better to go as soon as possible. To hopefully avoid complications, such as inflammation and/or infection.
  23. Hi Ravin, CBD has minimal side effects, and no interaction problems have been identified. Our nerves have Cannabinoid Receptors, that the CBD acts on. So that its action is limited. I know of many adults and children, that take it neuropathy, fibromyalgia and seizures. Who find it to be helpful. Though often they buy it directly, as it can be difficult to find a doctor to prescribe it. While it can be bought in capsules. A more effective use, is as a spray, under the tongue. As it is absorbed better this way. But when buying, you need to look for a 'certificate of authenticity'. As their are quite a few fakes out there. Here's a link: https://www.webmd.com/vitamins/ai/ingredientmono-1439/cannabidiol
  24. For someone with Shingles, while their is the risk of spreading it to others. Their is also the risk of spreading it over oneself? When Shingles is contracted, the Zoster virus starts on the surface of the skin. Then penetrates the skin and locates the nearest Nerve. Our Nerves operate in groups, and extend from 'nerve centres' called Ganglions. These Ganglions are important, as the Zoster virus will travel along the Nerve to the Ganglion. Where it takes up 'permanent residence', for the rest of one's life. Most of the time, it remains dormant. But can be reactivated at any time, due to stress or a deficient immune system. When re-activated, it will travel from the Ganglion. Back up to the area of its initial entry point. Causing blisters. But importantly, it is limited to this initial entry point! Unless one 're-infects oneself'? Which simply involves, touching a Blister and picking up the Virus on the finger/s. Then touching oneself anywhere else? Where the Zoster Virus will use this as a new 'entry point'.. To find another Nerve, and take up residence in another Nerve Ganglion. So that basically, one has spread the Shingles to another area. That can be reactivated. Though something that I would highlight, is the danger of having touched a "'Blister', and then touching ones face? Where we have a whole range of nerves, that control muscles around our jaw, mouth and eyes. Which all connect to a Ganglion called the 'Trigeminal Ganglion'. Located at the base of the brain. Where simply rubbing one's eyes, could transfer the Virus to this Ganglion? Or rubbing the tip of ones nose, and airborne reinfection as one breathes in through the nose. But Shingles can have a far greater effect, if it enters the nerves around the eyes? While the Zoster virus will often inflame the nerve, causing pain. In the head, it also enters certain 'Arteries'. Causing inflammation in the 'walls of the arteries'. This inflammation, cuts off the blood flow. To the muscles around and within the eyes. Which initially causes great pain, due to the swelling within the front of the head. But if the swelling continues, then it can result in permanent Blindness. So that if one has Shingles? Then when Blisters occur? Take great care, not to spread the Virus to any other nerves!
  25. While the focus has been on Lymes and Borrelia bacteria. This is just one possible cause of his temporary Bells Palsy? As various types of bacteria or viruses could have caused it? The nerves that control all of the muscles in the head. Extend from something at the base of the brain. Called the Trigeminal Ganglion. Something unique about this Ganglion, is that various types of bacteria and viruses. Use it to reside in, while they are dormant. So that incidence of Bell's Palsy, was very possibly caused by activation of bacteria or virus. That is resident in his Trigeminal Ganglion. Where different bacteria and viruses, have different paths of progression ? With a variation of symptoms, between the initial onset and then the re-activation. Early identification is difficult, as often their isn't enough anti-bodies to the bacteria or virus yet. Which makes early diagnosis difficult. Though the specific symptoms, can be an indication of what type of bacteria or virus being the cause? But you just made a post, where you mentioned he has an 'allergy to mold which you are still fighting'. Which is an allergy to 'volatile compounds' that molds produce. Though his allergy to mold, could be the underlying issue? Going back to the relationship between Bell's Palsy and the Trigeminal Ganglion? Something unique about the Trigeminal Ganglion? Is that while the Brain is protected and insulated by the 'Blood/Brain Barrier'. Our 'Olfactory Bulb', which sits behind our nose and what detects odors. Has nerves that connect directly to the Trigeminal Ganglion. Where research has identified, that bacteria and viruses can travel up the nerves. From the Olfactory Bulb at the back of the nose. Into the brain and Trigeminal Ganglion. But research has identified that 'Toxins' (volatile compounds) can also travel along the nerves. So that it possible that his 'mold allergy' could be the underlying issue?
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