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Everything posted by kewb

  1. I used to vax on schedule. I had friends who did not vax and I thought they were loony tunes but I would listen to what they were saying. After my ds got the chicken pox a couple of years after he received the vax I started digging a little deeper. I had already been on a quest to improve our diet and the researching of vaccinations was a natural extension of it. I read articles, looked at the cdc website, looked up each ingredient in the vaccine and what it does, it is very overwhelming and in the end I went with my gut feeling that better nutrition and healthy living would be better protection then the vaccines.
  2. Don't sweat the small stuff. And, by the way, it is all small stuff. Most days I even remember.
  3. That is a nice looking mill. Perhaps after I am done saving for a vitamix I will start saving for this. At the rate I am going I should be able to purchase one in 2024.
  4. When we adopted our brindle pit mix I was surprised to learn that brindle and black dogs are the hardest to place. I choose my pets on temperment not looks. Of course, I also had a black cat so maybe I am a reverse animal racist? After being unable to spot my dog in the bushes, I kind of understand the fear. You can't see them and if one decides to attack it would be like the dog came from nowhere.
  5. I don't know what it is in the book but I have used black tea bags placed on the eyes. On my older child I did try lemon juice in the eye. He was not too fond of that but it did work. If you are still nursing, breast milk will clear it up.
  6. First thing in the morning. I send dh off to work, exercise, and then jump in the shower before the kids are awake.
  7. My dh helld onto his business much longer then he should have. He ran us into the ground. We used up everything just to hang onto the house. I try not to bitter about it. I saw the writing in the wall 2 years before he was willing. He was not in the place yet to give up his dream and autonomy. I can't say he loves working for someone else but he does not miss the stress we had worrying how to pay the mortgage each month and the health benefits are a definite plus. Whatever your family decision it will be a difficult time for your dh due to the feelings involved.
  8. My shoes say that their owner puts personal comfort above fashion.
  9. I think first floor bedrooms are weird because where I grew up all the bedrooms were together on one floor. Everyone I knew had the same set up. I wouldn't want to be on a separate floor from the kids.
  10. My guess would be demand from parents whose kids are in after school tutoring. My kids swim so we are at the pool 4 nights a week. We have dinner hour early at our house. I understand your desire for quiet evening hours. It looks like you will have to decide what you are willing to give up for the experience. The ever popular cost/benefit analysis.
  11. When we started this journey there was no way no how I was going to homeschool high school. Wasn't even a blip on the radar. Now that ds is finishing up 8th grade we are looking forward to next year at home. We did spend the last 2 years worrying and making lists and thinking about what to do for high school. If all goes as planned they will do high school at home with some community college classes.
  12. We had to cash out our 401K's or we would have been forclosed on. It killed me to do it but we really had no choice. Paying the penalties kind of sucked along with the taxes. Fortunately, some of the taxes were offset by the fact that we had no other income at the time. There is more to life than the monetary penalties. Do what you have to do and then get back on track.
  13. Family of 4 - 1 cart -1x per week. But, I don't do all my shopping at one store. I go to different stores for different things. At the grocery store I am usually buying some produce, milk, cheese,pasta, tomato sauce, and other shelf stable dry goods. I don't as a regular thing buy soda, refrigerated juice, deli meats, chips, or cookies. Well, sometimes chips and cookies. If I can make it myself I try to go that route because I like to be in control of the ingredients we eat.
  14. Now that my kids are older I am lot more lax about summer bedtime then I used to be. When they were younger I was strict about bedtime because they were up with the sun no matter what time they went to bed. That did not make a fun next day for me. My almost 12 year old dd and 14 year old ds go to bed between 9:30 and 10pm. During the summer, during the week they pretty much keep to these times because they have to be up early for swim practice. On the weekends they usually go to bed around 11.
  15. Yes. A predator will choose the easier target. If they know your childs name then it is easier for the predator to make like they know you already. I allow my kids initials on their team jackets. Whether or not I am okay with it is not the issue. You told this person you did not want the name on it and they did it anyway after saying they wouldn't. That is what I have the issue with.
  16. We have been in July. I won't lie. It was hot. But we managed. Dh carried the backpack with bottles of water. I also kept a couple of wet washclothes in ziploc bags for quick neck cooling. The worst part about it was that the kids did get heat rash on their legs. I was not prepared for that. The crowds were manageable. I didn't think they were any worse then any other time of year I had been there.
  17. We have only done The Pass test. It works for us. It is math and language only. The language portion is broken down into 2 parts. So, I test over 3 days.
  18. Now that I am thinking about it, this year will be our 20th. I am thinking I need to put dh on the lookout for one.
  19. I am so sorry you are unable to get your hands on a giant metal chicken. I think they make an excellent anniversary gift.
  20. 1. Camera: If it is not in my purse it is in the camera bag in the downstairs closet/ 2. Video camera: Don't have one. Video is a feature on my camera. 2. Flashlights: Everywhere. Dh loves to have flashlights in all the rooms. Mind you, the batteries don't work in most of them but we have them in drawers or hanging on hooks in every room. 3. Purse: It moves around. Sometimes on the kitchen counter, sometimes on a dining room chair, sometimes in the downstairs bathroom. 4. Incoming mail that you don't have time to open just yet. I have a box by the front door for mail. 5. Your dh's wallet: It is supposed to be on the tray in the bedroom. Could be anywhere, next to the tray, his car, yesterdays pants, the credenza, etc... 6. Library books: Chair in the corner of the dining room. Sometimes under the chair in the living room or the couch. 7. Items that need to be returned to stores but you can't get around to immediately: In their bag in my bedroom or a dining room chair. 8. Outdoor toys : Garage 9. Completed homeschool stuff (workbooks, etc.) File cabinet in the basement. 10.Game system accessories (dance mat, wii balance board, rock band drums, etc.) Balance board is under table in living room. Remotes are on the wall unit. We don't have any other accessories. If I did, they would probably be in a corner of the living room.
  21. And that is why I give my kids the PASS test. Also in NJ and I like to test every couple of years just to see how they are tracking.
  22. Smoothie fans. This is the one I make my dh for breakfast lately: 1 banana glug of kefir 1 Tbl coconut oil 2 Tbl aloe vera juice 1 Tbl sunflower seed butter 1/2 cup cooked quinoa handful of cranberries 1/3 cup blueberries handful of a leafy green-usually spinach or kale a little water to thin if necessary
  23. I am not a coffee drinker, although everyone else in my family is. I think it is fine for a 14 year old to have the occasional cup of coffee. My 14 year old does not care for the taste. My soon to be 12 year old, however, has always loved coffee. Sometimes I put a little coffee in a glass of milk for her. She loves it.
  24. I voted what sane woman would want to wear it but if I really stop to think about it.....in my 20's I loved lingerie. Not the uncomfortable merry widows but the satin nightgowns and teddys were nice. Now, I am all about comfort. I don't want to bother with it. I am tired and I just want to go to bed in my comfy jammies. That said, dh certainly prefers when I make the effort for the sexy nightie instead of what he calls "my armor" of flannel shirt and sweatpants in the colder months.
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