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Everything posted by mumto2

  1. Pretty much my story except no one gave up!:lol: I have been vaccinated at least 9 times. I also had the German Measles as a child -- not sure if that matters.
  2. Suburban Detroit with 2 littles and a missing dh. He had ran out of gas on the way home!:lol: After he walked home and paid the neighbor kid for helping him rescue the car--kid had a full gas can. We went to bed. We headed in my car for my mom's house the next day. She lives in a place in Northern Michigan that still had power! Sad thing was we had a generator -- just no fuel for it!
  3. I wish I had known that! Unfortunately I already have the 2 -- dd is planning to finish both in 1 year.
  4. The MP guide does not cover nearly as much of the book as MODG. So it depends on how much of Henle Latin 1 you want to cover in the first year. With MODG (2 guides) it will take 2 years for the entire book and 1 year for the next. Not sure about after that. The guide is good--definately more rigorous then MP. Takes at least 30 minutes on a easy day. An hour is more realistic. Dd is very happy with this curriculum. Says she is finally really learning latin but she finds languages very easy. With MP after 2 years you will be HALF WAY in book 1. That is having done 2 guides. Obviously a much slower pace. But it is good. My son needs slower and is using this. We've actually had to stop and we are supplimenting with Cambridge for the summer. Takes about 15 to 30 minutes per lesson. My times are per dd so don't hold me to them. I don't have the cd because we did Latina Christina first.
  5. We have magic jack plus. $60 for the device. $100 for 6 years of service. Works great. We have vonage on the home phones. This is our back up plus we use it in hotel rooms so I can call my mom cheaply. She is ninety and i check in daily.
  6. Here are some more options: Bluedorn has a koine course. Absolutely lovely but expensive. Memoria press will have one soon. Koine only I think. Galore park -- attic coming this fall with updated course. We are working our way through Elementary Greek -- koine. Well laid out. Not too expensive. Both dc's who also take latin enjoy it. They learn 5 or 6 greek bible verses in each level. They are definately developing translation skills. Dd also wants to be able to read the classics. Not sure which route we will take for that. This week i like Galore Park but who knows.
  7. I can't tell from the picture for sure but they look like the first day chicken pox bumps my kids had. The next day they blistered. I hope I'm wrong! :grouphug: If I am right zinc oxide after the blister came down really speeded healing. My daughter looked almost normal a week later and she had it bad.
  8. No advice other than to tell you dd did LOF Geometry directly after ABeka algebra 1. I didn't research so my fault totally. I was just thinking algebra 1, geometry, algebra 2. Anyway that was what i brought back to the UK for her 2 years ago. She had never seen a LOF book before. The first week or so was hard but more from a how to use this course perspective. Just so you know she was completing the NEM sequence at the same time. I don't know if that was any sort of an advantage. Both dc's have gone back and done all the lof books because they love them. Ds12 is doing adv algebra lof with counting and probability. He does really like AoPS too. I hope this helps you decide!
  9. My current threat is to sign my ds up for online courses. Since we are in the UK and I would sign him up in the US the time difference would pretty much eat up his free time. This he gets!:lol:
  10. :grouphug:I am so sorry this is happening to both of you. Your tribute was absolutely lovely.:grouphug:
  11. We are on our normal schedule. All subjects. We have days off for activities and travel but not many do nothing days.
  12. :iagree: Also I don't have to clean serving dishes that way. No one takes way more then fair share. Easier.
  13. If it is empty leave. If you have a tenant i would stay. Unless tenant is there.
  14. Just wanted to say this is a great book. Both kids loved it!
  15. None--hate mayo and not that fond of bananas either!
  16. Look on line. I have found discintinued ones that way. Not for a few years so no recommendations but they were there.
  17. That just makes me so mad.:angry: I am so pleased that my dc's are great with little ones. They frequently do choose them over bigs if they already know they have little in common with the bigs. Generally in our regular groups everyone just plays together. Considering I used to babysit for one of my best friends now I see nothing wrong with it. :grouphug:
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