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Everything posted by kewb

  1. Yes! I wish I had a spare pair of my favorite sandals that just bit the dust.
  2. Most of the people are drama seeking. I refuse to participate in cryptic and/or over personal status updates. Even though I want to shout "It's s status update, not a diary!" I find it somewhat disturbing just how little some people care to have it all out there. No expectation or desire for any kind of privacy.
  3. I try to price my stuff at 50% off but I have had people low ball me off of that. I have found this past year that people want like new for a couple of $$ more than free. It is very frustrating. I am selling my stuff so I can get the $$ to buy next years stuff.
  4. We have it for our house phone because the only people who call us on the house phone are telemarketers and the like so we don't care what the quality is like. Overall, it has been fine. The occasional echo but we don't talk on it all that often. Friends call the cell.
  5. Big Bulk: Wheat Berries Barley Millet Rice Rolled Oats
  6. Having owned both German Shepard Dogs and Dobermans you can't go wrong with either one. They are great dogs.
  7. Dh and I kept saying that to the tv. True loves kiss you 1d10ts! I am sure Mr. Gold has his reasons for doing something bad right after he got Belle back. If you recall his love of Belle was not enough to conquer his love of power. It will be interesting to see how it plays out. Regina looked pretty darn happy to see that purple cloud.
  8. How exactly was it blown off and how old is the teenager in question? If it was me, I would have a frank discussion with my teen about how his/her actions hurt my feelings and the difficulty I was having moving past it. They are certainly old enough to be part of the solution to this.
  9. I do not buy cards for dh's family and he does not buy for mine. We are each adults and capable of buying cards for our mothers.
  10. I read the whole article. It was interesting. However, facebook is not making us lonely. Or at least, it is not causing me to feel lonely. It is a tool. I use it to keep updated on friends. I play a game or two. Then I go do something else. My facebook friends are my friends. I delete people who are not. If there is a political reason not to delete someone-they are a member of a circle of friends irl-then I hide them from my newsfeed. If someone suffers from loneliness of depression in real life I can see how a phoney internet relationship would make those feeling worse. For me, I control facebook. It does not control me.
  11. My first few mother's days were horrible let downs for me. I had high expectations and they never panned out. After that I reviewed what would make me happy. I now love mother's day. The kids give me cards and an extra long hug. I putter around the house. I make no plans for any activities. I read if I want, watch tv if I want, do laundry, garden, whatever I want. It is relaxing and pleasant. It helps that my neices birthday party is always the Sat. of mother's day weekend and I no longer have to schlepp in the car for 2 hours plus on Sunday to see my mother-in-law. The party takes care of that obligation.
  12. We did horseback riding lessons for one year. My kids loved it but in the end it was too cost prohibitive. One of my friends daughters volunteers at the barn in exchange for lessons/riding time. Perhaps you can barter.
  13. Loved Safety Town when I was a kid. A year or so ago I was part of a campaign to save the one I went too.
  14. I could probably make a few more cuts but we are pretty bare bones. Plus, there are some things I won't chintz on.
  15. I went to public school. I wouldn't say the drugs were prevalent but you also didn't have to really search for them. Everyone knew where to get them. Our Good Humor Ice Cream Truck was a supplier (I only recently found out about that). Personally, I have never tried any illegal drug, including Marijuana. I did have friends who were regular users and friends who sampled. I do think that at some point All teens will be exposed to it but I do not think they will ALL try it. I think that depends on the kid.
  16. Totally depends on my mood. Most of the time it would be salt and ketchup. I also love french fries with gravy at the diner. sometimes I like french fries with melted mozzarella and tomato sauce. Cheese fries with cheddar or spicy jack cheese are also tasty. Garlic fries are awesome Okay, now I want fries and I will eat them with almost anything. No mayo or mustard. Those are not my kind of fry condiment.
  17. Hmmm, my most memorable are the ones I did not get to go on. When I was little my parents went to DC with my sister and left me with my grandparents. They were probably correct that I had a better time with my grandparents then would have with them but I remember they left me. In 6th grade we were supposed to take a tour of the newspaper plant. A few kids in my class misbehaved to the point where my teacher cancelled the trip. The only 6th grade class that did not get to go, ever. That said, I do remember well a field trip to The Bronx Zoo.
  18. is it normal nowadays, even among "certain circles", for a 10 yo girl to 1) get her hair highlighted? Yes, I have seen this where I live. Not for my dd. Not because I don't think it is age appropriate but because there is no need to put harsh chemicals on a kids head. 2) have her own phone with unlimited texting and talk (definitely used a lot, not an "emergency phone")? Yes, the norm. My dd was one of them at 10. 3) to have "boys interested in her", a concept she understands and discusses with friends (although she is not allowed to officially "date", thank goodness). Definitely normal around here. I think it is a result of too much tv watching without enough parental discussion of their family values.
  19. Perhaps not but that is the message that I see being sent by the media. I don't believe all parents feel that they are awesome parents when they wax on about their children's achievements but I am willing to bet a fair amount of them do get a measure of self worth from bragging about their kids.
  20. I use vodka for mine and then told my friend whose dd has a corn allergy she should make her own. Wasn't I surprised to learn that cheap vodka comes from corn. She has to use the expensive stuff.
  21. I think it is American/Parent culture. As a society we are bombarded with images of how we are supposed to think/behave about all aspects of out life. It is viewed as normal to high-five when the sleep away camp pulls away and gush about all the great things you will be doing while your kids are away. Heaven forbid you say you will miss your kids. Bragging rights is the opposite of that scenario. We are also supposed to wax on about how great/perfect/wonderful they are because then that means we are the most awesome parents ever.
  22. Interesting. A few names I like made the list along with some names that I agree with.
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