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Everything posted by mumto2

  1. Cinnamon oil for warts. Please explain the how to. My dd has one on her hand that I am afraid will hurt terribly if treated at the Drs. Office. Its on the thin skin between the thumb and forefinger. Will it work there? Thank you!
  2. Since she can sound out words try the first BOB books. Once they read one they build nicely.
  3. I have a dd13. She does have control over much of her school. It is working well for us. I would have a look at what books and films she has watched lately. Any dramatic friends? My dd was the most emotionally controlled person around then she met a drama queen. Now she enjoys being one too. We ignore her if possible. It is improving. I am not advising you to ignore a statement like the one your dd made. But to see if it was triggered by something other than her emotions. That doesn't mean that she doesn't feel that way but it does mean that you may be able to change what has made her unhappy enough to feel this way. It could be as easy as different curriculum that she helps select and is responsible for. :grouphug:
  4. Make an appointment with the most recommended pediatrics neurologist you can find. You will probably wait for it. But you will have an answer that you are confident of. Plus if symptoms disappear you cancil.:grouphug:
  5. Since my dd has always done Singapore I can't answer the too hard part. We did NEM 1 and 2, we waited the year because of the too hard reports -- mistake. Absolutely no problems other than it was a confusing text for me to assign and grade. There is a different book for everything and I could never find the one I needed! Turned that part over to dd my problem was solved. For year 3 we used DM. Full answer key which NEM doesn't have that year. The materials are great. Easy to follow but lots of problems. Dd always does everything but begged to skip some in DM. Its a good text but remember that Singapore math combines all levels algebra and geometry in one text. If you only do one type of math this is going to be a problem if you want to try something else. Figuring out what level to switch to would be hard. I probably just gave you way too much info. Your original question was if he does Singapore 6 can he do DM 1 after. I see no reason why not.
  6. My mom was recently hospitalized. One of her nurses was one class away from a RN-- she did almost all of it on line. I admit she worked in a hospital daily. Which must of helped but.....If this is what you want investigate it. You might be really surprised.
  7. My DC's are 12 and 13. We have always used at least three different math texts. Partly to slow them down like the previous person said. Partly so they see different approaches to the same problem type. The last reason is a combination of preventing boredom and the ability to prevent frustration. We always did at least 2 of the texts a day. This meant no day was completely routine. If something seemed to be confusing one of them I could easily rotate the book out until they reached that topic with a different explanation in a different text book. They always succeeded quickly with the other. Then the removed book was put back in. I never commented that the topic was hard. I just rotated my resources. They never even knew it was "hard" which made them pretty fearless. We always had the Singapore sequence including CWP, a spiral text -- we used A BEKA, and something more investigative like minquin and Professor B when they were younger. We currently use LOF for every day. Still use Singapore. Both also have an AOPS book that they are using. Both also use CK12 and other webbased resources. I hope this explains the use of multiple texts. Both of mine do math for roughly an hour a day so it isn't as time consuming as it sounds.
  8. My Dd13 reads them too. Tuppence ones are the best-- Secret Advisary By the Pricking of my Thumbs N or M Partners in Crime Postern of Fate Another good character group in: The Secret of the Chimney Seven Dials Mystery Have fun reading!
  9. I love Agatha Christie! Great idea but I hope your house sells and you have to stop! I read pretty much all of them while adjusting to life in the UK.
  10. Usually a page a day. So 2 maybe 3 problems. We miss lots of days. This is the lowest priority.
  11. Get a dehumidifer if possible-- that might be hard in Arizona! Run fans to keep air circulating. Try to dry this out. Also if you turn the water main off and check to see if you can hear the noise. If you can it is not plumbing. This is a dh suggestion. But it does make sense.
  12. Dd13 self grades a large portion of her work. She likes immediate response which I can't give so she does it herself. Written work and tests are graded by me as soon as possible. She is simply a perfectionist not a problem child at all. For my DS12, I grade each morning with my coffee. Make out that days assignments based on what he accomplished the day before. For us it works best. Sometimes he does several math lessons independantly then doesn't finish a single one. This way I am able to stay current with his progress plus I don't forget little things that need to be addressed in my lessons overnight.
  13. Same for us -- we school all year. That means we can take time off when needed or just because it is sunny and DH is free! I do try to set dates to finish this course by. If I didn't some things would never end--unit studies especially. This does lead to odd start dates. I am sure not many are on week one of a SL core but we are. We finish everything especially the math. Frequently the best stuff is in the last chapters. Early introduction to major topics like algebra and trig. are always at the end. Its a huge confidence boost when they know they have completed those chapters. I know what I have just said isn't a huge help if you really have to stop for summer. When I have to stop for some reason I start planning a month or two out. Double up on math if needed. Maybe skip a read aloud or two. Not so many worksheets. Skip review pages in workbooks. Check your status every week and adjust accordingly. There is nothing wrong with concentrating on one area if that is the one that must be finished. Try to break it up in 15 minute sessions over your school day.
  14. I just go into the book shopping section and scroll down to the top 100 free books. Generally popular stuff from the various web sites end up reflected in the top 100 purchases.
  15. I think you will be fine with the Henle if you just follow the Memorial guide. If you find it difficult go back to first form. The first part of Henle is a big review if you have already done the Latina Christina/First Form materials. LINGUA LATINA seems to be a nice addition for us. Definately not necessary but my son needs extra practice and my daughter loves Latin so...
  16. We had a bird that started flying at the window early every morning. I had to get up and put a very realistic dog statue in the window. He would then stop. Dog couldn't be set up the night before. That bird was bonkers. He actually would knock himself out sometimes! Summer came-- he stopped. We only lived there one year.
  17. ERAGON series -- they are fatter. Also they are written by a home educated 15 year old. Obviously older for later books. But the home ed part is great. They are similar to The Lord of the Rings in scope but an easier read and less dark. My kids love them.
  18. Some churches require teens to have a certain number of sponsors for mission trips. The parents can't just pay. They have to ask. I give. Not much, because they just need to get a certain number of sponsors to go, then their parents can pay.
  19. I would pay well. If they don't accept the pay do something nice for them as a thank you. Gift card for pizza or something.
  20. I don't have a lot to contribute except the part of the plan is for dd13 to start doing the Greek myth book too. We have it already and we are planning on the mythology exam so it seems like a good combination. She will do the SL weekly writing assignments for core 200. I am also planning to print the essay portions of the AP exams for the classes she is taking and mix it up -- biology, art history, etc. She won't be taking the ap exams just doing essays on subjects she is studying. I need help thinking of topics and this seems like a good way to get them. One every week. 30 minutes or so.
  21. The bracelet is a great idea. Keep it simple not all can do crafts. Food and exotic drinks(different juices mixed with soda etc) seem to make many happy. They really don't do much usually. Just talk and eat. I wouldn't worry too much. The ideas have all been good. Let your dd pick what she wants to have ready. Other than the food it might not get done.
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