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Everything posted by kewb

  1. In general, I think that as a society we are quick to medicate because it is the quickest solution with measurable results. That said, I believe that many children are medicated who really do not need to be. However, I am not a doctor or the parent of those children so I can't really say. I try to live by the thought that I can only parent one famly at a time. Mine. I've got enough on my plate without worrying what is on someone elses.
  2. I would find out why he wants to play and discuss with him how it was in the past and either find a less competitive league or not sign him up. Once they hit age 8 everyone takes it from a fun rec league to ubercompetitive (at least around here) and the only onces who get to play are the ones who are really into the game and have some skills. There is plenty of time in life for failure. I don't think they need to be set up for it at age 8.
  3. I don't care for it because I think terms of endearment are for close family members. However, I realize it is my issue so I smile and nod.
  4. Roasted is my favorite. Sometimes I roast it and then mix with with spinach that has been sauteed with garlic and olive oil. Delicious.
  5. Is there a book club at your library? My kids participate in the library book clubs and they are both on the library teen advisory board.
  6. I make my own mayo and salad dressing. I have made BBQ sauce. I have been contemplating making my own ketchup.
  7. When I had a cat her favorite things were: 1. A paper Bag 2. Milk jug ring and/or cap 3. A catnip toy that was shaped like a small sock. She used to cuddle with it. 4. She loved those fake mice but she would eat them and then throw them up. Not fun to find a blob of fake fur and a leather tail. 5. Actual mice. Don't be surprised if you suddenly discover you have mice. After a few weeks they will be gone and will not return unless desperate.
  8. If it bothers your daughter then there is nothing wrong with your daughter approaching the coach and letting him know it bothers her. He may not realize he is swearing quite so much. This is your daughters issue and one she needs to address before any parental involvement. Obvously, assist her with what to say and/or role playing beforehand if necessary.
  9. Usually I stay with my sister because she lives in DC but our last trip we stayed at The Embassy Suites-Chevy Chase Pavillion. We got a good rate by frequently checking expedia.com. It was clean and close to the metro. And we like the zoo. We find it an enjoyable afternoon. I will admit we have never once made it to an art musuem there are so many things to see and since I take my kids to the NYC museums with some frequency they would probably revolt if I suggested we take time away from their cousins to go to the art museum.
  10. My home was built in 1938 so there is a good chance those walls are plaster. Our home did not have any wallpaper so I can't help with that question. Most likely the floors are hardwood under the carpet. You will want to check around the foundation to look for water damage and/or evidence of wood eating insects. When you are upstairs jump up and down in different locations to see if the floorboards are squeak. Even though the electric has been updated look in the attic to see if there still any knob and wire electric. We found out we still have some when we installed central air. It powers my living room. I try not to think about it. When was the electric updated? There was a time in the 70's when aluminum wiring was very popular. What is it heated with? Oil-buried or above ground tank?
  11. My family owned GSD when I was a kid. Great dogs. When I was a baby and started crawling our shepard would lay at the top of the stairs and nudge me away when I got close. They definitely need training. They need to know all the time that they are not the alpha. The shedding! Clumps of hair all the time even with frequent brushing. My father once got so fed up he vacuumed the dog. Such a good boy he stood there and took it. Months later my mother stepped away from the vacuum to take a phone call and he chewed up the vacuum cleaner hose. It was pretty funny to me. The Hip Displasia is a big thing and I still remember the heartbreak when our first shepard became paralyzed from it. They are great dogs and would not hesitate to get another if I were in the market for another dog.
  12. The lazy thing may or may not be a result of homeschooling. Nature vs Nurture and all that. As a people we have extended adolescence way into the 20's so what you are seeing may be part of finding themselves and learning some of lifes lessons that hard way. I look back on some of my youthful decisions and cringe in a big way. Sometimes we need to get banged around by life to learn to appreciate what we have. Plus, all of your pereptions are colored by what you and your dh are going through healthwise. As frustrating as it is try to focus on the health and let your kids learn from their mistakes.
  13. I am in my first year of homeschooling high school. Last year was spent with lots of soul searching and researching and discussion to figure out if we should continue. I will say I have been finding this year challenging. I think the challenges are mine not so much my son's. I have outsourced Spanish this year and next year will probably outsource another class as well. He seems to be responding well to outside structure. The social thing is a biggie. There just are not that many secular homeschool high schoolers where I live. It is me and a couple of other people. However, I did go up against the school district so that he could participate on the high school swim team. This has helped immensely.
  14. I use facebook and I have a blog. Homeschooling a high schooler has left me little time for either.
  15. Ds and I are pukers. Dd & dh -not so much. 20 years of marriage I think I have seen him throw up 2 maybe 3 times. DD has to be really ill to throw up. Ds, however, has inherited my attractiveness to stomach bugs. If there is one within 50 miles of us we will catch it. Although, I do have to say that the frequency of stomach bugs has reduced greatly over the years as I continue to improve our food habits.
  16. My Costco Staples: 20ln bag of basmati rice Arm & Hammer Baking Soda (used to be a 14oz bag but I think it is 13.5 now) Frozen Food-There is always something interesting in there Kirkland brand chocolate covered raisins Almonds Organic meat/poultry Walk down every aisle, you never know what amazing bargain awaits you. But, know your prices. Some things are a better deal at the supermarket.
  17. I am moving onto this island with you. I can't pick just 8. There is a whole world of food out there.
  18. We got ours at www.creativeplaythings.com. The kids loved it. It held up well. It was definitely a worthwhile investment.
  19. My kids do school because they have to do it. I am sure both of my kids wish laying on the couch staring into space is a subject they could take. Some days are good days and as a pp stated-I consider it a successful day if no one cries.
  20. Considering that I have not purchased bath towels since we got married 20 years ago and one set is just starting to show some wear I am going to say they should last 20 years. If my towels are feeling less than fluffy I do a vinegar rinse.
  21. If I dont exercise first thing in the morning it doesn't happen. This means that I have to get up way earlier then I want to so exercise happens with less frequency then it deserves.
  22. My 12 year old struggles with oily hair. There are 3 things that have helped immensely. 1. I switch her shampoo and conditioner every few weeks. She alternates between suave and pantene. 2. Used my hair stylist recommendation that she wash her hair with Dawn liquid dish detergent 1x per week. I thought she was nuts for suggesting such a thing and she said it is what they use to clean the animals after an oil spill. It breaks up the oil and is gentle. Works fantastic. 3. Dry Shampoo. It is a spray that helps absorb the excess oil. You can also use baby powder but I find the powder gives a dullness to the hair that dd does not like.
  23. I just throw it in the fridge when I need a break. Now that I am thinking about it I should probably check on it. It has been awhile.
  24. I stopped shopping LE 2 years ago. It used to be the only place I would by the kids swimsuits. There quality is terrible now and I won't pay those prices for garbage. The decline started shortly after they were bought by Sears.
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