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Everything posted by mumto2

  1. We got kindles for Christmas. Both dc's have read the hunger games trilogy without complaint. My dd14 has read several classics on hers. There are also a bunch of old Agatha Christie type mysteries for free which she likes. My ds12 enjoys the logic games -- we got with keyboard so they could play the games. He has read several books that we actually own the hard copy. Seems to like the kindle. All in one. We travel a lot. They are extremely self sufficient now. "No more what should we do " at night in hotel rooms with dh trying to work.
  2. Praying that the surgery goes as planned today!!! :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:
  3. I don't think it could be done well in less then a week per chapter. Sixteen chapters. Experiments. We did the tests too. So we needed a study and review day. We averaged 1 1/2 weeks per chapter with a fair amount of holidays and field trip days added in.
  4. It may already be part of one of the above curriculums but I would include Spielvogel somehow and have a copy for people to look at. I think it is the spine for several different curriculums. More because it seems to be so popular. I kept wondering about it and finally found a deal and bought one. I do feel better now.:lol: Good reference. Not sure how we will use it. But I have one. Probably could have just looked and been happy.:001_smile:
  5. Take a look at Life of Fred for math. It is not a traditional course. My kids love it. Really the only math that ds12 likes.:001_smile:
  6. We haven't read it. Dd14 knows exactly who Anne Frank was and prefers to skip it. I pretty much wish I had never read it. I don't think it is possible to do the book without the sadness. It is a powerful story but it is very haunting. Doubt we will read Lord of the Flies either. Her choice -- my son will be perfectly happy to skip both.
  7. When I am teaching my kids touch my hand so I know they have a question. That way I can finish my idea first. As soon as I pause they can talk. Hand raising and thumb wiggling are really distracting in the home environment. I think they would be in a classroom too but 20 kids can't reach over and touch the teacher!
  8. :iagree:A friend's daughter has a drawing figure in their living room. All the kids play with it. My son loves it. Comments on them in stores etc. It is an unusual gift but could end up being very loved.
  9. In the UK we have refused to pay and the item is returned. On top of the insured value percentage which a friend bumped way up, we have to pay a handling fee of £10 to the post office and then a customs charge. Anyway the amount was impressive!
  10. Sonlight's fold up map we love but we are a family who tends to be on the go. I have never really been able to hand it on a wall. Being able to fold it up and put it in the book bag or slide it into the bookcase is really handy. The timelines we have never quite gotten the hang of. They get colored and posted when someone is really bored. Which doesn't happen that often. Definenately not the wonderful connections I expected!
  11. First, I think you should start the Japanese. Really good opportunity for your son. He shouldn't miss out. I keep hoping a fellow home ed mom here who is speaks Japanese will start lessons! That way you have the transcript taken care of. Second, if your son really wants to keep going with Latin I think you should let him. Stopping is just the wrong message IMO if he wants to continue. Could you try Henle and use a study guide from Memoria Press? We switched to Mother of Divine Grace school study guides because they do all of year 1 and 2. I read on a thread that the Henle books are someplace on line for free. They didn't say where. So you can try it. The guides schedule a small amount per day with a weekly quiz. Very similar to LatinaChristina. I know this will move really slow. But at the end you should be able to give 2 years for one language and a year for the other.
  12. I taught it with Shurley English. No other experience teaching it. The directions are very clear and both dc's learned quickly. So I guess that is a good recommendation!
  13. My DS does not enjoy history or literature. We do SL and I do it with him. He will not be doing AP exams for either subject. Maybe CLEP to get ot out of the way. This way he is getting some and enjoys the discussions etc.
  14. I got the oddest assortment. Several things to research that I have never heard of. The biggest laugh was all the lit and rhetoric was "the one thing I regret buying". We both hated it! I just put dd in. It did identify her learning type perfectly. She is such the perfect paula.
  15. Learner it in AP literature. Used it for " blue book" exams all the way through college. Three essay questions per test in on class period. Other then math we wrote most exams. No multiple choice for me. So I used the 5 paragraph constantly.
  16. Moira-- Did she take the ap studio art through a school or were you somehow able to do it at home? Dd has an art teacher but we are in the UK. Just curious if we could somehow do the exam from here? Thank you for any advice.
  17. Not sure if this is any help but my son played with his belly button constantly. It was really red and inflamed. I paid him in tootsie rolls to leave it alone. I paid his sister to report him. After a while they both got one if he left it alone for 1/2 a day. Then a day. Then we ran out. We had 1bag. They both understood he needed to stop because we were afraid of infection. I am not sure if he was 2 or 3. But we stopped the habit within a couple of weeks.
  18. Great Science Adventures has a lot of projects that involve cutting and pasting. Also a lot of folding! Good science curriculum too.
  19. My kindle with keyboard was going nuts-- resenting itself constantly. I could never read it. I would turn it on, read a few pages, then boom reset for 40 minutes. I was also charging almost daily. I had almost 2000 books sorted by category. Very compulsive--i know. But it was over a years work. Lots of classics. Dh found out what was happening and reset it to factory settings. I was in such a panic! It deletes everything. It is a hard reset. All of my books are there but archieved. I can still access them. I no longer have my lovely sort. My kindle is fast again. Rarely needs charging. It is great.
  20. TiaTia-- so far we really like the study guide. We are using really old copies and they are different editions so it isn't perfect. It does appear to match much better after we get beyond the first chapters. Dd really is enjoying it and seems to be thriving on the challege-- doesn't want me to match the editions yet. I have also found picture quizzes availiable on quizlet. She is really enjoying those.
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