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Everything posted by mumto2

  1. We did it with ds9 and dd11. Went really well. There are questions at the end of each chapter that they need to answer. Dd is a fabulus note taker so she had no problems. I helped ds by making study cards for each chapter. He could answer but not write that much. We did it all. Flew through it. Apologia physical science same experience. We loved both of them.
  2. We just started the chemistry. We have the whole thing on disc so no back of the book. We have "reveiw questions" which are general chapter content, "practice problems" more application and math based, then there are the " more practice problems". Really more then enough. I have not seen summaries yet. They are in the main biology one. No summary like in the other books--fill in the blanks. The focus is a bit different on the exams (only doing chapter 3 today) but so far no definitions more problem solving/application of knowledge. So far we like the course. I have physics somewhere. I can find it and look if you want me to.
  3. Just wanted to add some of us with long lists do a bit at a time rather then all of it in 9 months. We school year around. When we finish something we move on to the next interesting topic. We do take breaks just not long ones. My dd thrives with variety. She loves it all. My ds enjoys the variety simply because he gets subjects he likes added in. He survives all things language, literature, and history related in order to do science, math, and computers. Yes, we would normally do those things but because of his interests we do more. The advantage to this is they try lots of things. Oddly enough ds likes Shakespeare. Doesn't care for any other non science fiction classic but Shakespeare.......I try to add some in once or twice a year. Thats why I don't list what we are doing here. The list is long and changes regularly. Too hard to update!
  4. Fresh pineapple does work. Warm salt water is my mom's favorite cure. I hope you feel better soon!:grouphug:
  5. Just wanted to say I hope your list is found soon. For me the original always is found after I repeat the work! :grouphug:
  6. Considering the fact that I am married to the guy I considered my best male friend all through school I do think that a balance is hard to maintain. There was reason for my boyfriends to dislike his presence in my life. It was a huge relief to decide to date each other! We kept being mistaken for a couple so we decided to be one.
  7. Just wanted to say dd did do the first algebra book. She was doing key to at the same time. She did well at it but she loves math and is generally very detail oriented. I remember it being a lot of problems. She thinks the topics and order were different from other algebra courses. I know I decided ds could never stand to do that book--repetition and writing are really hard for him. I do think dd benifited greatly from prof B algebra. She seems to glide through the equation balancing part of any math she does. She "sees" it -- my son does not to the same degree. It can be harder for him. I am not sure if Prof B algebra is the reason or not. But it is the one main difference between them in their math backgrounds. Someone gave us Saxon pre-algebra and algebra. Dd was beyond the books but ds could have used them. They did not seem to work for him. I think it was the number of problems and writing again. He does really well with "key to" and LOF books. Enjoys solving the AoPS counting book. Just can't be required to write much and keep concentrating. Not sure how much these thoughts will help. I really like books 1 to 3. The method can achieve mastery very quickly. I wish I could find the algebra book so I could look at it.
  8. I have read the series 3 times as read aloud / bed time stories. Plus many of the others. Love them all.
  9. Just wanted to say we used prof b and loved it. We only did the books and it was years ago. I would lean towards books only for 1 and 2 --going through the exercises verbally if not really proficient with all 4 operations. Using Hunters free resources for practice. For 3 I would include workbook. I spoke to the author a few times. He did the whole series in one week courses for teachers who needed serious review. Great results. This is a response from someone who has not done prof b for 3 years. Hunter has researched this recently and is currently using it. I would take her advice over mine. But if he is struggling this curriculum has a proven track record from the beginning.
  10. I have stayed out of this because I have lived in the UK for only 5 years. I love the NHS. I have seen people receive amazing treatment. Rationing--the waits are no longer than in the US. I once waited 6 weeks for an MRI in the US. I lived in a major city and took the first availiable appointment--1 am I think it was.:lol: A good friend's 85 yr old mother recently had a bowel infection. Both of dh's parents died in the US from a similar infection. 5 cat scans and 2 surgeries in 36 hours. she is still with us. We just went to her 60 th anniversary party. I honestly cannot imagine that number of CAT scans being approved by US insurance. We do not live in a highly rated NHS area. It supposedly isn't great in our part of the country. Another elderly friend was told she needed a hip replacement. Took ages to convince her. Her NHS doc worked really hard to convince her. Because of the number of people scheduled ahead of her, NHS sent her to a private facility for free--some odd law. She waited a month or so. I could go on. We have been amazed by the level of care. The village gp makes home visits for people who need him too. A friend's 90 year old uncle wouldn't go to the dr so he came to him. We were huge sceptics. We continued to pay for our really expensive American plan for the first year. But we did not need it and really could not afford it. Gave it up without regret. Really would prefer treatment here. Yes, we do hear complaints sometimes. Because we are still learning we ask questions. Frequently the complaining has little basis. Totally unrealistic expectations. Generally while talking the story changes-- the NHS did a good job. There is no such thing as an "NHS death panel." People are given the option to receive treatment. Some do chose not to. Their decision is respected and appropriate care is given. There is little difference in care here versus a blue cross plan. Better then an American HMO. IMO. Just want to add that private medicine is realitively cheap here. Next day open MRI of spine, diagnosis by a specialist less then £1500. Considering the amount not covered/deductible for my US back surgery-- this is cheap! Have not used private but know a doctor socially. I asked. That was the answer.
  11. We don't go shopping for clothing usually. We do generally look at all sale racks. If something is a good deal and will be worn we buy it. No huge shopping extravaganzas normally just an item here and there. When we go back to the states she gets a few things to wear there and bring home with her.
  12. We moved to the UK from US with eight stuffed bags --we do still have belongings stored in US. They included an inflatable bed and linens and blankets for all. We moved into a 700 sq ft partially furnished flat for 6 months. We accumulated cheap towels, dishes, etc while there. Six months later we moved to a larger unfurished place. We had a huge IKEA delivery -- a nightmare box day for dh. He assembled for days. We did everything really inexpensively at first. I have spent the past four years upgrading as things go on sale. We still have lots of IKEA belongings but I could have shopped other places easily. We had never had IKEA before and it seemed so easy.:lol: I really don't miss the belongings I gave up furniture wise. Certainly saved a ton of money by not moving a bunch of well used stuff. It is weird that my just married neice is furnishing her house with family things that I either had and returned or things I planned to have one day. It is hard to say that she can have these things gracefully. But it was not meant to be apparently. It can work fine. It is an adventure that my dc's were able to be part of.
  13. :iagree:Those are things we love too. Because I can only have three... 1. National Health Care 2. Attitude toward both religion and politics. Private. It is so easy here. People are not campaigned to for months /years. Also when the party gets tired of the PM he goes-- no election needed. Much more effective. 3. Geographic/landscape diversity. Beautiful scenery all around. Fabulous historical sites too. The continent being highly accessible doesn't hurt either.
  14. No locking at our house. Gave it up when dd managed to lock ds, toddler age, in his room during his nap. She turned the button and slammed the door. It locked. Dd and I were both outside of the room. The little keys didn 't work. I was terrified he was going to injure himself jumping from his crib if he woke up. I had to take the hinges off the door to rescue him. I am not a handyman type. It was awful. Dh wasn't that happy putting things back together either. The locks were removed. No locks at this house either.
  15. Congratulations! I love box days. I even like amazon box days. Nothing beats rainbow resource box days.
  16. I voted for the dummies book but it is the only one of the choices I have ever seen. It does seem to cover everything very lightly--I think my copy is a first edition. I think you need to find something with examples of situations to go with it. Maybe study questions just something more. Not sure where I found it but I have "Lessons for a Young Economist" by Murphy on Pdf. I don't want to confuse things but it has good end of chapter questions. It was free which is always good. I have some other free resources bookmarked.
  17. It looks good. I bookmarked it. I didn't go into the actual modules. Thank you!
  18. :iagree: Socially conservative and traditional docterine. Liturgy can vary from church to church. PCA book of church order provides for certain amount of leeway in liturgy.
  19. This sounds basically like mine. I don't measure so I copied! My dh is not a cilantro fan so I use fresh basil. I also use a couple of tablespoons balsamic vinegar and a bit of olive oil. The olive oil really blends it all together, when i forget it you can tell. We prefer jalopeneo's but i am just happy to find hot peppers fresh usually.
  20. My best one was I spent two years at 47. Completely skipped 46. About a week before my real 47th birthday, someone asked how old I was, going to be 48. Dh had to break it to me -- 47 again!:lol: Seriously, glad to know its happening to others. I was starting to wonder if I should be concerned.
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