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Everything posted by mumto2

  1. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: I will pray for his family. He is with Jesus now.
  2. I would probably go with option C. I think the two would combine well. I almost did them together this year myself. The only reason we didn't is my daughter 14 fell in love with core 200 and the time had to be now. I also thought some of it might be a bit too graphic for her -- we live in the UK and she has seen so much of the history, but she also knows the suvivors. She is self studying core 200 while we all finish the second half of H. I tweaked too much and only made it through half last year. It better for ds12 but dd needs the opportunity to move more quickly. I also think much of the core h can be used as read alouds with the younger ones, maybe 7 and up. We have really enjoyed them -- great stories. The history spines were written for younger so skip the essays and you could potentially do much of it all together. Core 400 is not a favorite on this board--search it and see. Personally I have looked forward to it since i first saw SL. I still plan to order it but dh and I were heavily into American politics in a former life so it will be tweaked greatly I am sure! I love many of the books so i "have" to have it. :lol:With that in mind if your oldest has to miss something that might be a better choice. There are lots of ways to get the American Goverment credit that are quicker. Once again search threads. I like Notgrass too. I am not sure if i managed to help at all but I tried.
  3. Veritas Press is lovely but a lot of writing. The cards are fabulous. Can't remember if it had memory verses. We generally had a SL core going and did their bible memory work with the CD. Memoria Press-- really enjoyed it mainly because of the Golden Children's bible. Lots of writing but my son did it verbally. The questions were good. Maps clear. Quiz type material included. Did not do memory because of SL. We have also used Victors and Greenleaf. It is kind of a blur as to why they didn't work. Partly because we were in the middle of our move to the UK and also too young probably(dd was 9 and ds7). All I know is I left the Greenleaf part behind and brought the Victors with me! Victors is wonderful and we have read much of the book but not as curriculum. Training hearts teaching minds is lovely. We did it when they were a bit older (12 and 10) but friends have done it younger easily. It is centered on the Westminster Catechism and why we believe in it. So it is not really like the other curriculums being talked about. I hope this helps some. Bible curriculum is the hardest one to choose IMO!
  4. :grouphug:A sick kid far from home is miserable. I hope you have an uneventful night!
  5. It looks like a great resourse. Thank you for posting.:001_smile:
  6. Just wanted to add that we have a beach ball style blow up globe. Works great and super easy to store. Got it years ago--maybe dollar store or somewhere similar.
  7. Pa For level 3 we had two textbooks, two teachers guides, and the workbook. I have no idea what i spent. Dd14 did it pretty much on her own with no problems. Just so you know we did NEM for the other levels and we do not have a geometers scetchpad. Just asked her-- she says the sketchbook was mentioned but not needed.
  8. Take a look at IKEA. We have some couches /chairs that turn into beds. They were fairly inexpensive. There is quite a variety to chose from.
  9. I bring a can of Lysol/Dettol and spray everything down. Anything someone might touch. Then I open the window and leave for a half hour. Then we move in. I spray pillows and sheets. Most bathroom surfaces. Light switches, doors, the desk top, and remote. The zip lock bag idea is great -- from now on i will do that. I use about a half can per check in. My family tolerates it--we also wear flip flops to shower. Anyway I don't feel as nuts now.:001_smile:
  10. I am not sure exactly what you are trying to do but intarsia is not going to work in the round. Fair isle works really well. I think you are simply putting letters on something. Unless they are going to be huge -- 8 or so stitches on each row I would just overstich (embroider) them on when you are done knitting in the round. Sorry I can't help more.
  11. :grouphug:Praying all goes well. It is really interesting that your sisters home ed too!
  12. My mom reads those articles too! One of the things she likes best about home ed is they can write in cursive and know how to print. She was never taught how to print and really feels that she missed something.
  13. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: I don't know what to say other then I am sorry.
  14. Since you won't be using it for several years I would sell it. We do like it but I don't think it would be easy to make it secular.
  15. This is just an idea-- could it be a gangorous cyst? I probably have it spelled wrong. My mom has one on top of her ankle. They form suddenly by joints and feel odd, sort of jell ball. It doesn't seem to be a reason for great concern.
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