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Everything posted by mumto2

  1. We love ours. Over 10 years old and have never needed the warranty. Works great for my back. Huge difference. We just have a pillow top, medium price range back when we bought.
  2. DS12 is back to getting coupons for 5 minutes of free screen time--basically games and skype. He was becoming a complete distraction for dd14 as he talked his way through school. Just a downhill spiral behavior wise in general. He gives up coupons for bad behavior receives for good. He ends up with 5 or 6 most days. This means he ends up be able to play by himself 3 hours or so per week. When dd plays with him it is free but she will only play if he is nice. My son really needs incentives sometimes. He needs to concentrate more on school and the only way for him seems to be my saying he has earned a coupon or lost one. He seems to really enjoy it when I put an "incentive program" in place. He likes having something to work for. I know some people don't believe in incentives but for my son they work. I also want to add this has been a really stress free week for me no yelling on my part and significantly less bickering for them.
  3. Just wanted to say that I am sorry.:grouphug: Definately tell her something. She is probably very worried. I can argue the need to tell her exactly what is wrong both ways. My children know that pregnancy for me was not easy but they don't know about the miscarriages. Honestly I am not sure I want them to any time soon. I am sorry. :grouphug:
  4. I would do an overview with the spine books during the next two weeks. Independent reading over summer with a bit of discussion and move on.
  5. Yes, we had the textbook, workbook, and answer key. The book is very formal looking for 6 year olds. I can't remember the title but it is long. The workbook and answer key are quite basic but complete. We just worked through the day's text--book one was mainly fingers as I remember it, later we used a white board for the examples. Then the assigned problems. More problems then my ds could do but dd had no problem. There are two Algebra books too. We did the first one but I never managed to order the second. My dd was able to do the algebra at 9 as promised. Lots of factoring. She really did love Prof B.
  6. We used the books not the software. It really did work well and we had fun too. I used to call my orders in and I always had to talk to Professor B when I ordered -- his secretary transferred me as soon as she got the order, no opportunity to say no! He really cared how children were doing using his system. He passed away about 2 years ago. I'm not sure what is happening with his company--it seemed really small, just him and a secretary that I thought was his wife. Same people every time. I hope someone will keep things going and continue with the software development.
  7. Daily -- I wasn't allowed to when pregnant. Apparently the position makes for contractions. I looked like a werewolf by the time I delivered. The scratchy feeling drove me nuts. I still totally love being able to shave my legs daily.
  8. Aer Linguis is a wonderful airline. The big difference is their staff is very friendly and truly seem to love having Children on board. We used them when we first moved to England. We actually flew to lreland the day before to make the connection. But all European airlines have similar services. We go with easiest now that everyone is experienced which means Virgin Atlantic for us. We can take the train so no parking or rental car expense. For a free ticket I would certainly go on US air. Will it be a direct flight to Ireland? That would be my only concern. Switching planes takes time and energy. The food you can never trust--picky eaters. Our best food ever was on Luftansa to the US. The return flight it was aweful! We always eat a bit before boarding and carry emergency snacks. If someone other then me :001_huh:eats much of the plane food it is strange!
  9. I looked the curriculum over. We have used some of the books with other things. Many we enjoyed. We could not seem to use "America's Providential History" at all. I think they use it with Beautiful Feet American History. It was just not something my dc's could listen to at that age. Definately not SOTW. I think we ended up with Christian Liberty's " History for Little Pilgrims" for our spine.
  10. Just wanted to add that I actually ordered the workbooks for their "German". They were cheap!!! Anyway DH just about fell over laughing -- he can teach the kids German because he is fluent but could not even read the script for those workbooks!
  11. I love my fire! It is all I ever use for this forum. For school we use it tons--to guickly look up things as we go. For biology here's what an onion root tip looks like etc. It has also came in really handy for quizlet. I now find a quiz/vocabulary list that matches what ds12 should be working on, have him do it on the fire, and we both know if he is doing his work. He actually loves it. He has quick feedback. I have only been doing this for about 1 month but he is much better prepared! Dd14 loves quizlet too.
  12. Thank you for the schedule! !! I just bought it this weekend at a convention and spent part of my morning wondering what to do with it!
  13. I would consider Linqua Latina if you are not planning on 4 years. We have only used the text ocassionally but we do like it. It is clear and you start translating instantly. Intuitive like Cambridge but less expensive. The answer key is for both years. That being said dd14 is doing Henle primarily. My ds12 is currently doing Cambridge 1 with no study guide except Dd and I. It is working. He will go back to Henle when we get a bit more grammar drilled. We are also weaving Linqua Latina into this. First Form is also great. We just were not sure that it would be ready when we needed the next book!
  14. We use the EG flashcards a lot. I try to do about 20 cards a day to keep the word knowledge sharp. They are really nice cards with one curved edge so they are super easy to use. The print is clear and legible which is a plus with the Greek, obviously it looks just like the textbook. We buy the whole program but you could use just the book. Exercises and answers are given there.
  15. Dd14 and I love mysteries too. Agatha Christie is our favorite--not free except for a couple. But there are some similar authors who we like that are free. Anna Katharine Green Mary Roberts Rinehart They are both old fashioned but good mysteries. Supposedly Christie's Marple was copied from AKGreen's Amelia Butterworth.
  16. I just want to say LOF is not the only math program we use but my Dd14 has used it as her spine for trigonometry and Calculus. She is very mathy and this is working great for her. She has a lot of other resourses which she uses occasionally. Her favorite supplement are the Dummies books. Quick and to the point according to her. Occasionally in Fred something will be referenced but not explanned fully. She likes to understand the whole picture and dummies is here resource for a more complete explanation. I also agree you could probably go directly into the beginning algebra. I would advise doing the pre algebra books for the experience. Both of my kids really enjoyed them. They did a great job applying math to other interesting areas. They went very quickly. They really got the biology part too -- so that has made biology easier this year.:001_smile: I do think it could be done with just LOF which is why I responded.
  17. I can't link. Sorry. The Physics of Star Trek by Lawrence M. Krauss
  18. No. While I think the book is a great introduction it is definately middle school. More work is needed to be economics on a transcript.
  19. Ds 12 is currently reading the StarTrek physics book. He really likes it. Seems to be learning some new things too!:001_smile:
  20. Dh and my brother both collect coins so my kids do. We have taken them to a huge show in Orlando which they love. Some nice people here(UK) have given them Roman coins found in fields. We live on the London to York Roman Road so great potential for finding coins. We really need to take a metal detector out -- just not sure where we can go legally. Anyway it is a great hobby. I'm sorry it wasn't real but what a learning experience!
  21. I attended a Christian Home Ed Convention today in Coventry. Several curriculum suppliers were there. It wasn't huge but there was a wide variety. I finally got to see some things that I had been wondering about. There really was a lot there. I picked up some new stuff, also some used bargains. Anyway definately worth the trip.
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