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Everything posted by mumto2

  1. I can't remember the exact name but for a crafty book we used a book called something like "my body". We traced an outline of them on freezer paper and the copied and colored the organ systems. They showed everyone their "bodies". We combined it with a simple Janice van cleve book which had experiment demonstrating how things work, like the lungs. Both had easy descriptions of systems. The reproductive organs were there but we did not add them. Hope this helps.
  2. I have never had my kids tested. I didn't want them to be labeled and since they are home educated it doesn't matter. I work hard at finding great curriculum. Sometimes it feels like I have tried everything at least once. But its really worthwhile when I watch dd13 cruise through her calculus course and consider it normal. I watched my neice carry a 160 number through school and she was a complete outcast and still is struggling. I would test if needed for something they really want to do. But for now they can be exactly who they are without the expectations that seem to be attached to those numbers
  3. When my kids were that age they really enjoyed sonlights science because of the Dvd that demonstrates the experiments. My son watched it over and over. They also really enjoyed Janice van cleave books. With your background you can do lots of hands on things while reading books from the library and they will love it. My neighbors were high school science teachers and couldn't believe what they were doing and understanding. Just enjoy it.
  4. I love my kindle. The best thing about it is that I can read in the car without getting sick. No idea why but I just don't. I pick up a book an I get nauseous. The screen is really easy on the eyes but you can't read in the dark.
  5. I'm not sure how helpful this is but we are currently doing apolagia biology and it is at a fairly high level and I think the anatomy course is supposed to come after. You might want to consider the apologia general science, it had several anatomy chapters at the end of the course. Also quite a good section on creation and dinosaurs. I can't remember the rest. Anyway my son did it when he was 9 and enjoyed it. I had to help him with his notes and test prep because it required more organization than he was able to do. But he did great on the tests.
  6. I remember my days with 5 in a row very clearly. I really got caught up with doing everything and in the proper order and using the library for a bulk of it. It could not be done! Now I advise everyone to enjoy whatever you can get when it comes in. Check out a wide range of books everytime you go and enjoy. Read as much as you can stand. Do the easy science experiencents. Make math manipulatives and use them while you read. The less professional the more your kids will enjoy it. Remember the purpose of the 5 in the row books is to help you learn to enjoy good books with your kids so don't worry too much about doing everything because it really ruined the experience for me.:tongue_smilie:
  7. One of my friends sons had a rough time at a Korean school because he had blond hair and everyone was constantly touching him. His older siblings, who have dark hair, had a wonderful experience. Another thing to consider is lack of library books in English. A good international school will have lots. It all depends on how much you can bring from home. Also having kids in school will make it easier for you to make friends. I would definately look into the home ed and expatriate community before making a decision. It could be a really long year with out much of a social life. School could make it easier and they are young.
  8. My dd is currently finishing Singapore math track with NEM 4. We have enjoyed some of it more than other parts but she really wants to complete it all. During the beganning years you can get a,supplement called challenging math problems--and they are! But really good story problems, we worked one year behind our Singapore main text and did 1 page a day(two or three problems). We also used a Beka math. In the lower grades I just bought the workbooks no answer books. The kids liked them because they were colorful and they could write in them. New concepts are clearly introduced and there are always review problems. I hope this helps:)
  9. I am now asking myself the same question and there might be someone with experience now. Both my kids love Fred and don't care for Saxon, which I know is good for Calculus. Anyway I got AoPS 1 and 2 to supplement the LOF Calculus. Should I be using more? Thank for any advice you can offer me.
  10. I can't believe this is actually free. It looks like you need to buy a book to go with it. Has anyone used this. Do you actually use the book?
  11. We really like our select comfort. It about 10 years old and no problems. I have bad back problems and frequently a good nights rest fixes things right up.
  12. Both of them are good and the lists are much better in 2nd but I love the first one. Anyone can borrow the second. I do not lend the first to anyone. You can probably check the more recent one out of the library. Save your money.
  13. We started general science book in form when he was 9 and his sister 11. It worked great for us. We used the book but just started the biology with the Cd -- playing the video as we read is great and really helpful. The study guides are well prepared. If all the questions are carefully answered they do well on the exams. Everything is explained really well. When appropriate the author always explains all sides of any new concept. This means my Christian kids know the whole picture when talking to their friends:)
  14. For phoning home just open a skype account on your computers and set up times. it is FREE and easy. Definately no white tennis shoes dark ones are fine.
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