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Everything posted by mumto2

  1. If your son wants to do all three that is great. If he isn't sure do Singapore and LOF. We did a lot of math programs at that age. We just rotated around with no set schedule. When they needed a change we switched. Generally two programs at a time but we did A Beka, Singapore, Prof B, Minquin, Key to....., and others. Math for an hour most days. Both my kids love math.
  2. I would probably look at a good pre calc book first. My dd is doing LOF and some A level work.
  3. One of my ears closed while pregnant with my son so I no longer bother with earrings -- obviously. The closed ear still fills up with gunk and oozes maybe every 6 weeks. This is 12 years later. I had my pierced ears for over 20 years and I had the nickel allergy issue too. I didn't know about the backs--just knew most of my gold earrings bothered me! Thanks for that information. I always wondered what I was doing wrong. Thankfully my daughter does not want pierced ears!
  4. No teacher manual for 4b it is review. Answers are in back of book but not worked-- just the answer. I think it is all of the problems but it might just be odds. I have the book in storage until she needs it. If you really want to know I will get it out in the morning. Let me know.
  5. Discovering Math was completely interchangeable for us. DD did NEM for 1 and 2 switched to DM for 3 and has started NEM 4. Discovering Math is very time intensive, lots of problems. She likes to do everything and she is very good at math. The repetition made her want to go back to NEM but the 4 th year is a lot review--the second book just review. Not a big hit--doing LOF instead. My DS is working on NEM2 and doing the AoPS counting and probability book. He is enjoying the AoPS. I just picked one but I have since discovered pretests on their web site. Hope this helps.
  6. I am a SL person but I think Ambleside would be very similar. For my Ds SL gives him exposure to things that would simply drag on forever in other formats.
  7. I can understand it happening with a large group under normal circumstances but this is the Prime Minister. I would have thought that the security teams would be constantly counting heads.
  8. These are SL books but favorites: Detectives in Togas -- one sequel Red Sails to Capri The Ghost at Tokaido Inn -- short series
  9. When my father died we waited almost 3 weeks. My mom was recovering from a mastectomy 2 days previously. She simply was not up to anything. My brothers and I needed to catch our breath. Both parents really ill at once was awful. I was told we could wait longer and still have an open casket. We didn't --but my brothers did have the casket opened and apparently he looked good. This was in US. I think the big difference between the UK and US is in the US the day and time of the funeral is decided and published within a day or two of the death and in the UK no one knows when the funeral will be for at least a week-- the coroners report takes at least that long where we are. Until that is sorted no plans can happen. It puts the whole family and friends in an odd waiting period which doesn't happen in the US. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:
  10. It's hard to do the right thing but you picked the only punishment he will understand. :grouphug:
  11. The most important thing is to keep feeding through a growth spurt. They supposedly happen at set ages--neither of mine had their growth spurts "properly". They will seem to be perminantly latched on to "empty" breasts for approximately 48 hours. This is natures way of increasing your milk supply. When it is over things will go back to "normal". Get in touch with LLL now if you can. Support really helps.
  12. This is from someone with no real life experience with Amish-- just read lots of fictional books, TV shows etc. Someplace in that store of knowledge :lol: a girl about that age was given art supplies, coloured pencils I think. Anyway she loved them.
  13. Maybe a Jane Austin( Pride and Prejudice) and Lewis Carroll (Alice and through the looking glass).
  14. I am curious too. Dd managed a 65 on humanities practice test with an official guide. Would that mean she could actually pass the exam? Dd and I were shocked -- she had huge gaps in her knowledge. Now we wonder if she should study a bit and take it. How do the practice tests translate into actual test experience?
  15. Just wanted to say we probably have used Dwn more then anything else. I never did the books in order but I suspect all eight books were completed by both kids. We used them for unit studies and supplements. The animal pictures also graced a lot of thank you notes when they were little!
  16. I bought it many years ago because I had to have all of those wonderful books! I love to supplement and thought I had found one giant source. To be perfectly honest it proved to be too much work. It was cheaper to buy used then print in most cases. Finding what I needed seemed time consuming. Now so much of it is on the kindle. There is a list of what is included linked to one of the recent threads. Take a good look first--I didn't have access to the list. Part of the reason I wanted it so badly.:lol: I will admit to the fact that my box of cd's is a bit of a home ed security blanket......but it really has not been used much. I thought Ds would love Henty. He has never voluntarily read one. There are lots of kindle Henty books!
  17. Just wanted to say I am envious. I have always wanted one. They are absolutely wonderful from everything I have ever heard. I think the name should sound French beyond that no idea.
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