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Everything posted by mumto2

  1. :iagree:You need to call. I think you probably need to call animal control too, if you know where the exact woodchuck is. I think capturing it could be a big plus for your situation. :grouphug:
  2. I hope to accomplish this. I can't find a curriculum for it but would love one.
  3. You want an ANA coin dealer. If they think it is genuine you want to get it slabbed. You pay about $25 and the dealer will send it off to be graded and authenticated. It will also be sealed in a box like your Picture. Good luck.
  4. The hair is amazing.:001_smile: I can't believe someone can do that with clippers or do they do it free hand with scissors? Anyway it is the policy but in two weeks it would be gone!
  5. I can check with DH but I think the magicjack now availiable is a completely different version from a year or two ago. We bought one and returned it for poor quality a couple of years ago. We just bought it again per dh research and it works great. Seems clearer then vonage to me now-- my mom agrees. We are keeping our vonage but have occasional problems with it. Now I have magic jack as a back up!
  6. We have used both. Key to ..... are great. To the point and easy to understand. They are write in so easy to take with you for summer activities. LOF does it all in story form. It can be fun if it suits the child's personality. My friend has taken a MUS break and is using LOF. Apparantly this is becoming a common combination. Apparently it is going really well. I would probably go with LOF because it is so different. It might really give her a new perspective. :001_smile:
  7. We used ensure when dc's were little. My dd developed a taste for it when I was expecting ds ( severe nausea )before I knew it they were both drinking a can a day! I am not sure how it compares to pediasure nutrition wise but there are probably more sales and coupons for ensure--used by elderly people.
  8. I can't find one on the MIT web site either. Sorry. I saw a trig/pre. Calc somewhere that looked good for ds and now can't find it. Grrr... anyway Ck12 also has textbooks and student giudes for these subjects for free. Both science and math primarily. Have not really used them. Dd looked over the calculus one and has the text on her kindle. I don't think she is using it much.
  9. We like Memoria Press. I would go with First Form with DVD. I hope their DVD wasn't the one that made you want to cry! We used their latina christinia and loved it before first form existed. I found the DVD'S really helpful.
  10. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:I hope today's tests all go well.
  11. I recently talked to someone who is doing exactly that. It appears to be working well. She took an extra English credit before she started coordinating things with a degree/college in mind. She is planning to do 3 or 4 over the summer. The whole idea definately appeals to me!
  12. I would think an iron/board could be requested without any problem. If you know where he will be staying I would email the manager and ask. My DH has started doing that when we travel and they are extremely helpful. The weather should be nice but not humid.
  13. They were the first really difficult books my Ds read. He was 7 or 8 and picked one up and literally fell in love with them. Before that he had been reading Magic Tree House type books so they were a big step up for him. He plowed through all that were availiable and is looking forward to a new one soon. I had read them first before his big sister. They would probably not have been choice for him but he loved them. The description of Die Hard with fairies is pretty accurate IMO. But action packed books are what my DS likes or super factual.
  14. My dd14 enjoys LOF and has done them all. She is currently going through the calculus one. She also has some AoPS--hasn't worked on it much yet. She is also doing some MIT open coursework ( that is me handing her problem sets--she thinks they are good but really repetitive. Khan academy is there if needed.
  15. Games by Thinkfun like River Crossing are great for one person.
  16. It wasn't bad. The noise was loud. The music helped a lot. The only thing that bothered me was not knowing how much longer. It was great to be done and have a good diagnosis. Focus on that.
  17. The Khan academy is really good. We also like the Life of Fred series. These are very different but a fun way of learning and reviewing math if they suit your dd's personality. They are math books with a very funny story about this odd little man -- the math all comes from the unusual things that happen to him. My kids love them. We started with geometry and I had to go back to fractions and decimals so they could have the whole story. The early books were done really quickly--DH was in charge so they did LOF while he worked. I was gone for a week and they were done. :001_smile:
  18. Ds12 is doing Elementary Greek--Koine for beginners. We like it.
  19. Just say its not a good time. They are welcome at your house. YOU are still finishing school. DH says no worked for me--they were his parents! It is a really hard position to be in. On one hand you want your children to enjoy their grandparents on the other you have safety. BTDT. On top of that my mil believed my kids were hers. She once told me she could do ANYTHING with them. They were her grandchildren. She wasn't bound by how we wanted our children raised! Just say welcome at your house. I added please call first, they were local. All I can say is I understand and :grouphug:
  20. Ellen McHenry made even me like chemistry!!!. :iagree:
  21. The reality is for travel she already speaks a popular language--english. People help our family all the time. They hear us talking in English and want to use their English. We get around Europe great--mainly German(dh is fluent) and English. A little bit of Spanish and French--menus mainly:lol:. If she is convinced she wants to learn German let her. She will probably do great just to prove her point. She can always learn French later.
  22. I had a good experience. It all depends on the campus. Research well. There should be a Greek life coordinator -- if DS decides he is interested I would contact and ask about alcohol, hazing, and grade points on that campus. I would never allow my child to pledge first semester freshman year. Way too quick. Will my kids pledge? Probably not. First dh is anti. He did ROTC. The second reason is they do not seem interested. Things very hugely between campuses, just because a soriety or fraternity is great one place does not mean it will be the same at another. Conventions can be hilarious.
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