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Everything posted by kewb

  1. We love play-doh. I will admit to loving the chemical smell of a new tub of play-doh. What I did not like was the fact that my kids thought nothing of mixing all the colors together so we ended up with tubs of marble play-doh and muddy play-doh. It didn't bother them at all.
  2. It never occurred to me that other rooms could hear my sliding glass door. TV, yes. My loud children, Yes. Sliding door not even a blip on my radar. Although it is there now. Sorry they kept you up.
  3. I understand the budget issue completely. Have you asked them why they are sneaking food? Maybe they have heard you discussing the budget and came away with fear of there is not going to be any food tomorrow and we better have a stash. The amounts they are taking raises a red flag for me and you may want to talk to your pediatrician about it. They could possibly be hungry. They are growing kids. It also seems as though food has become a control issue. I would try to change that asap as that can lead to eating disorders. A snack cabinet may be the way to go along with a padlock on anything you don't want them getting into.
  4. Seems like a non-issue to me. I could do without the nursing sounds but then I was not a fan of Betsy Wetsy, either.
  5. My marriage would be easier if dh would just do everything my way. However, since he insists on having his own opinions and ideas on how to do something, some things are hard. The hard part comes in when I have to get past myself and consider his feelings and opinions. I frequently remind myself that just because he is not doing it my way does not make it wrong. It is just different.
  6. I tried it for a couple of weeks and then fell off the wagon. When I tried sesame oil I gagged big time. Switched to sunflower oil which I tolerated better. The longest I made it was 12 minutes. I would like to try again and see if I can stick it out longer and reap some benefits.
  7. I like most music. Although, I am a bit stuck in my high school/college New Wave years for my go to sound. I love Big Band, Phil Spector's Wall of Sound form the 50's, Classical. Glam Rock from the 80's, classic rock from the 60's/70's. Christmas Carols (even that awful red shoes song). Donning my flame retardant suit as I say.....I detest most Jazz. It sets my teeth on edge. Not a fan of Heavy Metal or most country music.
  8. Throw the foot in the chicken stock. When I buy my soup chicken from the poultry farm I always get the feet. It does make great stock.
  9. It saddens me that my kids are the last generation that will probably ever have a chance to speak with a survivor. Recordings and video pack a punch but are not the same as speaking with the person. I hope you are able to work something out with this amazing woman.
  10. I usually make lunch our big meal (saving a portion for dh's dinner) and do grab and go for dinner. Sandwiches, hard boiled eggs, pancakes or waffles that I make in advance and freeze, oatmeal raisin muffins, etc.
  11. The most successful fundraisers I have been part of required a bit of legwork to set up. A golf outing and a tricky tray. Scrip can be very successful. The most popular scrip items were the local supermarkets and movie theaters. We also used a company great lakes scrip http://www.glscrip.com/ Yankee Candle was a good one, but at the time they shipped in bulk. You had to put everyone's order together. And cookie dough. 3lb tubs of cookie dough were always a big hit. I hate fundraisers and would rather send a donation where the organization gets all the money vs. a cut.
  12. I have a maytag duet dryer and I like it. Be aware that with the dryers with a steam feature it usually involves a plumber to hook up water to it.
  13. I make mine with the skins on because I like them that way. However, I won't turn my nose up at mashed potatoes in any form. They are so yummy.
  14. Ds is still friends with a couple of kids he went to school. They are not my favoirte people. Although one is better then the other. Ds is, of course, closer with the one who sets my teeth on edge. They are convenient because they live around the corner. Both my kids are close friends with a group of homeschoolers we have been meeting with every other week for the past 3 years and dd's best friend she met at Hebrew School. I have found that it takes much longer for my homeschooled kids to forge friendships that are meaningful then their schooled friends. It takes a lot of time and effort.
  15. When my dh strictly follows atkins he does great. Drops weight and looks and feels great. Inevitably he will fall off the wagon and then end up heavier then when he started.
  16. We had a slow start but the beginning of October we hit a good groove. Then Sandy happened. Total breakdown, reigning chaos. Trying to get back on track.
  17. I hate stacked washer and dryers. I find them uncomfortable. Wet towels are heavy. I always feel like I can't get my head in there to get a good look if I left a sock in the washing machine (if it is a top loader). I have my dryer on a pedastal and it is the best thing ever. When we had no power and my friend was letting me use her washer and dryer I realized I had forgotten what a pia it is to bend over like that to get the clothes out of the dryer when it is on the floor.
  18. My dd's favorite potato soup. She says it tastes like mashed potatoes in soup form. http://www.food.com/recipe/unbelievably-easy-potato-soup-74275 It is an easy recipe. I have made it as listed and I have doctored it up. I usually throw in a few cloves of garlic and use carrots insttead of celery or with celery. Depends on what I have on hand.
  19. I am over 40. I use raw honey to wash my face. Since switching to honey for a facial wash I no longer need astringent/toner. For moisturizer I have used Oil of Olay for decades now (or as I like to call it-Oil of Old Ladies). Currently I am using of Olay Complete with SPF 15.
  20. Where I live now they have electronic voting machines. I miss the levers. There is something satisfying about pulling that lever to cast your vote. Pushing a button does not have the same effect.
  21. I have never had to show id in either state I have lived in. I sign my name and they check my signature agaimst the one on record.
  22. Still no power. Practically tackled the peg truck yesterday and wondered if I flashed my books if he could get my power restored. I did offer him a beverage. i told him i would offer him a hot beverage but i have no power. he chuckled. Found out we are low priority and the repair is a three crew job. Tree down the block took out two poles and is laying there wrapped in wires. I am grateful to our neighbors with power who ran us an extension cord so we can run the fridge. Temp wise it has not been too bad until this morning. It is pretty chilly in here. I am also thankful to my friends who have been letting us hang with them all day and feeding us lunch and dinner and let me do some laundry every day since the power went out. I am also thankful for our fireplace which has helped although we are almost out of usable wood. I am hoping power comes back before next weeks big storm. Before the police became involved with the gas lines I got out of my car and told the guy who was trying to cut to get to the back of he line and wait his turn like everyone else. He asked me what I wanted him to do since he came from the opposite direction. I told him I wanted him to do what everyone else did. Turn around and go to the end of the line. He drove off.
  23. I am fortunate that I still have 1/2 a tank left and I only drive across town to my friends house because she has power. I am trying to be thankful that the only damage we suffered was loss of power but it is getting wearisome. Our power is out because a tree fell and snapped a couple of poles and is wrapped in the wires. Low priority. Meanwhile, the other side of the street got their power back. I am just hoping my power returns before the storm next week so I can heat my house. It is cold in here even with the fireplace.
  24. Where I am in NJ-schools are closed. Mass transit is not running. It sure is windy. We have had some rain. I am waiting for tomorrow when the flooding will start.
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