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Everything posted by kewb

  1. I use the grab bag all the time for my kids practice suits. I have never had a problem.
  2. Netti pot. 2x a day or more if needed. Raw garlic A shot of Apple Cider Vinegar Teaspoon of raw honey if my throat is bothering me.
  3. I usually throw the carcass, entrails, feet if I have them into the crockpot with celery, carrots, an onion, garlic, pepper, a little salt, and a splash of apple cider vinegar. I cook it overnight. I also usually save ends and tops of celery, mushrooms, carrots, etc in the freezer, and throw that in to the pot as well.
  4. You can try forcing them to hold hands. If one goes to the bathroom the other has to sit outside the door. Anything they are doing, they have to hold hands and figure out how to get it done. I have also sent mine outside-rain or shine. If it was important enough to argue about then take it outside because I don't want to hear it.
  5. Ugh, huge pet peeve of mine. I have trained my children to push their chairs in when they get up from the table. I was only half successful in training dh.
  6. The school nurse was just following the rules. Student = physical and immunization record. That is why she did not ask the question before speaking with you. I don't see it as a big deal. If you don't vaccinate use a waiver and move on with your life. This is not a hill I would be willing to die on.
  7. If I am near my computer I may click on the drama button: http://www.dramabutton.com/ They really hate that.
  8. Have you tried saying: I am sorry, there must be a miscommunication here. I didn't ask you to do it. I told you to do it. I'll try to be more clear next time. Thanks for giving me the opportunity to clear that up. I got that from another mom here. I say it (actually, now I point to the sign) and walk away. As for the why isn't x here helping, my standard answer is "I don't discuss you with x and I won't discuss x with you. Focus on what you have to do."
  9. My stalking of Pete's Pond is reminding me of the hours I spent watching the barn owls Molly & Magee.
  10. My 14 year old has spending a lot of time in the bathroom. Some, I believe is to catch a break and the rest I think is not something to mention in polite company. Basically, he knows that he has to get his work done and if he has to finish it after swim practice that is his problem and he best figure out how to get it done.
  11. It wasn't me who spooked them. I was driving to swim practice.
  12. I am making progress in my animal sightings. First an ostrich and now I saw a rabbit. Maybe it is all the good karma from this thread,
  13. For the arrangement you describe, yes, you should be charging them and they should be paying.
  14. I think what is normal for one is not necessarily normal for another. At 12 my ds was not interested in having a girlfriend in spite of the fact that his school friends were all pairing off. At 13 he had his first summer girlfriend. They met at the pool with friends. Texted non-stop. Went to Dunkin' Donuts a couple of time. She even came over here and watched a movie while his little sister chaperoned. (Too this day, I am still shocked at this one. I was expecting to spend a few minutes meeting mom and all. They rang the bell. I introduced myself and she said I will be back at x time. Thanks) At the end of this 3 week romance she cheated on him and went back to her old boyfriend. Honestly, I think he was more upset when his goldfish died a week later. This past summer he had another summer girlfriend. They met at the pool once. Texted a lot. Then her family went on a 3 week vacation. Needless to say this relationship didn't last, either. Long story longer, tell your mom and sister to back off, cut it out, shut the heck up, or the more polite smile and nod, please pass the bean dip. Your son is fine.
  15. I call them by their first names. I can not imagine calling them mom and dad. I already have parents.
  16. No, you are not alone. When I consider that heart disease kills more women then breast cancer it kind of infuriates me. Breasts are sexy. Heart disease is not. Plus, all this think pink merchandise is beyond repulsive to me because they are marketing a serious disease. You have a $100 to spend so instead of donating $10 to breast cancer charity of your choice you buy a pink product and now the cancer organzation gets a $1.00. The merchandise is actually hurting charities. Really, who isn't aware of breast cancer? If you want to do something then really do something. http://bcaction.org/
  17. You gals are killing me. Darn husband and children demanding my time. I did see an ostrich this morning. Still a bird but a more interesting bird then the ones I usually see. I dragged my son over to show him. He did not appreciate the awesomeness of watching an ostrich on the other side of the world.
  18. I am glad it is just not me who never sees any land animals. I will try to be quieter. the powers that be are just mocking me now. Fish and a bird.
  19. There is never anything there when I look. I am beginning to get a complex. Okay, I just saw some fish.
  20. I like a s'more. But I think of those as strictly a camp thing. My own backyard, toast me a marshmallow.
  21. Absolutely not. It is a moral responsibility to taste it before you serve it to guests. And then don't forget the important evening it out step. You can't serve something crooked.
  22. But don't you know that "PARTY" is some kind of satanic ritual? it is now a universal symbol for Rock 'n Roll.
  23. It should only take a couple of minutes before they start whipping. If they are just spinning round and round you've got yolk in your whites.
  24. I don't see anyone forcing their lack of religion. There is a moment of silence for personal reflection. Pray away.
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