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Everything posted by mumto2

  1. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: Just do whatever you can. Take one day at a time. I hope things start to improve soon.:grouphug:
  2. I would take a look at ambleside online also. Five in a row might interest you also. With a 4 year old so much can be done with a big stack of library books. Do you have a library near? Reading with her is the most important thing you can do. Choose a large selection-- numbers, letters, nature, poetry. It can be really fun and inexpensive.
  3. My son liked the Usbourne retellings the best. They were not the prettiest but the stories came through well. He loved it.
  4. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: I had a laminectomy? 18 or so years ago. Severe rupture, sciatica, the works. My life was a disaster. I could hardly walk to use the bathroom much less anything else. I had the surgury, followed the Drs rather different instructions completely. No sitting for 6 weeks for really good scar tissue etc. I no longer ski--apparently a really bad idea. Which I do miss. I did go on to what I really wanted--two fabulous children and a pretty full life. We walk at least 5 miles a day. Mainly to keep me active. I have survived some pretty impressive walks--i go really slowly over rocks etc. I am so glad I had the surgery. I was scared to death! Lots of back problems in my family. Everyone else is scared of surgery. So it was a hard decision to make. I know my situation was quite different from yours but maybe this will help. Please keep me updated. I know how huge the decision is. It sounds like you have a great doctor. I really feel a lot of my recovery rested on my willingness to believe the doctor was right. Are you comfortable with the doctor? :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:
  5. Scalloped Potatoes At least that is what I miss seeing at Bring and Shares (potlucks) the most. I love making them but just hate explaining what they are. I just bring British stuff now. Or obvious things like mini pizzas and chicken legs.
  6. Maybe add a bouillon cube to the white sauce. That would add flavor and salt content!
  7. Let her wear it if she loves it. She will always remember what a special evening she had with her dad. I guarantee he will make it very clear that this is his 12 year old daughter. She will go through the evening oblivious.
  8. When we first moved to the UK we had no dryer and no outdoor place to hang things. I have some great drying racks from IKEA. Even though I have I dryer now I still hang most things on my racks until almost dry. Pop them in the dryer and dry soft towels!
  9. Blue shampoo is the key probably. I think the hot oil treatment would help too. Where I went to collage every blonds hair turned orange--high iron content in water. My older brother knew that people with nice (not yellowish) white hair use blue hair products. He actually told me how to fix it -- after a good laugh. Anyway I only had orange hair for one semester!
  10. I don't have any great ideas. At first I thought rewarding good behavior. That has always worked great with my son. Then I got to the peeing and thought medical. If you have talked to several doctors I am not sure what to do. The only question I have is does it upset him when he wets himself? If it truly does I would really look into allergies. Maybe look at the gluten information. Apparently this condition has many different ways of appearing. I also think diabetes must be ruled out. All I can do is send:grouphug: Please keep us updated.
  11. The maps are in the MP material. Quite a bit of writing. I think you could use it with any Bible.
  12. So glad that you are O.K.:grouphug:
  13. These evaluations are also done by occupational therapists. A good friend does them. Big help. My mom is 90. She lives on her own. Has your mom been given any unusual meds? Whenever they give my mom "something to help her relax/ sleep"things go aweful for us. She does not tolerate these "mild" pills well and she falls. It took a good two to three weeks to detox her. People suggested a home for her. Fotunately I was in the US and could be with her. Her memory also went wacky. She made sense, but you really had to know her. She is clear a completely there without these meds. We are now on a new hurdle. Breast cancer. Not sure what the best solution is. Anyway I completely understand. Have the home evaluated. Get rid of any and all throw rugs first per my friend. See what they can suggest. Their ideas were exactly what my friend, the OT, anticipated. She grew up with me. She knows my mom's house and told me what the report would recommend. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:
  14. My absolute favorites. I love Dole Whips. Another restaurant to consider is Raglan Road on Pleasure Island/Downtown Disney the fish and chips are as close to our local chippy as you can get in the states. They have a counter service restaurant just can't remember the name. We always go -- we love love good fish and chips. They also have fried Mars/ Snickers which are interesting. We have never had them in the UK just Disney.:lol:
  15. I have been taking the generic brand for about 12 years with no ill effects. I talked to several medical professionals back then and thy all agreed that I should save my money. I'm sorry that I can't remember any of the facts. I have taken the medicine for 26 years if that helps any.
  16. I am so sorry! :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:
  17. Just had to say my family will love the fact that a member of the hive has a hive.
  18. Just wanted to say I thought it was you. I had been following your comments because a good friend has huge foster to adoption problems. Unfortunately no happy ending for them. I can't tell you how happy I am that it all worked out. :grouphug:
  19. Dd14 and I had this conversation the other night. She could. Her friends are. She does not want to bother. They are her legs. So the answer is when they want to.
  20. Congratulations! What a great surprise.
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