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Everything posted by mumto2

  1. mumto2


    Memoria Press does have Dvds to go with their Latin programs. We like them.
  2. Just soften the butter -- my kids do it all the time. Quicker!
  3. I think LOF can be fine by itself. My dd 13 loves math and has several textbooks going at different levels. Some things she has only done with Fred. When she does the quiz portion of Khan for these things she is always deemed proficient in the shortest number of questions. I think it works. If your daughter likes it that is wonderful and should probably be left alone. She may continue her math journey far beyond the point she would quit with another text which would be wonderful. The author is highly accessible. I emailed him at 6 am EST about his tshirts. Received a lovely response by 7:30. I know it wasn't math related but it was quick.
  4. This is pure curiosity -- have you considered the next level of Singapore? Apparently they have " college " level pre. calculus and calculus. By this they mean 16 to 18 year old. We are at approximately the same place as you. Dd13 is finishing NEM and doing LOF calculus. I just found some higher Singapore courses by googling. Didn't mark them. Sorry! Anyway now I am even more confused! We have really enjoyed Singapore!
  5. I normally only buy workbooks ahead for my son. If I buy dd a curriculum and plan to use it for him in the future I get 2. Things change and disappear. Other than that one year with a bit of buffer and that's because we live in the UK and I only order once a year.
  6. Written apology by your son is a must. I would put him to work for you earning maybe $5 per week-- your neighbor isn't going to want to deal with him. My son scrubs sinks and showers to pay off debts. I want to add he is 12 now and hasn't " had " to scrub for about a year. He likes it and does it to help now. Make him pay 10 % of the bill. Math lesson. Yes, it will take a long time. He is old enough to learn to follow rules and since he was told to stay away he needs memorable consequences. He damaged someone else's property. Maybe have him sign a loan agreement with you. I know this sounds harsh. Make the agreement, assign the weekly jobs, then move on. Let him be responsible. Make sure to celebrate when he pays off his debt!
  7. Clinique really is the best. I used a bit of everything as a teenager. My skin was pretty bad. When I switched my skin became much better. To be honest I would stop at a counter and do some samples when they don't have bonus time but will soon. Bonus time can usually be found by googling. Say you want to see if dd has a reaction. I know a teen who does! Go back during bonus time and buy your items. Generally it is $19.50 or $37 that you need to spend-- I think. The more expensive bonus is far nicer and at stores like Saks normally. The $19.50 one should be about 5 items -- usually lip gloss/ stick, mascara, eye shadow/ liner, lotions, and usually new line anything. Maybe a cute bag too. I will say the bonus buying method(I only buy with a bonus) has provided most of my makeup needs for years. I only buy my base, an occasional blusher, and my favorite eye cream. Plenty of other freebies. My dd has all the lip gloss she can use! I know this is far more info than you probably wanted. But makeup is expensive everywhere these days. Clinique is fairly reasonable when you consider the bonus.
  8. I have the same basic problem. What I am doing about it is having them work through some inexpensive workbooks by McDonald -- literary genres and forms and elements of literature. They are getting their terminology down first. I also discovered that Laura Berquist's " The Harp and the Laurel Wreath" seems to be a treasure for poetry analysis. The middle section has a poem followed by a couple of questions using proper terms--with explanation of term. They seem to be enjoying poetry now. Also giving good answers. We can move on to more complicated things later. Right now I am working on a better foundation! I have only been doing this a couple of weeks but so far its going well.
  9. I don't think it really matters as long as the child is wanted. My parents were in their early 40's when I was born. I have much older brothers. Who l am actually fairly close to. I had a great life as a child. Lots of travel, attention, books. My dh had late 30's parents and lived a very similar life. Basically our interests were pretty much always given an opportunity to be explored-- I will admit I wasn't given my own horse but unlimited lessons were allowed! That was the only big refusal. Many of our childhood experiences are why we home educate. We add a great deal of easy flexibility into what they did for us.
  10. Bumping -- I always planned to use it but... We tried his literary analysis book -- I can't find the name of it. Meant for grade 7 and up. Ended up stopping. Just too deep of topics-- chapter one had abortion and euthanasia. Samples written by his children sometimes him. Nothing really wrong with that except the books they were written about were not usually part of the course. Dd had never read them. She might in high school, but not at 12. The essays when on topic (being that weeks reading) were still illustrated with unread books. I wouldn't have minded so much if reading those books had been required or if we had jumped into the series part way. But this is the first book! Very frustrating for someone who likes to have the whole course availiable to always be missing pieces. We gave up. Anyway I am curious if rhetoric is different.
  11. Amyable has some great advice. Sorry I have no idea how to quote. Please think hard before you let them have your personal info. Different situation -- but through finding my family tree I managed to bring distant cousins into my family's lives. My dad remembered them from childhood and told me not to contact them. Did I listen? Of course not! Nothing really bad happened but things got really weird for a while. At one point they moved their motor home into my mom's backyard. My dad had died so he wasn't there to make them leave. They didn't really want to end their "vacation". Not good! All this because I sent a letter filled with details!
  12. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: It must be really hard to suddenly have all that information. Is there any reason you must get in touch with her now? If not, you can wait until you want to deal with her and the situation. I hope things turn out for the best.
  13. I think it will be fine. Just have a restful day other then that.
  14. Check one out of the library and use it with the curriculum. See if you like it then buy.
  15. I would love to get just the teachers guide Cd. Is it possible? I thought you had to get the bundle and the book is fat. I refuse to haul it back to the UK on my annual trip. Since it would just be a rather expensive extra. I would love just the Cd. I know I am no help but :bigear:
  16. We used it at least 6 years ago so there might be updates but I thought I would bump you. What I remember was that it was confusing for me to teach. A bit open ended with things not lining up perfectly. I did not enjoy it but my children loved it. My daughter commented just the other day that Calculus at 7 was great. She was thrilled. We also did a different series called " Calculus Without Tears" which lined up with phisics principles. I preferred that one. Workbook style with an interesting self check built in. Easier to teach but no where near as experimental. We spent a day cutting tiny pieces of paper -- must have been infinity for calculus for young people the other was workbook pages. I hope this helps.
  17. I don't know what to say other than I am so sorry for your loss. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:
  18. We generally school year around so we just keep going until we are done. Same with daily stuff unless its obvious that I have to stop their work we keep going. Whatever we miss one day can happen the next. Remember with the history they will see the time period again. We no longer do more then quickly reveiw Egypt. We spent what felt like years on it. They know and dislike it. So you can gloss over something -- for us that is the spine reading only nothing additional if you are trying to get ready for new curriculum. For math we always do the whole book. So that can mean a delayed finish. But depending on your curriculum you can skip the first 50 pages of the next book. All review and because we may finish a book on Friday and start the new one on Monday, we skip the review bits. This is true for A BEKA and I believe Saxon. Do not skip things in Singapore! I hope this helps with your planning! Good luck.
  19. We tried many things with my DS -- reading into a tape recorder and listening to it, then doing it again helped. He made a real effort and improved a great deal. When he mumbles now we make him live with the consequences. He gets what I heard. At meal times he speaks very clearly now! This may sound mean but it needs to be corrected. My brother does this and it drives everyone mad. The local hearing test people are probably making a fortune off of him -- his family are regulars with no problems just can't hear him! My poor mom gets tested frequently.
  20. Have you read TWTM? It is very helpful. We could also use more information. Do you want Christian or secular? Prefer to do some subjects together. Package curriculum? There is so much availiable I have no idea where to start! We used SL with Singapore for are primary curriculum at that age. We also used lots of other things. I hope this helps some. :001_smile:
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