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Everything posted by kewb

  1. Absolutely not. Something hanging from the mirror can impede your vision.
  2. Unless you have a festering and rotten attitude about being able to buy what you want then you are not spoiled. Perhaps the people calling you spoiled are envious. Having the ability to purchase what you want when you want is many things-a blessing, a relief, lucky, the benefits of hard work, etc. It is not something rotted and gross.
  3. Well, as someone who has a Regents Diploma I can't say it has been a door opener but if I recall correctly it did help with the SUNY system. Not having any prep prior to 9th grade will not make a difference in their ability to pass a regents class and the exam.
  4. :iagree: I could have written this myself. Except we are not vegans. And Chick-fil-al was never on my radar because I think there is only one in my area and I have never eaten there because the name does not appeal to me.
  5. Well, I asked my daughter what her favorite thing about it was and she said "Tootsie Rolls". I asked "What tootsie rolls?" She answered "The ones we would get when we completed a task." I see that was an educational success. When I probed further she decided The Care of Magical Creatures was her favorite.
  6. A dental check up here includes: xrays if due for them cleaning check by dentist If we did sealants they would be done at this time, same with a flouride treatment. If there was a cavity they would fill it then if they had the time otherwise that would be scheduled for another visit.
  7. I allow the cheese to get to room temp and then just use a spoon.
  8. We were co-sleepers. Now, years later we still do read aloud snuggled in the bed. Okay, a teen and a tween make for awkward snuggles but we are all in the bed. However, they are not allowed in the bedroom when mom or dad are not in the room. If the door is closed all the way you have to knock first.
  9. In the beginning I was very alone. Now I have a couple of close local friends. With one of my friends we have what we call our non-co-op co-op. We are going on 4 years now of getting together with the same group of kids every Wednesday for Discussion Group and Philosophy. But we are not a co-op. For the most part though I go it alone. Sometimes that is a lonely road and other times I enjoy the solitude.
  10. In my own experience banning doesn't work. You can set ground rules, such as only getting together at your house. I would also be discussing with dd what makes a good friend and the qualities one should look for in a friend. I would also attempt to keep dd busy with other activities so time to hang out is severely hampered.
  11. If I am using red potato or Yukon Gold I leave the skins on. Yummy!
  12. Hifreakinglarious. I have not read the books nor did I have any interest. This solidified it for me.
  13. I have two lazy susans next to each other in the cabinet that hold all my spices. Frequently used are on the outside of the ring.
  14. I just asked my son what his favorite thing was ad he said all of it. Not very helpful. A couple of standouts in his mind was making the delivery box for the owl. They loved checking it for their assignments. The other was the care of magical creatures. He liked researching the differnt kinds of creatures but fairies stood out because they made some fairies out of clothes pins. I will ask my dd what her favorite was after she wakes up.
  15. Sure I could do it but I choose not too. I am all for less stuff. I have seen this video before and I still think it is horrible that the kid does not have a window in his bedroom. He is basically living ina crawl space. I also think this is easier accomplished with an older child and if you live in a year round nice climate so you can get outside when you have cabin fever.
  16. The last time I checked their vanilla there was no corn syrup but there was tara gum and natural flavor. not a vanilla bean in sight. Tara gum is a thickening aent used in a lot of foods. The company can use less milk and cream thus increasing their profits. Personally, I don't care for the texture and taste of Breyer's now because of the additives. On a side note, it is better for all of our wasitlines not to keep ice cream in the house. Special treat to go out for ice cream.
  17. I did this with the kids the first summer we homeschooled. They loved it. They did Arithmacy, The care of Magical Creatures, and Potions. I have suggested doing it again but they feel some of the magic was lost when they figured out I was Dumbledore.
  18. I have seen many portion changes in my lifetime. From the Super Sizing of fast food to the shrinking packages in the stores. They have shrunk many times over the years. I remember when ring dings and yodels came wrapped in foil. So Yummy. As for Breyer's it was all over for them when Good Humor purchased them. Once their vanilla ice cream went from milk, cream, sugar, and vanilla beans to something else I stopped buying it. I stopped buying ice cream for the house because the only thing I can find with an acceptable ingredient list is Hagaan Daz. Too expensive. Now I only buy it once or twice a year for birthdays. I have been contemplating investing in the ice cream attachment to my kitchenaid.
  19. I make kefir. So easy, even I am unable to mess it up. I soak my grains in apple cider vinegar instead of the whey from the kefir because my dh prefers the vinegar soak. Personally, I am unable to taste the difference but he can so I use vinegar.
  20. My friends dd who has celiac along with numerous food allergies snacks on potato chips, rice crackers and cheese, assorted fruit.
  21. I was a few months shy of 3. I don't remember the moon landing except as history. I do remember watching All in the Family with my dad in the 70's. Does that count for anything?
  22. You could leave the 3 month old home with a babysitter and if you don't have one don't go to the movies at midnight. That aside it is not the appropriate time to be questioning someone's parenting skills. The focus now should be on helping the victims not tar and feathering them. :iagree: The shooting is a horrible tragedy and it is human nature to try to make sense of the senseless.
  23. I say go with a comedy: Airplane http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0080339/ Watched this with my 14 year old last week. Some of the jokes went over his head due to lack of cultural reference but overall we laughed together.
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