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Everything posted by kewb

  1. We sleep in the same bed (King). Anything smaller and we don't. I need my sleep space. Although before dh got his cpap machine I did spend many nights on the couch. But not anymore. That machine is a little piece of heaven.
  2. I am trying to lose the weight so it fits again. I love my engagement ring.
  3. If we are home my dog likes the "out and in" game. It goes something like this: Dog: Stand at the door to the yard looking pathetic. Me: I let him outside Dog: After a few minutes it is cold out here. I want to go back in. Knock at door. Me: Let the dog in. Dog: 5 minutes in the house. It must be warmer out now (or stopped raining). Stand pathetically at the door until I let him out. If he is not doing that he is sleeping on his blanket on the couch.
  4. If I am lucky I sit down and read a book uninterrupted for hours. Usually my weekends involve laundry and chauffering.
  5. 1. Can you be really close friends with a member of the opposite sex? What if they had a spouse? Yes, and yes. However there is lots of room for problems being best friends with a member of the opposite sex when one or both of you are married. Everyone needs to be wearing their big kid underpants and be in a solid marriage/relationship for it to work. 2. Do men hit on women if the woman is not interested? In other words: is the woman sending out some signal (she may not be aware of) in order to have men hit on her, or do men just try anyway? Yes. Perception is reality and one can misread a situation. 3. Would you let your spouse go to a message therapist of the opposite sex if they were fit and attractive? I don't really give or deny permission for this sort of thing. If it made me uncomfortable I would discuss it with my spouse and hope he respects me enough to find someone else. If this is the one person who has managed to give him relief then ok.
  6. Oh, you are right. Last time I bought nutella it did which is one of the reasons I stopped.
  7. I don't think society has focused on making females the equals of males so much as making sure females have equal access. However, I agree that there are many male issues that have arisen from this. Man bashing and being shown as incompetant in tv shows and commercials is a definite factor. I believe there does need to be some focus on the males roles in the family and society.
  8. Most likely it does not have high fructose corn syrup, soy lechtin, and other additives.
  9. My kids Philosophy Facilitator was a student of Matt Lipman. It is a fantastic progam.
  10. Store bought nutella has high fructose corn syrup in it. Definitely not a healthy choice. In moderation as a treat it is ok.
  11. That was a rude thing to say. It is something I have heard before and something I have pondered since I had my kids in my 30's but I would never say it to someone. It reminds of the time when my ds was in 2nd grade and his friend was teasing him about being older (a whole 4 months older then ds) when finally ds looked at him and said "yes, you will always be older. You will probably die first."
  12. In Nov. 2011 NJIAA came out with an official ruling that homeschoolers on the high school team is ok as long as they meet the requirements of NJIAA and the district they live in. Se page 75: http://www.njsiaa.org/REFERENCES/11-12ConstitutionByLaw.pdf As I said earlier most districts will not allow it unless you put up a heck of fight but it can be done.
  13. I purchased my electrolux 20 years ago when I got married. My mother replaced her 35 year old electrolux when I bougt mine. I replaced the hose once. If I had to replace it I would get an Oreck or a Miele. I am just not sure electrolux is what it used to be.
  14. No grades, no quarterly reports, zip, nada, nothing. Welcome to the Garden State. What part of the state are you moving to?
  15. Sports is not exactly true. I got my homeschooler on the high school swim team. It is up to the individual school districts and you have to be willing to take it as far as necessary. You have no access to anything else. You are either in the school system or you are not.
  16. NJ is a non-reporting State. Since your kids have never attended school here you don't have to do anything at any grade level nor are they required to take State tests. You have complete control over what you do or do not want to teach them. If they were in school here you would have to send a letter to the superintendant stating that you are withdrawing your child to homeschool.
  17. On my dh's side my kids got to meet their great-great grandma. She lived to 101. She did pass away when my kids were little and they don't remember her. They also got to meet one of their great-grandmas on that side of the family as well. She also passed away when they were little. Dh's other set of grandparents are still with us (they are in their 80's) and doing well healthwise. My grandmother (their great-grandma) is 100 and they know her well. So well that they thought her 100th birthday present should be donuts because she likes donuts.
  18. In Florida I would probably opt for the convenience of gas. Here in the Northeast, I love my wood burning fireplace. I suppose what would really be nice is a gas started wood burning fireplace.
  19. I don't see anything wrong with an invitaton that has on it that your presence is present enough. Be aware that there are people who will still bring a gift because they want to. Or perhaps you can do a book exchange. Everyone brings a wrapped book and everyone goes home with a different one. Or you could collect gifts for a shelter.
  20. Yum. Cookies hot from the oven are good too. Or Fresh Berries and whipped cream.
  21. Have you gone to an old fashioned corset shop to be properly fitted? Proper fit and style make all the difference.
  22. kewb


    Her response was a little off putting. She obviously doesn't want to share. After I got over my own insecurities I would move on.
  23. When they were little I gave them a barf bucket (lined with a bag) and told them if they thought they could make it to use the toilet. As they got older the expectation is to make it to the toilet. However, everyone still gets a barf bucket because sometimes in the middle of the night you just know you aren't going to make it. When I was a kid the expectation was you would make it to the toilet. No barf bucket. I ca't tell you how many times my mother had to clean up the doorway to the bathroom because I just couldn't make it. When I was older I cleaned it up myself. She never got mad but you would think she would have thought to give me a barf bucket. I was a married adult before it finally dawned on me to throw up in a bucket.
  24. I resisted texting for a long time. Once my ds got his first phone and started texting me I realized resistance was futile and embraced it. After years of working in an office I detest speaking on the phone. A text is quick and easy. Especially if I am in a location where it would be rude or impossible to have a phone conversation-such as my children's very loud swim meet and I need to let dh know where our seats are located. How much easier my life would be if my mom would text. As for the kids-easier to control how you look to your peers. Service People-That is a whole different ball of wax. I have taught my kids that there is a time and a place for texting. I wish I could say the same for some other people.
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