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Everything posted by kewb

  1. That is messed up. I think live streaming is an awesome idea. I wouldn't mind live streaming my dd's Bat Mitzvah for my almost 101 year old grandma. I doubt she will be able to make the trip and she would love to see her great-grandaughter read Torah.
  2. I think it is important to know how to read and write in cursive. Knowing how to write in cursive means you can read it. 2 birds-1 stone. All the old documents are in cursive. Mushy, lovey dovey birthday cards are in cursive. And at some point in time you need to at least know how to sign your name to sign legal documents and write a check.
  3. Something is definitely better then nothing. I also hate to exercise. But I recently woke up and realized that I am the heaviest I have ever been and I am no longer overweight. I am bordering on obese and if I don't do something now I will be slowly killing myself. So I started exercising. Someone on here mentioned the myfitnesspal app and I am hooked. My dd is exercising and tracking calories with me. I am now down 4lbs and dropping just that little bit of weight has already given me more energy. I love doing this with my daughter. She is encouraging me to be my best and working out with her takes some of the tedium out of exercise.
  4. I think the person missing the ettiquette train is your relative. It is very nice when a sitter or nursery is offered but it is far from mandatory. Even if it was good manners to provide a nursery it is worse manners to point out when someone else has poor manners. So, she is still wrong.
  5. I have only heard it as a term of affection. Heck, I sometimes call my own kids kiddo.
  6. Personally, I take the save the date card and throw it in the trash. I'll let you know if I can attend when I get an invite. I don't reserve dates 1 year plus out. Life happens. But, if it makes the bride and groom happy to send them out it is no skin off my nose.
  7. I am probably an 8 most of the time. Definitely a 10 if I am super excited/angry.
  8. In the show Spencer for hire the character hawk always said Spencer like that.
  9. I love the name Spencer, however, every time I see my friends son I greet him with "Spencaaaa".
  10. I share your dream. I attended a meeting on Kiawah years ago. I have always wanted to return. So beautiful.
  11. I am so going to make the spinach quinoa breakfast bar. Those look delicious.
  12. Congrats. I am inpressed with your ability to wait. I would call dh right after I took the test. Truly, I am not the one to tell a secret too.
  13. Either I throw what I have into some eggs, make a green smoothie, just chop up some crudite, leftover salad, or a bowl of vegetable soup.
  14. When I am not using homemade I usually buy arm & hammer free.
  15. In the US High School students get a lunch break. Recess ends with elementary school. And today I read this article about the ridiculous standards placed on Kindergardeners. No wonder they need therapy by the time they are in high school. I think I fixed the link. http://www.nypost.com/p/news/local/playtime_over_kindergartners_ItkfEkiosY3UOa8KpXwj8K
  16. So freakin true. Once everyone realized that we are still homechooling even though our oldest started high school the comments started again. Since I only smile and nod and ask them to pass the bean dip our homeschooling has fallen back into a category of things we don't talk about with family and friends who do not homeschool. But the first half of this year was quite a nightmare. As if I don't already wonder if I am messing my kids up for life and they will never get into college or be able to support a family.
  17. Well, I can tell you what doesn't work. Don't yell at him that he will never be able to get a good job and support a family and that he will be nothing but a drain on society and then ask him if that is what he wants. Trust me. That doesn't work. If you will excuse me I will return to the parenting hall of shame. He is taking practice SAT and looking at what colleges want. I think he is finding the whole thing overwhelming.
  18. That is awesome. My dd wanted to do that one year and when we talked to our fire chief neighbor he told me they are no longer allowed to accept donations of stuffed animals. Due to allergies all the stuffed animals have to come from a specific place sealed.
  19. Go for it. My dh went back to college to finish his undergrad at 43 and at 46 is finishing up his masters. He has been doing it all online. If it is what you want I say go for it.
  20. Same parent company. From what I understand the quality and produce is comparable but Aldi's is a bit more generic resulting in lower prices.
  21. This thread is not helping my weight loss goals. I want to make it all.
  22. It is worth the investment to me. You only get one set of eyes.
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