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Everything posted by mumto2

  1. I hate the I could never homeschool my kids comment--all I can ever say is "I'm sorry." Then the conversation dies...
  2. I lived near Sanibel Island--Gulf Coast near ft. Myers when little. I have really good memories of it. Our family spends a lot of time at the DVC resort at Vero Beach...love the beach and the pool. Not sure if Vero would be as great without Mickey.
  3. I put them in a 9x13 pan pour some Italian dressing on, sprinkle soy sauce, then some Italian seasoning. Bake 45 minutes or so. They are easy and good.
  4. Khan academy it is online and free!!! We also really enjoy life of Fred. It doesn't meet your computer criteria. But it might be a very fun way to learn geometry over the summer. You can contact author with questions -- we have never needed to.
  5. Since your son is scared of clippers not sure what to say. My Ds moved during a hair cut. I cut a center clump really short. Dh has clippers for his hair. I set them to the longest setting and hair fixed. Been using the clippers every since. It is so much easier and much more consistent then what I did "free style". Hold the clippers against your finger to show him that he won't be cut. My DS did not want the clippers but we had no choice. He still dislikes them but prefers me to the barber. :grouphug:
  6. My big question is what if...... you now know you don't have daughters. On your wedding day your children are in the future. There is a chance that we will love our future dil and give her our dress. It could happen. Considering what my mil relationship was -- unlikely but I can hope.:001_smile: My dd loves my gown in pictures. Assuming it is fine when removed from the preservation box I will be paying for 2 inches off the bottom and who knows what else. I can't wait. My sil is short. Considering my brother is 6 ft tall. She thought the chances of anyone wearing her gown unlikely. Her gown was turned into baptismal gowns for her daughters. Wonderful keepsake. I just can't imagine ruining yards of fabulous fabric for pictures. Makes me so sad to think peaple are so wasteful.
  7. :grouphug:praying! Try to relax and stay off your feet as much as possible. It can't hurt.
  8. Sonlight sells a schedule which I think contains questions but I have never used or seen them. We have used physical science with great success. This is what we did. Each chapter has a study guide. The guide has a list of vocabulary words then a question section. The quide does agood job covering what they need to understand for the test. We worked through the study guide questions after each days reading--i read aloud more for me then dc's. This way I can answer questions and assign the proper amount-- I can see if they understand or are struggling. Some sections are really hard others easy. After the reading is done they answer the guide as far as they can go in two parts-- vocabulary and questions to include descriptive drawings if needed. If it was a lab day then a lab report included. Figure 2 weeks per chapter. I usually make flashcards for the vocabulary words so they can study in the car. This method has worked great. Note taking skills are improving slowly for D's -- dd has spectacular notes. We are now doing the biology course.
  9. I would get the Bible for Dummies book and read it along with the Bible. At the end you will know what is in the Bible without religious teachings. I like the Narrated Bible in Chronological Order too.
  10. We have always loved Sonlight. I have done it both ways-- with and without IG. I really love the schedule when I have it. I tweek every curriculum I touch. I realized this with a recent thread. I couldn't list a thing! With schedule I finish in a reasonable period of time. Many of the books are favorites. The books that haven't been great have been more on the mission/Bible curriculum end which is where I really like to tweek. The books are interesting --I just find something more interesting. In the younger years k-2 we used their science and loved it. Between the Dvds and the supply kits I could leave them alone with science. They loved it and learned loads-- I was able to supervise from a distance. A move to the UK made me stop the science for upper grades. For us Sonlight is a fun constant. DD14 has core 200 going. She is constantly commenting on the fascinating things she is learning. She is having a good time quizzing DH and feels rather superior -- he knows a lot about religious history and she can stump him! We still do core 7 together. But slowly. LOTS of extras. But the books and sequence are great.
  11. Both of my dc's enjoy LOF. Dd has done them all -- currently working through calculus. I think it will fill in what she is weak in quite nicely. Don 't forget that the Khan academy is there if she needs more explanation.
  12. Obviously your kids have what the neighbor wants. Probably your attention. It probably doesn't help that your kids from home ed know things she doesn't. The topper is probably the gymnastics. She does not have the talent to do it. Probably has been told this by her father. I would definately explain to dd that the fat comment came from someone who is very envious of her physical abilities--that it was probably the only thing the neighbor could think of that would be hurtful. The reality is there is probably nothing you can say to the mom to improve the situation. Their household is probably extremely high stress. She is probably unable to change her daughters behavior even if she wants to. Dd had a huge problem with "friends" daughter. A few months later there was a nasty divorce. I would work at making your house and yard the fun place to be. DH is in the reserves-- retired.:001_smile: I am so glad we have never had to live on base. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:
  13. I voted other. My family seems to react quite badly to piercing--metal allergies, I know gold and platinum. For us it doesn't seem to matter. We all still have / had problems. For me I gave up when on bed rest and one of my 20 plus year pierced ears closed. I decided to stop fighting and give up. Two of my nieces have similar problems. The other never let herself get the ears done. My daughter does not want them. I am glad! I have no problems with other people. My main concern would be ears first. Because I would be worried about facial scars if reactions happen.
  14. My current library read is "The Mammoth Book of King Arthur" by Mike Ashley. Just started it. I am only three chapters in but so far really interesting. I started reading it with a thought to developing a literature/historical study. Please keep us posted on what you decide. So far you resources look great.
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