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Everything posted by geodob

  1. Florastor is the Yeast 'Saccharomyces boulardii lyo CNCM I-745'. But Antibiotics don't kill off Yeasts. This particular Yeast, is a ''Prebiotic' and helps with the re-establishment of the normal gut bacteria. Which is made up of around 1,000 different types of Bacteria. Probiotics don't effect the action of Antibiotics.
  2. A B12 deficiency will cause tingling and numbness of the feet and/or hands. Thyroid Disorders, have been shown to effect the intestinal absorption of B12. Where intra-muscular injections are recommended. It is important to address a B12 deficiency, as the tingling can progress to permanent nerve damage.
  3. Perhaps you could try something, that might seem absurd? Which is 'humming'? Back in 1995, it was identified that the tissue lining the Sinuses. Produces 'Nitric Oxide'. Which dilates the blood vessels, and will also kill off types of bacteria, viruses and fungi. Their has been considerable research into this, over the past 24 years. Where it was found, that 'humming' caused a 15 fold increase in the production of Nitric Oxide. Numerous studies, have shown that humming can overcome Sinusitis. So perhaps you might like to try it, and see if it is effective for you? I'll add a link, which provides a simple explanation of the humming. https://www.consciousbreathing.com/blogposts/humming-can-eliminate-sinusitis/
  4. A salt deficiency will cause this. Your increased physical activity is probably making you sweat more? With a loss of salt. You could get some salt tablets, and try taking them to see whether the stiff legs go away?
  5. Impetigo is caused by a bacteria. Which is spread by contact. The bacteria is in the fluid from the blisters. If he touches a 'blister', and then touches his skin anywhere else? Then a new blister will form where he touched it. So that he needs to be careful not to spread it further. Though their is a particular concern, which he needs to be cautious about? Which is touching/ rubbing around his eyes, and transferring the bacteria to them. From the eyes, the bacteria can then infect the 'Optic Nerve'. Causing serious damage. So that he needs to be cautious.
  6. When you're reading, do your eyes move from one word to the next? Or do they move, from one 'block of words' to the next block? If you're reading 'word by word', then this would cause you to read slowly.
  7. A Chromebook would definitely be a cheaper option, both for the computer and for the free software. As your kids are already relatively comfortable using Google voice typing and Google Docs, etc. Their wouldn't be a transition problem to a Chromebook. They are also built to be used roughly by kids, which most laptops aren't. So that Chromebooks would probably last longer.
  8. As MissLemon said, the first person to hand over the cash, gets it.
  9. One important role of breast milk, is that it helps a baby to establish a range of healthy micro-biomes in the intestine. The problem with an anti-biotic. Is that it could kill off most of the micro-biomes. Which would then need to be reestablished. It would be better for the babies health, to wait until the anti-biotics wont be in the breast milk.
  10. To identify handedness? What you can do. Is to toss something at him, and see which hand he tries to catch it with? Though you need to be directly in front of him, and also do it without him expecting it. Maybe use a piece of candy. Try this a few times, to see whether he always uses the same hand.
  11. Though breast milk plays a critical role in a baby developing its 'Innate Immune System'. Where the mother shares her Innate Immunity with her baby. This prepares a baby for many pathogens that they will encounter. Otherwise a baby will have to encounter and develop their antibodies.
  12. I recently read with the 737 Max. That a particular 'Warning Light', was offered as an option. Which raised the question, of why a Warning Light could be considered as an Option?
  13. The Gift of Dyslexia was published back in 1994, when Dyslexia was virtually unheard of. In an age, when 'Learning Disabilities' were defined as 'Mental Retardation'. This book, presented a different view. That Dyslexia provides some areas of 'Giftedness'. It gained more popularity, with the emergence of the internet and development of forums discussing Dyslexia. Though the shame, was that about 10 years ago. Some 'Corporation' saw the popularity of the book, as a way to make some money? It developed an unproven method for 'assessing and remediating Dyslexia'. Using the book to support marketing of the 'method'. A lot of people were disturbed, when Ron Davis sold out to this corporation. But the book is still worth reading.
  14. You wrote that she has had vision problems. Though did she have 'Convergence' problems, as this could cause such a problem?
  15. What can cause the difficulty that you describe, is 'Scotopic Sensitivity' of the eyes. Which is caused by the light reflected off of white paper. That is also related to the 'Saccadic movement of the eyes'. Though you can do a test, to identify this. Where you open a page of text for her to read. Using the Word program. What it involves, is changing the 'white background', to tints of blue, red and yellow. Have her read the text, with these different colored backgrounds. Observing whether any of the colors, enable her to read correctly?
  16. Mononucleosis is actually a term for a set of symptoms. "Fever, fatigue, loss of appetite, sore throat and swollen lymph nodes". Epstein Barr Virus is a common cause of these symptoms. Yet other viruses can also be the cause.
  17. With the ear fullness and the pressure behind your eyes. This is a strong indication that the issue is with your Sphenoid Sinus. Which is located about 2 inches behind the eyes. Though with no sneezing or runny nose? This rather indicates that their is a blockage. Which could be a polyp? With the blockage, this would cause swelling, and quite possibly inflammation. Though if your Sphenoid Sinus is causing the problems? Then it really needs to be identified, and treated. As 'swelling' of the Sphenoid Sinus, can result in serious complications. As it located close to a number of Cranial Nerves. Also something called the Cavernous Sinus, which is an important part of the brains blood flow. It would be well worth getting a CT Scan, which will identify the affected sinus/es.
  18. He probably only needs to wash his hands with soap. 2 or 3 times a day. The rest of the time, he could just use water. You could put the soap away, so that he has to ask to use it? Then when he asks for the soap, ask him if he really needs it or not?
  19. This could be a result of a 'weakened immune system'? It would be well worth identifying if this is his problem, which can be done with a blood test.
  20. You could try putting a bird bath under each tree? Also if you could identify the beetles, then you might be able to find out what are their natural predators? Then try to encourage them.
  21. It is associated with low blood sugar. With large doses, their is a need to watch out for Hypoglycemia.
  22. Behind Perfectionism, is a 'mental script'. That is repeatedly recalled, when taking on any task. The best way to treat this, is 'Cognitive Behavioral Therapy' CBT. Which is basically focused on helping one, to develop a new Mental Script. That replaces the old one. Though it is important to address this, as it will having increasing impact. As he gets older. But a major impact, is that it becomes a barrier to learning anything new. As they will limit themselves. To the safety of what they already know. Another effect, is that as they get older? They start transferring this Perfectionism, onto others. Expecting them to meet this 'standard'. This increases during teen years, reaching a peak by adulthood. Which has a major effect, on their relationships. But as a 'Mental Script'. Their is the potential to write a new one.
  23. What can help with ' Eustachian Tube Disfunction'? Is chewing gum. The Eustachian Tube, runs from the ears to back of the throat. It stays closed most of time, to prevent bacteria from the back of the throat. Traveling up it. As a reflex, it briefly opens each time we swallow. As we swallow, it also has the effect of sucking fluid down the E Tube. Chewing gum is helpful, as it causes repeated swallowing. Which will help clear the E Tube.
  24. The pressure behind your eyes and ears. Indicate that your Sphenoid sinuses are effected. This could be a bacterial infection, which needs to be treated with a broad spectrum antibiotic. Infection of the Sphenoid sinuses, can have very serious complications. Given their actual location. So that it would be best to see a doctor. (The myth about milk, began around 2,000 years ago. When milk mixes with saliva, it forms clots. These 'clots', create a sensation in the mouth. Which feels similar to mucus, but is not mucus. But caused the myth to develop. )
  25. A cubic meter of concrete, weighs 2.5 tons. Their might not be adequate support, for the extra weight of the concrete?
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