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Everything posted by mumto2

  1. I'm so sorry! Losing your scrapbooks is terrible! We have some around with extended family. So my kids remember that they do have a family just in the US. We finally brought my scrapbooks and pictures over to the UK this year. I feel better just knowing I can look at them. We did have them on a hard drive but not the same. I am aiming for wedding pictures next year for our silver wedding anniversary!
  2. I would complain. Obviously a good customer. Can't beleive they charge to dispense pills once much less twice. Is this common at vets now? Many pills for animals can be ordered online--good friend does that. They should be glad for business and encourage it!
  3. I really think it sounds pretty normal--she did test into grade 2. It could be that the curriculum isn't teaching what was needed for that test. Neither of you are enjoying math much right now. Maybe a change of pace is in order. Could she work on something else for the summer? Maybe some workbooks from the dollar store. Something that looks different and after a couple of weeks maybe even starts that addition all over again? For my dc's a change of pace really helped. Just slip them in " for summer" and see what happens.
  4. Jean, the big question is do you want to do it? I am exactly the same age and am in similar shape. I have recently realized that if I don't do things now I never will! There is no reason not to become an instructor. You are obviously good at leading the group. Would you want to do it? If the answer is maybe get the certification and try it! I'll be rooting for you!
  5. Nature Friend My Dd14 has done the drawing lesson monthly since she was five. She loves it. Lots of Christian perspective science too!
  6. 1. WTM and forum 2. Sonlight 3. Life of Fred 4. Memoria Press 5 . Draw Write Now These have been my most consistant resources.
  7. Just wanted to say that I understand exactly what you are saying. We have a similar set of circumstances. I have found simply smiling politely and saying not this time/week works for me. I have explained to the minister's wife, an assistant head teacher, about our activities and my need for a "good" Monday. She understands completely but others do not. My big pressure is the need to stay for second service. We drive a long ways and we are very fortunate that people invite us for lunch/the afternoon so that we can attend. When we do we have over 12 hours away from home. I am so tired on Monday very little is accomplished. Monday is the day we plan the whole week school wise. I assign a bulk of their work. We plan which day to quiz/test on. We work hard that day. My kids are 12 and 14 so this works really well for us. A tired Monday usually leads to an unproductive week school wise. My job is to educate my children-- we also do religious studies at home so they are not missing anything vital. IMO. Just smile and say " Not this time" and feel no guilt. I do.
  8. Just wanted to send you some possitive thoughts. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:
  9. Could it be a food allergy? Dd breaks out with a rash near her mouth if she has been eating citrus and gets some on her face and leaves it. Did she eat something that she might be sensitive to?
  10. Just wanted to thank you for the web site. They will enjoy using it because they are curious about the sketchpad!
  11. I am definately not very knowledgeable about CLEP. I have been researching a bit so this is where I think you can find your information. If you look at a reveiw guide -- i had one with all subjects from the library -- the last page on each test gave resources. Not sure how useful it was because I looked a few months ago but I wanted to give you an answer and bump you! Look at the web site too! Might be there!
  12. I am no good at the medication side of things. But you both need to be treated or you will just keep getting the yeast/thrush. I hope your baby gets better soon!:grouphug:
  13. My son is about halfway through Advanced Algebra in Lof. He has also completed A beka algebra and a variety of other things like key to. My daughter is doing the lof calculus book. Apologia recommends Algebra 1 be completed. So far, remember we are in chapter 3, they need to be able to use the formulas and completely understand what they are doing. Not hard as long as they are comfortable with algebra. We have the cd version of the book. We really like it because it is easy to watch the sample problem in the book being done.
  14. Hi! I have two children, 14 and 12, who have always been home educated. We currently live in the UK and take lots of "field trips." Last week we spent a few hours in France shopping. We learned that chipmonks can be pets!:lol: We did other things too but that is what will be remembered! We are Christian but home ed more for academic reasons. This means I use whatever curriculum meets the needs of my kids best. I have tried a lot of things over the years. I really miss Rainbow Resources. I know i can order here but really expensive. Which is partly why I am here. This board helps me make better informed choices for my annual visit to the US. Plus the social -- it is great to be around other people who home ed using the same materials I use! I want to add I use a kindle fire to post. Lots of mistakes i know. Also sometimes I touch wrong and end up in a profile etc. Not intentional. I have been wanting to say that but didn't know where -- didn't seem thread worthy!
  15. No problems at at all. I don't know how we could avoid it even if we wanted to. It would be incredibility exhausting!
  16. I just wanted to say that I have combined the apologia biology and chemistry more for timing then anything else. My son is not a fan of biology apparently. Because both dc's do science together he is slowing his sister down greatly. Something always conveniently happens. One option for us was to separate them -- which would mean labs twice. They like labs together. Or add the chemistry which ds loves and knows a lot about already. It is a serious interest of his. This means while preparing for one science test they can do the chapter work in the other. I am not trying to coordinate the texts. We are looking at this as separate courses. For us it is working. We have only been doing it for a month-- it may not work throughout. But we are trying it. Both dc's have completed the required math for apologia chemistry. The first two chapters are almost completely algebra. Lots of formulas and converting measurements. We will not complete both in 1 year. I know this. But both dc's are happy about science again as opposed to having bored and frustrated children. It seems to be working for us. I am not sure if it is right for everyone so I won't say recommend it. I personally would prefer one at a time but that was not working and thanks to home ed I was able to make biology more acceptable for my son!
  17. I consider the history spines to be SOTW and George Washington's World/Abraham Lincoln's World. When combined they are great at putting history in complete context. My son who dislikes history even gets what is happening in different parts of the world and the connections between the events--this is fabulous. Each week an essay is assigned in the main instructor's guide. They usually involve the read aloud but can be other things. We don't normally follow the LA assignments (Wordly wise etc.) but we do many of the essays. A research paper is also assigned. We haven't tackled that yet.:lol: I had to laugh, after saying that the read alouds were fine for your 7 yr old, we read our first questionable passage in todays work! Nothing really bad, Napoleon's mistress crawled in bed with him. The female main character watches and is upset. Thats it. No details. So overall pretty clean. I use SL because it makes my planning so much easier. I have always found depending on the library to be stressful and other programs gave me so many choices I was never confident that I had the best books.
  18. So sorry. I know how it feels to have a miscarriage after seeing the heartbeats. It has happened to me 3 times between 10 and 12 weeks. Take care of yourself. It is such a huge shock. Sometimes I still can't quite believe it happened years later. My thoughts are with you and your family. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:
  19. I just added the apologia chemistry in with biology about a month ago. We were moving slower then needed do to some timing issues with my son. It seems to be going fine. We are 3 chapters into the chemistry and 8 into biology. In England all 3 sciences are studied together so my kids are happy--more like their friends.
  20. :lol::lol::lol: That is a mosquito repellent that i could stand! Garlic is better by far then the heavy perfume ones. We will definately try it.
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