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Everything posted by geodob

  1. That would be fine for a small grass fire. But with the current fires, they would be travelling as fast the wind. Which tomorrow will be Northerly and 25/40 km/h. So that a fire 2 streets away, is nearly too late. Perhaps enough time to get to the car?
  2. Stella, be prepared to leave. So that if you decide to, that it will take no more than 5 minutes to be driving away. With a full tank of petrol. If you have an 'Evaporative Air-Co', leave it turned off. As they suck in air from the outside, and will suck in Embers.
  3. Mainer, from what you've outlined, he may not have developed his orthographic processing skills? Which basically involve: The ability to capture and retain a visual image in visual working memory. Then to transfer it to short term memory. Where it can then be moved into long term memory. Then their are a set of skills with retrieval and manipulation of visual images. Though visual working memory, involves developing a range of acquired skills. Which children are left to develop themselves, but are given direct help in the development of. So that how well they develop them, is just random. They are generally unaware of how they can actually use and further develop their visual working memory. At least, children are made aware of visual working memory. With the commonly used statement: 'Picture this in your mind'. But often children simply don't happen to develop their visual working memory skills. As they weren't directly taught them. Yet their is no actual obstacle preventing them. So that it is quite possible, that he simply needs to understand and develop his visual working memory skills?
  4. Some people are unable to process 'medium chain triglycerides': " Caprylic acid is LIKELY UNSAFE when taken by mouth by people with a condition known as medium-chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase (MCAD) deficiency. People with this condition are not able to break down caprylic acid appropriately. This can lead to increased levels of caprylic acid in the blood, which may increase the risk of comas." https://www.webmd.com/vitamins/ai/ingredientmono-1465/caprylic-acid
  5. The difference between dry air an humid air, is that it effects the size of water droplets in the air. When the droplets are smaller, they tend to keep floating in the air. But with humidity at 40% and higher. The water droplets are larger, and heavy enough to drop out of the air. Taking the bacteria/ viruses with them. So that it prevents viruses/ bacteria in the air, from being breathed in. It would be really helpful, if shopping malls maintained a 40% to 60% humidity, as it would help prevent the transmission of Flu viruses, when people cough.
  6. Maybe you could look for a grant, to pay for an increase in your hours?
  7. Pour some hot water in the container first, just to warm the container up. Leave it in for about 5 minutes.
  8. Tamiflu is a vaccine, while Xofluza is a medication that inhibits the growth of flu viruses, at their initial onset. Though the symptoms that you described, are also typical of Encephalitis. (Inflammation of the brain) Which can be caused by a range of different viruses and bacteria. If you notice any changes to her cognition? Which can be caused by inflammation within the brain. Then it would be best to take her to ER. Where a CT scan could show if their is any inflammation. Drugs to inhibit inflammation would then be used.
  9. You could try opening it in Safe Mode. As you turn it on, straight away. Start repeatedly tapping the F8 key. A screen should open up, asking if you want open in Safe Mode. Click on Yes to open it.
  10. If they are genuine disks, then the company will very likely replace them for you.
  11. You could look further into her 'Perfectionism'? Where their are 2 basic types: 'Adaptive Perfectionism' which is a healthy form that is realistic. The other type is: "Mal-adaptive Perfectionism;, which is an unhealthy form, with many consequences. It also has peaks at Puberty and early Adulthood. Where the changes that occur at these ages, redefine their Perfectionism. It can also be made more extreme, when combined with OCD. But her Perfectionism is really vulnerable to the attitude of her school. Which is just exacerbating it. The main treatment for this, is CBT Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. Which attempts to replace the mind-sets of Perfectionism. With success from more practical goals.
  12. You wrote that: ' Another big issue is her perfectionism.' This could be the underlying issue, that is causing all of her problems.
  13. The problem could be, that he doesn't trust himself? Where he doubts the answer that he has arrived at, at each stage of a calculation. So that he goes back and does it again. Which can be repeating the last step, or starting back at the beginning. Where the solution, is for him to come to trust that he has arrived at the correct answer, and doesn't need to do it again.
  14. Dementia is progressive, but a rapid onset is more often 'Delirium'. Here's an article from Mayo on Delirium: https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/delirium/symptoms-causes/syc-20371386
  15. I would second the use of a 'Wobble Cushion'. You could also try some music, where you might be surprised at the difference it makes?
  16. This could have lead into a discussion of what they term as 'payment of energy'?
  17. Back in my teens, and the first time that I rode a horse. I thought that all horses could naturally jump over fences? So I galloped the horse towards the fence, and as we reached the fence. The horse suddenly stopped. But it seemed to realize that I wanted to get over the fence? So he dropped his head, and I went sailing over the fence.
  18. The general term for this, is 'Dysphagia'. I'll add a link, which outlines a range of different causes of this Where you really need to get it diagnosed, where treatment may be possible. As well prevent it from possibly getting worse? https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/dysphagia/symptoms-causes/syc-20372028
  19. Something that I would ask about, is her method of breathing? Specifically, whether she is a 'shoulder breather' or 'diaphragm breather'? If she 'takes a deep breathe'. Does she breathe into her diaphragm (belly)? Or do her 'shoulders rise'? If her 'shoulders rise', then this would contribute to her Asthma.
  20. Lipitor has a single function. Which is to lower the 'bad cholesterol' LDL. A much better way to lower LDL levels, is a basic change in diet. Where the only side effects, are better health. Here's a link, which outlines foods lower the 'bad cholesterol', and increase the 'good cholesterol': https://www.health.harvard.edu/heart-health/11-foods-that-lower-cholesterol
  21. In 1996, the FDA gave a warning. That Lipitor and other Statins, should be used with caution by those people with high blood sugar. As it could lead to developing Type 2 Diabetes. It makes no sense, using Liptor to treat his blood sugar numbers? Statins are used treat to Cholesterol imbalances.
  22. The sleep study could provide the real answer.
  23. Though one problem with Adrenal Fatigue, is that it is a fictional condition. Though it has become quite an industry, since it's invention in 1998. The various treatments for it, can also create medical problems.
  24. They need to be careful about taking another medication with Zoloft. Here's a link to a page, which notes which medications interact with Zoloft: https://www.webmd.com/drugs/2/drug-35/zoloft-oral/details
  25. Some important research into POTS was published 6 days ago. Which has identified POTS as an 'Auto-immune Disorder', which specifically effects the " adrenergic alpha 1 receptor ". Here's a link to the article: https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2019/09/190909081756.htm This opens up a new line of treatment, in line with treating other Auto-Immune Disorders. Perhaps she could read books which look at the broader issue of Autoimmune Disorders?
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