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Everything posted by mumto2

  1. Lots of fabreeze worked in our car a couple of months ago. I know someone did post an enzyme cleaner that sounded much better recently.:grouphug:
  2. I had mine organized like that and really liked it. I had to go back to factory settings and lost my sorting but not my books.:001_smile:
  3. I didn't read the whole thread. Hopefully this will still make sense. First off :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: I only know one home ed family with an immaculate home-- which is what dh is asking for. That home is cleaned each night by dh after everyone including mom is in bed. I spent a good year trying to figure out how my friend did it. Yes, she also does make great meals but she has tons of prepacked tricks up her sleeve. Also she worked in food service for a few years. No one woman can do what is being asked of you. As far as the in laws are concerned try to keep "tricks" up your sleeve. My dd could memorize very easily when she was little so I always had her work on a new poem immediately after a visit-- usually Robert Lewis Stevenson. I think they thought he was very high brow. That way we were ready for the next visit. Save a page of math to show and maybe one more thing that is well done. I actually kept a folder that my kids pulled out when they came. It is a sales pitch to the inlaws. Please remember that you have four young children and lots of responsibility. Do not blame yourself. This is way more then one person can do daily.:grouphug:
  4. I ordered from them years ago. I think they do have a phone. I do remember that the service was really good. I think I ordered both Christian light and rod and staff items from them.
  5. I grew up near you. Growing up I had a pet duck. In the winter she lived in my dad's green house. It really wasn't t as warm as it sounds. Her water froze nightly. She had a heavy metal pan the size of a dish pan that we kept with maybe 3 inches of water. Lots of straw for the floor. It wasn't really grosse. The grosse part was changing it! She slept in a nest that was two straw bales backed against a wall with a foot or so opening. Then two hay bales accross the top. During the summer she was fenced in with garden fence - maybe a foot high and lived in a cherry tank turned on its side with screen and a door. She was great fun. Got into everything when we let her out-- drank paint, varish, etc. Ate our garden-- she could run her beak down a row of seedlings and scoop them right up. I adored her and she was around for several years. She ate cracked corn in the winter. I don't remember her being yellowish from it but she usually had ruined her feathers by helping with painting etc. The only cure came when she molted in the spring. She also ate kitchen scraps.
  6. For RC Sproul look at Ligonier ministries on line. When you have that look under "learn" and go to the teaching series. Pick your topic -- there are over 350 courses to choose from, some are free. We recommend ones with the video class format. Some have free pdf study guides. We are going to do " Introduction to Systematic Theology". DH previewed it for us and loved it. We bought the Dvds. These are all reformed.
  7. We love the LOF books in general. Since she has used them before I would add them in. Anything that puts math in a real (fictional in this case) world context promotes a greater understanding. What the key to books are great for is a this is the rule, this is how you do it. Let's practice it. Now a little bit more complicated. Now add this in. All in black and white. No frills. Don't forget the Khan academy either. The explanations are really well done. The practice problems are good too. As for credits I am not sure. Maybe go off the number of hours spent. If she finishes key to and has spent 180 hours award 1 credit? But if she already has an algebra 1 credit then I would probably just do it without credit. The aim is to understand algebra.
  8. Have you considered the LOF fractions and decimals books. Key to is also good. Because you write in the books DS is slightly better at showing work. Also one problem is always done. Have him follow that format for work.
  9. We have never used math mammoth but both dc's have done key to algebra as a supplement. It is a fairly complete course. The explanations are clear. Work manageable per page. Almost all the writing is in the workbooks. Answer books clear. The best thing about it is can go anywhere! So perfect for summer activities. I also think it could be finished over the summer. I think my daughter spent 3 or 4 months on it. I can't think of anything that is missing but not knowing your dd's future plans I am a little nervous about saying it does it all. My kids have done a lot of different courses so they know algebra well -- but not just from key to. Hope this helps. For what it is worth I just asked my kids. They both liked it and consider it to be fairly complete for algebra I.
  10. I am not sure about the for sale by owner just because it is so awful to be home when the house is being shown. My main piece of advice is not to list with a friend. We did -- it made our sale so complicated -- she kept " solving " things for us. We had moved but it was still our house. DH and I were continuously forced to do things her way -- it was never in our favor. We had to beg to reduce the price so we could be done. Each day we owned that house was costing money. It is business and should be treated that way. Now that I am remembering that maybe for sale by owner is easier!!!
  11. :grouphug:it is good to have a diagnosis to work with. Now you know -- you can learn. This is not being said in a negative way but since his symptoms are not matching your research--remember you can switch to a new specialist if things are not going properly in your opinion. I am a firm believer in trusting your doctor. You must really feel that they are right. If you don't feel a high degree of confidence consider switching down the road. I know almost nothing about epilepsy so I am saying this in a general. There have been several bad medical situations in my life that being matched with the right Doctor made a huge difference in the outcome for my family-- we have switched. It sounds like you are doing a great job helping your son deal with this. He is lucky that you are his mom! :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:
  12. I think the lectures sound fascinating. I will look for them. I also found a series of e mails from about.com titled introduction to Troy. Really helpful for learning about the main characters in The Iliad. The have a series for the Oddessy too.
  13. Since my Ds is 12 too my first question is how he imagined he could get away with it. Talk to him. Second question to dh and myself is should HE buy it. My son is very careful with his money. Actually invests it--his uncles find funny so he gets good gift checks. Anyway the pain of having to pay for a brand new, not discounted., Mario, would be huge! I would be totally tempted to make that happen.:lol: Finally no computer time without permission indefinitely.
  14. I have always given a percentage grade when it can be calculated easily. It hugely improves the quality of the work handed to me.:001_smile:
  15. We have only been able to do the visitor center area. We loved it and definately plan to do the whole tour sometime. Sorry that I can't really answer the question but it is really good. My kids were small and really remember being inside the shuttle!
  16. I think your plan sounds fine. If you have never worked in a food preparation business that is a small single business I would. Call it an internship. At your age I had two different ones. I was studying accounting. One was in a corporate setting, my own desk, definately monthly routine, familiar surroundings. Loved that one. The other was auditing. The work was fine but the physical act of moving work locations on a frequent basis drove me nuts. Constantly working in awful locations --my opinion, I always got lost on my way to work, so did the rest of the staff, it upset my whole day not theirs--with just a couple of briefcases was torture for me--my best friend thrived on it. I had planned on a career as a CPA doing audits. I quickly changed to corporate accounting. Then to helping dh with his business. It all worked out fine. My internship saved me a lot time and unhappiness. Take advantage of any learning experiences offered!:grouphug:
  17. :grouphug:praying that the specialist visit goes well and that you leave with some answers.
  18. Lisa, I don't see why these couldn't be used with older children. The important thing is to pick something that you can and will do. Bible study is something that can be easily dropped if the format is too hard or the specific views don't quite line up. I know my house is littered with discards-- we do always have something going -- it just changes frequently! These study guides we liked. Easy to use except for the writing if your Dc doesn't write easily. I just pulled them off the third floor bookshelf-- huge effort, all those stairs! They have a lot of good stuff. While you child won't want to draw pictures he probably would be glad to study the Bible in an understandable way. I am now wondering about my ds12. He probably would like this again. The teacher guides are typical Memoria press if you have used or seen their Latin. The weekly worksheets contain all answers with surrounding teacher's notes. There are blank cumulative tests at the back. Short answer. Hope this helps!
  19. We did book 1 completely. Books 2 and 3 as discussion starters. You must have the recommended Bible. But that being said it is a lovely version. Probably my favorite "big kids" Bible. The program is a lot of writing. You read a story. We did this together. Then answer a fairly extensive set of essay questions. Maps. Other question formats -- matching included. I agree suited for older -- maybe 10 plus in complete form. I bought just the teachers guides for the last 2 years. Read Bible and discussed using the guide. Great maps. Actually used as a reference in our house now. The easy answers. I think it is simply a literal scripture course. No more or less young earth then reading the Bible. It is more comprehension than anything.
  20. We did really well at a January sale at the Gap. He fits in size 29 trousers with a belt so we can get the length in the men's section. Found shorts at Coctco. Rounded things at at TJ Max -- I found Polo shirts for $5 to$10. He is really well dressed now! He wears my husbands shoes for dresser things! The look on DH' s face is classic.:lol:
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